Sorsogon Province News February 2012

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3 river control projects construction underway in Sorsogon

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 28 (PIA) -- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) first district engineering office in Sorsogon has since been working on the completion of three river control systems in this city and Casiguran town to ensure the projects will be ready in time for the rainy season to mitigate effects of heavy flooding along river banks and neighboring areas.

DPWH I District Engineer Romeo D. Doloiras said that the non-stop rains have caused rivers in some areas in the province of Sorsogon to swell and overflow and the lack of river control structures continues to endanger lives of people living near river banks.

The agency's projects, anchored on DPWH new thrust of the “Right Project, Right Cost, Right Quality,” has earmarked the right funding to construct these river controls so as to abate the effects of flooding and stop soil erosions that usually silt rice fields, flood low lying areas and pose danger to people living within the area.

Doloiras averred that construction is underway for the the Ponong River Control in Casiguran town with a total funding amounting to of P4,146,750 which construction started last Nov. 4, 2011 to be completed on May 22, 2012.

On-going in the same manner is the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Sta Cruz-Storom River Control, also in Casiguran, in the amount of P12,371,151.80 started last Nov. 4, 2011 and to be completed this May 22, 2012.

Meanwhile, the construction of the Buhatan River Control here started last October 28, 2011 and has been completed last Feb 24, 2012 which costed P5,932,165.66.

Doloiras said that these projects would not anymore worry people of their safety aside from under the regular infrastructure program of the DPWH this also falls under the preventive maintenance category program of their agency and as the complementation mechanism of their agency under the Disaster Risk Reduction Program.

"Part of DPHW's mandate is to be highly effective and efficient so that it can provide quality infrastructure support to the National Development Goals as envisioned by President Benigno Simeon C.Aquino III," Doloiras explained. (MAL/IAG-PIA5 Sorsogon)

Inmate killed, two others wounded in Sorsogon jail riot

by (PNA)


LEGAZPI CITY, Feb. 27 (PNA) -- An inmate was stabbed dead while two others were wounded in a jail riot on Sunday evening between the "Sputnik" and the "Bahala na Gang" (BNG) inside the Sorsogon Provincial Jail in Sorsogon City, the Philippine National Police said on Monday.

Rommel Lanuza, a jail “mayor” and a member of the Sputnik Gang was pronounced dead upon arrival at a nearby hospital in Sorsogon City, according to Police Senior Inspector Jerry Cereno, commander of the PNP Community Police Assistance Center (CPAC) 3, in Sorsogon City.

On the other hand, one Ronaldo de Vera and Jerry Habla, also members of the Sputnik Gang, sustained stab wounds in different parts of their bodies.

Initial autopsy report said Lanuza sustained stab wound in his chest that caused his death while Habla in the armpit and de Vera sustained lacerated wounds in the body.

Police said that at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday while the victim with fellow inmates was celebrating his birthday and having a drinking bout, they were suddenly attacked by members of the rival gang BNG, led by a certain Raffy Bolanyo, reportedly armed with improvised knives.

A source who refused to be named also said the group of Lanuza were dancing and singing while a videoke machine was playing at a cell they were occupying, when they were attacked by the BNG.

The riot was controlled immediately by the Special Disorder and Commotion Unit of the Provincial Jail Guard.

Jail records showed that there are 395 inmates that are under the custody of the Sorsogon Provincial Jail awaiting resolution of their cases in various local courts in Sorsogon.

World Food Program conducts disaster risk preparedness training in 3 municipalities.

by (MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 24 (PIA) -- The World Food Program (WFP) conducted a three-day training on disaster preparedness and risk reduction for three municipalities here in line with technical support it pledged to the country affected by a recent earthquake and floods, a WFP release said.

The training, which started Feb. 21, included participants from the local governments of Juban, Casiguran and Bulan in Sorsogon province, and officials from the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (SPDRMO).

The activity will reinforce hardware and financial support and relevant training and planning activities in regional, provincial and local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Offices (DRRMOs), the WFP said.

The three municipalities were identified by the provincial government as areas with high vulnerability and recommended for inclusion in the training.

The WFP is the food arm of the United Nations System and acts in response to urgent situations specifically along disaster stricken areas.

