Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

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List of the 17 Regions in the Philippines
National - Capital Region I - Ilocos II - Cagayan III - C. Luzon IV-A - Calabarzon IV-B - Mimaropa V - Bicol VI - W. Visayas VII - C. Visayas VIII - E. Visayas IX - Zamboanga X - N. Mindanao XI - Davao XII - Soccsksargen XIII - Caraga XIV - CAR XV - BARMM

Within these 17 regions in the Philippines, there are 42,027 barangays, 1486 municipalities, 148 cities, 82 provinces. It has a democratic form of government and the freedom of speech is upheld by law. English is the "lingua franca" and is the mode of instruction in all high schools, colleges and universities. Laws and contracts are written in English.

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Barangays (157) of Calbayog City, in the Western Samar Province within Region 8-Eastern Visayas of The Philippines
AcedilloAguit-itanAlibabaAmampacangAnislagAwang EastAwang WestBa-ayBagacayBagong LipunanBajaBaludBanteBantianBasudBayoBegahoBinaliwBontayBuenavistaBugtongCabacunganCabatuanCabicahanCabugawanCacaransanCag-anahawCag-anibongCagbanayacaoCagbayangCagbilwangCagboboracCaglanipao SurCagmanipes NorteCagmanipes SurCagnipaCag-olangoCagsalaosaoCahumpanCalocnayanCangomaodCanhumadacCapacuhanCapoocanCaraymanCarmenCatabunanCaybagoCentralCogonDagumDanaoDanao IIDawoDe VictoriaDinabonganDinaganDinawacanEsperanzaGabayGadgaranGasdoGeraga-anGuimbaoyanGuimbaoyan SurGuin-onHamorawonHelinoHibabnganHibatangHigasaanHimalandrogHugon RosalesJacintoJimautanJose A. RoñoKalilihanKilikiliLa PazLangoyonLapaanLibertadLimarayonLongsobLonoyLoocMabini IMabini IIMacatingogMag-ubayMaguino-oMalagaMalajogMalayogMalopaloMancolMantaongManuel Barral Sr.MarcatubigMatobatoMawacatMaybogMaysalongMigaraNabangNagaNagumaNavarroNijagaOboobObreroOleraOquendoOsmeñaPagbalicanPalanasPalanoganPanlayahanPanononganPanoypoyPatongPayahanPeñaPilarPinamorotanQuezonRawisRizal IRizal IIRoxas IRoxas IISaljagSalvacionSan AntonioSan IsidroSan JoaquinSan JoseSan PolicarpioSan RufinoSaputanSigoSinantanSinidman OccidentalSinidman OrientalTabawanTalahibanTanvalTapa-eTarabucanTigbeTinambacan NorteTinambacan SurTinaplacanTomaliguezTrinidadVictoryVillahermosa

The Philippines has been a "decentralized" form of government since 1991, contrary to what most Filipinos think. Ever since the creation of Republic Act 7160, each LGU is responsible for its own domain. Even the smallest LGU the barangay creates its own Budget. It is not dependent on handouts from the city, municipality or province. "IMPERIAL MANILA IS A MYTH!", it does not exist anymore. The Philippine budget formulation system is not centralized. "Budgetary planning has been DECENTRALIZED since 1991". It is the responsibility of each LGU to submit their budgetary needs for review. Failure to submit is the problem.

CALBAYOG CITY is situated in the western part of the island of Samar. It lies along the coastal region of the province stretching about 60 miles from the northern tip of the island and 180 miles from southern boundaries.

The city has a total land area of 90,300 hectares which is .301% of the archipelagos total land area, 4.21% of the regional land area, 6.724% of the island of Samar and 16.10% of the area of Samar province.

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List of (24) Municipalities in the Western Samar province within Region VIII-Eastern Visayas in the Republic of The Philippines
Almagro | Basey | Calbiga | Daram | Gandara | Hinabangan | Jiabong | Marabut | Matuguinao | Motiong | Pagsanghan | Paranas | Pinabacdao | San Jorge | San Jose De Buan | San Sebastian | Santa Margarita | Santa Rita | Santo Niño | Tagapul-An | Talalora | Tarangnan | Villareal | Zumarraga
Cities in the Province of Samar: Calbayog City | Catbalogan City (Capital)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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Calbayog City Realty
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Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Calbayog City Seal.jpg
Calbayog City Seal
Interactive Google Satellite Map of Calbayog City, Samar
Calbayog samar map locator.png
City of Calbayog within the province of Samar
Samar philippines map locator.png
Samar Province within The Philippines

Herbal Medicine, Heals Naturally and Maintains good health! Allows us to live Long and Prosper! We are one with Flora. Throughout time humans and the animal kingdom have relied on the healing power of herbs. We used them in several ways: we have ingested them, rubbed them on our bodies, bathed in them, even used them in our cooking to flavor our foods.Herbal Medicine, Heals Naturally and Maintains good health! Allows us to live Long and Prosper!

We are one with Flora. Throughout time humans and the animal kingdom have relied on the healing power of herbs. We used them in several ways: we have ingested them, rubbed them on our bodies, bathed in them, even used them in our cooking to flavor our foods.

