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==News About Elder Tree==
==News About Elder Tree==
'''What Is an Elderberry Bush?'''
:(San Francisco Gate)
Native to North America, the elderberry bush (Sambucus canadensis) produces berries that turn purplish-black and become edible when ripe. However, songbirds may eat the berries before you can pick them. Also known as American elder, the deciduous shrub or small tree grows 12 to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Each 5- to 9-inch compound leaf contains 5 to 11 oval or elliptical leaflets with serrated edges and pale undersides. White, star-shaped flowers bloom in 6- to 12-inch-long clusters in the spring and summer.
Elderberry bushes are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 11. They prefer moist, well-drained, acid or alkaline soil and full sun or partial shade. These vigorous bushes grow wild in partially shaded wetlands and in moist areas along canals and grasslands. As birds eat the berries and disperse the seeds, bushes spring up and form thickets under power lines and along fences and clearings. Dense elderberry thickets grow as privacy screens in yards and gardens.
Working organic compost or rotted manure into the soil before planting elderberry bushes in the spring will provide them with needed nitrogen. Bushes are planted 8 feet apart in rows 10 feet apart and another cultivar is planted with the bushes for cross-pollination. Elderberry bushes require pruning after three or four years to control size and encourage dense growth. In the spring, 1 or 2 tablespoons of nitrogen fertilizer for young plants and 3 or 4 tablespoons for mature, less vigorous plants, is recommended by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Mulching and weekly watering will keep the soil evenly moist.
Elderberry cultivars are available to suit your landscaping needs. “Laciniata” and “Adams,” which grow to only 8 feet tall, can thrive in a smaller space. Some elderberry cultivars have exceptionally showy flowers, leaves or berries. For example, “York” produces the largest berries and “Aurea” produces red berries and showy golden leaves. “Nova” produces an abundant crop of large, sweet berries and “Maxima” offers a dramatic display of 15-inch flower clusters.
Although cooked elderberries make delicious pies and jams, raw elderberries contain poisonous alkaloids and are not edible. Aphids and caterpillars may feed on elderberry bush leaves, stems and shoots. Natural insect predators control aphids and diligent monitoring, pruning and sanitation help control caterpillar infestations. Tomato ringspot virus weakens the shrub and reduces vigor and stem canker causes girdling and dieback. Test the soil before planting for Xiphinema nematodes, which spread tomato ringspot virus and remove infected plants and suckers. To prevent stem canker, provide adequate water and drainage, and prune and dispose of infected shoots.
'''How to Recognize an Elderberry Plant'''
'''How to Recognize an Elderberry Plant'''


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