Sorsogon water firm introduces SALT program to abolish 'kaingin'

by Danny O. Calleja

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 22 – A cure to the terrible headache being given by "kaingin" or slash-and-burn farming to local forest protection advocates has been found and the water utilities firm here has introduced it in water shed areas under its keeping. Kaingin has been practiced by mountain settlers here since time immemorial and the remedy introduced by the Sorsogon City Water District (SCWD) is the Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT), an upland farming method which was first practiced in Mindanao way back in 1978. SALT, otherwise known as contour hedgerow intercropping technology (CHIAT), is a system in which dense hedgerows of fast growing perennial nitrogen-fixing tree or shrub species are planted along contour lines, thus creating a living barrier that traps sediments and gradually transforms the sloping land to terraced land. The nitrogen-fixing hedgerows lining the terrace help improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation at the roots and incorporation of the hedgerow trimmings into the soil. The hedgerows both markedly reduce soil erosion and contribute to improving and maintaining soil fertility. Many public and private organizations in the country, including the Departments of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform believe in the potential of this technology for upland development and have adopted it for their clientele. SALT farms, established with the help of these organizations, now occupy around 10,000 hectares of upland areas throughout the country. Rolando Barboño, the SCWD general manager on Wednesday said they recently started promoting the SALT program to upland farmers in various watershed areas being maintained by the agency within the Bacon-Manito (BacMan) geothermal energy reservation. BacMan is a 250,000-hectare protected forest area where the Energy Development Corporation (EDC) generates over 110 megawatts of geothermal power for the Luzon Grid. The SALT program, according to Barboño is under the SCWD’s assistance to environment and resources that forms part of its Corporate Social Responsibility program. Apart from being an environmental preservation tool, the SALT project is also an alternative source of livelihood for families living in the slopes of the watershed. “We have experts teaching them contour farming,” Barboño said. SALT is a simple, applicable, low-cost method of upland farming. It is a scheme developed for small farmers with few tools, little capital and little knowledge of modern agriculture. The method forms an alley farming in which field and perennial crops are grown in bands five meters wide between contoured rows of leguminous trees and shrubs. The latter are thickly planted in double rows to form hedgerows. The species used in the hedgerows include Leucaena leucocephala, L. diversifolia, Calliandra calothyrsus, Gliricidia sepium, Flemingia macrophylla and Desmodium rensonii. Farmers are encouraged to use a combination of these species or other fast-growing, fast-coppicing and high-biomass leguminous trees or shrubs found to be suitable on their respective farms. Rows of perennial crops such as coffee, cacao, citrus and banana are planted on every third alley created by contoured hedgerows. The alleys not occupied by permanent crops are planted alternately to cereals such as com, upland rice, sorghum, sweet potato, melon and pineapple and legumes like mungbean, string, soybean and peanut. This cyclical cropping provides a farmer with several harvests throughout the year to earn an average monthly income of P2,500, according to Barboño. The water district, he explained is assisting these farmers to adapt this kind of farming primarily to curtail the practice of kaingin system that severely destroys the forest that the watersheds need. Other than kaingin farming, the most common sources of livelihood for upland dwellers here are timber poaching and charcoal-making that are both illegal. Through the SALT program, he added, these people are taught how to love the trees and refrain from cutting them for their own protection and economic welfare. It would also help the SCWD in preserving its watersheds from where it draws over three million cubic meters of water yearly for its about 10,000 water concessionaires in the city, according to Marlon Galias, the water district’s executive assistant. “We have under our keeping over 1,000 hectares of watershed areas," Galias added. (PNA) LAP/LQ/DOC/cbd/

Sorsogon water firm preserves watershed areas, pursues contour agricultural farming

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb.21 (PIA) -- Watershed areas need to be cared for, preserved and protected as these sustain the source of water, said Engr. Ronaldo G. Borbono, manager of the Sorsogon City Water District (SCWD).

According to Borbono, the watershed areas now being maintained by SCWD are very well preserved and protected by farmers themselves and now home to several endemic flora and fauna. It is envisioned to become a tourism visitation site.

The local water district continues to advocate to the public to be appreciative of its importance.

He also said that employees regularly conduct tree planting activities as their firm support of the government's environmental thrusts and to articulate collectively the National Greening Program as trees preserve the sources of water.

Borbono said that Barangay San Jose of Bacon district is one of their watershed areas and now being developed to showcase the Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) program, a banner project under the Water District Assistance to Environment and Resources as highlighted in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

As an environmental preservation tool, the SALT project is also an alternative source of livelihood for people living in the slopes in the watershed and are taught contour farming according to Barbono.

The water district is assisting these farmers to adapt this kind of farming to abolish the practice of kaingin system or slash and burn that destroy the forest.

The prevalent livelihood source in forests is the illegal cutting of trees made into charcoal but with this assistance, Borbono said that farmers will avoid this practice since they will now have a source of livelihood and the watershed will be preserved as they are also taught the importance of protecting the land from erosion due to incorrect upland farming practices.(MAL/IAG-PIA Sorsogon))

Sorsogon Police conducts seminar for gender-based violence first responders

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb.20 (PIA) -- The Sorsogon Police Provincial Office (SPPO) has organized a two-day seminar for first responders of gender-based violence and trafficking-in-person (TIP) cases on February 16 to 17 at the Philippine National Police (PNP) conference room.

