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Records of the medicinal use of St John’s Wort date back to ancient Greece. It is believed Dioscorides and Hippocrates used it to cleanse the body of evil spirits. Since the times of the Swiss physician and botanist Paracelsus (1493-1541), St John’s Wort has traditionally been used to treat nerve pain, anxiety, neurosis and depression and externally for bruises, wounds and shingles.
Records of the medicinal use of St John’s Wort date back to ancient Greece. It is believed Dioscorides and Hippocrates used it to cleanse the body of evil spirits. Since the times of the Swiss physician and botanist Paracelsus (1493-1541), St John’s Wort has traditionally been used to treat nerve pain, anxiety, neurosis and depression and externally for bruises, wounds and shingles.

How is it used today?
:How is it used today?

In modern times, St John’s Wort has been shown to be as effective as placebo and standard antidepressants in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.
In modern times, St John’s Wort has been shown to be as effective as placebo and standard antidepressants in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Revision as of 09:06, 3 May 2016

Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Cures for Diseases, Ailments & Illnesses that afflict Humans and Animals
Aloe Vera Astragalus Bankoro Bilberry Bitter Gourd (Ampalaya) Bitter Orange Black Cohosh Cat's Claw Chamomile Chasteberry Coconut Cranberry Dandelion Echinacea Ephedra European Elder Tree Evening Primrose Fenugreek Feverfew Flaxseed Garlic Ginger Ginkgo Ginseng (Asian) Golden Seal Grape Seed Green Tea Hawthorn Hoodia Horse Chestnut Kava Lavender Licorice Malunggay Moringa Oleifera Milk Thistle Mistletoe Passion Flower Peppermint Oil Red Clover Ringworm Bush (Akapulko) – Cassia alata Saw Palmetto St. John's Wort Tawa Tawa Turmeric Valerian Yohimbe
accept the bitter to get better

Saint John's Wort flower.JPG
Saint John's Wort flower

Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Saint John's Wort bush.jpg
Saint John's Wort Bush
Saint John's Wort flower 1.jpg
Saint John's Wort flower

Wars of ancient history were about possessions, territory, power, control, family, betrayal, lover's quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don't just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn't religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion always campaign to have its religious laws be accepted as government laws, always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it's a religion of peace?


There are only two kinds of people who teach tolerance:
  1. The Bullies. They want you to tolerate them so they can continue to maliciously deprive you. Do not believe these bullies teaching tolerance, saying that it’s the path to prevent hatred and prejudice.
  2. The victims who are waiting for the right moment to retaliate. They can’t win yet, so they tolerate.

St. John's Wort

The medicinal herb St. John's Wort as an alternative herbal remedy for mental disorders and nerve pain. - St. John's wort is a plant with yellow flowers.Common Names--St. John's wort, hypericum, Klamath weed, goat weed

Latin Name--Hypericum perforatum Picture of St. John's Wort Flower What St. John's Wort Is Used For St. John's wort has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy to treat mental disorders and nerve pain. In ancient times, herbalists wrote about its use as a sedative and a treatment for malaria, as well as a balm for wounds, burns, and insect bites. Today, St. John's wort is used by some for depression, anxiety, and/or sleep disorders.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is listed as a safe and effective herb with the German Commission E. There are many clinical trials which support the effectiveness of this herb in maintaining stable healthy levels of neurotransmitters responsible for healthy mood, sleep, concentration, libido, and general feelings of well-being. (Shelton, R. C., Keller, M. B., Gelenberg, A., Dunner, D. L., Hirschfeld, R., Thase, M. E., Russell, J., Lydiard, R. B., Crits-Cristoph, P., Gallop, R., Todd, L., Hellerstein, D., Goodnick, P., Keitner, G., Stahl, S. M., and Halbreich, U. "Effectiveness of St John's wort in major depression: a randomized controlled trial." JAMA 4-18-2001;285(15):1978-1986.)

How St. John's Wort Is Used

  • The flowering tops of St. John's wort are used to prepare teas and tablets containing concentrated extracts.