Calbayog City Hall.jpg
Calbayog City Hall
Calbayog City Hall 01.jpg
Calbayog City Hall

Wars of ancient history were about possessions, territory, power, control, family, betrayal, lover's quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don't just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn't religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion always campaign to have its religious laws be accepted as government laws, always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it's a religion of peace?


There are only two kinds of people who teach tolerance:
  1. The Bullies. They want you to tolerate them so they can continue to maliciously deprive you. Do not believe these bullies teaching tolerance, saying that it’s the path to prevent hatred and prejudice.
  2. The victims who are waiting for the right moment to retaliate. They can’t win yet, so they tolerate.
Home Depot and STI Education Center - Calbayog City.JPG
STI Education Center and Home Depot
Magsaysay Blvd & Umbria St - Calbayog 01.JPG
Downtown Calbayog City, Magsaysay Blvd & Umbria St.

Calbayog, Province of Samar, Philippines

  • Calbayog City has a total of 157 barangays
  • Registered Voters of Calbayog City as of (2010) = 101,749
  • Calbayog City is in the "1st" Voting Congressional District of Samar.
  • Population of Calbayog City (as of Aug 1, 2007) = 163,657
  • Land Area of Calbayog City (as of 2007, in hectares) = 88,074
  • Calbayog City is a 1st class Component City and Partially Urban.
  • Calbayog City is in the Western Samar Province and within Region_VIII in the Eastern Visayas Area the western part of the island of samar.

Geography of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

The city has a total land area of 90,300 hectares which is .301% of the archipelagos total land area, 4.21% of the regional land area, 6.724% of the island of Samar and 16.10% of the area of Samar province.

Location of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

  • 12.0667° N, 124.6000° E - Calbayog, Coordinates

CALBAYOG CITY is situated in the western part of the island of Samar. It lies along the coastal region of the province stretching about 60 miles from the northern tip of the island and 180 miles from southern boundaries. Calbayog is the third largest Philippine city comprising 157 barangays.

Northwest of the city is the municipality of San Isidro, Northern Samar, north is Lope de Vega, Northern Samar, to the southeast is the municipality of Sta. Margarita, Samar, to the northeast are the municipalities of Silvino Lobos and Mondragon, both of Northern Samar, to the east is the municipality of Gandara, Samar, and; the Samar Sea to the southwest

History of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

This article is from [] verbatim

Calbayog: Its History and Religion
By: Patrio M. Barandino, Jr.
Calbayogs early history has been associated with the introduction and spread of Catholicism in the country. Calbayog started as one of the small settlements in the Island of Samar, an area assigned to the Jesuit missionaries. Jesuit Chroniclers, as early as the 17th century, notably Fr. Ignacio Alcina, wrote many accounts about it and its people.

Jesuit records and reports referred to the settlement initially as Ibatan and Jibatang (Hibatang). It is in the annual report of 1739 that the name Calbayog appeared in the records for the first time. How Calbayog got its name has not been documented. In the absence of concrete factual accounts, some attempted to explain the origin of the name with the legends.

Some believe that the forerunner of Calbayog was a settlement along the Hibatang River, now called Anislag. Others claim that the forerunner was another settlement, now called San Rufino, located in the hinterlands of Oquendo.

Fr. Felis de Huerta, a 19th century Franciscan writer noted in his work Estado Geografico that in earlier times, Calbayog was called Tiayban for having been founded near a river of the same name. Then it was transferred due to a flood to the shore of the Hibatang River, whose name it took. Then again the settlers transferred to the place that they permanently occupied and took the name Calbayog.

Hibatang had already been a small settlement at the beginning of the 17th century. It slowly occupied a prominent place among the several small settlements. It became a visita (a large barrio with a chapel) of Capul under the jurisdiction of the Parish priest of that town. After the expulsion of the Jesuit Missionaries from the Philippines in the 18th century, the administration of the parishes in Samar was handled over to the Franciscan Friars.

Eventually from being a visita, Calbayog became a pueblo (town). It was created a separate parish in 1785. Separated from the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the parish priest of Capul, it was later given it s own minister.

Calbayog as a town and parish during the Spanish period was composed of several villages, the most populated of which are called visitas. Calbayog became a religious center. Its parish priests cared for the spiritual needs of the people living in what are now Calbayog City, the municipalities of Sta. Margarita, Sto. Niño and Almagro. By the late 19th century a number of visitas became the poblaciones when new towns were created from Calbayog. They were Caybago (later called Oquendo), Sta. Margarita, Weyler (later called Tinambacan) and Sto. Niño.

During the American Era, Calbayog rose to political as well as religious prominence. Prominent political and religious figures in Samar and Leyte emerged from it, particularly those who studied in the Colegio-Seminario de San Vicente de Paul (now Christ the King College and St. Vincent de Paul Seminary) which was established in 1905 and La Milagrosa Academy which was established in 1911. Both schools were run by the religious.