The seminar is in line with the commitment of the PNP to strengthen the promotion and advocacy of the rights of women and children.

Thirty policewomen from Sorsogon City and 14 municipalities, assigned as Women and Children Protection Desk and Family Juvenile Gender Advocacy Development - Police Non-Commissioned Officer, were the participants of the said training.

The police – participants were the identified first responder-personnel in cases of gender-based violence. They were oriented on the protocols and immediate response to be given to victims along the conduct of investigation, filing of cases and in finding solutions to problems being encountered in handling cases involving women and children, particularly on gender-based crimes and TIP cases.

Competent and experienced lecturers comprised the resource persons coming from the Department of Justice, Visayan Forum Foundation, Police Regional Office 5 and Sorsogon Police Provincial Office.

The topics discussed were Legal Framework of Trafficking in Person Under RA 9208; How to Interview a Trafficked Person; Investigation, Evidence Gathering and Rescue Operations in TIP Cases; Legal Frameworks of Gender-Based Violence under RA 9262; Basic Gender Concept; Referral System; and How to Conduct Advocacy Campaign.

SPPO provincial director PSupt. John C. Jambora said the SPPO will continue to enhance the capability of policewomen and personnel assigned in the women's desk and will continue its partnership with agencies and non-governmental organization in the advocacy to address gender-based violence and trafficking in persons.

"Here in the province of Sorsogon, the PNP will continue to advocate partnership and spearhead extending development assistance in human resource development particularly in the education and promotion of women and children’s rights. As partners, we will continue to work together to train and educate our personnel and adhere to rights-based policing towards a citizen-friendly institution mandated to serve and protect everyone,” Jambora said as the seminar ends. (MAL/IAG-PIA Sorsogon)

Sorsogon City advocates "Green Economy Approach" for sustainable development

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY , Feb. 17 (PIA) ..... Guided by the global trend for sustainable development, the city of Sorsogon has anchored their development to harmonize with the environment advocating the "Green Economy Approach".

Sorsogon City Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda has expressed the importance of the natural environment of areas where development will take shape, its natural value to the total landscape and aesthetic view of the community when development will take place that conserving the trees, its topography and overall setting will be taken into great consideration.

According to the global trend of green economy for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, "A green economy approach is essential for sustainable development and climate change adaptation in a world where population growth and consumption of limited resources are generating disaster risk. Human well-being and the resilience of communities will depend on how well local government can make the transition to a greener economy for development."

The guidelines or trend for sustainable development has been the guiding principle of the city now it being the pilot of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation strategies and whereby it will adhere to the guidelines for sustainable development and human wellness.

Sorsogon City Information Officer Manny Daep explained that the city's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) will enforce stricter policies for development guided by the policies on Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program and the Green Economy Approach.

According to the Green Economy Approach principle : "A green economy must invest in people and social capital -- through health care, education services and access to social safe nets -- independent of the consideration of individuals as human capital, and should ensure that the benefits of economic growth are equitably shared." (PIA-SORSOGON)

Sorsogon City visualizes itself, "A Magnet for Development"

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 16 (PIA) -- The 18-man delegation from Cambodia that visited Sorsogon City for the past two days this week was impressed with Sorsogon City's climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives and strategies; components of the disaster risk reduction contingency plan like shelter, livelihood, evacuation centers; comprehensive land use plan; and where tourism and wellness were the emerging highlight of the city's development.

Mayor Leovic Dioneda of this city shared with the Cambodian entourage that the key message that they learned in the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM), is that, being the only pilot area of CCAM in Southeast Asia, it is now becoming "a magnet for development" where doors of funding agencies just opened up to provide the city the needed funds for development.

He said that this year, the city is becoming known not only for its fast-paced infrastructure development but is also becoming introduced to the world because of its"complementation-strategy" with funding agencies working for enhancing environmental sustainability programs, and the city now focusing more in its tourism potential and wellness of the constituency.

"For the past several years, the city leaders have become a real unified body; both the legislative and executive have focused their mandate in the development of the city, the security of the people, and harnessing outside source for development that outpouring of resources coming from our representatives and senator have been just easily provided aside from global funding source," Dioneda said.

"Here in the city, Senator Francis Joseph "Chiz" G. Escudero had committed funds for the development of the four-hectare environmental tourism area in Brgy. Cabarbuhan, district of Bacon that will be turned into a zoo where children will be provided the chance to interact with animals and a recreation area for families and for those who simply would like to commune with nature," he said.

He also presented to the visitors the other add-on components of the CCAM that will create livelihood opportunities -- the P 40 million training center and slaughterhouse now being constructed.

