EXAMPLE - Ejemplo |
abaja |
to go down; to lower |
bajar |
Abaja na escalera |
abajada |
downwards, descent |
bajada |
Bien kore gayot na abajada |
abajo |
down, under, below |
abajo |
Abajo de mi ventana, tiene un flores de amor seco |
abal-abal |
choppy seas |
mar borrascoso |
chavacano ba este? hende ba se motorsiclo de viaje na monte? |
abandona |
to abandon, leave behind |
abandonar |
Ya abandona le con el de suyo anak. |
abandonao |
abandoned, deserted |
abandonado |
Kame aki na Mindanao el maga abandonao |
abanica |
to fan |
abanicar, abanicarse |
Abanica daw? Bien fuerte el calor. |
abanico |
fan |
abanico |
Maga mujer lang ta usa el abanico. |
abierto |
open |
abierto |
El puerta abierto. |
abio |
take-along ration |
racion para llevar |
abogado, abogao |
lawyer |
abogado |
abogago (slang) |
dumb lawyer |
abogado estupido |
abona (el tiera) |
to fertilize, refill a lowland, to pay account of another |
estiercol, material que se usa para fertilizar |
abonante |
payor of someone's bill |
el paga la cuenta de otro |
abono |
fertilizer |
estiercol, material que se usa para fertilizar |
abrasa |
to embrace, to clasp |
abrazar |
abrasada |
embrace |
abrazo |
abrasador |
long pillow comforter |
almohada para abrazar |
abri |
to open |
abrir |
abridor |
can opener |
abrelatas |
Abril |
April |
Abril |
absoluto |
absolute |
absoluto |
abuela |
grandmother |
abuela |
abuelo |
grandfather |
abuelo |
abultao |
bulging, protruding |
protuberante |
aburrido |
annoyed, vex |
aburrido |
abusa |
to abuse |
abusar |
abusao |
abusive |
abusivo |
abuso |
abuse |
abuso |
abuya |
to appear, emerge |
aparecer, surgir |
aca |
up to |
hasta |
acaba |
to finish, end |
acabar |
acabao |
finished |
acabado |
accion |
action |
acción |
aceita |
to oil |
aceitamos |
aceitada |
the act of oiling or greasing, sweet-talking |
acto de engrazar, acto de inducir por dulces palabras |
aceite |
oil |
aceite |
acepta |
to accept, receive |
aceptar |
acerta |
to guess right |
acertar (suposición, the original Spanish word in the list, is a name whose meaning is just 'guess', as in 'my guess is that...'. |
acido |
acid |
ácido |
aclima |
acclimate |
aclimatar, aclimatarse |
acorda |
to remember |
recordar |
acosta |
to lay down, put to bed |
acostar, acostarse (the previous Spanish expression in the list, 'poner, colchado', seems to be a mistake) |
acostumbra |
to get accustomed |
acostumbrarse (the previous Spanish word in the list, 'acostumbrado' is not the infinitive). |
actividad |
activity, action |
actividad |
actual |
actual, present |
actual (better than 'real' or 'efectivo') |
acudi |
to come to, run to help |
acudir (better than 'venir', which means just 'to come' |
adelante |
in front, ahead, forward |
delante, adelante (better than previous 'adelantado', which is not an adverb) |
ademas |
more so |
además (instead of 'más', which means 'more'. I guess that Ch. 'ademas' is like English 'moreover'. Am I right?) |
adentro |
inside |
adentro, dentro (I think it would be better to suppress previous 'interior', which is not an adverb) |
adentra, entra |
enter |
entrar |
adios |
goodbye |
adiós |
admira |
admire |
admirar |
admiti |
to admit |
admitir |
adora |
adore, worship |
adorar |
afuera |
outside |
fuera, afuera |
agrio |
sour |
agrio, ácido |
aguarda |
wait for, hold on |
aguardar, esperar |
agudo |
sharp |
agudo |
aguha, aguja |
needle |
aguja |
ahora |
now |
ahora |
ahora mismo |
right now |
ahora mismo |
aire |
air |
aire |
ajos |
garlic |
ajo |
al |
upon |
ala(s) |
wing(s) |
ala(s) |
alcancia |
piggy bank |
hucha, alcancía |
alcanza |
to reach for, overtake |
alcanzar |
alegre |
happy |
alegre |
alegria |
happiness |
alegría |
aleja, kita |
remove or separate |
alejar |
alfiler |
pin |
alfiler |
algo |
something |
algo |
alguien |
