The Philippines has Maletsky Mart to help propagate the Chavacano Language.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- By: Franklin H. Maletsky
- email: franklin_maletsky@yahoo.com
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Instead of relying too much on Diesel fuel and Coal to generate the majority of Philippine's Electrical energy Supply, we can concentrate more on renewable and sustainable source of energy such as: Hydro Power, Solar Power, and Wind Power and thermal energy conversion. We have too many black outs.
Wind Energy
Currently we can only provide you with links:
Solar Power
- Mud Heat-Storage Solar Greenhouse
- Here is a webpage that goes into detail on the mechanism of Solar Solar Hot Water, Heating and Cooling Systems Hot Water, Heating and Cooling Systems.
- Solar water heaters -- also called solar domestic hot water systems -- can be a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use -- sunshine -- is free. source: energy.gov.
Hydro Electricity
A 2.8MW New Bataan Mini Hydrelectric Power Plant was constructed. It is located at purok 6 and 7, Brgy. Andap.
Ocean Current Energy - Tidal Stream Generators
These Tidal or Sea Current generators can be installed at the sea bed of any of the straits in the Philippines. With floating (anchored) platforms to mark the location of the generators.
The platforms can also be built big enough to hold a standing windmill to generate electricity. |
Locating wind farms out at sea can reduce visual pollution whilst providing better accommodation for fishing and shipping lanes. In addition, the wind is typically more consistent and stronger over the sea, due to the absence of topographic features that disrupt wind flow.
OTEC - Ocean thermal Energy Conversion
- http://www.zamboanga.com/z/images/c/c5/Otec_comes_to_Hawaii.pdf
- http://www.makai.com/ocean-thermal-energy-conversion/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_thermal_energy_conversion
- http://www.gizmag.com/otec-plant-lockheed-martin-reignwood-china/27164/
- http://www.gizmag.com/lockheed-martin-otec-hawaii/17081/
- http://www.seasolarpower.com/
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface ocean waters to run a heat engine and produce useful work, usually in the form of electricity. However, the temperature differential is small and this impacts the economic feasibility of ocean thermal energy for electricity generation.
The most commonly used heat cycle for OTEC is the Rankine cycle using a low-pressure turbine. Systems may be either closed-cycle or open-cycle. Closed-cycle engines use working fluids that are typically thought of as refrigerants such as ammonia or R-134a. Open-cycle engines use vapour from the seawater itself as the working fluid.
OTEC can also supply quantities of cold water as a by-product. This can be used for air conditioning and refrigeration and the fertile deep ocean water can feed biological technologies. Another by-product is fresh water distilled from the sea. Demonstration plants were first constructed in the 1880s and continue to be built, but no large-scale commercial plants are in operation.
The bataan plant, which was in the process of commissioning at the time of the EDSA revolution, has not been fired, although nuclear fuel was delivered to it storage facilities. Maintenance has continued, with the integrity of the plant and ancillaries being ensured.
Background: The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant was completed in 1984, whilst construction commenced in 1976. It is a Westinghouse light water reactor, that uses pressurised water as it heat exchange medium between the reactor and the steam generators. Its design thermal capacity is 1876MW(t), whilst its rated power output is 621MW(e)1. The technology that is incorporated into the plant is essentially early seventies, but has been modified to incorporate more recent safety devices, such as those recommended by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, after evaluation of the Three Mile Island incident.
The Philippine government made feasibility studies to convert this plant into fossil fueled generator but all the plans failed.
I think OTEC will work for this plant. it will not be as costly as fossil fueled plants.
Biomass Turbine Generators
Biomass is the organic matter produced by plants. Also it refers to other organic wastes like animal waste, food-processing by-products etc. Everything that is biodegradable is biomass. The solar energy trapped by these plants can be converted to electricity or fuel.
Here is what GE is marketing:
- Biomass Steam Turbines
To help customers reduce carbon emissions and improve fossil plant cycle efficiency, while meeting Renewable Portfolio Standard(RPS) targets, GE developed a line of biomass steam turbines that provide high performance with a small footprint. GE's biomass steam turbine product line offers a compact, high efficiency solution for the 60 Hz and 50 Hz markets that offer a wide range of footprint and efficiency options for ratings up to 250 MW.
