Romblon Province, Philippines

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List of the 17 Regions in the Philippines
National - Capital Region I - Ilocos II - Cagayan III - C. Luzon IV-A - Calabarzon IV-B - Mimaropa V - Bicol VI - W. Visayas VII - C. Visayas VIII - E. Visayas IX - Zamboanga X - N. Mindanao XI - Davao XII - Soccsksargen XIII - Caraga XIV - CAR XV - BARMM

Within these 17 regions in the Philippines, there are 42,027 barangays, 1486 municipalities, 148 cities, 82 provinces. It has a democratic form of government and the freedom of speech is upheld by law. English is the "lingua franca" and is the mode of instruction in all high schools, colleges and universities. Laws and contracts are written in English.

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List of Municipalities in the Romblon Province within Region IV-B(mimaropa) in the Republic of The Philippines
Alcantara | Banton | Cajidiocan | Calatrava | Concepcion | Corcuera | Ferrol | Looc | Magdiwang | Odiongan | Romblon (Capital) | San Agustin | San Andres | San Fernando | San Jose | Santa Fe | Santa Maria
Cities in the Province of Romblon: NONE

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Romblon, Philippines Photo Gallery
Romblon Philippines Realty
Philippine News Headlines

Guaranteed one senator to represent Region IV-B (Mimaropa) and its provinces, cities/municipalities and barangays.
Medicinal Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal, as alternative herbal remedies, or in some cases even spiritual usage. A medicinal herb may be a shrub or other woody plant, whereas a culinary herb is a non-woody plant, typically using the leaves.

Medicinal plants are widely used in non-industrialized societies, mainly because they are readily available and cheaper than modern medicines. The annual global export value of the thousands of types of plants with medicinal properties was estimated to be US$2.2 billion in 2012. In 2017, the potential global market for botanical extracts and medicines was estimated at several hundred billion dollars

Ph seal romblon.png
Seal of the Province of Romblon

Herbal Medicine, Heals Naturally and Maintains good health! Allows us to live Long and Prosper! We are one with Flora. Throughout time humans and the animal kingdom have relied on the healing power of herbs. We used them in several ways: we have ingested them, rubbed them on our bodies, bathed in them, even used them in our cooking to flavor our foods.Herbal Medicine, Heals Naturally and Maintains good health! Allows us to live Long and Prosper!

We are one with Flora. Throughout time humans and the animal kingdom have relied on the healing power of herbs. We used them in several ways: we have ingested them, rubbed them on our bodies, bathed in them, even used them in our cooking to flavor our foods.

Interactive Google Satellite Map of the Province of Romblon
Romblon philippines map locator.png
Romblon Province within The Philippines
Romblon map.jpg
Romblon Province and its islands
Romblon capitol building.jpg
Provincial Capitol Building of the Province of Romblon

Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Romblon capitol building 1.jpg
Provincial Capitol Building of the Province of Romblon
Tugdan, Alcantara Romblon airport.jpg
Tugdan, Alcantara Romblon airport

Wars of ancient history were about possessions, territory, power, control, family, betrayal, lover's quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don't just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn't religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion always campaign to have its religious laws be accepted as government laws, always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it's a religion of peace?


There are only two kinds of people who teach tolerance:
  1. The Bullies. They want you to tolerate them so they can continue to maliciously deprive you. Do not believe these bullies teaching tolerance, saying that it’s the path to prevent hatred and prejudice.
  2. The victims who are waiting for the right moment to retaliate. They can’t win yet, so they tolerate.
Province of Romblon, Philippines

The province of Romblon is within Region IV-B. It is a 3rd Class province with 17 Municipalities, 219 Barangays.

Featured News of The Philippines

February 09, 2025

Agriculture Chief Advocates Smart Investments and High-Return Projects

The Department of Agriculture (DA) is shifting its focus toward projects that offer strong and sustainable returns as part of its multiyear budget strategy.

During a recent two-day budget planning session, Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. emphasized the importance of strategically allocating limited resources. He stressed that priority would be given to projects with an internal rate of return of 12 to 14 percent annually or a payback period of no more than seven years to ensure both profitability and bankability.