The visit was highlighted by the tour of the group to the Energy Development Corporation (EDC) where exposure to geothermal energy featured the essence of technology and environment in harmony. It is now one of the best ecotourism destinations here in the province. (MAL/IAG-PIA Sorsogon)

DOE okays 420-MW Prieto-Diaz wind project in Sorsogon

by (PNA)


SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 13 PIA) -- A number of visitors from a neighboring country are in town not to see the sights but to learn how a Philippine province is readying itseIf for any natural disaster. They are representatives from several local governments in Cambodia to immerse and learn the strategies implemented by the local government of Sorsogon in terms of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM). Recommended by the UN Habitat as one of the places here in Asia whose strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAMs) are well in place, Sorsogon City is now among those under the CCAM- assisted cities considered as a "Learning Site to Visit" as a local government in Asia. The representatives from Cambodia who arrived yesterday will be exposed to the different CCAMs' human and infrastructure initiatives stategies that had been instituted here in this city, assisted by several global funding agencies working on disaster risk reduction mechanisms and strategies to adapt and mitigate effects of climate change. Sorsogon City Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda said that the representatives from Cambodia will be shown the implementation of programs under the CCAMs starting from the practice of the city's Ecological Solid Waste Management program, the establishment of their Materials Recovery Facilities; the installation of the Light Emitting Diode (LED) using solar energy in the city vicinity and street lights ; the School Mitigating Adapting Risk and Threat (SMART) schools used as evacuation centers; the retrofitting program of houses exposed to highly vulnerable areas and the establishment of the city's CCAM office where equipment and devices are installed to include the automatic weather station. The city will also share the implementation of the Executive Order 3, s 2011 local scheme/policy/programme on the conversion of 2-stroke tricycle motors to the more efficient and emission reducing 4-stroke motors developed and adopted by the city government. He will also explain to them the city's contingency plan in Disaster Risk Reduction Management as he had been usually invited in foreign countries to share the success story of the city in terms of creating an aware and enlightened citizenry when it comes to managing natural calamities and becoming a resilient community. He will expose these visitors to the organizational structure of the CCAM starting from the barangays, the schools, non-governmental organizations and other government entities on how they harmonize efforts to implement a resilient community with regards to disaster risk reduction management. Mayor Dioneda will also share the communication strategies being implemented in the city and the use of the comprehensive land use plan to ensure safety mechanism of infrastructure development following the CCMA scheme. The Cambodian visitors will in the same manner share their experience in the implementation of their CCAM strategies but according to Manny Daep, city information officer, Sorsogon City has been now highlighted as a "Learning site to visit " since last year 2011, a lot of visitors from local and international communities have been here and to see and learn from the city's CCAM strategy projects. ( MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)

Sorsogon City now a "Learning Site to Visit," shares success implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 13 PIA) -- A number of visitors from a neighboring country are in town not to see the sights but to learn how a Philippine province is readying itseIf for any natural disaster. They are representatives from several local governments in Cambodia to immerse and learn the strategies implemented by the local government of Sorsogon in terms of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM).

Recommended by the UN Habitat as one of the places here in Asia whose strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAMs) are well in place, Sorsogon City is now among those under the CCAM- assisted cities considered as a "Learning Site to Visit" as a local government in Asia.

The representatives from Cambodia who arrived yesterday will be exposed to the different CCAMs' human and infrastructure initiatives stategies that had been instituted here in this city, assisted by several global funding agencies working on disaster risk reduction mechanisms and strategies to adapt and mitigate effects of climate change.

Sorsogon City Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda said that the representatives from Cambodia will be shown the implementation of programs under the CCAMs starting from the practice of the city's Ecological Solid Waste Management program, the establishment of their Materials Recovery Facilities; the installation of the Light Emitting Diode (LED) using solar energy in the city vicinity and street lights ; the School Mitigating Adapting Risk and Threat (SMART) schools used as evacuation centers; the retrofitting program of houses exposed to highly vulnerable areas and the establishment of the city's CCAM office where equipment and devices are installed to include the automatic weather station.

The city will also share the implementation of the Executive Order 3, s 2011 local scheme/policy/programme on the conversion of 2-stroke tricycle motors to the more efficient and emission reducing 4-stroke motors developed and adopted by the city government.

He will also explain to them the city's contingency plan in Disaster Risk Reduction Management as he had been usually invited in foreign countries to share the success story of the city in terms of creating an aware and enlightened citizenry when it comes to managing natural calamities and becoming a resilient community.

He will expose these visitors to the organizational structure of the CCAM starting from the barangays, the schools, non-governmental organizations and other government entities on how they harmonize efforts to implement a resilient community with regards to disaster risk reduction management.

Mayor Dioneda will also share the communication strategies being implemented in the city and the use of the comprehensive land use plan to ensure safety mechanism of infrastructure development following the CCMA scheme.

