The Philippines has Maletsky Mart to help propagate the Chavacano Language.
Red Clover
Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Cures for Diseases, Ailments & Illnesses that afflict Humans and Animals
Aloe Vera •
Astragalus •
Bankoro •
Bilberry •
Bitter Gourd (Ampalaya) •
Bitter Orange •
Black Cohosh •
Cat's Claw •
Chamomile •
Chasteberry •
Coconut •
Cranberry •
Dandelion •
Echinacea •
Ephedra •
European Elder Tree •
Evening Primrose •
Fenugreek •
Feverfew •
Flaxseed •
Garlic •
Ginger •
Ginkgo •
Ginseng (Asian) •
Golden Seal •
Grape Seed •
Green Tea •
Hawthorn •
Hoodia •
Horse Chestnut •
Kava •
Lavender •
Licorice •
Malunggay Moringa Oleifera •
Milk Thistle •
Mistletoe •
Passion Flower •
Peppermint Oil •
Red Clover •
Ringworm Bush (Akapulko) – Cassia alata •
Saw Palmetto •
St. John's Wort •
Tawa Tawa •
Turmeric •
Valerian •
Yohimbe •
accept the bitter to get better
![]() Red Clover Flower | |||
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![]() Red Clover Flower | |||
![]() Red Clover Pasture |
Red Clover
The medicinal herb Red Clover as an alternative herbal remedy - Like peas and beans, red clover belongs to the family of plants called legumes. Red clover contains phytoestrogens--compounds similar to the female hormone estrogen. Trifolium pratense (red clover) has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic properties and is also well known as a cleansing herb for skin complaints, including eczema and psoriasis. Its ability to improve lymph functioning and reduce lymphatic swellings helps to purify and detox the system.
Red clover has been cultivated since ancient times, primarily to provide a favorite grazing food for animals. But, like many other herbs, red clover was also a valued medicine. Although it has been used for many purposes worldwide, the one condition most consistently associated with red clover is cancer. Chinese physicians and Russian folk healers also used it to treat respiratory problems. In the nineteenth century, red clover became popular among herbalists as an "alterative" or "blood purifier." This medical term, long since defunct, refers to an ancient belief that toxins in the blood are the root cause of many illnesses. Cancer, eczema, and the eruptions of venereal disease were all seen as manifestations of toxic buildup. Red clover was considered one of the best herbs to "purify" the blood. For this reason, it is included in many of the famous treatments for cancer.Common Names--red clover, cow clover, meadow clover, wild clover
Latin Name--Trifolium pratense
What Red clover Is Used For
- Historically, red clover has been used as an herbal remedy for cancer and respiratory problems, such as whooping cough, asthma, and bronchitis. *Current uses of red clover are for menopausal symptoms, breast pain associated with menstrual cycles, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and symptoms of prostate enlargement. Red Clover is also well known as a cleansing herb for skin complaints.
How Red clover Is Used
- The flowering tops of the red clover plant are used to prepare extracts available in tablets and capsules, as well as in teas and liquid forms.
What the Science Says about Red clover
- Although several small studies of red clover for menopausal symptoms had mixed results, a large study found that red clover had no beneficial effects on menopausal symptoms.
- There is not enough scientific evidence to determine whether red clover is effective for any other health conditions.
- NCCAM is studying red clover to learn more about its active components and how they might work in the body, including a clinical trial investigating the safety and effectiveness of red clover for menopausal symptoms.
Side Effects and Cautions of Red clover
- Red clover seems to be safe for most adults when used for short periods of time. No serious adverse effects have been reported.
- Because red clover contains estrogen-like compounds, there is a possibility that its long-term use would increase the risk of women developing cancer of the lining of the uterus. However, studies to date have been too brief (less than 6 months) to evaluate whether red clover has estrogen-like effects on the uterus.
- It is unclear whether red clover is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have breast cancer or other hormone-sensitive cancers.
- Tell your health care providers about any herb or dietary supplement you are using, including red clover. This helps to ensure safe and coordinated care.
News About Red Clover
Natural Herbs To Treat Menopausal Symptoms
- (Bold Sky)
Many women have been found to treat their menopausal symptoms with hormone replacement therapy. However, since this has many side effects, it is recommended to go for natural herbs to treat the sympto
As women approach menopause, the warning signals set in - irregular periods, night sweating, hot flushes and emotional issues like irritability and low sexual drive. Conventional hormone replacement therapies have generally been proven to provide only short term respite from menopausal symptoms. Hormone replacement therapies have also been found to often increase the prevalence of heart attacks, strokes as well as breast cancer. However, there is nothing to worry as certain herbs and supplements have proved to work wonders in this case.
Certain naturally derived herbal and botanical infusions have been proven to provide the same advantages as bodily hormone replacement therapies. Black cohosh extract has been found to boost levels of energy and reduce hot flushes. Botanical infusions work harmoniously as a menopausal remedy to support the body's hormones, as opposed to a relatively invasive hormone replacement therapy treatment. Soybean isoflavone proteins have been found to alleviate hot flushes.
Chaste Berry provides mild pain relief, especially to targeted menopausal pain like breast tenderness and edema. Red clover extract has been shown to possess properties comparable to hormone replacement therapy's low levels of oestrogen and so can help to alleviate night perspiration and in addition acts as a sleeplessness aid. Concerning the psychological after effects of menopause, wild yam root promotes production of sex bodily hormone binding globulin and serum oestrogen, reducing vaginal dryness, and additionally boosting a low sexual drive.
Green tea leaf extract boosts the immunity system and acts as a strong anti-oxidant, but additionally works with guggul gum resin to stimulate thyroid exercise, helping to quell excess appetite cravings. The inclusion of calcium promotes positive bone tissue health to prevent osteoporosis.
These all natural, herbal extracts are a promising change as these provide relief without causing any side effects. These are available in the form of supplements and have proved very useful in treating menopausal symptoms.
Read more at: http://www.boldsky.com/health/disorders-cure/2016/natural-herbs-to-treat-menopausal-symptoms-108087.html
Red clover eases menopausal discomfort
- By Sybille Hildebrandt
Women who take red clover extracts every day experience fewer hot flashes and hormonal fluctuations and less osteoporosis than those who receive no treatment.
Hot flashes, palpitation and poor sleep.
Many of the discomforts plaguing menopausal women can be significantly reduced with a daily intake of red clover extract, say Danish researchers.
“On average, the women who received the extract had the frequency of hot flashes reduced by a third. And the hot flashes they did experience were significantly less intense, so they felt better during the day and could sleep properly at night. Last, but not least, the women’s hormonal levels and their loss of bone mass became stabilised,” reports Associate Professor, PhD, Per Bendix Jeppesen, who headed a new, as-yet-unpublished study at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital. No major side effects
The researchers report the following results:
- • The three-month treatment led to a 32-percent reduction in hot flashes and those that did occur were less severe. This is an average figure, i.e. some of the women had a 60-percent reduction, while others only had a 20-percent reduction.
- • The women who took the red clover extract experienced a slowdown of bone loss, while those who took the placebo displayed significant bone loss.
- • The women’s oestrogens were better balanced, and that triggered fewer hot flashes.
- • In contrast to women treated with human oestrogens, the women in this study did not complain about side effects of their treatment. Whereas women treated with human oestrogens may have fever and flu symptoms, the only discomfort associated with the red clover extract is that it doesn’t taste very good.
- Study initiated by local farmer
The idea for the study came when the researchers received a phone call in 2010 from a Danish farmer, Michael Mohr Jensen, who as part of his work was developing a variety of supplements from his crops.
With the help of a local phytotherapist, Jensen saw an opportunity to help menopausal women with a natural alternative to the human oestrogens. One of these supplements was red clover, which is rich in oestrogen-like substances known as isoflavones.