What the Science Says about St. John's Wort

  • There is some scientific evidence that St. John's wort is useful for treating mild to moderate depression. However, two large studies, one sponsored by NCCAM, showed that the herb was no more effective than placebo in treating major depression of moderate severity.
  • NCCAM is studying the use of St. John's wort in a wider spectrum of mood disorders, including minor depression.
  • A 2009 systematic review of 29 international studies suggested that St. John’s wort may be better than a placebo (an inactive substance that appears identical to the study substance) and as effective as standard prescription antidepressants for major depression of mild to moderate severity. St. John’s wort also appeared to have fewer side effects than standard antidepressants. The studies conducted in German-speaking countries—where St. John’s wort has a long history of use by medical professionals—reported more positive results than those done in other countries, including the United States.
  • Two studies, both sponsored by NCCAM and the National Institute of Mental Health, did not have positive results. Neither St. John’s wort nor a standard antidepressant medication decreased symptoms of minor depression better than a placebo in a 2011 study. The herb was no more effective than placebo in treating major depression of moderate severity in a large 2002 study.
  • Preliminary studies suggest that St. John’s wort may prevent nerve cells in the brain from reabsorbing certain chemical messengers, including dopamine and serotonin. Scientists have found that these naturally occurring chemicals are involved in regulating mood, but they are unsure exactly how they work.
Herbal remedies in zamboanga.PNG

Side Effects and Cautions of St. John's Wort

  • St. John's wort may cause increased sensitivity to sunlight. Other side effects can include anxiety, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, headache, or sexual dysfunction.
  • Research shows that St. John's wort interacts with some drugs. The herb affects the way the body processes or breaks down many drugs; in some cases, it may speed or slow a drug's breakdown. Drugs that can be affected include: Indinavir and possibly other drugs used to control HIV infection Irinotecan and possibly other drugs used to treat cancer Cyclosporine, which prevents the body from rejecting transplanted organs Digoxin, which strengthens heart muscle contractions Warfarin and related anticoagulants Birth control pills Antidepressants
  • When combined with certain antidepressants, St. John's wort may increase side effects such as nausea, anxiety, headache, and confusion.
  • St. John's wort is not a proven therapy for depression. If depression is not adequately treated, it can become severe. Anyone who may have depression should see a health care provider. There are effective proven therapies available.
  • It is important to inform your health care providers about any herb or dietary supplement you are using, including St. John's wort. This helps to ensure safe and coordinated care.

Herbal Products with St. John's Wort as part of its ingredients

  • Serenite-LT™ - Herbal remedy to promote healthy sleep patterns for restful nights & refreshed mornings
    • Supports ongoing sleep health, naturally
    • Maintains a healthy sleep cycle and regular deep, satisfying sleep
    • Supports emotional well-being and a positive outlook
    • Maintains a healthy balance of serotonin levels
  • MindSoothe™ - Herbal remedy proven to relieve symptoms of depression such as lack of sleep & appetite, plus promote emotional health
    • Relieves feelings of depression
    • Improves low self-esteem
    • Reduces excessive tearfulness
    • Regulates disturbed sleep patterns (insomnia or hypersomnia)
    • Improves loss of libido
    • Lessens fatigue and boosts motivation
    • Reduces irritability and anger
    • Improves disturbed appetite (loss of appetite or binge eating)
  • BladderWell™ - Homeopathic remedy relieves urinary tract infection symptoms including burning sensation & frequent urination
    • Relieves the sensation of burning while urinating
    • Eliminates the urge for frequent urination while passing minimal urine
    • Lessens bloating and assists the body with natural water balance
    • Decreases lower back pain
    • Supports the muscles of the bladder to retain bladder strength

St. John's Wort and Depression

Depression is a serious medical illness. Low spirits or vitality. Gloomy or Sad. Deep dejection characterized by withdrawal and lack of response to stimulation. It is a serious medical illness. It’s more than just feeling "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. It’s feeling "down" and "low" and "hopeless" for weeks at a time.

Symptoms or signs of Depression

  • Low self esteem
    • Few of the synonyms of depression are the lack of self-esteem, self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, self-love, and self-integrity.
  • Excessive tearfulness
    • Feelings get hurt almost without reason. Sadness sets in without warning.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns (insomnia or hypersomnia)
  • Disturbed appetite (either loss of appetite or binge eating)
  • Loss of libido
  • Fatigue and loss of interest and motivation; Low spirits or vitality.
    • No motivation to do chores. Loss of interest in favorite hobbies.
  • Irritability and anger
    • There are many reasons for feeling angry, frustrated and depressed. Fluctuating hormones or lack of sleep can be some causes, while having too many responsibilities and not enough time to get everything done is another. For mild cases of irritability there are exercises, supplements and herbs (MindSoothe) that can calm runaway emotions, but for more severe cases prescription medication and counseling may be the best bet.
  • Anxiety and Panic attacks
    • Sufferers of panic attacks often report a fear or sense of dying, "going crazy", or experiencing a heart attack or "flashing vision", feeling faint or nauseated, heavy breathing, or losing control of themselves.
  • Obsessive thoughts and other symptoms of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