The Cambodian visitors will in the same manner share their experience in the implementation of their CCAM strategies but according to Manny Daep, city information officer, Sorsogon City has been now highlighted as a "Learning site to visit " since last year 2011, a lot of visitors from local and international communities have been here and to see and learn from the city's CCAM strategy projects. ( MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)

Respect Supreme Court TRO, CBCP Urges


MANILA, Philippines — The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Saturday called on everyone – particularly Malacañang, the Senate, and the prosecution panel – to respect the Supreme Court’s temporary restraining order (TRO) stopping the impeachment court from compelling the Philippine Savings Bank to disclose the foreign currency accounts of Chief Justice Renato C. Corona.

“It is more academic for the Senate to respect the TRO,” Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma, CBCP president said over Church-run Radyo Veritas.

“There is a law of secrecy for dollar accounts,” Palma said.

Palma, however, stressed that the CBCP is not siding with anyone on the issue and it is leaving the decision to the Senate impeachment court.

“We leave this matter in the hands of the senator-judges. We are not siding with anyone. The ball is now in the hands of the Senate. Let’s just trust and respect the process,” he said.

Last Thursday, the Supreme Court, in an 8-5 vote, stopped the Senate from compelling the PSBank from revealing the details of Corona’s dollar bank accounts.

Impeachment Splits Church Leaders

But church leaders are split on whether the impeachment trial of the Chief Justice should continue.

Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez and Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes said the trial in the Senate should continue.

“The impeachment must be finished to get the truth,” Iñiguez said. “It must go on to find more truth about Corona,” Bastes said.

Even the national director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) favors going ahead with the trial.

“We should proceed with the trial to uphold the rule of law and instill accountability to everyone,” Bishop Efraim Tendero said in a text message.

“Stopping the trial will allow the accused to present his defense and let the senator-judges discharge their duty with probity,” he added.

Lipa City (Batangas) Archbishop Ramon Arguelles has taken the opposite view, and wants the trial stopped “to save the country from institutional disaster.”

“Many leaders should be saved from this embarrassing situation,” Arguelles said. “The charges of corruption must be done in another forum and when proven guilty, then CJ (Chief Justice) should be convicted and barred from government position for good.”

All others similarly guilty, Arguelles said, must be prosecuted, jailed, and kept from further corrupt practices.

He said a person who has sufficient proof should bring anyone guilty to court.

“No one is above the law. This is not only for CJ. This is for any corrupt official. If such is done against CJ as an individual, there’s no way the whole judicial body will be dragged in the issue,” said Arguelles.

Last Thursday, Corona’s camp asked the Supreme Court to stop the impeachment trial as it accused the Senate, sitting as the impeachment court, of grave abuse of discretion.

According to the petitioners, the Senate committed grave abuse of discretion when it granted the prosecution’s motion to subpoena Corona’s bank records to the trial.

They said the Supreme Court should stop the trial, pending the resolution of its request to strike down Section 2.3 of Article II of the Articles of Impeachment, which accuses Corona of not properly declaring all his assets in his Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN).

Aquino names UP regent, MTC judges


PRESIDENT Aquino has appointed Evelina Buencamino Guevara-Escudero, the mother of Sen. Francis Joseph Escudero, as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines.

Escudero, who replaces Magdaleno Albarracin Jr., will serve a term expiring on February 18, 2014.

Escudero obtained her home economics degree from the University of the Philippines, and later, her Master in Educational Administration and her doctorate in education from the same institution.

She is the wife of Nationalist People’s Coalition Rep. Salvador Escudero III of Sorsogon, a former secretary of Agriculture and dean of the UP College of Veterinary Medicine.

Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda also announced the appointment of judges of the Metropolitan Trial Court in Caloocan City.

They are Judge Marlo Campanilla, Branch 83; Judge Dennis Rafa, Branch 84; Judge Michael Francisco, Branch 85; and Judge Lourdes Grace Barrientos Sasondoncillo, Branch 86.

Campanilla was Fourth Assistant City Prosecutor in Manila at the time of his appointment, while Rafa was Prosecutor II of Makati City.

Sasondoncillo had served as graft investigation and Prosecution Officer I of the Office of the Ombudsman at the time of her appointment.

Since July 2011, Francisco served as general counsel of HTT Realty & Recreational Corp., Lionhead Intl Corp., Jomark Food Corp., and Millennium Ocean Star Corp.

Phivolcs to Bulusan geothermal developer: ‘At your own risk’

by Danny O. Calleja

SORSOGON CITY, Feb 8 (PNA) – “At your own risk”.

This was the warning aired on Wednesday by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) addressed to a private industrial firm eying on the development of a geothermal power facility near the foot of the active Bulusan Volcano.