On average, the women who received the extract had the frequency of hot flashes reduced by a third. And the hot flashes they did experience were significantly less intense, so they felt better during the day and could sleep properly at night. Last, but not least, the women’s hormonal levels and their loss of bone mass became stabilised. - Per Bendix Jeppesen
- Extract tested in randomised controlled trials
While this was taking place, Jeppesen and colleagues started recruiting women for their study. They managed to track down 60 women who were badly affected by menopause.
- Facts
Seventy-five percent of all women experience discomfort due to menopause. All these problems are caused by a dip in the production of oestrogen, in particular.
The discomfort varies from person to person, and there is a great difference in when they start. For some women it starts around the age of 45, and for others it doesn’t kick in until they are 55 or 60.
The women were divided randomly into two groups, one of which was treated with the red clover extract while the other received a placebo extract.
After three months of drinking 75 ml of extract twice daily, the women were tested again. The researchers measured whether the red clover extract had changed the frequency and the intensity of the hot flashes. They also checked for changes in the women’s hormone balance and bone density.
- Wristwatch counted hot flashes
Before the treatment started, the levels of FSH (Follicle-Stimulating-Hormone) in the women’s blood were measured, which revealed exactly how far along they were in their menopause.
This enabled the researchers to figure out whether the frequency of hot flashes would change if they did not receive the clover extract.
The women were fitted with the latest sensor technology on their wrists for a whole day before and after the three-month treatment. The sensor established how often the women experienced hot flashes and how severe each of the flashes were, even at night.
The effect of the extract on the bones was measured by scanning the back and the hips, which are typically affected by osteoporosis during menopause. The scans revealed the density of the bones, which the researchers used to determine whether the bones degraded during the three-month period.
- Facts
Seventy-five percent of all types of medical drugs originate from plants. An example of such a drug is Metformin, the active substance of which comes from the Galega plant.
Only a relatively small share of all plants has been examined for bioactive components that have health-promoting effects. So there is probably a lot of potential left out there.
The new findings look so promising that Jeppesen and his colleagues have already started planning a more comprehensive study based on a larger sample of women, who will be monitored over time.
The researchers are hoping to develop a treatment with red clover extract that can actually boost bone formation in the women.
They are currently putting the finishing touches on a scientific article, which will soon be submitted for peer review for publication in a scientific journal.
Progesterone in botanicals could aid women's health
- (University of Illinois at Chicago)
The University of Illinois at Chicago has received a five-year, $1.225 million federal grant to discover progesterone-like compounds from commonly consumed botanicals and learn how the hormones can aid women's health.
Whether contained in birth control pills or emergency contraception, treatments for endometriosis or fibroids, or as hormone replacement therapy, progesterone will be taken by almost all women at some point in their lives. The hormone plays important roles in the menstrual cycle and in maintaining the early stages of pregnancy. But little is known about progesterone-like compounds in plants.
Women are becoming increasingly dependent upon botanical extracts for the alleviation of menopausal symptoms and for women's health issues in general, said Joanna Burdette, associate professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy, who along with Brian Murphy, assistant professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy, serve as co-investigators on the project.
"The biomedical purposes that progesterone can be used for are vast," Burdette said. An estimated $13.7 million is spent annually by Americans on alternative products, including women's health related supplements.
About 10 botanicals -- hops, red clover, dogwood and wild yam, among others -- have been selected by Burdette and Murphy to study. The list contains botanicals that women commonly use and that have been previously screened at the UIC/NIH Center for Botanical Dietary Supplements Research.
"Reports on the ability of botanicals to modify progesterone receptor signaling is sparse and practically unavailable despite the impact this could have on women's health," Murphy said.
The research will provide information for women to make better decisions about self-medicating and will improve safety by allowing them to understand if they are exposing themselves to progestins alone or in a combination with estrogen-like molecules, Burdette said.
The grant is funded by the National Institute of Health's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Some natural treatments may actually help with menopause symptoms
- By Linda Searing
Women seeking an alternative to hormone therapy sometimes turn to natural treatments, such as plant-based therapies, to ease menopause symptoms.
Do these alternatives do the job? This study
The researchers analyzed data from 62 studies, involving 6,653 women experiencing such menopausal symptoms as hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. They had been randomly assigned to take a plant-based therapy — phytoestrogens such as dietary soy isoflavones and soy extract, herbal remedies such as red clover and black cohosh or Chinese or other medicinal herbs — or a placebo.
Overall, after an average of three months, women who took a plant-based treatment had fewer hot flashes daily and less dryness than the others, but essentially experienced no reduction in the occurrence of night sweats. The researchers described the reduction in hot flashes and dryness as “modest.”
Analysis of specific treatments showed an improvement in night sweats for red clover but no effect on menopause symptoms for black cohosh. Chinese medicinal herbs such as dong quai also had no effect on menopause symptoms, but newer medicinal herbs, such as pine bark extract, did show improvement in hot flashes.
- Who may be affected?
Women who experience menopause symptoms. A woman reaches menopause when she has not had a menstrual period for one year, though symptoms often start earlier. They may include sleep issues, mood changes, trouble focusing, vaginal and urinary problems, hot flashes and night sweats.
The severity of symptoms varies greatly from person to person, and many women do not need treatment for their symptoms, which tend to go away over time.
Traditionally, hormone therapy — taking medication to replace the hormones that the body has stopped producing — has been standard treatment for those with moderate to severe menopause symptoms, but studies showing an increased risk for cardiovascular problems and breast cancer have prompted many to seek other options.
- Caveats
Data on symptoms came from reports made by the participants. Composition of the supplements used in the studies varied, with differing amounts of the active ingredient. The researchers noted that many of the studies were not high in quality.
From the Ground Up: Red clover
- By Deborah Brandt (RN, For the Sun-News)
Red clover is native to Europe and is now widely distributed throughout North America. It is most commonly known as a ground cover crop.
Editor's note: Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician before using red clover. National Institutes of Health cautions against the use of red clover by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is found in mountain grazing areas about 6,000 feet and higher. It has pink/red blossoms that are up to an inch across. A perennial, it grows to a height of up to 32 inches. The leaves are three parted, with many branches. Red clover is native to Europe and is now widely distributed throughout North America. It is most commonly known as a ground cover crop.
In early accounts of European herb lore, the flowers and seeds were boiled together and applied topically to boils and growths. The juice from the leaves was also used in the 1600s “to clear the eyes of any film beginning to grow over them, or to soothe when bloodshot and hot.”
Red clover was introduced to the Americas from Europe and became widely used by native peoples. The leaves and flowers were used as an infusion (tea) for whooping cough, a general cancer remedy, and more specifically stomach cancer, menopause, and “blood medicine” meaning blood purifying. It has a history of use as an ointment for venomous bites. It also became a food crop; tribes in California and Arizona cooked clover. By the 18th and 19th centuries it was predominantly used as feed for cattle sheep and horses. I have heard of it being incorporated into bread. I’ve never tasted it, but sounds intriguing.
In the 1800s, American doctors began taking red clover seriously, possessing “valuable detergent properties in diseases of the blood.” The pharmaceutical company Parke-Davis cited it for treatment of pellagra (niacin deficiency), scrofula (tuberculosis of the parotid glands), syphilis, whooping cough, and as an external wash for ulcers. Red clover blossoms are included in the 20-21st editions of the United States Dispensary and the 1916 National Formulary.
Modern use is not much different than historical. It is not likely anyone uses it anymore for pellagra, syphilis or tuberculosis, however. It is still considered useful for eczema in combination with other herbs as well as for coughs. The British Herbal Compendium (1992) and the British Herbal Pharmacopeia cite red clover as a "dermatological agent and mildly antispasmodic and expectorant" for coughs. In 2003 the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary came back on board with monographs of red clover. It has some constituents that may cause it to be helpful for easing menopausal symptoms. Red clover seems to have an affinity for chronic bronchial and throat conditions. It is a gentle remedy for spasmodic coughs, easing expectoration.
