Herbal Remedies for Acne

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AbrasionsAcneAcne ScarsAlcoholismAllergiesAlzheimerAmnesiaAnaemiaAnginaAnorexiaAnxietyAppendicitisArteriosclerosisArthritisAsthmaAthletes footAutoimmune DiseasesBack PainBackacheBacterial vaginitisBed SoresBedwettingBelchingBlemishesBloatingBlocked Milk DuctBody OdorBody RashBoilsBone SpurBreast CareBronchitisBruisesBurning TongueBurnsBursitisCanker SoresCarpal Tunnel SyndromeCataractCeliac DiseaseChafingCongestionChicken PoxChild's HealthChlamydiaCholeraCirrhosis of the LiverCold SoresColitisCommon ColdCommon Digestive DisordersCommon FeverCongestionConjunctivitisConstipationCornsCoronary Heart DiseaseCoughCracked HeelsCracked, Chapped and Dry LipsCystitisDandruffDark CirclesDark SkinDark UnderarmsDefective VisionDengue FeverDepressionDiabetes MellitusDiaper RashDiarrheaDigestive DisorderDizzinessDry SkinEar infectionEaracheEating DisordersEczemaEdemaEndometriosisEnemaENT DisorderErectile DysfunctionEye InfectionFemale SterilityFeverFlatulenceFrecklesFrequent UrinationFungal InfectionsGall Bladder DisordersGastritisGenital WartsGerdGingivitisGoitreGoutGray HairHalitosisHangoverHay FeverHead CongestionHead LiceHeadachesHeat StrokeHemorrhoidsHerpesHiccupsHigh Blood CholesterolHigh Blood PressureHivesHyperacidity and HeartburnHyperthyroidismHysteriaIndigestionInfluenzaInsomniaInterstitial CystitisIntestinal WormsIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)ItchingJaundiceJock ItchKidney StonesKnee PainLaryngitisLeg CrampsLethargyLeucodermaLeucorrhoeaLice TreatmentLiver DiseaseLoss of HairLow Blood PressureLow Blood SugarLow ImmunityLyme DiseaseMalariaMastitisMeaslesMenopausal DisordersMenstrual CrampsMenstrual ProblemsMigraineMolesMononucleosisMorning SicknessMumpsNasal CongestionNauseaNephritisNeuritisNosebleedsObesityOral CandidiasisOrchitisOsteoporosisPalpitationPeeling SkinPeptic UlcerPetsPhlegmPilesPimplesPlantar Fascia or Plantar FasciitisPneumoniaPoison IvyPolycystic Ovarian SyndromePremature EjaculationPremature Greying of HairPremenstrual Syndrome (PMS)Prostate DisordersPsoriasisPyorrheaRazor BurnsRespiratory DiseasesRheumatismRingwormScabiesSchizophreniaScurvySexual DisordersSexual ImpotenceShoulder PainSinusitisSkin BlemishesSkin DiseaseSleep ApneaSleeping DisordersSnoringSore NipplesSore ThroatSpring AilmentsStressStretch MarksSunburnSweating DisorderSwimmers EarTeeth and Lip ColorTennis ElbowThinning HairThroat ObstructionThyroidTinea VersicolorTinnitusToe Nail FungusTonsillitisToothacheTuberculosisUnderweightUrinary Tract Infection (UTI)UrticariaVaginal InfectionsVaricose VeinsVertigoVitiligoVomitingWartsWheezingWhooping CoughWinter AilmentsWomens Health IssuesWrinklesYeast InfectionZits

Wars of ancient history were about possessions, territory, power, control, family, betrayal, lover's quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don't just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn't religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion always campaign to have its religious laws be accepted as government laws, always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it's a religion of peace?


There are only two kinds of people who teach tolerance:
  1. The Bullies. They want you to tolerate them so they can continue to maliciously deprive you. Do not believe these bullies teaching tolerance, saying that it’s the path to prevent hatred and prejudice.
  2. The victims who are waiting for the right moment to retaliate. They can’t win yet, so they tolerate.

Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Acne Scar Remedies

There are various acne scar treatments that help banish acne and resulting acne scars.

  • Common home remedies for acne scars are:
    • Eating a balanced and health diet devoid of excessive starch, sugar and fatty foods.
    • Hot fomentation to open pores and rinsing the skin with cold water after squeezing waste is an effective remedy.
    • Sun and air baths for the body are beneficial to the skin.
    • Healing packs of grated cucumber, orange peels, lemon peels are effective remedies when applied on affected areas.
    • A teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder is also considered an effective remedy to treat acne scars naturally.
    • Intake of garlic as well as rubbing garlic on affected areas can prove beneficial in treating acne scars.