Crispulo Diolata, the resident volcanologist manning the Phivolc’s Mt. Bulusan Observatory in Barangay Cabid-an here said the volcano’s condition remains abnormal and still under alert level one.

Under this alert level, human activities are discouraged within the four-kilometer permanent danger zone (PDZ) of the volcano as a life threatening eruption may take place anytime, Diolata explained.

In its bulletin issued on Wednesday, the Phivolcs said “Bulusan Volcano’s status remains at Alert Level 1. Entry into the 4-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) is strictly prohibited due to sudden steam and ash eruptions.

Due to the prevailing wind direction, residents in the northwest and southwest sectors of the volcano are reminded to take precautions against ashfall from sudden eruptions.

Civil aviation authorities must also warn pilots to avoid flying close to the volcano’s summit as ejecta from sudden eruptions may be hazardous to aircraft. If possible, aircraft should avoid airspace west of the volcano as volcanic ash is likely to be dispersed in this direction by prevailing winds.

Furthermore, people living within valleys and along river/stream channels should be vigilant against sediment-laden stream flows and lahars in the event of heavy and prolonged rainfall.”

The Phivolcs is not saying that the developer of the proposed geothermal power project should not go ahead with their planned activities within the area but they should do it at their own risk. Mt. Bulusan eruptions are risky to human lives and may severely damage their equipment, Diolata stressed.

The proposed establishment of the geothermal facility was contracted by the Department of Energy (DOE) with the Summa Kumagai Industries (SKI) that expects to produce some 40 megawatts of geothermal power following a five-year exploration and construction activities that would slash into the Bulusan Volcano Natural Park (BVNP).

BVNP is a 350,000–hectare protected area covered by the municipality of Bulusan and four other adjoining towns sitting near the foot of the volcano. The area is gifted with lush vegetation teeming with exotic flora and fauna.

It serves as home to several endangered species of birds and animals like falcon, monkeys, deer, wild pigs, among other rare ecological properties that contribute to its rich biodiversity.

It is also a watershed area supplying water to thousands of households and irrigating extensive farmlands within the five towns bordering it. It covers the scenic Bulusan Lake Ecological Park, a sprawling virgin forest area that encloses the magnificent Bulusan Lake, Sorsogon province’s main eco-tourism landmark.

BVNP was awarded early last year by the DOE under its Geothermal Resource Energy Service Contract (GRESCO) to the SKI Construction Group Inc., a fully-owned subsidiary of First Philippine Holdings Corporation of the Lopez Group.

Most of the local government units (LGUs) covering the area are opposing the project on ground that it would destroy the ecological wonders of the area that serves a major destination for the growing local tourism industry.

The SKI, on the other hand, said it is determined to pursue the project despite oppositions from the host communities.

The Bulusan Geothermal Energy Project (BGEP) service contract between the DOE and SKI, covers a five-year development arrangement, the first two years for the exploration or pre-development stage and the next three years for the full development stage.

The pre-development stage would involve the conduct of date review, geochemical sampling, geophysical investigations, data evaluation and resource assessment through drilling of exploratory wells down to the earth’s core within the 26,000 portion of the BVNP.

The development stage is for massive constructions, forest clearing and well-drilling activities to put up roads, geothermal plants, power turbines, toxic waste tailing ponds and other installations.

Diolata said the proposed energy project would not affect in anyway the volcano and its natural attitude. “It is the volcano that would affect the project given its abnormal condition that poses danger to the project and the people working in it.”

Mt. Bulusan that stands 5,135 feet in elevation above the ground was declared under abnormal condition in March 19, 2006 after it manifested increased seismic unrest that was followed by an explosion on June 8 of the same year. At least 11 other eruptions took place later and the latest was on May 13, last year. (PNA) DCT/LAM/LQ/DOC/cbd

Quake felt in Albay and Sorsogon


LEGAZPI CITY, Feb. 7 (PIA) -- An earthquake with intensity 3 jolted this city while an intensity 2 rocked Sorsogon City yesterday morning, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said.

Phivolcs instruments recorded the earthquake at about 11:49 a.m. Monday with a magnitude of 6.9 at the Richter scale with epicenter in Tayasan, Negros Oriental.

Ed Laguerta, Phivolcs resident volcanologist here, said instruments located the earthquake at 9.97 degrees North, 123.14 degrees east or 5 km North, 41 degrees West of Tayasan, Negros Oriental, with depth of 10 km.

The agency said the earthquake was of Tectonic origin, meaning the quake was triggered by the deformation of earth crust.

Albay Gov. Joey Salceda has issued an advisory to local disaster council in towns and cities along western seaboards to be on heightened alert for possible tsunami occurrence in the wake of Phivolcs Tsunami alert following the earthquake.