The tea is good tasting and mineral rich. Because mineral rich herbs tend to be alkalinizing, it can help the body detox from accumulated metabolic wastes, which are mostly acidic. Stressors that put a high physical demand on the body such as infection, chronic disease or physically demanding work can be helped with red clover tea because of its buffering effect.
To make a tea of the dry blossoms, use a teaspoon of dried blossoms per cup of tea. Simmer the blossoms in a cup or two of water for a few minutes. Let it steep another few minutes and strain. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day. It is a pleasant tea to help your body rid itself of wastes when sick.
Clover has numerous benefits
- Source:http://www.southernstar.ie/life/roundup/articles/2016/08/03/4124123-clover-has-numerous-benefits-/
- (Southern Star)
I always dislike the task of cutting the grass and particularly so at present. The sweet-smelling white and red clover flowers in my ‘lawn’ are currently buzzing with insect life. I take the time to shoo off these insects as I reluctantly cut the grass before it gets totally out of control.
Thankfully, these sturdy plants will grow again and I leave a ‘wild strip’ at the edges so there is a regular supply of nectar.
But clover is much more than a provider of nectar - this unassuming plant also enriches our soil and provides an emblem for all things Irish.
- Clovers
Clovers are very useful plants in grassland and are sometimes sown in with grass seed. Red clover has been sown in as a fodder crop for cattle since at least 1645 in England, and was similarly used in Ireland. Clover is used in this way because it helps to ‘fix’ nitrogen from the air which enriches the soil.
Clovers, like many plants in the pea family, bear small nodules on their roots. These are caused by bacteria which enter through the root-hairs.
These bacteria work with the plant to fix nitrogen from the air (that is capture it), eventually turning it into nitrates – a very valuable plant food.
Therefore clovers, vetches and alfalfa are often sown as crops. By ploughing them into the soil, farmers can improve the soil’s fertility. In addition to their nitrogen-fixing ability, their protein-rich seeds also make them valuable as fodder.
Red clover has a particularly plentiful supply of nectar. You can taste this if you bite and suck the base of one of its florets. White clover is also good for bees and other insects.
Clovers were also used in folk medicine with both red and white varieties being used as a cure for coughs.
- Shamrock
Clover is most famous in myth and folklore as the ‘shamrock’. There is some confusion as to which plant is the definitive ‘real’ shamrock plant – whether it is springtime young shoots of white clover or lesser trefoil.
The origin of the term shamrock is also somewhat confusing. Its reputed use by St Patrick to explain the Trinity has made it famous as an emblem of Ireland. However, there is no mention of the shamrock in St Patrick’s own writings or in the early biographies of his life. Indeed, the first use of the term shamrock, or ‘seamróg’, in either the Irish or English language is in 1571.
The first mention of ‘wearing the green’ on St Patrick’s Day is in 1681 when it was said that the Irish wore ‘shamroges, 3-leaved grass’ in their hats.
The next significant mention of the shamrock dates to 1726 where it is noted that on the 17th of March ‘this plant is worn by the people in their hats ... it being a tradition that [St Patrick used it to] show the mystery of the Holy Trinity .. . when they wet their semar-oge, they often commit excess in liquor ... generally leading to debauchery’. Not much has changed it seems!
So which botanical plant is the true shamrock? Two surveys – carried out in 1893 and 1988 – seeking to find an answer to this question produced almost the same results.
Both surveys had similar methodologies in that they asked people from all over the island of Ireland to send in specimens of what they regarded as shamrock. The plants received were then allowed to grow to maturity and identified by botanists. These surveys showed that, for the vast majority of people, the shamrock is one of two species – the lesser trefoil or white clover.
In Irish folklore the four-leaved shamrock, ‘seamróg na gCeithre gCluas’, was considered to be extremely lucky. The possessor of this rarity would be blessed with luck and would be successful in all endeavours.
It also granted him or her a clear mind with an ability to see the truth and even the power of a second sight. These four-leaved shamrocks were believed to grow where an ass had foaled three times or where a cow or mare had been born.
In Scotland, similar beliefs existed about the supernatural powers granted by the four-leaved shamrock. And interestingly, outside Ireland and Scotland, it was the four-leaved clover that granted such magical abilities.
The ‘seamair óg’, the young clover, has long been an ancient symbol representing the fertility of the land of Ireland and appears in many myths in this way. The Book of Invasions tells of how a mythical race, the Firbolgs, were slaves in Greece before they came to Ireland. There they were compelled to bring bags of clay to bare rocks until the rocks became ‘plains under clover flowers’. According to another legend, St Brigid decided to stay in Kildare because ‘she saw before her the delightful plain covered in clover bloom, she determined to offer it to the Lord’. The word used for the plant in these stories owes its origin to ‘semair’ meaning clover.
The trefoil symbol appears numerous times in the Book of Kells as well featuring on many medieval icons, including the shrine of St Patrick’s tooth. However, there is no ancient visual representation of St Patrick carrying the shamrock, nor is it mentioned in writing. It first began to be used as a symbol of Irish nationalism in the eighteenth century, later gaining its status as the emblem of Ireland which it still retains today.
So how did the ‘shamrock’ come into existence and become linked with St Patrick? It seems there is no definitive answer to that question as it’s been lost in the mists of time. Nevertheless, it’s great that such a humble plant has emerged to become a symbol of all things Irish. The ubiquitous clover has a rich heritage and we can all have it in our gardens by leaving just a ‘wild strip’ for the insects.
Benefits of Red Clover
- (Health Benefits)
Red clover is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants). It is used for hot flashes/flushes, PMS, lowering cholesterol, breast enhancement and breast health, improving urine production and improving circulation of the blood. It is also used to help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the possibility of blood clots and arterial plaques and limiting the development of benign prostate hyperplasia.
Red clover is a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants).
Several studies of a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women. Also, menopause increases a woman’s risk for developing osteoporosis (significant bone loss) and some studies suggest that a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones may slow bone loss and even boost bone mineral density in pre and peri-menopausal women. The estrogen-like effect of red clover isoflavones may be involved, and red clover also may have a direct effect by preventing the breakdown of existing bone.
However, this possible bone-strengthening effect has not been seen in men and post-menopausal women.
For women with normal estrogen levels, red clover isoflavones may displace some natural estrogens, possibly preventing or relieving estrogen-related symptoms, such as breast pain, that are associated with PMS. This effect may also reduce the possibility of developing estrogen-dependent cancer of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). In addition, results from a review of nearly 1000 women suggest that red clover may interfere with an enzyme known to promote the progression of endometrial cancer.
Red clover may also block enzymes thought to contribute to prostate cancer in men. It has shown a definite limiting effect, however, in the development of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. An enlarged prostate may cause men to experience a weak or interrupted urine stream, dribbling after urinating, or the urge to urinate even after voiding. For most men, BPH is a normal part of aging.
It is believed that red clover may help to prevent heart disease in several ways. Although results from human studies are not definite, some show that taking red clover may lower the levels of ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and raise the levels of ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the body. In addition, red clover may also promote an increase in the secretion of bile acid.
Because cholesterol is a major component of bile acid, increased bile acid production usually means that more cholesterol is used and less cholesterol circulates in the body. Additionally, red clover contains small amounts of chemicals known as coumarins, which may help keep the blood from becoming thick and gummy.
Therefore, the possibility of forming blood clots and arterial plaques may be reduced. Plaques are accumulations of blood cells, fats, and other substances that may build up in blood vessels, possibly reducing or blocking blood flow. Red clover may also help the arteries remain strong and flexible (a quality often called ‘arterial compliance’), which may also help to prevent some of the plaque deposits that may lead to a heart attack or a stroke.
Richey: Both red and white clovers are medicinal
- By Holli Richey
If I was limited to only 10 herbs, red clover would be one of them. Fortunately, here in the Southeast, the medicinal plants surrounding us are almost limitless - that is, if we use our resources wisely - so why keep it to 10?