What is noteworthy is the fact that on April 10, 1910, the Diocese of Calbayog was created by virtue of the Papal Bull of Pope Pius X. The diocese comprised the Islands of Samar and Leyte. Calbayog became the seat of the diocese. It was only much later that the other dioceses in the region were created. Republic Act No. 328, otherwise known as the Charter of the City of Calbayog was signed into law on July 15, 1948 by then President Elpidio Quirino. Calbayog as a city with its first set of city officials was inaugurated on October 16, 1948. The city comprises the territorial jurisdiction of the former Municipalities of Calbayog, Oquendo and Tinambacan.

People of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

  • Population of CITY OF CALBAYOG, SAMAR (WESTERN SAMAR) as of 2020 census: 186,960
  • Total Population of Calbayog as of 2015 census: 183,851
  • Total Population of Calbayog as of 2010 census: 172,778
    • Registered Voters of Calbayog City in 2010: 103,452

Elected Government Officials of Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines

The Sangguniang Panlungsod is composed of the City (Municipality) Vice-Mayor as Presiding Officer, regular Sanggunian members (Councilors), the President of the Association of Barangay Captains and the President of the Sangguniang Kabataan.

They shall exercise and perform the legislative powers and duties as provided for under Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991. Shall consider and conduct thorough study all matters brought to their attention and consequently pass resolutions, enact ordinances and to introduce recommendations.

Budget of Municipalities and Cities: The Philippine budget formulation system is not centralized. It has been decentralized since 1991. It is the responsibility of each LGU to submit their budgetary needs for review. Failure to submit is the problem. "IMPERIAL MANILA IS A MYTH!".

Elected officials of Calbayog City for the term of 2019-2022
  • Mayor of Calbayog City: AQUINO, RONALDO PORLARES
  • Vice-Mayor of Calbayog City: RIVERA, DIEGO PRUDENCIADO
Councilors of Calbayog City:
  • 1st District:
  1. CORSIGA, CHRISTOPHER GUIRET LP 25,368 16-May-2019
  • 2nd District:

Elected officials of Calbayog City for the term of 2016-2019
  • Mayor of Calbayog City: Ronaldo Aquino
  • Vice-Mayor of Calbayog City: Diego Rivera
Councilors of Calbayog City:
  • 1st District:
  1. Sylvan Josef Ayong
  2. Abbie Irigon
  3. Billy Martires
  4. Minda Pasacas
  5. Jessie Jackson
  6. Baby Chuca
  • 2nd District:
  1. Jim Uy
  2. Alex Gelera
  3. Charlie Coñejos
  4. Cesar Sabenicio
  5. Aquilina Sabi
  6. Jeffrey Bernate

Elected officials of Calbayog City for the term of 2013-2016
  • Mayor of Calbayog City: Ronaldo Porlares Aquino - LIBERAL PARTY
  • Vice-Mayor of Calbayog City: RIVERA, DIEGO PRUDENCIADO
Councilors of Calbayog City:
  • 1st District:
  1. Uy, Raymund Casi
  2. Ayong, Sylvan Josef Boco
  3. Mestiola, Rosely Ygbuhay
  4. Tan, Jocelyn Amigo
  5. Pasacas, Arturo Durante
  6. Martires, Billy Jabelo
  • 2nd District:
  1. Gelera, Alex Rosillas
  2. Sabenicio, Cesar Tarrayo
  3. Sabi, Aquilina Perito
  4. Irigon, Darwin Kenneth Du
  5. Casurao, Rogelio Tarrayo
  6. Mancol, Julius Aler

Elected officials of Calbayog City for the term of 2010-2013

Barangay's power and authority: A must read for all barangay officials


This is the "Barangay Code of the Philippines".

Barangay anim 4500.gif
A Barangay Clearance is NEEDED in order to get a Business License.
So why is the barangay name not in most business addresses?
Ask your Barangay Captain/Chairman to create a Resolution to make it mandatory to put the barangay name in all Business addresses.
Every Government Unit in the Philippines is within a Barangay. The municipal hall, city hall, the provincial capitol building, and even the Malacañang Palace where the president resides is within a Barangay.

The barangay has power and authority over its domain. The improvement of the barangay rests on the barangay officials. The barangay chairman, the barangay council and the local businessmen forge the prosperity of the barangay. Not the president of the Philippines, senate, nor congress. Not the governor of the province, not the mayor nor council of the municipality or city. Poor barangays stay poor because of weak and/or ignorant(uninformed) barangay leaders.

When roads or any infrastructure need to be built, improved or repaired, all the barangay officials have to do is make a resolution and present it to the city or municipality council. The resolution will force the city/municipal council or responsible government office to hear the legitimate demands. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Each city or municipality is represented by the "barangay association or federation". The elected president of the Association of Barangay Council and the President of Kabataan (SK) association each have a seat in the City/Municipality council. Their powers are the same and equal to the elected city/municipality councilors. They are there to help lobby the demands of the barangays. They are not there just to collect a big salary and rub elbows with the regular elected city/municipality council, but to also represent the needs of the barangays.
The duties of the barangay officials are specifically written in Chapter III(Punong Barangay) and Chapter IV (The Sangguniang Barangay). Read it..