Location of Romblon, Philippines

  • 12.5500° N, 122.2833° E - Romblon, Coordinates

Romblon province could be found at the center of the Philippine Archipelago. It is a cluster of 20 islands and islets (3 major and 17 small islands). It is surrounded by deep waters and lies on the Sibuyan Sea, north of Panay Island, southeast of Mindoro and west of Masbate. It is approximately 187 nautical miles and 169 air miles from Manila.

History of Romblon, Philippines


(by Soledad Montiel)

The negritoes were the aborigines of the island comprising the province of Romblon. The Mangyans were among the first settlers. Today, these groups of inhabitants are almost extinct with only a few scattered remnants of their descendants living in the mountains of Tabls and in the interiour of Sibuyan Island. A great portion of the present population descend from the Nayons and the Onhans who immigrated to the islands from Panay and the Bicols and Tagalogs who came from Luzon as early as 1870.

In his accounts of his visit to the Philippines in 1582, Loarca made mention of the islands of Donblon (Romblon), Simara, Banton and Osingan (Tablas). It was during this visit when the miraculius image of the Patron Saint Sto. Nino was left in Romblon after Loarca's ship failed seven times in its attempt to sail out of Romblon Bay.

From the beginning of the Spanish sovereignty up to 1635, the islands were administered by the secular clergy. When the Recollect Fathers arrived in Romblon they found some of the inhabitants already converted to Christianity. In 1637, the Recollects established seven missionary centers at Romblon, Badajos, Cajidiocan, Banton, Looc, Odiongan and Magallanes (Magdiwang).

In 1646, the Dutch attacked the town of Romblon and inflicted considerable damage. This was, however, insignificant compared with the injuries the town of Romblon and other towns in the province sustained in the hands of the Moros, as the Moslems of Mindanao were then called, during the Moro depredation when a good numver of the inhabitants were held captives.

In 1818 Romblon was incorporated into the province of Capiz. In 1853, the islands were organied into a politico-military commandancia administered from Capiz and continued to be so until the end of the Spanish rule in 1898.

When the revolutionary government took control of Romblon in 1898, Colonel Diego de Dias, then commander of the revolutionary forces, ruled the province embracing the municipalities of Azagra, Badajos, Banton, Cajidiocan, Corcuera, Looc, Magallanes, Odiongan, Despujols and Sta. Fe. On March 16, 1901, the American civil government was established and in 1907 Romblon became a sub-province of Capiz. In February 1918, it was again organized as a regular province and it remained so until 1940 when it was organized into four special municipalities under the direct control of the Department of the Interior by virtue of Commonwealth Act No. 581, sponsored by the Assemblyman Leonardo Festin.

Romblon was occupied by the Japanese forces on March 21, 1942. The islands became the center of considerable rsistance movement under the direction of General Macario Peralta, Jr., from his Panay headquarters. One of the most exciting incidents of the Pacific War took place in the waters of Romblon - the naval-air battles between Japanese Admiral Kurita's Fleet from Singapore and Admiral Halsey's carrier planes from the American Third Fleet then stationed east of the ÄPhilippines.

Romlon was liberated on March 12, 1945 under the command of Colonel Clifford and on January 1, 1947, about a year and a half after the liberation, Romblon was again reconstituted into a regular province by virtue of Republic Act No. 38 which was authored and sponsored by Hon. Modesto Formilleza, then Congressman for the only Congressional district of Romblon.

HOW ROMBLON GOT ITS NAME? A legendary tale tells of how Romblon Island got its name. When Loarca's expidition touched sand in Romblon, one of the soldiers rambled along the beach. Tired of strolling, he felt thirsty; went up a house and asked for a drink. The low-built hut where he went up was a primitive one-room shelter. Inside it was a hen's nest somewhere in the top of a post near the window. A hen was hatching eggs therein.

The Castillan soldier inquired if he could get the chicken for free. The house occupant, a young woman, did not comprehend what the visitor said so she answered in the dialect "Nagalomlom", meaning the chicken was brooding. Perplexed, the Spanish soldier left the house muttering in disgust the word "Nagalomlom".