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) appears during mid-spring in yards and pastures after its kin white clover (Trifolium repens) already has been blooming. Foliage of both clovers has three leaflets, except for the lucky anomaly of the four-leaf clover. A leaf is foliage that grows on a separate stem, whereas leaflets are a type of compound leaf that share a common vein. Plants in the Fabiaceae family, or the pea family of which clover is a proud member, commonly have three leaflets, such as our beloved kudzu. That's not a tell-tale feature, however, because poison ivy, which carries the rhyme "three leaves, let it be," is not in the pea family, while red bud trees, which are in the pea family, don't have leaflets.
A distinguishing feature of clover is a whitish crescent shape on each leaflet. White clover's crescent is thinner and rounder than the arrow-type shape appearing on red clover. Red clover blossoms actually are a pinkish purple fading to white at the center, while white clover is white with a magenta center. Red clover also grows a few inches taller than white clover, and has larger, more elongated leaflets. Both clovers are medicinal and edible, so telling them apart isn't a dire necessity.
They are among the earliest species introduced to the New World from Europe, dating back to as early as the 1500s. European settlers planted clovers as an edible crop for cattle, as well as for a cover crop to replenish the nitrogen in the soil before rotating a new crop. If clover appears in your lawn, it's an indication that the soil needs more nitrogen.
Red clover is touted as the more medicinal of the two clovers. Its recent hype is due to its phytoestrogenic constituents formononetin and biochanin A, which convert to daidzein, which is found in soy, and then convert to equol by bowel flora, containing more estrogenic activity than the original precursors, according to Simon Mills, an herbalist at University of Exeter, and Kerry Bone, a biochemist and herbalist in Australia. According to lab studies, Biochanin A might prevent certain cancers. Consuming red clover as a phytoestrogen, or plant-based estrogen, has been beneficial for increasing fertility and moderating menopausal symptoms.
A traditional use of red clover has been for its lymphatic activities. When people have hardened glands or lymph nodes, red clover tea helps to expel toxic build-up and soften the glands. As a lymphatic and blood cleanser, red clover has been used in cases of cancer, but not as a cure.
A lesser known but very effective use of red clover tea is as an expectorant, especially when mixed with mullein, for spasmodic, hacking coughs. White clover leaf tea also was used by Native Americans for coughs.
The Irish, during times when food was scarce, ground red clover flowers and added them to bread flour for nutrition.
A use for red clover that might be popular during final exams was suggested by an early 19th century practitioner in "Ellingwood's Therapeutist" who found red clover to have "a peculiar influence in improving the nutrition to the brain when impaired by overwork, especially in those cases when there is loss of memory for words, confused ideas, or other mental defects from functional causes." If this is you, you better write it down.
The Benefits of and Uses for Red Clover
- By Cathy Wong, ND
What Everyone Should Know About the Benefits of Trifolium Pratense
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is an herb that belongs to the legume family (which also includes peas and beans). It contains isoflavones, which are compounds that act as phytoestrogens (plant chemicals similar to the female hormone estrogen). Uses for Red Clover
In herbal medicine, red clover is typically used to treat respiratory issues (such as asthma and bronchitis), skin disorders (such as eczema and psoriasis), and women's health problems (such as menopausal and menstrual symptoms). Benefits of Red Clover
In alternative medicine, red clover is said to help with the following conditions:
- Menopausal Symptoms
A number of small studies have shown that red clover may help relieve menopausal symptoms. One report published in 2002, for instance, found that women taking a daily red clover supplement had a 44% reduction in hot flashes after 16 weeks.
However, a research review released in 2007 concluded that there is no evidence that phytoestrogen treatments (including red clover) can effectively alleviate menopausal symptoms.
- Bone Loss
Red clover may protect against bone loss, according to a 2004 study of 177 women (ages 49 to 65). Results showed that women who took red clover supplements daily for a year had significantly lower loss of bone mineral density than those who took a placebo. Here is more information about protecting bone health.
- Cancer
Preliminary research suggests that red clover may help reduce risk of prostate cancer.
In a 2009 study of prostate cancer cells, scientists found that treatment with red clover led to a decrease in the prostate-specific antigen (a protein found at elevated levels in men with prostate cancer).
- Things to Know Before Using Red Clover
- • Although red clover appears to be safe for short-term use, long-term or regular use may be linked to increased risk of cancer of the lining of the uterus.
- • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, along with anyone with hormone-sensitive cancers, should avoid red clover.
- • Red clover also can increase the effects of anti-coagulant and anti-platelet drugs.
As always, it's important to keep in mind that supplements haven't been tested for safety and dietary supplements are largely unregulated. In some cases, the product may deliver doses that differ from the specified amount for each herb. In other cases, the product may be contaminated with other substances such as metals.
Also, the safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established.
- Using Red Clover for Health
Due to the limited research, it's too soon to recommend red clover for any condition. It's also important to note that self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. If you're considering using red clover, make sure to consult your physician first.
Red Clover Genome Sequenced
- By Natalie Anderson
A team of genetic researchers, led by Dr Jose de Vega of the Genome Analysis Center and Aberystwyth University, UK, has successfully sequenced the genome of a red clover variety called the Milvus B.
The red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a perennial, sometimes biennial herb, which occurs in rocky woodland and scrub.
The species is distributed worldwide. It is native in Eurasia and northern Africa and widely naturalized in temperate regions. It has been introduced in experimental nurseries in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
The red clover is a globally significant forage legume in pastoral livestock farming systems. It is an attractive component of grassland farming, because of its high yield and protein content, nutritional value and ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
“The publication of the red clover reference genome is an important milestone, as it represents the first genome sequence of the clover forage crops, which are key components of more sustainable livestock agriculture,” said Dr de Vega, who is the first author of a paper in the journal Scientific Reports.
“The draft genome of the red clover will assist on-going breeding programs, by speeding up the incorporation of beneficial traits from a panel of diverse red clover plants sampled from all around Europe for use in sustainable agriculture.”
According to Dr de Vega and co-authors, the genome of the red clover contains about 420 megabases – that’s 420 million base pairs of DNA letters.
“We observed large blocks of conserved synteny with the barrel clover (Medicago truncatula) and estimated that the two species diverged about 23 million years ago,” they said.
“Among the 40,868 annotated genes, we identified gene clusters involved in biochemical pathways of importance for forage quality and livestock nutrition.”
“The availability of the genome assembly will pave the way towards genomics-assisted breeding methods for forage legumes, and provide a platform for deeper understanding of the genetics of forage crop domestication,” Dr de Vega said.
Benefits of Red Clover Blossoms
- By Nadia Haris (Demand Media)
A four-leaf clover is not the only type of "lucky" clover you might come across. The wild red clover is a plant that has a range of health benefits. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that red clover blossoms are used to treat respiratory and fertility problems, as well as skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis rashes. This herbal medicine is available as a tea, a tincture, a liquid extract and a capsule. However, these blossoms can cause side effects and should not be taken without the supervision of your family physician. Heart Health
The bright blossoms of the red clover are the part of the plant that is used medicinally. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that they contain a compound called isoflavone that can improve blood circulation and heart health. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that this may be because the compounds in this medicinal herb help to raise your healthy high density lipid cholesterol levels and lower harmful low density lipids. This helps to prevent clots and narrowing of the blood vessels, lowers high blood pressure, and keeps your arteries strong and flexible. Your doctor may recommend red clover blossom in addition to prescribed medication and a balanced, nutritious diet.
- Detoxification
Drinking a soothing cup of tea made from red clover blossoms may help you detox and reduce bloating due to excess fluids. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises that extracts from red clover blossoms help to cleanse the blood because they act as a diuretic. This simply means that red clover will help to increase your urine, removing extra water from your body. Red clover may also help clear up thick phlegm and mucous in your lungs, as well as enhance the function of your liver, which is your body's natural detoxification organ.
- Fertility
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine notes that another benefit of red clover blossoms is improved fertility. The red clover plant contains natural hormones that may supplement low hormone levels in women who have difficulty becoming pregnant. Red clover blossom extracts may help to balance hormone levels and improve the health of the uterus -- making the womb more inviting to a newly implanted embryo. However, there are no conclusive studies to date on whether red clover can aid fertility, and you should use it for this purpose only under the guidance of a specialist.