Practically anything that has to do with the barangay, the barangay officials have a say on it and most likely the authority over it. The majority of the barangay officials are not aware of their duties and power. They depend on the city council or mayor. The elected barangay officials are afraid of the mayor and city/municipality's "Sangguniang Panlungsod". They are in fear of being ousted or removed from office. The truth is, the "Sangguniang Panlungsod" does not have the power to remove or suspend any elected barangay officials from office. Only the COURT OF LAW can do this (judicial branch of the government). Elected public officials can't be suspended by the DILG or the office of the president unless an official complaint has been filed, there must be proof and there must be due process. Republic Act 7160 chapter 4, Section 60. Information is power. Be informed. Do not be intimidated by the president, senator, congressman, governor, mayor, vice-mayor, or councilors. Do your job.

The control of traffic is not up to the city council or chief of police. It is controlled by the barangay. If the barangay needs traffic enforcers, the barangay can make a resolution to demand it from the city or municipality council. When the electric coop or the water district do not maintain their lines, the barangay can directly demand for the maintenance from the utility companies. No need to wait for city council.

The citizens also has the power to make demands to the barangay officials. In case the officials get blinded. Simply file an official complaint with the barangay secretary naming the Punong barangay as the respondent representing the barangay.

If the power lines are sagging, don't go to the power company, go to the barangay office. Ask the barangay for a DEMAND resolution against the power company.
If the water lines are busted, don't wait for the water company, go to the barangay office. Ask the barangay for a DEMAND resolution against the water company.
If the potholes in the road are not fixed, don't wait for the The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), go to the barangay office. Ask the barangay for a DEMAND resolution against the DPWH.
Are you beginning to get the point?

Cleaning the shorelines, drainage systems, streets, rivers, and parks within your barangay is YOUR responsibility. You are accountable for this. It is not the responsibility of the City/Municipality officials. The citizens and officials of the barangay are responsible. Stop blaming others.

  • BUDGET: As far as the preparation for the budget expenditures, it starts at the barangay level, then moves on to cities, municipalities, provinces and regions. The barangays need to exercise their authority. They need to put their yearly budget together for their administration and future projects. The majority of the barangays leave this job to the municipality and city. This is so wrong. Then when the budget doesn't come or is lacking, they complain.
  • The budget for the barangays does go to the City or Municipality, but simply for holding and later distribution. The city or municipality DOES NOT approve the budget. It was already approved by congress. The city or municipality simply "distributes" the approved budget.
  • The bureau of internal revenue is in cahoots to subdue the barangays, municipalities and provinces. They call the rightful shares to the taxes collected as "Internal Revenue Allotment Dependency". It is not a dependency. It is the lawful and rightful share of the LGU as specified in "TITLE III, SHARES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS IN THE PROCEEDS OF NATIONAL TAXES, CHAPTER I, Allotment of Internal Revenue Taxes, Section 284."
  • "IMPERIAL MANILA IS A MYTH!", it does not exist anymore. The Philippine budget formulation system is not centralized. "Budgetary planning has been DECENTRALIZED since 1991". It is the responsibility of each LGU to submit their budgetary needs for review. Failure to submit is the problem.
  • DURING ELECTIONS: Where do City and Municipality politicians go to campaign? They seek the support of the Barangay officials. They plead to the barangay folks for the votes. Even the candidate for president. But after the election they ignore you. Do not ever forget the power of the barangay.

Ignorance keeps the pinoys thinking that Manila rules. Be informed, be educated and make your barangay prosper.

  • Absolutely NO need for FEDERALISM. It is a ploy to give the Bangsamoro an Islamic State where the religion of Islam is financed by the Philippine government. Bangsamoro will be a HOMELAND not for all Filipinos but for only the Muslim Filipinos. It violates the constitution's "separation of church and state". Religion is always good for the people but it should never be embraced or financed by government. Tax exemption is not tantamount to financing. Every non-profit organization is tax-exempt.

Businesses in Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

How to Improve Your Business and Livelihood

The Philippine Livelihood Program: The Philippine government provides several programs to enhance the livelihood of the Filipino people. The department of Science and Technology through its Technology Research Center (TRC) regurlarly conducts various types of hands-on and personalized training programs.

  • DOST - Website
  • UPLiFT stands for Urban Program for Livelihood Finance and Training. - Website
  • DSWD Pro-poor and Livelihood Programs - Website

Take a picture of your Business (from a Sari-Sari Store to a Mega Mall). Upload that picture here in and that picture can immediately be your business webpage. It is that easy. Here are two examples of how a picture becomes the webpage of the business: FHM Garden Grill and Catering and ABC Shopping Center

  • Give your business a good description. Add your address and contact number if available.
Possible Businesses
  • Auto, Trucks, Motorcycle and Bicycle dealers
  • Banks, Lending Firms, Pawnshops, and Financial Institutions
  • Clinics, Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals
  • Pharmacies, Drug Stores, Agri-Vets
  • Convenient Stores, Hardware and Supplies, General Stores, Sari-Sari Stores, Internet-Cafes
  • Department Stores and Appliance Stores
  • Supermarket, wet market, Fish Markets
  • Hotels, Motels, Pension Houses, Boarding houses and Resorts
  • Repair Shops: Shoe repair, Cellphone, Bikes (bicycles), motorcycles etc...
  • Restaurants, Carenderias, Coffee Shops, and Bakeries (Bakeshops)
  • Salons, Spas, Beauty Shops and Barber Shops
  • Gas Stations, Water Stations, Propane Stations

Churches, Mosques, or Places of Worship in Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

The name of your church, mosque, or place of worship can be listed in this community page. Take a picture of the facade of your church or place of worship and it can be posted here. We can even provide you with a free webpage. You can enter the data (story about your place of worship) here yourself, email the information or pictures to ( or via Facebook.