The tsunami advisory warned residents living in shorelines, river banks, and low lying areas to be on alert. The governor however lifted the tsunami alert advisory a couple of hours later after receiving a Phivolcs bulletin and National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) lowering tsunami alert status also Monday afternoon. No evacuation was effected in the province, while no damage was reported. (MAL/MSA, ALbay)

Sorsogon gearing for economic high this 2012

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 6 (PIA) -- There's a fresh wind blowing across Sorsogon, and it is envigorating everyone. There are new changes and improvements in the landscape that have been observed by almost all who had been in the area.

For one, the Infrastructure has been undergoing a thorough facelift -- there are now well paved roads, new buildings constructed and being constructed, additional banks are being located in the city and in some municipalities, and a new terminal is now being constructed; it shows that the province is gearing up for 2012.

Sorsogon Electric Cooperative II (SORECO)has a new three-story building open to serve its clientele.

On the other hand, the Sorsogon City Water District (SCWD) is upgrading its facilities and equipments with the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) providing 24/7 water supply and has added a gym for the healthy lifestyle of its employees.

In the local government units, all municipalities have birthing facilities and two district hospitals are being renovated/ rehabilitated, while the provincial hospital is adding 15 more beds.

Just this December, a big supermarket opened for business while two more big supermarkets are being constructed and set to open this semester. People say that business opportunities are now felt here in the province.

According to Leah Pagao, provincial director of the Department of Trade and Industry, Sorsogon has now become a trade center here in the south with people from down Masbate coming to the province via Bulan and Pilar ports to purchase goods in bulk and do trading.

Several eateries have also sprung up from small and medium carenderias, to fast food chains and restaurants catering to the big number of students here studying in the city and people doing business and other economic activities.

The one-stop shop of the city of Sorsogon has recorded a 17 percent mark up in tax collection compared to the previous year even if there was an increase in tax due to the imposition of the new city tax code according to Ireneo Manaois, Sorsogon City administrator.

It has also been observed that the influx of tourists here in the province continue to increase due to tourism marketing strategies of the provincial and municipal tourism offices involving the participation of private partners who have build new hotels and add on bed and breakfast inns.

The improvements and the newly constructed roads leading to Mt. Bulusan are now almost complete making for a fast link to several tourism destinations particularly to both land and island travelers.

Local government initiatives in terms of improving the services of the municipal and provincial employment offices have also made a significant mark in employment locally with the opening of new eateries, supermarkets, and banks as recorded by the provincial and municipal employment officers here.

According to Pagao, Sorsogon has gained impact on the global market not only because of its natural tourism destinations but also because of its local products like pili, abaca, karagumoy, moras now locally produced and assisted in terms of development by the two representatives from the first and second districts through the small and medium enterprise development initiatives as reflected in their congressional fund allocations.

With the new thrust of the national government under President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino's administration, implementation of the Philippine Development Plan, Sorsogon has now become according to most observers here a hub of economic opportunities, its location being the gateway to the south and to the north.(MAL/IAGPIA-Sorsogon)

Provincial health office records 18 deaths of Cholera, advises public to take extra health precautions

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 5 (PIA) -- Dr. Edgar Garcia, officer here of the Sorsogon Provincial Hospital reminded the public today to take all the necessary exigent health precautions against cholera; to date, the province has 18 recorded deaths in a span of three months.

According to him, the provincial hospital intensified its campaign against the disease due to the alarming rate of deaths.

He also said that he had made representations with all local chief executives to be aware of this health concern specially here in the city of Sorsogon through their municipal health officers.

He also explained that there were 12 deaths related to this illness recorded in Sorsogon City, 3 deaths in Gubat, one in Castilla and one in Bulusan.

He also explained that the cause of death can also be attributed to the presence of “fecal ecoli “ that may have contaminated river stream in some areas due to poor hygiene and wrong toilet habits.

Garcia also explained that after receiving the results yesterday based on rectal swabs and the findings of the cause of deaths, he immediately went on radio today to give the results of the findings of the several patients who were rushed to the hospital with the same symptoms and immediately conducted emergency meeting with the local health boards.

The PHO, according to Dr. Garcia, had intensively informed the public and issued warnings to the municipal health workers to be vigilant and keep watch of the incidence and remind public to take health precautions especially by boiling their water for drinking. He also had made coordination with the Sorsogon City Water District for water chlorination.

He also said that a total of 200 plus patients for the last three months here had been admitted with the same symptoms and have been provided the immediate medication only those who were not brought immediately to the hospital and were not given the needed first aid treatment by their family died.

Garcia also again reminded the public to rush immediately patients who suffer loose bowel movement as this is one of the symptoms of diarrhea and that if the patient has low resistance as in the case of a lot of people today because of the weather, then vigilance is needed.