- Post-Menopausal Benefits
Women who have undergone menopause -- the end of their menstrual cycles -- face side effects and health risks because of the changes in their hormone levels. Red clover is thought to be a natural hormone replacement therapy because it can increase the female hormone estrogen, according to MayoClinic.com. Plant hormones and other compounds found in this plant may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a bone disease, and even increase bone mineral density. FemHealth.net notes that red clover blossom extracts may also help relieve symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes.
- Considerations
Red clover blossom extracts or supplements are not a replacement for any medication your doctor prescribes for you. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that there is not yet enough scientific evidence to determine whether this herb can effectively treat any health condition. It is also not yet known if red clover is safe for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, or who have hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer. If you are taking red clover or any type of supplement, let your doctor know; herbal remedies can interact with other medications and cause side effects.
Red Clover: Use it to Relieve Menopausal Discomfort
- (Best Health)
Hot flushes. Night sweats. Mood swings. Over half of women experience these life-disrupting symptoms during menopause'and 70 percent never find relief. Could red clover help?
Symptoms of menopause can be treated with red clover supplements Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a herbal remedy used to treat menopausal hot flushes and night sweats. You may also see red clover referred to as cow clover, meadow clover and/or wild clover’these are all the same thing.
- How to take red clover during menopause
Many red clover supplements are available, some with standardized levels of isoflavones, the weak plant oestrogens that are clover’s active ingredients. Aim for 80 milligrams of isoflavones a day, the amount used in many menopause research studies.
Concerned about side effects? Studies lasting up to a year have found red clover to be generally safe to take, but it is not known whether it is safe for women who have had breast cancer or other hormone-sensitive cancers, or whether use for more than a year raises any health risks. If you have any concerns, discuss red clover supplements with your doctor first.
- What makes red clover useful in treating menopausal women?
The plant hormones in clover flowers are weak oestrogens called daidzein, genistein, formononetin and biochanin A. They are similar to the phytoestrogens in soy. Intriguingly, women in Asia’where soy is a common food’report less menopausal discomfort than in the West. The oestrogens in red clover were discovered by Australian researchers in the 1930s when sheep grazing on large quantities of red clover developed infertility
- Modern research and studies on red clover
When scientists from the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in the United Kingdom reviewed 5 well-designed red clover studies in 2007, they reported a ‘marginally significant effect’ against hot flushes.
In 2005, scientists from Ecuador’s Foundation for Health and Well Being in the Climacteric gave 60 menopausal women a red clover extract or placebo daily for 3 months; women taking clover saw an 80% reduction in menopausal symptoms.
When 25 menopausal women with severe hot flushes and night sweats took a red clover extract for 12 weeks, symptoms eased by 46 percent, in a 2005 study conducted at the Functional Medicine Research Center in Gig Harbor, Washington State. Given these mixed results, it may be that red clover simply works for some women and not for others.
- Other applications of red clover
Red clover may not be a single-use remedy; there’s early evidence from a 2009 lab study at Japan’s Biokenkyusho Research Laboratory that red clover may also maintain bone density
15 Amazing Skin, Hair And Health Benefits Of Red Clover
- (homeremediesadmin ,Home Remedies Authority)
Red clover plant is utilized as medicinal natural herb. It is indigenous to the field of Europe, western Asia while Africa. Now it is located in every components of the globe. Its sweet tasted flowers are made use of in salads as well as refreshments. Green leaves are utilized as medicinal tea. The red clover tea treatments various illnesses.
Here Are 15 Advantages Of Red Clover:
- Clear The Liver
Red clover tea cleans the liver. It takes away the wastes from the liver while the body. These wastes produce clogs in liver which brings about the practical trouble of the liver. Red clover cleanses the whole body while capillary. It safeguards the liver. You can drink this natural tea to protect your liver.
- Healthy Lungs
Daily consuming red clover tea will certainly make your lungs healthy. Its anti- inflammatory commercial property will help you to clear mucous and also phlegm from lungs. Red clover tea will keep your lungs.
- Improves Heart
This medical natural herb has a home called isoflavones. This aspect improve the HDL implies good cholesterol level as well as lower the LDL means bad cholesterol. It affects the blood circulation and safeguards the arteries as well as heart health.
- Prevent Cancer
Research proved that this natural herb obstruct the advancement of the cancer cells. It is reliable generally for prostate cancer cells and also endometrial cancer cells. It has an element which is called isoflavones. This element has the power to treat cancer. The tea of the red clover additionally protects against cancer.
- Relieves From Symptoms Of Menopause
After menopause there is various wellness issues develop, like skin issues, frustration, evening sweating, calcium decrease and so on. These issues could be dealt with by red clover tea. This organic tea effectively deals with all these issues including Breast soreness and also PMS. You should drink this tea regularly.
- Treats Fertility
Red clover urges the features of female hormone estrogen. It improves the propagative features of the bodily hormone. This natural herb treats the inability to conceive and secures from the miscarriages. You could utilize this natural herb daily if you have reduced estrogen level.
- Boosts Immune System
Red clover contains vitamin c, magnesium, calcium, thiamine and packed with anti-oxidants. These commercial properties help to raise your immune system. It safeguards you from numerous infection while diseases, like coughing, nose blockage as well as respiratory issues. Drink the tea at the early morning and during the night before you visit the bed for far better result.
- Slows Down Ageing
Red clover delays the aging process. It secures the skin from great lines, dryness, creases and also the results of menopause. Red clover has couple of homes which assist to safeguard the skin from symptoms of aging. It makes the skin healthier, smooth and glowing. You can include this drink in your normal diet plan graph after thirty years for maintaining the skin well.
- Cures Infections On Skin
The red clover lotion treats numerous skin infections. It consider as a traditional medication for skin issues like, dermatitis, psoriasis, blisters, injuries, abscess and also itching rashes. You could apply the cream of the red clover during the night before bed for better result.
- Acne Treatment
Red clover remedies acne and various other skin issues. This natural herb removes the contaminants and also cleans up the blood. It gets rid of the nitrogenous garbages from the body. It is an extremely friendly medicine for skin. The herb not just remedies the skin but makes it smooth and glowing. You could utilize it regularly.
- Lessens Cellulite
Include red clover tea in routine diet regimen chart to prevent cellulite. This herb is dramatically gets rid of toxins from blood and the whole body. Actually, it reduces the added fat which is called cellulite and also offers you an excellent shape.
- Strong Hair
Red clover has few buildings that make the follicles solid. It increases the development of the hair. You could wash your hair with red clover leaves tea to make your hair smooth as well as smooth. This medical natural herb also treats dandruff problems along with infections on the scalp.
- Strong Bones
Red clover hold-ups the loss of bone thickness after menopause. After menopause bones are ending up being weak. Bones need minerals like calcium iron as well as phosphorus. Red clover tea supplements these minerals as well as makes the bone strong and protects against osteoporosis.
- Heals Wounds And Burns
You could straight use the red clover to treat injuries or your burns. It quickens your recovery process.
- Control Anxiety And Depression
Red clover is an energizer. One cup red clover tea could boost your mood. It is very efficient for article menopause symptoms like anxiety, tension as well as anxiety. It straight results on the emotion and also enhance the mental health of a person.
Caution: Please utilize Home Remedies after Proper Research study and Guidance. You approve that you are aftering any sort of suggestions at your very own danger while will correctly research study or consult healthcare professional.
11 Amazing Benefits Of Red Clover For Skin, Hair And Health
- (StyleCraze)
When you see a red clover, you might mistake it for alfa alfa. The red clover leaves are a little greener, but these two herbs have similar flavor. Red Clover has its own place in the world of herbs.
