Lambda Phi, APO, Alpha Phi Omega, Philippines

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About the Founder of Alpha Phi Omega

List of Philippine APO Chapters |

Apo anim.gif
| List of APO International Chapters

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Can't be a leader if you hide. Can't make friends if you hide. Can't be of service if you hide.

B.O.S.S. Brotherhood Operation Sweet Smile

List of APO Chapters at a Glance
Αα Alpha | Ββ Beta | Γγ Gamma | Δδ Delta | Εε Epsilon | Ζζ Zeta
Ηη Eta | Θθ Theta | Ιι Iota | Κκ Kappa | Λλ Lambda | Μμ Mu | Νν Nu | Ξξ Xi | Οο Omicron | Ππ Pi | Ρρ Rho | Σσς Sigma | Ττ Tau | Υυ Upsilon | Φφ Phi | Χχ Chi | Ψψ Psi | Ωω Omega | Alpha Phi Omega Alumni Associations

Chapter #1120
Alpha Phi Omega

Polytechnic University
Ragas, Camarines Norte, Philippines
APO Fraternity Recognition date: ?, APO Sorority Recognition date:

History of Lambda Phi APO Chapter

This is your alma mater. Need some data here. Log-in, be a member and start editing.

Activities of Lambda Phi APO Chapter

Need some data here. Log-in, be a member and start editing.

Current Officers of Lambda Phi APO Chapter

List the names of the currently elected officers. Grand Chancellor - ?
Prime Chancellor _ ?
Brother Scribe _ ?
Treasure _ ?
Brother Historian _ ?
Chairman on Campus Activities _ ?

Lambda Phi APO Chapter Members

Need some data here. Log-in, be a member and complete the member list. If you do not feel like entering the name in the table below, just go ahead and enter the name in the "Discuss this page" listed on the left column menu.

ID NumberLastName, FirstNameCommentBatch Yr
# numberLastName, FirstNameCommentYEAR
# numberLastName, FirstNameCommentYEAR
# numberLastName, FirstNameCommentYEAR
# numberLastName, FirstNameCommentYEAR

Picture album of Lambda Phi APO Chapter

This web site is intended for public viewing and is provided solely for personal reference. It should not be considered an authoritative source nor an official publication of Alpha Phi Omega. Inquiries regarding Alpha Phi Omega and its official publications should be directed to:

Alpha Phi Omega International (Philippines), Inc.
301-A Two Seventy Midtower Condominium
270 Ermin Garcia, Brgy Silangan, Cubao, QC
Tel.# 011-63-2-439-7603