    Freedom of religion, yes. Equality, yes. But no favoritism.

Diocese of Calbayog

this article verbatim from

Samar was once one island province comprising one political unit, the whole island being the third largest in the archipelago. The Island of Samar is bounded on the north by San Bernardino Strait, on the west by the Samar Sea and San Juanico Strait, on the south by Leyte Gulf, and on the east by the Pacific Ocean. Today the island comprises three administrative provinces: Eastern, Western and Northern Samar.

It was in Homonhon, an island off the Samar coast, where Magellan first landed in 1521. In the year 1596, the Catholic faith was brought to the island of Samar by the Spanish Jesuit missionaries. From the mission center in Palapag in northern Samar, the missionaries brought the faith to the people of Laoang, Catubig, Pambujan, Catarman, and Bobon. The missionaries from Catbalogan established missiones in Gandara and Paranas, while the missionaries from the island of Capul established mission stations in Calbayog.

In 1768 the Jesuits were expelled from the Philippines and the Spanish Franciscan missionaries took over the first parishes in Samar: Catbalogan, Gandara, Paranas, Palapag, Catubig, Catarman and Capul. From these settlements the Catholic faith spread to the entire island.

Leyte and Samar were once considered one province by the Spanish government placed under the jurisdiction of Cebu. In 1768 it was divided into separate provinces, with Tacloban as the capital of Leyte and Catbalogan the capital of Samar.

On April 10, 1910, Pope Pius X separated the island provinces of Samar and Leyte form the Diocese of Cebu, and erected the Diocese of Calbayog comprising both island provinces. In 1914 the Franciscans turned over the administration of the parishes of Samar to the secular clergy.

On November 28, 1937, Pope Pius XI separated Leyte from the Calbayog diocese by creating the Diocese of Palo, in Leyte. On October 22, 1960 Pope John XXIII decreed the division of Samar by creating the Diocese of Borongan, also in Samar. And again on March 11, 1975, Pope Paul VI decreed the creation of the Diocese of Catarman, also in Samar. Thus the whole island of Samar now has three dioceses: Calbayog in Western Samar, Borongan in Eastern Samar, and Catarman in Northern Samar. These three dioceses belong to the Ecclesiastical Province of Palo, Leyte, and are suffragans of this archdiocese.

From the Calbayog Diocesan Pastoral Assembly held at St. Vincent de Paul College Seminary in Calbayog City February 12-15, 1992, the following Diocese of Calbayog Pastoral Plan came into being:

  • Vision:
    • "A community of persons united in faith, hope and love, centered in Christ, living by the Word and the Sacramantes, prophetically witnessing to the Gospel values of sharing, unity, peace and justice, in solidarity with the poor, within the concrete historical situation and needs of the people of Samar, under the guidance of the Magisterium and the example of Mary, Mother of the Church."
  • Goal:
    • "By the year 2000, the Diocese of Calbayog shall have Ecclesial Communities that are renewed, transformed, animated and consumed by the Gospel values of sharing, unity, peace and justice in solidarity with the poor, imbued with the spirit of Vatican II and Plenary Council of the Philippines II, conscious and actively working toward Total Human Development, whose impact will be felt by society."
  • Thrust:
    • "Basic Ecclesial Communities that are committed to Evangelization and Total Human Development."

The objective of the plan is to implement on a diocesan level all programs and structures identified by the Diocesan Pastoral Assembly, to evaluate the implementation of the Diocesan Pastoral Council every year, and to come up with objectives for a second phase, f rom 1996 to the year 2000.

There are 27 parishes in the diocese, served by 61 priests. There are 6 Catholic institutions, 9 pastoral centers, and 18 parishes with BEC programs.

Schools in Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

  • Take a picture of your school building(s) and send your pictures via email to ( or message me via Facebook. I will then post the pictures in this page.

Due to Covid19: Pursuant to the instructions of President Roa Duterte, and as recommended by the DepEd, classes for the year 2021-2022 will be opened but will be monitored.

  • List of schools: >>> click

PUBLIC NOTICE: Why pretend that the National language of the Philippines is Tagalog? It should be English. To be a Teacher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, nurse, computer technician; what books do you learn from? English books of course. All your tests are in English. The constitution of the Philippines is written in English. All the laws and new laws introduced by congress are in English. For that matter, you can't be a teacher in a school system unless you know English. The "Licensure Exam for Teachers" is in ENGLISH! Who are these people forcing Tagalog down our throats? Tagalog is simply one of the many dialects of the Philippines. Keep your dialects but learn and be fluent and proficient in ENGLISH.