Then when he returned to the ship he was asked where he had been and he answered mockingly - "Nagalomlom". When the Iberians left, they named the island "Nagalomlom", meaning where the chicken was brooding, until it was corrupted to "Domblon", and later on modified to ROMBLON. Since then, the group of islands scattered in the sorrounding water area were named ROMBLON.

Of the three main islands, Romblon, Tablas and Sibuyan, Romblon is the smallest one with 32 square miles. The provincial capital is located here and new beach resorts have sprung up. The port town, a quaint mixture of colonial-style architecture and nipa-roofed houses, is surrounded by steep bluffs and noted as one of the safest natural harbors in the Philippines. During typhoon season, it serves as a haven for ships crossing the busy Sibuyan Sea. Romblon town, with its population of about 30,000, does not take long to explore. Major points of interest include a lively market, the 1726 cathedral with its fine interior and the hilltop Fort San Andres.

Built by a Spanish friar as a watchtower against pirates, it is now a navigational station for the Weather Bureau Strolling through town you may see people polishing and laminating their marble products. Browse through the many workshops and stores and check out the various souvenirs crafted from marble. A 25-mile road circles the island. However, a good part of it requires hiking, unless you manage to secure a tricycle or jeepney. Romblon’s pristine state is its primary attraction. Visitors to the island are ill-advised if they expect to find grand resorts and deluxe transportation. The seasons are not strongly pronounced here and the months between January to May are supposed to be relatively dry. ical Paradise.

Romblon, which is the name of the island and the town, is one of three main islands in this group located in the Sibuyan Sea and Tablas Strait. Its strategic position made it an important way station on the sailing lanes between Manila and the Visayas. The Spaniards visited Romblon as early as 1582. The ruins of Spanish watchtowers and forts testify to the islands’ vulnerability to the raids of slave-seeking Moro pirates. Dutch warships also attacked the islands during the early Spanish era. Much later, Romblon became a separate province. Amid beautiful landscapes and seascapes, the island offers beaches, snorkeling and hiking. It is often called Marble Island; the marble deposits form the basis of Romblon’s local industry. In fact, the Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia with commercially viable marble deposits; most of these are in Romblon.

People of Romblon, Philippines

  • Population of ROMBLON, MIMAROPA REGION as of 2020 census: 308,985
  • For 2015 Romblon Population = 292,781
    • For 2010 Romblon Population = 283,930
  • Registered voters per comelec of 2010: 143,510

Elected Government Officials of Romblon, Philippines

Elected officials of Romblon for the term of 2019-2022
  • Provincial Governor of Romblon: Jose "Otik" Ruado Riano (PDPLBN) 75,322
  • Provincial Vice-Governor of Romblon: YLAGAN, DONG-DONG (LAKAS) 62,684
  • House Representative:
    • Lone District: MADRONA, BUDOY (NP) 85,961
Board Members of Romblon
  • 1st District
  1. SOLIS, NENE (NP) 34,162
  2. BAÑARES, RACHEL (NP) 28,576
  3. BERNARDO, JUN (NP) 27,355
  4. MORTEL, GUDS (NP) 26,154
  • 2nd District
  1. DORADO, FRED (NP) 31,078
  2. MAULION, ROBERT (NP) 31,071
  3. SOLIS, DJ BING (LP) 28,864
  4. MADRID, JOSE (LP) 28,452

Elected officials of Romblon for the term of 2016-2019
Board Members of Romblon
  • 1st District
  1. Samuel Romero
  2. Abner Perez
  3. Armando Gutierrez
  4. Narciso Bernardo
  • 2nd District
  1. Felix Ylagan
  2. Andres Fondevilla
  3. Fred Dorado
  4. Venizar Maravilla

Elected officials of Romblon for the term of 2013-2016
  1. Romero, Samuel Rey
  2. Rugas, Anthony Gaa
  3. Perez, Abner Ri
  4. Lim, Nelson Recaredo
  • Second District Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Provincial Board Members):
  1. Ylagan, Felix Fondevilla
  2. Fiel, Juliet Ngo
  3. Maravilla, Venizar Festin
  4. Fondevilla, Andres Festin

Elected officials of Romblon for the term of 2010-2013

Elected officials of Romblon for the term of 2007-2010

Barangays Elected Officials of Romblon, Philippines

Businesses in Romblon, Philippines

How to Improve Your Business and Livelihood

The Philippine Livelihood Program: The Philippine government provides several programs to enhance the livelihood of the Filipino people. The department of Science and Technology through its Technology Research Center (TRC) regurlarly conducts various types of hands-on and personalized training programs.