What is Red Clover? Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a wild, leguminous, perennial herb that is native to the meadows of Europe, Western Asia, Africa, and now has been naturalized in many other regions of the world. The sweet tasting, tiny pink flowers of the plant are edible and used for garnishing and flavoring salads and beverages. The green leaves are alternate, trifoliate and each leaf is 15–30 mm long and 8–15 mm broad with the outer half assuming a crescent shape. The leafy greens of the herb are used to make sweet herbal tea for therapeutic purposes.
- Alternate Names Of Red Clover:
Trifolium, Trefoil, Cow Clover, Purple Clover, Wild Clover, Meadow Clover, Beebread, Clovone.
- Nutritional Value:>
Red Clover contains isoflavones, which chemically change to phytoestrogens after entering our body. Phytoestrogens are immensely beneficial as they can functionally imitate the estrogen hormone in our body. The isoflavonoids present in clover help to maintain elasticity of large arteries, which can help boosting reproductive ability in post-menopausal women. It is a storehouse of many vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, such as calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C.
Red clover is known for its amazing health benefits. It is used widely to treat a number of ailments. 11 Amazing Benefits Of Red Clover: Skin Benefits:
Red Clover is one of the most popular herbs that can be used to get radiant, healthy skin. Some of the benefits that can be derived from red clove are:
1. Reduce Skin Aging:
Menopause is often accompanied by many problems, such as loss of skin collagen, skin thickness, and moisture. These occur due to the “hypoestrogenism effect”, which is the underproduction of the female hormone estrogen. Red Clover retards the process of skin aging due to its estrogen-like effects and helps to maintain youthful and vibrant skin. It also ensures appropriate skin thickness and healthy keratinization and vascularity of the skin.
2. Accelerates Wound And Burn Healing:
Red Clover hastens the wound and burn healing process. Topical application of red clover in appropriate percentage can help heal such wounds quickly.
3. Treats Psoriasis And Eczema:
Topical application of red clover in the form of cream or lotion has been traditionally used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, skin-ulcers, and other such skin anomalies.
4. Treats Skin Cancer:
Though there is no medical evidence to prove that the herb can completely cure skin cancer, yet many researchers have praised its efficacy in curing skin cancer since it acts as a supplementary to mainstream medicine.
- Benefits:
5.Makes Hair Strong:
Red clover tea is an effective hair rinse as it is rich in isoflavones. It also makes the hair strong by preventing dandruff and scalp irritations. The use of it softens the hair, and adds volume and luster to the hair. It also makes the hair more manageable.
- Health Benefits:
6. Improves Cardiovascular Health:
Red Clover is beneficial for heart health as the isoflavones present in clover is an effective ingredient to increase HDL or good cholesterol both in pre- and post-menopausal women. A lot of researches suggest that red clover is chemoprotective, which means that it protects the body tissues from the harmful actions of anti-cancer medications. It also contains a blood-thinning compound called coumarin, which helps to maintain flexible and compliant arteries. In turn it prevents blood-clotting and ensures healthy blood circulation. Having said so, people who are already on anti-coagulants (or blood-thinners), persons suffering from breast cancer, pregnant or breast-feeding women and infants should avoid consuming the herb.
7. Improves Menopausal Symptoms:
Many recent studies suggest that isoflavones present in Red Clover help in reducing the menopausal symptoms, such as night flashes, night sweats, breast tenderness (mastalgia) and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Though such studies are not conclusive, yet many post-menopausal women around the globe have been benefited by this wonder-herb. These are some of the health benefits of red clover. Make sure that you consult a doctor before using this herb.
8. Treats Infertility:
People suffering from low estrogen level, infertility, premature menopause and recurring miscarriage can be benefited to a large extent by the fascinating isoflavones present in red clover. However, women with excess estrogen in their body as in the cases of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis and uterine fibroids should avoid it.
9. Prevents Osteoporosis:
Pre or post-menopausal women are at maximum risk of low bone density due to sinking estrogen levels, which may lead to osteoporosis. The isoflavones present in red clover mimic estrogen internally and can help increase bone-density and prolong the process of bone-depreciation.
10. Prevents Cancer:
Here again the isoflavones present in red clover coupled with their estrogen-like effects fight cancerous cells. Red clover has been proved to be the most effective in the prevention of endometrial and prostate cancer. But in spite of clover’s miraculous properties, it does not show any efficacy for the treatment of cancer.
11. Enhances Immunity:
Red Clover boosts the immunity system of the body and protects us against cough, cold, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, respiratory infection or congestion and related mild ailments.
Red Clover can be consumed in many forms – teas, tinctures, tablets, capsules and liquid extracts. These preparations should be made under the supervision of experts. The wonder-herb red clover with its multitudinous benefits has catered and contributed to many lives.
Herbal Healer: What is red clover?
- By Ted PanDeva Zagar (Times Correspondent)
One of the more familiar flowery faces in fields across the land, red clover is enshrined in myths and highly respected by herbal healers. Initially a stranger to Vermont, red clover was designated the state flower in 1894. This bloom is also honored as the national flower of Denmark.
- What does it do?
In Back to Eden—a classic herbal still read by countless health enthusiasts—Jethro Kloss cites red clover’s reliability in treating asthma, bronchitis, burns, ulcers, syphilis and cancerous tumors. Red clover is one of eight herbs found in essiac tea, an herbal concoction given to Canadian nurse Renee Caisse (“essiac” spelled backward) by an Ojibway native medicine man. Many decades later, this anti-tumor blend is still a popular item at health stores in two countries. Red clover flowers are rendered into wines and herbal teas for the purpose of easing coughs and respiratory spasms. Researchers are currently investigating red clover as a possible botanical response to AIDS, diabetes and heightened cardiovascular risk associated with menopause. As a legume, red clover enriches soil through nitrogen fixation. As a result, it is grown as a cover crop to improve farmland.
- About the herb
First gracing the world in Europe, Western Asia and Northwest Africa, red clover has proven to be marvelously adaptive to foreign soils. This crimson wonder blossoms from Maine to California and all states in between. Growing between 8 and 16 inches in height, red clover has leaves that are trifoliate (i.e., comprised of three leaflets). St. Patrick employed this characteristic common to both red and white clovers to good advantage, explaining the three-person—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—nature of the Christian Deity through this symbolism. The rare four-leafed clover is believed to bring its finder good fortune.
- Recommended dosage
To reduce airway congestion add a teaspoon of dried red clover flowers to a cup of boiled water and allow the brew to set for 10 minutes. Add a cinnamon stick and a fresh orange slice for flavor. Caution: patients taking anticoagulation (blood thinning) medicines or who are susceptible to breast tumor formation should avoid red clover.
Benefits of Red Clover Blossoms
- By Joanne Marie (Demand Media)
Red clover is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia, and has become naturalized throughout the U.S. A member of the legume family, red clover adds nitrogen to the soil and is used commonly to rejuvenate pastureland. In addition, its blossoms and leaves contain natural compounds that may make red clover potentially useful as a remedy for several health problems.
- History
Red clover blossoms have been used as part of herbal medicine to treat respiratory problems, skin inflammations, liver disease, cancer and joint problems. Practitioners of traditional medicine also recommend red clover to improve circulation, purify the blood, and promote production of urine and mucus. Topical preparations containing red clover are also used to speed wound healing and to improve skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Red clover contains a number of biologically active phytochemicals that are likely responsible for the plant's natural medicinal properties.
- Components
Red clover blossoms contain vitamin C, niacin, thiamin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and several other minerals. In addition, red clover is rich in isoflavones, which are natural chemicals that share characteristics with estrogen, the female sex hormone. When you consume red clover blossoms, your liver takes up its isoflavones, alters them slightly and then releases them as active compounds into your circulation; blood levels of these compounds are highest four to six hours after you consume the herb. Red clover also contains several other compounds, called coumarins and saponins. Health Efftects
Isoflavones in red clover blossoms may help relieve menopausal symptoms and might lower your risk for osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, after menopause. In a clinical study published in "Maturitas," menopausal subjects who consumed red clover experienced a 44 percent reduction in hot flashes compared to a placebo group. In another study published in "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," post-menopausal women who consumed isoflavones from red clover experienced less bone loss in their spinal bones and increased markers of bone formation, compared to those who took a placebo. According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, compounds in red clover may also slow skin aging, improve cardiovascular health and help prevent certain estrogen-dependent cancers. However, these possible benefits need to be confirmed with clinical trials involving human subjects.