The name of your school in Calbayog can be listed here. You can list it like this:

  • Name of School. Private or Public. It can be an elementary school, high school, college.
    • Address of your school
    • Telephone Number
    • Principal of the school

You can also create a webpage for your school. We can help you.

Real Estate or Properties for Sale or Lease in Calbayog City, Philippines

  • If you have real estate property, whether its commercial, residential, farm land, or just an empty lot in Angeles City, you can list that property for free.
  • Click to VIEW, EDIT, or ADD Realty Listings.
  • You can list your House and lot or farm land for sale for free here.
  • If you are a real estate developer, you can list your subdivision, condominiums, high rises, apartment complexes, shopping strips or malls, open market developments here for Free.

Economy of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

SEAPORT - Situated some 810 meters away from the city proper is the Calbayog Port which served inter-island vessels plying Cebu and other neighboring cities and municipalities. At present the Manguino-o Port and Samar Coco Port are alternative seaport facilities that could accommodate local and foreign vessels.

AIRPORT - Calbayog airport can accommodate aircraft for general aviation. It serves commercial flight of Asian Spirit Airlines from Manila to Calbayog flights with frequency of 4 times a week.

ROADS - Linking Samar to Luzon and Mindanao is the Maharlika highway with buses plying Luzon-Mindanao route.

With a length of approximately 34 kms. concrete pavement and 52 kms. unpaved or earth road, CALBAYOG therefore, is already accessible even to remote barangays that produce farm products for agri-based industries with the presence of city roads extending to hard-to-reach area.

WATER SUPPLY - The Local Water District supplies the water needs of the city. With the present upgrading of water facilities, it will ensure a speedy supply of water 24 hours a day. Also, the installation of an additional transmission line from the source to urban center will supply additional potable water.

POWER - The power needs of the city is supplied by the Tongonan Geothermal Plant through the NPC via Samar Electric Cooperative (SAMELCO). This is supplemented by the Mini-hydro Electric Plant at Barangay Barral, Oquendo District. With another potential for mini-hydro plant in Brgy. Tinaplacan, the Bangon Falls, which is estimated to generate about four times that of Ton-ok, will augment the present electric services thereby reducing the present rate by a considerable percentage.

COMMUNICATION - Serving the City in communication requirements are three (3) telephone companies which provide both local and long distance calls. The Calbayog Telephone System with direct dialing operator satellite assisted and one untracked dialing for local needs; Smart Communication and; Islacom with cellular phone and land lines which are available for domestic and international calls.

Telegraph services are served by BAYANTEL and government owned Bureau of Telecommunications. The AM radio stations: DYCC, DYOG and DYHR and Super Radyo GMA; FM radio stations: MBC Radyo Natin FM and GMA Campus Radio. Two local TV relay stations and two cable TV stations provide entertainment; Community Channel TV6 - Fil Products, and CCBC TV 10.

Jobs in Calbayog City

If you have a job available and that job is within Calbayog City, Philippines, you may post it here.
Remember to be as descriptive as possible and to post your Company name, Contact person, physical address, email address and Phone number.
Post expiration of Job Application. Go ahead and Click HERE to Insert your job offer in the "Jobs in Calbayog City" page.

Natural Resources of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

  • Agriculture

The big land area of the city generally divided into agriculture and forest areas. Agricultural lands are subdivided into production, built-up area, protection land, mangrove forest, severe erosion area and watershed forest reserve, while; forest lands are further subdivided into open canopy, logged-over areas, built-up and protection area.

Basically an agricultural city, it has 57,654.07 hectares or 63.85% belongs to agriculture while 32,645.93 hectares or 36.15% is forest lands. Its major products are copra, abaca, rice, vegetables, corn, rootcrops, fruits, bamboo & Nipa. With the the overall total quantity (mt.) of 28,330.428.

  • Fishery and Aquatic Resources

Calbayog is one of the exporter of fish and other marine products. Fisheries contribute to the economic revenues of the city. Major species abound like mackerel, sardines, squid, prawn, crabs, shells, oysters, and many others.

Fish processing such as smoking, salting and drying are small scale industries operating in the locality. Fish which are caught everyday are exported throughout the country in huge volume.

Fisheries contributes to the economic revenues of the city. Samar Sea with a fishing ground of 1,198 sq. miles is a vast resource for agriculture and sea farming activities.

  • Forest Resources

The forest land of Calbayog has an area of 6,327.91 hectares. Happy Valley and Seven Hills are remote areas with barangays producing forest products like rattan, nito, cogon, bamboo and other wildlife. These are adequate supply of raw materials for export oriented products.

Local sources revealed that forest land have dramatically dwindled. The remotest of forest area containing untold forest has been depleted with the traditional slush-and-burn farming, poachers and illegal loggers invading the resource thereby endangering valuable species and wild life. Some have totally lost. Intensified program by concerned agencies are now in motion to save forest resource, this includes; reforestration and tree planting.