  • DOST - Website
  • UPLiFT stands for Urban Program for Livelihood Finance and Training. - Website
  • DSWD Pro-poor and Livelihood Programs - Website

Take a picture of your Business (from a Sari-Sari Store to a Mega Mall). Upload that picture here in and that picture can immediately be your business webpage. It is that easy. Here are two examples of how a picture becomes the webpage of the business: FHM Garden Grill and Catering and ABC Shopping Center

  • Give your business a good description. Add your address and contact number if available.
Possible Businesses
  • Auto, Trucks, Motorcycle and Bicycle dealers
  • Banks, Lending Firms, Pawnshops, and Financial Institutions
  • Clinics, Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals
  • Pharmacies, Drug Stores, Agri-Vets
  • Convenient Stores, Hardware and Supplies, General Stores, Sari-Sari Stores, Internet-Cafes
  • Department Stores and Appliance Stores
  • Supermarket, wet market, Fish Markets
  • Hotels, Motels, Pension Houses, Boarding houses and Resorts
  • Repair Shops: Shoe repair, Cellphone, Bikes (bicycles), motorcycles etc...
  • Restaurants, Carenderias, Coffee Shops, and Bakeries (Bakeshops)
  • Salons, Spas, Beauty Shops and Barber Shops
  • Gas Stations, Water Stations, Propane Stations

Real Estate or Properties for Sale or lease in Romblon, Philippines

  • If you have real estate property, whether its commercial, residential, farm land, or just an empty lot in Romblon, you can list that property for free.
  • Click to VIEW, EDIT or ADD Realty Listings.
  • You can list your House and lot or farm land for sale or lease for free here.
  • If you are a real estate developer, you can list your subdivision, condominiums, high rises, apartment complexes, shopping strips or malls, open market developments here for Free.

Churches, Mosques, or Places of Worship in Romblon, Philippines

The name of your church, mosque, or place of worship can be listed in this community page. Take a picture of the facade of your church or place of worship and it can be posted here. We can even provide you with a free webpage. You can enter the data (story about your place of worship) here yourself, email the information or pictures to ( or via Facebook.

    Freedom of religion, yes. Equality, yes. But no favoritism.

  • List the Mosques or Masjid in Romblon here.
  • List the Catholic churches and chapels in Romblon here.
  • List the Methodist churches in Romblon here.
  • List the Iglesia Ni Cristo churches in Romblon here.
  • List the Seventh-day Adventist churches in Romblon here.
  • List the Church of Jesus Christ Latter day Saints (Mormons) churches in Romblon here.
  • List the Presbyterian churches in Romblon here.
  • List the Baptist churches in Romblon here.

Schools in Romblon, Philippines

  • Take a picture of your school building(s) and send your pictures via email to ( or message me via Facebook. I will then post the pictures in this page.

Due to Covid19: Pursuant to the instructions of President Roa Duterte, and as recommended by the DepEd, classes for the year 2021-2022 will be opened but will be monitored.

  • List of schools: >>> click

PUBLIC NOTICE: Why pretend that the National language of the Philippines is Tagalog? It should be English. To be a Teacher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, nurse, computer technician; what books do you learn from? English books of course. All your tests are in English. The constitution of the Philippines is written in English. All the laws and new laws introduced by congress are in English. For that matter, you can't be a teacher in a school system unless you know English. The "Licensure Exam for Teachers" is in ENGLISH! Who are these people forcing Tagalog down our throats? Tagalog is simply one of the many dialects of the Philippines. Keep your dialects but learn and be fluent and proficient in ENGLISH.

The name of your school in Romblon can be listed here. You can list it like this:

  • Name of School. Private or Public. It can be an elementary school, high school, college.
    • Address of your school
    • Telephone Number
    • Principal of the school

You can also create a webpage for your school. We can help you.