- How to Use
Red clover blossoms or extracts made from red clover are generally available from health-food stores. Preparations include teas, tinctures, tablets and capsules, or extracts standardized for their content of isoflavones. Red clover is generally considered safe and with no serious side effects, although some people might develop headache, nausea or a rash after consuming the herb. Red clover may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, birth control pills and other drugs that affect hormones. Do not take red clover preparations if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and do not self-treat for any condition with red clover. Discuss its use with your doctor to decide if it might be helpful for you.
Foraging Red Clover for Medicine and Food
- Source:http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/foraging-red-clover-for-medicine-and-food-zbcz1406.aspx
- By Leda Meredith
It’s a flower. It’s a legume. It’s several kinds of medicine. It’s flour to bake with, an infusion to sip, something to kick up the nitrogen in your soil, it’s … (drumroll, please) … Red Clover!
- Red Clover: Nitrogen Fixer
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a perennial plant that is in peak bloom right now through early July. It’s leaflets come in groupings of 3 (no 4-leafed clovers here), and often sport a whitish, chevron-shaped mark. The flowers look like pink or pinkish-purple pompoms made up of many tiny individual florets. The whole flower heads are 1/2 to 1 1/4 inches in diameter. The plants usually get to be about 16 inches tall.
Trifolium pratense is in the Fabaceae, also known as the legume family. It is often planted by farmers as a cover crop because it has the super power of being able to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and make that biologically available to nourish other plants. Medicinal Properties of Red Clover
That’s not the only super power red clover has. Medicinally, it is used for respiratory complaints, and for chronic skin ailments such as eczema. Isoflavone compounds in red clover act as phytoestrogens and are used to relieve menopausal symptoms. There are a few studies out there (and hopefully more will be done) that indicate red clover may be useful in preventing and treating breast cancer.
And on top of all of that awesomeness, red clover flowers taste good.
It’s the flowers, along with the top leaves attached to the stems near the base of the flowers, that you want to harvest. Okay, okay: food snobs will skip the leaves completely and just go for the flowers. Try harvesting that way in quantity; I dare you. You'll probably end up doing what I do and simply ignoring the occasional leaf that end up in your collection container along with the flowers.
One of the best ways to use red clover both medicinally and as a pleasant beverage is to make an infusion of it. Red clover tastes mildly sweet to me, and combines well with nettles, red raspberry leaf, and/or mint. To prepare, pour boiling hot water over the herbs, cover, and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain and serve hot or chilled. If you like your tea sweet, honey pairs better with red clover than sugar or agave does.
You can strip the tender florets off of the tough flower head base and use them, fresh or dried, in grain recipes such as rice salads. Fresh red clover florets with barley and a little mint is an especially tasty combination.
Dried, the florets can be used to replace up to 25% of the wheat or other grain flour in recipes for baked goods. The red clover flowers add a lightly spongy texture, mild sweetness, and a dash of protein to whatever bread, muffin, etc. you are baking.
And here's one last fact about this fantastic plant: red clover is the state flower of Vermont.
- Red Clover Buttermilk Soda Bread Recipe
Yield one round loaf.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a baking sheet, or line with parchment paper or a silpat mat.
- •1 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour (pastry flour makes this bread more tender. If you can’t get whole wheat pastry flour, use a mix of half all-purpose and half whole wheat flours)
- •1/2 cup red clover blossom florets (stripped off of the tough bases/cores)
- •1 tsp. baking powder½ tsp. baking soda
- •½ tsp salt
- •2 tsp caraway or anise seeds (optional)
- •1 egg
- •2/3 cup buttermilk
- •¼ cup melted butter, plus one more tablespoon reserved for brushing on finished loaf
- •1 tbsp. honey
Whisk the dry ingredients (including the fresh or dried red clover blossom florets) together in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ones. Stir to incorporate the flour. Don’t stir too much though—it’s okay if there is still a little dry flour here and there, and for this dough lumpy is good. You want the dough to still be somewhat soft and sticky, but coherent enough that you can shape it into a loaf. If the dough seems too goopy, add more flour a little at a time. I sometimes need to add as much as 1/3 c. additional flour. Some cracks on top are okay and actually make the finished loaf more attractive in a rustic way. Scrape the dough out onto your baking sheet. Shape it into a disk approximately five to six inches in diameter. Bake 25-35 minutes until golden. While still hot, brush with remaining tablespoon of butter. Let cool on a rack.
Humble clover is main driver in organic farming
- By Grace Maher
Keeping red clover in your pastures is about to become easier this season, with the launch of a new, more persistent variety.
Tuscan is the first red clover developed by Canterbury plant breeding company Agriseeds.
Nine years in the making, it combines superb summer feed quality with enhanced staying power and grazing tolerance.
That makes it ideal for farmers looking to improve the nutritional value of their pasture mix during the summer.
It's also a good fit for those who are looking at using some red clover as an alternative to their traditional white clover varieties, because of pest pressure.
"Most farmers who have used red clover in their pasture mixes know what good summer feed it produces," says Agriseeds New Zealand sales manager Stephen Bennett.
"Most of them also know however that it is relatively slow to recover from grazing, especially in comparison with white clover, and it does not always persist as long as they would like!"
Tuscan sets a new standard in this respect, Stephen says, with trials showing it out-lasts other varieties, producing higher plant counts after two years of sheep grazing.
Combine that with excellent summer and autumn growth, plus higher total yield, and the result is a useful addition to pasture mixes for sheep, beef, deer and dairy systems alike.
"Like any red clover, it will persist best under less intensive stocking rates and/or extended summer grazing rotations.
"A perfect example would be using Tuscan on dairy run-offs, where you're looking for very high quality silage or grazing.
"We're also seeing it being sown with a high-powered Italian like Tabu ryegrass for a two to three year feed crop, in summer moist regions or under irrigation.
"There's a real opportunity here for farmers to improve their summer feed with this mix."
For sheep farmers, Tuscan can be mixed with perennial ryegrass like Bealey or Alto and white clovers to provide high quality lamb finishing feed.
One of the key's to Tuscan's performance is its growth habit, Stephen says.
"This is a denser, more prostrate variety than is typically the case with red clovers, so it is better able to persist under grazing pressure."
Tuscan has moderate to high levels of phyto oestrogen, which farmers need to take into account when planning autumn grazing management and mating.
For more detail contact your seed merchant.
Look Over the Benefits of Clover
- By Kaitlin Morrison
Clover is so much more than a fun St. Patrick’s Day decoration.
As a massage cream ingredient, red clover blossom serves as a strong accompaniment to other herbs and oils or can stand by itself. Massage therapists who use a cream containing clover might want to understand this plant’s history of benefits.
- Power-Packed Herb
Red clover blossom, the flower of the red clover plant, is nutrient-rich, providing a source of niacin, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, thiamine, chromium, calcium and vitamin C; it has traditionally been used as an herbal remedy to address chronic or acute skin issues, such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes and burns, according to a University of Maryland Medical Center online fact sheet.
Jean Shea, founder and CEO of BIOTONE, which manufactures some products containing red clover, told MASSAGE Magazine that red clover blossom extract is typically added to a massage cream base in order to harness red clover’s skin-soothing properties.
- Benefits of Clover
“Speaking purely from a sports-massage standpoint, there is no feature of clover that I find more beneficial than its healing properties,” said Laurie Towers, owner and CEO of Physical Advantage, a sports massage practice in New York, New York.