Giant King Grass is suitable as a fuel for direct combustion (burning) in 100% biomass electricity-generating power plants. Today, biomass power plants are fueled by agricultural and forestry waste such as corn stover, wheat straw, rice husks and wood waste. The price of agricultural waste has increased dramatically in China and India due to market demand, and in many areas, growing Giant King Grass as a dedicated energy crop is less expensive and more reliable than using waste. Agricultural waste is seasonal, because it is only available after the food crop such as corn is harvested. The corn stover must be gathered over long distances because the yield is quite low, then dried, baled, stored and utilized as fuel until the next agricultural waste crop is available. Reliability, consistency and cost of biomass fuel are the major issues facing biomass power plants today. A dedicated Giant King Grass plantation co-located with a power plant is a cost effective and reliable solution to producing clean electricity.>>Read More
A more detailed description of biomass turbines:
- http://www.bios-bioenergy.at/en/electricity-from-biomass/steam-turbine.html
- http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/story/chapter10.html
- http://www.green-power-panay.com/ a site that explains the use of biomass for energy in the Philippines
Cogon Grass can be used as a replacement fuel for this type of generator. Cogon Grass just as Giant King Grass is renewable.
Biogas generator from biomass
For those who wish who want to produce their own electricity to be self-sustainable or to supplement electrical consumption, there is a solution. You can build your own biogas generator. The fuel to power this generator is readily available. The grass clippings, food waste livestock manure, or any organic waste can be transformed into renewable biogas energy.
Biomass is a renewable source of energy. Biomass can be converted into bio-fuel. Bio-fuels to operate machinery, electric generators, transports, and other pertinent equipment.
Bio-fuel: Combustible fuels generated from contemporary biological process that convert biomass into fuels that are in solid, liquid or gas forms. So much biomass around the world is wasted. There are still so many countries that rely on firewood for cooking. Even in the U.S.A., they chop down trees and turn them into charcoal. All over the world trees are wastefully cut down for fuel.
This design will help prevent the waste of trees. Tree trimmings can be turned into charcoal. Any type of biomass (even grass) can be turned into charcoal while collecting methane in the process. Charcoal making machines powered by methane can be operated to turn the charcoal dust into any charcoal form salable in the market.
The design may be further modified to generate electricity in the process. Coils filled with water can be wrapped around the drum. The heated water will generate steam which will be directed to a steam electric generator. The same principle of steam electric generators will apply except the fuel to create the steam comes from the sun via the drum that creates, charcoal and methane.
Bio-Fuel, burning of firewood, burning of grass and straws do not cause the greenhouse effect. Farmers need not be restricted from burning. It does not highly contribute to the high CO2 in our atmosphere. Fossil fuels create the pollution. The carbon expelled from the burning of fossil fuels is from millions of years ago. On the other hand the burning of bio-mass expels only carbon mostly accumulated from within 10 years prior to burning. Very small quantity from over 100 to 200 years ago. Mother earth can easily recycle CO2 from biomass. But it is not prepared to recycle the CO2 expelled from fossil fuels which was originally absorbed from over 200 million years ago (coal) and over 400 million years ago (oil).
Making it illegal to burn firewood is strictly political-bias. They even made it illegal to burn bio-garbage. Laws created to propagate the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is the culprit of this “global warming”. It is the cause of the very high CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Indeed, in our current economy, fossil fuel is still a need. However, governments must mandate that fossil fuel companies must invest in an on going research and development of CO2 filtration system.
Cogon and Grass used for Biogas Generator to Produce Natural Gas
As cogon and grass decompose, methane and carbon dioxide are created. The methane produced can be captured and stored via various types of containers. Biogas is flammable gas and is composed mostly pf methane and carbon dioxide, which are formed when organic materials decomposes anaerobically. This method of producing biogas helps reduce global warming and pollution.
How many homes can a megawatt power?
- Source:http://wiki.answers.com
An average U.S. household uses about 10,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity each year. A watt is a unit of power, or energy per unit time, so it's the rate at which energy is being used. A kilowatt-hour (or 1000 watt-hours) is a unit of energy, so 10,000 kWh is how much total energy each household uses over the course of a year.
This means that each household, on average per hour, uses energy at a rate of about 1 kilowatt (1000 watts, which equal to ten 100-watt light bulbs).
One megawatt is equal to one million watts, so for one instant, one megawatt can power 1000 homes.
A better question to ask is how many homes can a megawatt-hour (MWh) provide with energy for one hour? If one home needs 1 kWh of energy for one hour, then 1 MWh of energy can sustain 1000 homes for one hour.