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==News About Pandan==
==News About Pandan==
'''How to Plant Pandan '''
:By Jenny Harrington
Pandan plants (Pandanus spp.) grow as 15- to 20-foot-tall trees outdoors, or as tall houseplants. Two common varieties are screw pine (Pandanus utilius), which grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, and variegated screw pine (Pandanus tectorius "Veitchii"), which grows in USDA zones 10 through 12. Plant pandans in late winter or early spring just before the evergreens awaken from semidormancy. Start new plants from cuttings at any time after the suckers begin to form.
:Outdoor Planting
Garden sites that receive full, all-day sun to partial afternoon shade make the best planting spots for pandans. Moist soil that retains moisture without becoming soggy results in the healthiest growth, although a pandan can tolerate some drought stress once it's established. Sites require minimal preparation before planting. Break up the soil to the depth of the root ball in an area twice as wide as the root. Plant the pandan at the same depth it was growing at in its nursery container. Water the plant thoroughly after planting so the soil settles in the planting hole and the soil is evenly moist throughout the root zone.
:Potted Plants
Container-grown plants require pots with bottom drainage holes to prevent the soil from staying soggy. Young plants grow well in smaller 10-inch-diameter containers, while more mature plants require a container deep enough to contain the roots and 2 to 4 inches wider in diameter than the root ball. Transplanting every two to three years, before the roots become crowded, leads to healthy growth. When planting or transplanting the pandan in the pot, fill the container one-third full with a standard potting soil or a soil mix formulated for tropical plants. Set the root ball on top the soil and fill in around it until the top of the root ball is just beneath the soil surface. A thorough watering after planting settles the soil around the roots.
:Propagation Methods
You can propagate a pandan from either cuttings or seeds. The plant produces suckers from its base, with each capable of growing into a new plant. Disinfect pots and tools by wiping them clean with isopropyl alcohol before planting. Cut the suckers from the plant with a disinfected knife and plant it in a container filled with moistened, sterile medium. Covering the pot with a clear plastic bag helps retain moisture, but the soil will require watering if it dries out. The suckers root in four to six weeks when they're left in bright but indirect sunlight. The seeds require soaking for 24 hours before planting in a moist medium and they can take two to three months to germinate, so cuttings provide a quicker propagation method.
:Initial Care
Temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit can damage pandan plants and freezes will kill them. Container plants perform best indoors in a sunny, south-facing window, or you can place them outdoors in full sun during the summer. Water garden plants once a week when there is no appreciable rainfall, supplying 1 to 3 inches of water weekly or enough to keep the soil moist. Indoor plants need watering when the top 1 inch of soil begins to dry. Newly planted pandans do not require fertilizer, and they don't suffer from serious pest or disease problems.
'''Pandan Leaves Healthy Benefits'''
'''Pandan Leaves Healthy Benefits'''


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