  • Livestock and Poultry

Production of livestock and poultry products is another industry that enjoys the major concern of the city through the Tri-District program, a centerpiece program of the present government. Breeding centers were opened to develop superior genetic stocks, upgrading of carabao and dispersal program were established to accelerate livestock production.

Dressed chickens are now exported throughout the region and Masbate area with an average of 2,000 heads daily. The investment of Swift Foods Inc. and the operation of Solmar Dressing Plant supplies poultry products which is now expanding its market in Central Visayas and Luzon.

Swift has invested in the city which is now operating for almost five years. The volume of production of dressed chickens are exported to the different parts of the country.

  • Mineral Resources

Nature has made Calbayog replete with mineral deposits. Marble which is an indigenous material for marble processing is found in the coastal barangays. Manganese which is chiefly used in the form of ferromanganese in steelmaking is similarly available in the same area. It was however purposely left untouched to preserve natures balance. Sand and gravel supplies the local construction needs but barely enough as some areas are banned from extraction to protect existing structures like, bridges and culverts.

Protect the environment

It is sad but true that as of the year 2012 the rivers of the Philippines continue to be the #1 Sewer Systems of the Philippines.

Protect & Save the Rivers. Do not let your sewer drain into the river. Your community can be the first to initiate this project.
Build your riverbank protection with a built-in gutter system. Reforest within Ten Years - Guaranteed!

Let us plant more trees in every barangay in the entire Philippines. It does not make any difference if the barangay is urban, partially urban or rural; we need more trees. Trees will prevent erosion, provide oxygen, prevent green house effect, and even a place of business for the shade tree mechanic.

The Philippines is a tropical country and practically anything will grow. The DENR has the planting trees project that goes on every year. Lots of picture taking for the media. Planting trees one by one is the "human" way of doing it. This individual planting of trees is good if done to "line" the roads and highways with trees or along fences or property divisions, or if you have a plantation.

To reforest the nation of the Philippines we have to plant trees the "mother nature" way. Sow the seeds during the rainy season. Go deep into "bald" forests and plant trees by sowing seeds. If there's not enough volunteers to do this, use the military helicopters to fly over the designated areas and sow the seeds.

Guaranteed within a few years, The Philippines will be lush again. >>Read More

We are using our rivers as our sewer system. If you ask a Filipino, "Are the Filipinos a clean people?" The answer is an automatic, "Yes!". However, the Filipinos are suffering from the same disease or attitude as most people do, and that is the "NIMBY" disease or "NIMBY" attitude. (NIMBY) Not In My Back Yard. So it is OK to dump my garbage and sewer there. Not mine! Someone else will take care of it.

This attitude is killing our rivers. Your great-grandparents, grandparents or parents were once proud to tell the stories of how they enjoyed swimming in the river behind your house or nearby. However, you can't say the same or tell the same stories to your kids or grand kids. Why? Because your generation is killing the river.


  • Secretary Roy Cimatu - since May 8, 2017
  • Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Visayas Avenue, Diliman, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
  • +63-2-929-6626

We have so much water in the Philippines and yet very little to drink.

Instead of relying too much on Diesel fuel and Coal to generate the majority of Philippine's Electrical energy Supply, we can concentrate more on renewable and sustainable source of energy such as: Hydro Power, Solar Power, and Wind Power and thermal energy conversion. We have too many black outs.

Tourists Attractions of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

  • Help us add some of the tourist attractions of Calbayog in Z-wiki. This will help boost the local economy of Calbayog. Anything that is unique or anything that stands out in your community may be a tourist attraction.
  • Landmarks are usually photographed a lot by visitors. Post the Calbayog landmarks here.
  1. THE STONE-MARBLE MOUNTAIN OF MALOPALO - Tinambacan District, stood its grandeur to house the many caves underneath. Tourists and adventurers have found the caves well preserved for over a hundred years now.
  2. GUINOGO-AN CAVE - situated at the fringes of Brgy. Lungsob, Oquendo District, is 17 kms. Poblacion, 15 minutes hike from the barangay. It's cathedral door-size entrance leads one to wade the fresh, cool water into a natural tunnel stretching through uneven ceiling touching one's head, giving the adventurer an eerie trip through the dark cave lighted torches.
  3. MAPASO SPRING - Located at Brgy. Rizal II, Oquendo District. Nature gives its life in the form of fresh crustaceans (pokot) of red appearance which ordinarily resembles the tint of a scalded shrimp. As the name suggests, (Mapaso literally means hot) it is a hot spring with the consistency of a boiling water.
  4. MALAJOG BEACH - it is surrounded with towering rocks at its south and three balconied cottages. The beach gives a south sea island touch. It takes 35 min. ride from the city proper. It is one of the most visited and most beautiful beaches in Samar island. Malajog Beach located at Brgy. Malajog is also known as Look Beach.
  5. BUGTONG FALLS - It is one of the most beautiful and spectacular scenic spots that is worth visiting, located at Brgy. Tinaplacan, Tinambacan District. A hour and 15 min. ride and 45 minutes walk to the vicinity of the falls, Bugtong falls has a circular pond of about 30 meters in diameter, wide enough for diving. The water that falls from above seems to come from an endless stream which flows a swirling path around the falls resulting from the pressure of its disgorge which becomes even bigger in volume and noticeables as the time of day passes.
  6. EL RIO DE HIBATANG - The biggest navigational river reaches the hinterlands of Oquendo's left and right river. Believed to be the gateway to the mouth of Calbayog River, artifact and other archeological relics were found along the river bank.