Towers said that the beneficial properties of red clover make it a popular ingredient in balms and skin ointments. Its versatility makes it a fantastic ingredient in massage creams by itself or along with other herbs. Arnica, especially, is a great accompaniment to clover, according to Towers. Together, these two herbs have little to no aroma and are not overpowering, she said.
“The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of red clover in particular are in step with the array of soft tissue injuries I see [every] day,” Towers said.
- Considerations and Contraindications
A comforting and gentle herb, clover usually does not cause skin irritation, but it does have a few contraindications, Towers said.
Because red clover is high in isoflavones—“chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants,” the fact sheet noted—several studies have been conducted on red clover’s effects on symptoms of menopause, but any evidence of benefit is as yet inconclusive. What is known is that due to its level of isoflavones, red clover may increase estrogen levels in the body when taken orally as a supplement.
When taken as a supplement for self-care, individuals sensitive to estrogen; pregnant or breastfeeding women; or those with medical conditions that may be worsened by estrogen should avoid red clover. Red clover also has blood-thinning properties and may boost the effects of anticoagulant medications, so individuals who are taking blood thinner medications should avoid using red clover. Since this herb has the potential to interfere with the liver’s ability to process certain prescription medications, clients taking prescription medications may also want to avoid red clover, as should clients undergoing breast cancer treatment, since this herb can interact with the cancer drug tamoxifen.
Evidence has so far not been sufficient to determine whether red clover has exactly the same effects when applied topically.
- The Wonders of Red Clover
This St. Patrick’s Day, you and your clients may fall in love with this festive herb’s many great properties and versatile nature.
Red clover may combat hot flushes
- (BBC News)
Scientists are testing an extract of red clover as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy for symptoms of the menopause, such as hot flushes.
The extract contains chemicals called isoflavones, which mimic the effects of the female sex hormone oestrogen.
A study will be carried out by Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital's menopause and PMS centre.
Use of HRT has declined in recent years following suggestions of an increased risk of stroke and breast cancer.
Guidance issued last year by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists concluded that HRT should only be used for short term relief of menopausal symptoms.
The Queen Charlotte team hope their work will provide women with an effective alternative.
Lead researcher Dr Chun Ng said: "We hope the product may help women with menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, and also those with premenstrual syndrome.
"Problems such as hot flushes have a negative impact on quality of life, although many women simply suffer in silence.
"Since the scares about HRT, some patients are just not taking anything at all."
Respiratory remedy
Red clover is used as a herbal remedy for respiratory problems, particularly whooping cough.
It is also marketed as a treatment for chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
The Queen Charlotte team will also test a second treatment, using low doses of a compound known as desvenlafaxine succinate, which is thought to stabilise the body's heat control mechanism.
Professor David Purdie, of the Centre for Metabolic Disease at Hull University, told the BBC News website, an alternative therapy would be useful for women who either could not or would not take oestrogen-based HRT.
However, he stressed that taking oestrogen was currently by far the best way to tackle menopausal symptoms.
"There is evidence that long-term use of combined oestrogen and progesterone therapy does carry a slight increased risk of breast cancer, although the risk is probably much less for oestrogen-only therapy," he said.
"This has to be put into context. We are talking about just a few cases per 1,000 women over five years.
"Women have to decide whether the better quality of life HRT can offer them outweighs the small increased risks."
Professor Purdie also said the effects of oestrogen-like substances taken from plants had been hyped up somewhat.
He said trials of their effect had to be tightly controlled as previous studies had shown that women with menopausal symptoms often responded positively to dummy treatments.
New Study Finds Red Clover Isoflavones Help Vaginal Dryness in Women at Midlife
- (Novogen Limited)
Red Clover Isoflavone Supplement May Help Alleviate Sexual Discomfort
STAMFORD, Conn., July 7 -- Results of a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial presented Saturday in London at the British Menopause Society annual meeting indicate that Novogen's red clover isoflavone supplement (Promensil(TM)) is a natural alternative for minimizing vaginal dryness in healthy, postmenopausal women.
As women get older, the vagina becomes dry and overly delicate in response to declining levels of the female hormone estrogen. About one in two postmenopausal women experience vaginal dryness and sensitivity(1). A normal part of aging, the dryness can be managed to help women avoid everyday discomfort and continue to enjoy sex.
The research -- led by Dr. Malcolm Whitehead, Director, Gynecology/Endocrinology Unit, King's College Hospital, London -- found that 80 mg of Promensil significantly improved the vaginal maturation index (VMI), a measure of normal functioning of the epithelium lining the vagina, compared to placebo, while there was no increase seen in endometrial thickening for either the Promensil or placebo groups.
"The preliminary results of this study are encouraging news for women who want to manage menopause naturally and to continue enjoying sex," said Dr. Whitehead. "Unlike steroidal estrogens, the natural isoflavone phytoestrogens or plant estrogens provided by the red clover supplement are showing a welcome estrogenic effect in relieving vaginal dryness while showing no adverse thickening effect on the endometrium."
This study complements two further randomized placebo controlled studies published last year demonstrating that the daily use of Promensil significantly decreases hot flashes in postmenopausal women(2,3).
Promensil is a natural dietary isoflavone supplement derived from red clover for women during and after menopause. Standardized to pharmaceutical grade Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) levels, it is a rich source of the four major dietary isoflavones known to be bioactive. Promensil has been studied more extensively and rigorously than any other similar dietary supplement, including those based on soy, which contains only two out of the four isoflavones found in red clover.
The aim of the King's College Hospital study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Promensil versus placebo on endometrial thickening, uterine blood flow and the vaginal maturation index. A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial with two 8-week phases was conducted. Twenty-nine women, age 45-65, received either 80mg of Promensil daily or placebo for the first active phase of eight weeks, followed by a 2- week 'wash-out' on placebo and an additional eight weeks on the reverse treatment. No adverse side effects were reported during the study.
Novogen Limited (Nasdaq: NVGN) is a pharmaceutical company based in Sydney, Australia with offices in Stamford, Connecticut. Novogen is involved in the development of isoflavone supplements and drug discovery for disorders that are commonly associated with aging. Over the past five years, Novogen has conducted the largest and most comprehensive isoflavone clinical testing program in the world. Current products include Promensil(TM), Rimostil(TM) and Trinovin(TM) -- a midlife health range of natural products, scientifically developed for menopause, post-menopause and prostate health. Novogen is also researching and developing compounds for the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease. More information can be found at www.novogen.com.
Red clover: A powerful herb with strong healing properties
- By Chris Kilham (FoxNews.com)
Every year, a beautiful crop of red clover spontaneously matures on my lawn. For a few weeks, the dark pink tops adorn the yard. I always look forward to the blooming of red clover, and I take advantage of the bumper crop in my yard by picking some and drying it for herbal tea.
Originating from Europe, northern Asia and Africa, red clover is broadly distributed throughout the United Sates. As a fodder crop red clover is cultivated for animals, and the plant benefits soil by fixing nitrogen, thereby making it an ideal cover crop for enriching soil fertility for other crops. In the U.S., red clover is the state flower of pastoral Vermont.
The use of red clover as an herbal remedy goes back centuries, and the plant enjoys a history of both topical and internal applications. As a topical aid, red clover is often an ingredient in liniments and balms, for relieving the pain of both eczema and psoriasis, for sores, burns, and as an aid against skin cancer. The pain-relieving properties of red clover are likely due to the presence of the anti-inflammatory compounds eugenol, myricetin and salicylic acid in the flowers. Salicylic acid also demonstrates activity against eczema.
Red clover has long been used as a “blood purifier,” specifically for the potential treatment of cancer. The flower is a mainstay ingredient in traditional herbal formulas, including Essiac Tea, Jason Winters Tea, and the Hoxsey Therapy. In the best selling herbal classic Back to Eden, author Jethro Kloss declares red clover as a life-saving anti-cancer remedy. Proponents of these therapies claim a multitude of successes, while various health agencies including the FDA and the American Cancer Society declare these same formulas to be of no value. In red clover blossoms, the compounds biochanin-