someone, anyone |
alguien |
algun |
some |
algún, alguna, algunos, algunas |
algunos |
someone, anyone |
alguno (pronoun) |
alimatok |
forest leech |
sangrijuela de monte |
alimpasag |
wild thrashing |
tirar el cuerpo violentamente de un lado a otro |
alipunga |
athlete's foot |
infection entre los dedos del pie |
alisto |
alert, quick to take advantage |
listo, preparado para tomar cualquier ventaja |
alivia |
aliviate, to lighten, relief |
aliviar |
alla |
(over) there (further) |
allí, allá |
alli |
there (closer, in that place) |
ahí |
alma |
soul |
alma |
almohada |
pillow |
almohada, cabezal |
almoranas |
almorrana |
almorza/almurzi |
to eat lunch |
comer, (in some places: almorzar) |
almorzue |
lunch |
comida (in some places: almuerzo) |
almucha |
to wrestle |
luchar |
almuda |
get dressed |
vestirse |
almuerzo |
breakfast |
desayuno |
alrededor |
around, surroundings |
alrededor |
alto/alta |
high, tall (male/female) |
alto, alta |
altote (slang) |
tall |
altura |
height |
altura |
alumbra |
to shine, light up |
alumbrar, iluminar, encender |
alurayang |
yippee |
estupendo |
alza |
lift, to raise |
alzar, levantar |
ama |
to love |
amar |
amable |
amiable, lovable |
amable |
amante |
loving |
amante |
amargo |
bitter |
amargo |
amargoso |
bitter mellon |
(I don't know. Could you give me a synonym or a description of it?) |
amarillo |
yellow |
amarillo |
amarilloso |
yellowish |
amarillento |
amaro |
rope |
cordel |
anda |
go, to go |
ir |
amiga |
female friend |
amiga |
amigo |
male friend |
amigo |
amistad |
truce |
amo |
correct, right |
correcto |
amó |
(male) master, boss |
amo, jefe |
ama |
(female) master, boss |
ama, jefa |
amor |
love |
amor |
amor doño |
love king |
amoroso |
amorous, loving |
enamorado |
termite |
a while |
ansina |
like that |
así |
ancho |
wide, broad |
ancho |
to go, going; leave, leaving
irse |
angel |
angel |
angel |
animal |
animal |
animal |
animo |
courage |
ánimo, valor |
animoso |
courageous |
animoso, valeroso, valiente |
anoche |
last night |
anoche |
antes |
before |
antes |
antiguo |
ancient, antique |
antiguo |
antolihao |
(I don't know, Could you give me some sentences? |
anuncia |
to announce |
anunciar |
año |
year |
año |
apaga |
turn off, put out |
apagar |
aparador |
closet |
aparador, armario, chinero |
aparece |
to appear |
aparecer |
aparta |
to separate |
apartar, separar |
apenas |
as soon as |
apenas |
aplica |
to apply |
solicitar |
aprende |
to learn |
aprender |
apresura |
hurry up |
apresurarse, darse prisa |
apreta (apretie) |
to tighten up |
apretar |
apretao |
tight |
apretado |
aproba |
approve |
aprobar |
aprobacion |
aprobación |
aprovecha |
to profit from, take advantage |
aprovechar, aprovecharse |
apuk |
dwarf |
enano |
apunta |
to point out, to aim, to list down the debt |
indicar, dar en el blanco, preparar la cuenta |
apura |
hurry up |
apurar, apurarse |
aquel |
that, those |
aquel |
aqui |
here |
aquí |
arde (el fuego, el luz) |
to burn, turn on/up (light) |
arder, encender (la luz) |
arena |
sand |
arena |
arma(s) |
weapon(s), arm(s) |
arma(s) |
armar |
to arm |
armar (I guess there is a typo in Ch. 'armar') |
arquila |
to rent |
alquilar |
arranca |
to remove, pull out (by roots) |
arrancar |
arrastra |
to drag |
arrastrar |
arregla |
to arrange |
arreglar |
arriba |
up, above, upstairs |
arriba |
arroz |
rice |
arroz |
asusta |
to frighten, scare |
asustar |
aton |
ours |
nuestro |
atraca |
approach |
acercar |
atras |
back |
atrás, detrás |
atrasa |
to be late |
atrasar, retrasarse |
atrasado |
a late person |
retrasado |
atrasao |
late |
tarde |
auto |
car, automobile |
coche (in Lat. America carro, auto) |
ayer |
yesterday |
ayer |
ayudante |
helper |
ayudanta |
ayuda |
help |
ayudar |
azucar |
sugar |
azucar |
azul |
blue |
azul |