Festivals, Fiestas and Traditions of Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

In the Philippines a fiesta is usually celebrated in barrios or barangays. It is the official holiday of the LGU, the barangay. Filipinos love fiestas. It is a time for joy and celebration. A fiesta is of Spanish origin and is usually commemorated in association with a christian patron saint. Most barangays whose population have been clustered by Muslims(Moros) and their population is more than that of the Christians, the celebration of the fiesta have been cancelled and replaced with the Hari Raya or Eid al-Fitr.

The cities or municipalities usually have yearly festivals where all the barangays participate. The cities or municipalities hold contests for the best floats in parades.

Featured News of The Philippines

February 09, 2025

Agriculture Chief Advocates Smart Investments and High-Return Projects

The Department of Agriculture (DA) is shifting its focus toward projects that offer strong and sustainable returns as part of its multiyear budget strategy.

During a recent two-day budget planning session, Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. emphasized the importance of strategically allocating limited resources. He stressed that priority would be given to projects with an internal rate of return of 12 to 14 percent annually or a payback period of no more than seven years to ensure both profitability and bankability.


Your Story about Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

Create you own personal page about the barangay in the municipality or City you live in. Title it like so for specificity: "Mybarangay, MyCityMunicipality, Myprovince, Philippines by MyFirstname Mylastname". You can update and edit this page anytime and anyway you want. It does not have to follow the standard format of the main wiki. It is your page. A link to your page will be inserted in this main barangay page. Here is an example page.

If you want the tittle to be more generic then do this: "Philippines by Your name". You can insert your picture of anywhere in the Philippines in this page. This will be your personal WIKI social media page.

You can talk about your personal experiences, your advocacies, the environmental conditions of your barangay, municipality, city or province.

The oldest man or woman in Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

Do you know who the oldest man or woman is in your community of Calbayog? is starting this inquiry in order to honor the older generation of the Philippines. Please provide the full name and date of birth of the elder living in Calbayog. We will then post your entry in the Oldest Man or Woman in the Philippines page.

Calbayog, Samar supports Philippine Cycling

Philippine Cycling is about cycling in the Philippnes. Philippine Cycling helps promote bike races, cycling clubs, bicycle tours, and the development of bicycle trails. Activities are coordinated with bike shops and cycling clubs throughout the Philippines to promote the fun of riding bikes. Philippine Cycling will be coordinating events with tour of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Road biking and mountain bikings will be promoted by Philippine Cycling.
Cycling Activity to Participate In

Your cycling activity can be posted here and it will be shown in all the Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay pages. Your 2015 Cycling Race or Activity can be Posted here.

  • ILOILO CITY, April 27-May 2, 2015 (PNA) – Some 5,000 bikers are expected to join the second Iloilo Bike Festival slated April 27-May 2, 2015 as the city continues to aspire to become a bike-able walkable metropolis. The activity that supported by the John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (JBLFMU) and Megaworld Iloilo aims to promote Iloilo as a safe and bike friendly city, promote the share-a-road movement encourage Ilonggos to commute via biking and raise Ilonggos awareness on the benefits of biking on health, safety and environment concerns. Read More....
  • CYCLING Le Tour de Filipinas 2015 set as country celebrates 60 years of top-caliber cycling Feb 1 to Feb 4 2015 - View the result of the race: A four stage race. Stage 1 starts in Balanga and back to Balanga for a 126K race Feb 1, 2015 (Sunday); stage 2 starts in Balanga, Bataan to Iba, Zambales for a 154.7 K race Feb 2, 2015 (Monday); stage 3 starts in Iba, Zambales to Lingayen, Pangasinan for a 150.1K race Feb 3, 2015 (Tuesday); stage 4 starts in Lingayen, Pangasinan to Baguio City, Benguet for a 101.7K race Feb 4, 2015 (Wednesday). For a total distance of 532.5 Kms. Read More >>>
  • Ronda Pilipinas: Feb 8 - 27 2015:>> Discovering young riders for the national team will be the main objective of the LBC Ronda Pilipinas 2015 when the country’s premiere cycling race hits the road on Feb. 8 in Butuan City. Ronda Pilipinas executive project director Moe Chulani said the international multistage bikathon, which ends on Feb. 27, will have two qualifying legs of four stages each in Mindanao and the Visayas where the top riders will advance to face a tough foreign challenge in the six-stage Luzon finale. Read More>>>

Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines Photo Gallery

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Most of the contents in this site are from registered user collaborations. Information has also been taken from the Department of Tourism, Comelec, National Statistical Coordination Board, DILG: Department of the Interior and Local Government, (LGU) government sites, online news, and other content sites about the specific community. This page does not serve as the official website of the community but rather compliments and helps the community to promote tourism and attract investors.

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