Shariff Kabunsuan Province, Philippines

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List of the 17 Regions in the Philippines
National - Capital Region I - Ilocos II - Cagayan III - C. Luzon IV-A - Calabarzon IV-B - Mimaropa V - Bicol VI - W. Visayas VII - C. Visayas VIII - E. Visayas IX - Zamboanga X - N. Mindanao XI - Davao XII - Soccsksargen XIII - Caraga XIV - CAR XV - BARMM

Within these 17 regions in the Philippines, there are 42,027 barangays, 1486 municipalities, 148 cities, 82 provinces. It has a democratic form of government and the freedom of speech is upheld by law. English is the "lingua franca" and is the mode of instruction in all high schools, colleges and universities. Laws and contracts are written in English.

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The Philippines has 81 provinces. The names of the Provinces in the Philippines are listed below:

AbraAgusan del NorteAgusan del SurAklanAlbayAntiqueApayaoAuroraBasilanBataanBatanesBatangasBenguetBiliranBoholBukidnonBulacanCagayanCamarines NorteCamarines SurCamiguinCapizCatanduanesCaviteCebuCompostela ValleyCotabatoDavao del NorteDavao del SurDavao OrientalDinagat IslandEastern SamarGuimarasIfugaoIlocos NorteIlocos SurIloiloIsabelaKalingaLa UnionLagunaLanao del NorteLanao del SurLeyteMaguindanaoMarinduqueMasbateMindoro OccidentalMindoro OrientalMisamis OccidentalMisamis OrientalMountainNegros OccidentalNegros OrientalNorthern SamarNueva EcijaNueva VizcayaPalawanPampangaPangasinanQuezonQuirinoRizalRomblonSamarSaranganiShariff KabunsuanSiquijorSorsogonSouth CotabatoSouthern LeyteSultan KudaratSuluSurigao del NorteSurigao del SurTarlacTawi-TawiZambalesZamboanga del NorteZamboanga del SurZamboanga Sibugay

Province of Shariff Kabunsuan, Philippines Shariff Kabunsuan Province, Philippines - Included in October 29, 2006. However On July 17, 2008, the Supreme Court, in Sema v. Comelec declared the creation of the province of Shariff Kabunsuan void and ruled that the power of ARMM’s legislature to create provinces and cities is unconstitutional.[1]

Featured News of The Philippines

February 09, 2025

Agriculture Chief Advocates Smart Investments and High-Return Projects

The Department of Agriculture (DA) is shifting its focus toward projects that offer strong and sustainable returns as part of its multiyear budget strategy.

During a recent two-day budget planning session, Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. emphasized the importance of strategically allocating limited resources. He stressed that priority would be given to projects with an internal rate of return of 12 to 14 percent annually or a payback period of no more than seven years to ensure both profitability and bankability.


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