Economy of Romblon, Philippines

  • If you have an article that talks about the improvement of the economy of Romblon you can post that article here. If you come across any news item that talks about the economy of Romblon, you may post it here. Of course you have to reference the writer of the article. Any improvement to transportation, power and service usually improves the economy of the community, so go ahead and report that too.

Jobs in Romblon Philippines

If you have a job available and that job is within the Province of Romblon, Philippines, you may post it here.
Remember to be as descriptive as possible and to post your Company name, Contact person, physical address, email address and Phone number..
Post expiration of Job Application. Go ahead and Click HERE to Insert your job offer in the "Romblon Philippines, Jobs" page.

Natural Resources of Romblon, Philippines

Protect the environment

It is sad but true that as of the year 2012 the rivers of the Philippines continue to be the #1 Sewer Systems of the Philippines.

Protect & Save the Rivers. Do not let your sewer drain into the river. Your community can be the first to initiate this project.
Build your riverbank protection with a built-in gutter system. Reforest within Ten Years - Guaranteed!

Let us plant more trees in every barangay in the entire Philippines. It does not make any difference if the barangay is urban, partially urban or rural; we need more trees. Trees will prevent erosion, provide oxygen, prevent green house effect, and even a place of business for the shade tree mechanic.

The Philippines is a tropical country and practically anything will grow. The DENR has the planting trees project that goes on every year. Lots of picture taking for the media. Planting trees one by one is the "human" way of doing it. This individual planting of trees is good if done to "line" the roads and highways with trees or along fences or property divisions, or if you have a plantation.

To reforest the nation of the Philippines we have to plant trees the "mother nature" way. Sow the seeds during the rainy season. Go deep into "bald" forests and plant trees by sowing seeds. If there's not enough volunteers to do this, use the military helicopters to fly over the designated areas and sow the seeds.

Guaranteed within a few years, The Philippines will be lush again. >>Read More

We are using our rivers as our sewer system. If you ask a Filipino, "Are the Filipinos a clean people?" The answer is an automatic, "Yes!". However, the Filipinos are suffering from the same disease or attitude as most people do, and that is the "NIMBY" disease or "NIMBY" attitude. (NIMBY) Not In My Back Yard. So it is OK to dump my garbage and sewer there. Not mine! Someone else will take care of it.

This attitude is killing our rivers. Your great-grandparents, grandparents or parents were once proud to tell the stories of how they enjoyed swimming in the river behind your house or nearby. However, you can't say the same or tell the same stories to your kids or grand kids. Why? Because your generation is killing the river.


  • Secretary Roy Cimatu - since May 8, 2017
  • Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Visayas Avenue, Diliman, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
  • +63-2-929-6626

We have so much water in the Philippines and yet very little to drink.

Instead of relying too much on Diesel fuel and Coal to generate the majority of Philippine's Electrical energy Supply, we can concentrate more on renewable and sustainable source of energy such as: Hydro Power, Solar Power, and Wind Power and thermal energy conversion. We have too many black outs.

Tourists Attractions of Romblon, Philippines

  • Help us add some of the tourist attractions of Romblon in Z-wiki. This will help boost the local economy of Romblon. Anything that is unique or anything that stands out in your community may be a tourist attraction.
  • Landmarks are usually photographed a lot by visitors. Post the Romblon landmarks here.

Romblon Lifestyles Romblon Lifestyles - LIVE - RETIRE - INVEST - VACATION

Tablas Fun Resort / Extreme Sports Resort Tablas Fun Resort

Underwater world of Romblon Province Romblon Scuba Paradise

Spice Of Life - Restaurant, Delicatessen, Steve's Music Lounge, Bar and Grill Tablas Spice Of Life

Festivals, Fiestas and Traditions of Romblon, Philippines

In the Philippines a fiesta is usually celebrated in barrios or barangays. It is the official holiday of the LGU, the barangay. Filipinos love fiestas. It is a time for joy and celebration. A fiesta is of Spanish origin and is usually commemorated in association with a christian patron saint. Most barangays whose population have been clustered by Muslims(Moros) and their population is more than that of the Christians, the celebration of the fiesta have been cancelled and replaced with the Hari Raya or Eid al-Fitr.

The cities or municipalities usually have yearly festivals where all the barangays participate. The cities or municipalities hold contests for the best floats in parades.

