The Philippines has Maletsky Mart to help propagate the Chavacano Language.
Chavacano e
Chavacano LETTER E
FEEL FREE TO ADD MORE CHAVACANO WORDS THAT START WITH THE LETTER "E". No profanity, please. Please, register as a user. Gracias. If you are not sure how to add words within the cell of the tables, then just simply add the words at the end of the table or the bottom of this page. Someone will come along and place them in the right place.
Chavacano de Zamboanga A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
EXAMPLE - Ejemplo![]() |
echa / icha | to place; to put | poner; colocar | Echa (Icha) conesa na disuyo puesto. |
edad | age | edad | |
educa | educate;to teach | educar | |
educacion | education | educacion | |
efectivo | effective | efectivo | |
efecto | effective | efecto | |
egoista | egoist; egotist | egoista | |
ejecutivo | executive | ejecutivo | |
ejemplo | example | ejemplo | |
ejerce | to perform duties of position or profession | ejercer; ejecutar los deberes de la posicion o profesion | |
el | the | el | |
elabora | elaborate | elaborar | |
ele | he; him | el | |
eleccion | election | eleccion | |
elector | elector; voter | elector | |
elgido | elected | elegido | |
elimina | eliminate | eliminar | |
embalsama | embalm | embalsamar | |
embaraza | embarass | embarazar | |
embarazo | embarassment | embarazo | |
embarca | embark | embarcar | |
embes | rather; instead | ||
emblanda | soften | ablandar | |
embudo / imbudo | funnel | embudo | |
emerjencia | emergency | emerjencia | |
empaca | pack; to load up | empacar | |
empachar | gluttonous effect | empachar | |
empachau | bloated or agitated stomach | empachado | |
empanada | meat pie | empanada | |
empeña | to pawn; to pledge | empeñar | |
empeza | start; begin; commence | empezar | |
emplasta | plaster; bleach clothes (under sun) | emplaste; blabquear ropas (bajo el sol) | |
emplea | employ | emplear | |
empleado | employee | empleado | |
empleo | employment; occupation | empleado | |
empolva | sprinkle; cover with powder | empolvar | |
en | in | en | |
enaguas | inner skirt of a woman's dress; slip | enaguas | |
enamora | court; woo; seek | enamorar | |
enamorada | courtship | ||
enantes | before; a while ago | poco antes de hoy | |
encabeza | to lead; head; front | encabezar | |
encanta | enchant; charm | encantar | |
encanto | enchantment; spell | encanto | |
encarga | enlist; request | encargar | |
encargo | inquiry; subject of request | encargo | |
encende; encindi | light up; kindle | encender | |
encendido; cindido | lighted; kindled | encendidio | |
encera | close; lock up; confine | encerar | |
encias | gums | encias | |
encima; incima | above; atop | encima | |
encoje; incuji | contract; shrink | encojer | |
encontra | find; meet | encontrar | |
encontrajan | gathering; to meet one another | encontrarse uno y otro | |
encuentro | encounter; clash | encuentro | |
endenantes | before; a while ago | un poquito antes de hoy; hace un rato | |
endereza | resolve; rectify | enderezar | |
endiabla | furious | endiablar | |
enemigo | enemy | enemigo | |
enferma | to get sick | enfermar | |
enfermedad | sickness; illness | enfermedad | |
enfermiso | sickly | enfermiso | |
enfermo; emfermo | sick; ill | enfermo | |
enfria; infria | to cool; refrigerate | enfriar | |
engancha | engage; hit; snag; hook | coger con gancho | |
engaña | to deceive; cheat | engañar | |
engaño | deceit; fraud; hoax | engaño | |
engorda | to fatten up (va); to grow fat (vn) | engordar (va); engorarse (vn) | |
enloda | to be muddied | enlodarse | |
entonses | therefore | ||
escalera | stairs | ||
escitorio | desk | ||
escoba | broom | ||
escuela | school | ||
escupi | to spit | ||
ese | that | ||
espera | wait | ||
esperanza | hope | ||
esquina | corner | ||
estatuas | statues | ||
estomago (barriga) | stomach | ||
eterna | eternity |