He also informed the public that all Rural Health Units have the needed antibiotics and health workers know what to do in this case. Intensive daily and weekly surveillance on the cases according to him should be done not only by health workers but members of the family as well. Children going to school should bring boiled water for drinking and avoid buying street food or food which they think may not be properly and safely prepared. (MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)

Port projects awarded

by Kathleen A. Martin

THE PHILIPPINE Ports Authority (PPA) has issued separate notices of award for P268.42-million worth of port development projects. In a copy of the Notice of Award posted on the government agency’s Web site yesterday, Luck-Well Construction was awarded the P185.81-million expansion project for the Port of Matnog, Sorsogon.

The project involves the construction and development of the port’s back-up area, deck on piles, two roll-on roll-off ramps, and the lighting system, according to the notice.

PPA noted it expects to enter a contract with Luck-Well Construction within 10 days from the receipt of the notice.

The notice was issued by the government agency last Jan. 24, and was received by the winning contractor on Jan. 26.

Meanwhile, PPA also issued a notice of award to Kwan Sing Construction Corp. for the P82.62-million dredging project at the Port of Zamboanga in Zamboanga del Sur.

The project, dubbed as dredging of berths and maneuvering areas at Port of Zamboanga, involves rock breaking, blasting, dredging or removal of broken rock and coral formation, and disposal of dredged or excavated soil materials.

The notice of award was issued by PPA on Jan. 31 and was received by Kwan Sing Construction on Feb. 2.

The government agency expects a contract to be entered into by said parties within 10 days from the receipt of the notice.

Last month, PPA has already sealed P332.1-million worth of port development projects and issued notices of award for another P209.08-million worth of projects.

PPA expects cargo volume to increase 5% to 175.40 million metric tons (MT) in 2012 from a forecast of 167.82 million MT in 2011, the agency previously said.

Because of the expected increase in cargo volume, PPA said continuous port development projects will be undertaken by the government and various private firms.

In 2010, the country’s cargo volume reached 166.4 million MT. The 2011 projected figure of 167.82 million MT is a 1% growth from 2010 levels.

DepEd Sorsogon readies for mother-tongue based instruction this June 2012


SORSOGON CITY, Feb. 3 (PIA) -- Sorsogon City Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Virgilio S. Real disclosed yesterday that the Department of Education (DepEd) here is now ready to implement the “Mother-tongue-based instruction” in classrooms, meaning, that the language of instruction will use the local dialect in schools starting grade one this school year June 2012.

Real said that the DepEd is now ready with books and other instructional materials that were translated into the local dialects of each town.

Real said that the use of the local dialect as the medium of instruction especially in grade one is a very effective way of teaching a child or pupil because then, they can easily interact with the teacher. He also said that here in Sorsogon, two schools in Sorsogon East Central School have been pilot-tested and have shown a remarkable significant easy communication process where pupils were able to comprehend better and school achievement was remarkably high since the language used is the first language taught and learned at home. He said that teachers did not have difficulty in communication or language barrier and that no interpretation or explanation is done as to unlock difficulties in communication. Real said that the “lengua–franka or mother tongue based instruction” is also a very easy means for teacher-pupil learning process as full participation of pupils is expected since barriers for understanding are removed and teacher can explain better using the local language and examples can be given in more understandable language.

risk reduction office beefs up action in preparation for La Nina

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY, Feb.1 (PIA) -- El Nino was felt in 2011; it will be La Nina's turn this year and provinces have been instructed to prepare for any eventuality. The Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Management Office (SPDRMO), in its continuing effort to heighten awareness about La Nina, is urging its members to intensify activities in support of La Nina awareness.

SPDRMO spokesperson Vhon Andre Labalan, explained the needed harmonization of efforts of member agencies especially in its preparations being done for the coming La Nina.

SPDRMO has also engaged the assistance of different non-governmental organizations working in information dissemination particularly in the identified areas with peculiar vulnerabilities like Juban, Irosin, Casiguran, and Bulan.

The effects of the Mt. Bulusan explosion also made these four municipalities vulnerable to ash transmitted by wind; the municipalities of Juban and Irosin to mudflow siltation, and other municipalities highly vulnerable to erosion and landslides as in the case of Magallanes , Donsol,and the city of Sorsogon particularly the West and Bacon districts.

According to Labalan, SPDRMO head Jose Lopez has collated all the documents and reports submitted by all local government units particularly in the implementation of their contingency plan.

The disaster risk reduction efforts of Sorsogon has been lauded by the different international funding agencies.

Labalan explained that SPDRMO continuously monitors the rainfall situation through rain gauges that have been installed and proper documentation is being forwarded regularly to their office.

SPDRMO, in collaboration with the Sorsogon Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Council (SPDRRC), has also provided all local governments the list of equipments that can be handy for evacuation and rescue. (MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)