Romblon Province Zip Codes

Source: Philippine Postal Corporation
  • This table is Sortable by City/Municipality or by ZipCode
Click on Icon to Sort
Click on Icon to Sort
5500 Romblon Romblon Province
5501 San Agustin Romblon Province
5502 Imelda Romblon Province
5503 Calatrava Romblon Province
5504 San Andres Romblon Province
5505 Odiongan Romblon Province
5506 Ferrol Romblon Province
5507 Looc Romblon Province
5508 Sta. Fe Romblon Province
5509 Alcantara Romblon Province
5510 San Jose Romblon Province
5511 Magdiwang Romblon Province
5512 Cajidiocan Romblon Province
5513 San Fernando Romblon Province
5514 Corcuera Romblon Province
5515 Banton (Jones) Romblon Province
5516 Concepcion Romblon Province

Romblon, Philippines supports Philippine Cycling

Philippine Cycling is about cycling in the Philippnes. Philippine Cycling helps promote bike races, cycling clubs, bicycle tours, and the development of bicycle trails. Activities are coordinated with bike shops and cycling clubs throughout the Philippines to promote the fun of riding bikes. Philippine Cycling will be coordinating events with tour of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Road biking and mountain bikings will be promoted by Philippine Cycling.
Cycling Activity to Participate In

Your cycling activity can be posted here and it will be shown in all the Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay pages. Your 2015 Cycling Race or Activity can be Posted here.

  • ILOILO CITY, April 27-May 2, 2015 (PNA) – Some 5,000 bikers are expected to join the second Iloilo Bike Festival slated April 27-May 2, 2015 as the city continues to aspire to become a bike-able walkable metropolis. The activity that supported by the John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (JBLFMU) and Megaworld Iloilo aims to promote Iloilo as a safe and bike friendly city, promote the share-a-road movement encourage Ilonggos to commute via biking and raise Ilonggos awareness on the benefits of biking on health, safety and environment concerns. Read More....
  • CYCLING Le Tour de Filipinas 2015 set as country celebrates 60 years of top-caliber cycling Feb 1 to Feb 4 2015 - View the result of the race: A four stage race. Stage 1 starts in Balanga and back to Balanga for a 126K race Feb 1, 2015 (Sunday); stage 2 starts in Balanga, Bataan to Iba, Zambales for a 154.7 K race Feb 2, 2015 (Monday); stage 3 starts in Iba, Zambales to Lingayen, Pangasinan for a 150.1K race Feb 3, 2015 (Tuesday); stage 4 starts in Lingayen, Pangasinan to Baguio City, Benguet for a 101.7K race Feb 4, 2015 (Wednesday). For a total distance of 532.5 Kms. Read More >>>
  • Ronda Pilipinas: Feb 8 - 27 2015:>> Discovering young riders for the national team will be the main objective of the LBC Ronda Pilipinas 2015 when the country’s premiere cycling race hits the road on Feb. 8 in Butuan City. Ronda Pilipinas executive project director Moe Chulani said the international multistage bikathon, which ends on Feb. 27, will have two qualifying legs of four stages each in Mindanao and the Visayas where the top riders will advance to face a tough foreign challenge in the six-stage Luzon finale. Read More>>>

The oldest living man or woman in Romblon, Philippines

Do you know who the oldest living man or woman is in Romblon? is starting this inquiry in order to honor the older generation of the Philippines. Please provide the full name and date of birth of the elder living in Romblon. We will then post your entry in the Oldest Living Man or Woman in the Philippines page.

Romblon, Philippines Photo Gallery

  • Do the following so your photo upload will be properly categorized for Romblon.
  • Copy and paste the code below in "GREEN" to the body or "Summary" of the image file that you are uploading.

{{zadheader pictures}}
[[Category:Romblon, Philippines Photo Gallery]]
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Most of the contents in this site are from registered user collaborations. Information has also been taken from the Department of Tourism, Comelec, National Statistical Coordination Board, DILG: Department of the Interior and Local Government, (LGU) government sites, online news, and other content sites about the specific community. This page does not serve as the official website of the community but rather compliments and helps the community to promote tourism and attract investors.

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