News About St. John's Wort

Weekly Dose: St John’s Wort, the flower that can treat depression

(The Conversation)

St John’s Wort, botanical name Hypericum perforatum, is considered a weed in temperate climates outside its native homelands of Europe, Asia and North Africa. The flowering tops and aerial parts of the plant are used medicinally in the form of tinctures and tablets to treat a number of conditions affecting the nervous and immune systems.

Records of the medicinal use of St John’s Wort date back to ancient Greece. It is believed Dioscorides and Hippocrates used it to cleanse the body of evil spirits. Since the times of the Swiss physician and botanist Paracelsus (1493-1541), St John’s Wort has traditionally been used to treat nerve pain, anxiety, neurosis and depression and externally for bruises, wounds and shingles.

How is it used today?

In modern times, St John’s Wort has been shown to be as effective as placebo and standard antidepressants in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

In Australia, St John’s Wort is mainly purchased through pharmacies and health food stores with or without the guidance of a health-care professional.

The St John’s Wort products vary in the amount of key constituents they contain. Only a few products actually match what was trialled in the studies with positive clinical outcomes. Variations in the active constituent content will affect the strength and effectiveness of the medicine and its possible safety.

It has become more common for complementary medicine manufacturers to include a standardised amount of the herb constituents on the label. The daily dose range for total hypericin content is 0.75mg to 2.7mg of hypericin daily. The published studies generally used standardised extracts to contain 0.3% hypericin and 2-5% hyperforin.

In 2000, St John’s Wort made up 25% of all antidepressant prescriptions in Europe. A more recent Australian study reported 4.3% or 17,780 patients who had visited a GP for depression had taken or were taking St John’s Wort.

How does it work?

St John’s Wort has been reported as containing many constituents and demonstrating multiple and simultaneous mechanisms of action.

While individual key constituents have been identified as hypericin (a naturally occurring substance with a few different applications including antidepressive), pseudohypericin and hyperforin (a phytochemical produced in some plants), collectively they exert a number of pharmacological effects including antidepressant activity.

The hypericin and flavonoids (namely hyperforin) and other flavonoid molecules that are found in some fruits and vegetables are thought to play a role in exerting an antidepressant effect by altering nerve chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. It is considered important available products contain standardised amounts of these components.

St John’s Wort has been shown in non-human studies to assist in keeping the circulating levels of four key neurotransmitters (serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid) at levels that improve depressive symptoms.

This is a very distinctive feature of St John’s Wort. No other drug has been demonstrated to affect all four of these chemical messengers with similar potencies. Studies comparing the effectiveness of St John’s Wort with different classes of other anti-depressants that target these neurotransmitters support the proposed multi-targeted mechanism of action of St John’s Wort.

Antidepressants Citalopram (Celexa) and Sertraline (Zoloft) belong to a class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These block the reabsorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, making more serotonin available to assist the brain cells to send and receive chemical messages. This in turn boosts mood.

A high-standard systematic review conducted in 2009 concluded St John’s Wort extract was superior to placebo in patients with major depression and similarly effective to standard treatment with SSRIs. They also found fewer people taking St John’s Wort discontinued their treatment. This was due to them experiencing fewer side effects.

The same review also found no significant difference in the effectiveness of St John’s Wort and the older class of antidepressants known as “tri-cyclic”. These work by blocking the absorption of serotonin to improve their availability for sending and receiving chemical messages that improve our mood.

St John’s Wort was reported as more effective in German studies compared to those in non-European-based populations, but it is thought these results were over-optimistic.

Safety and side-effects

Like standard antidepressants, it may take up to four weeks to judge how effective St John’s Wort has been. It is generally well tolerated, but adverse effects may occur. These include mild gastrointestinal symptoms, skin reactions, increased sensitivity to sunlight, fatigue, sedation, restlessness, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.

St John’s Wort affects enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and liver that are involved in drug metabolism. It can reduce how much of a drug is available in the body by reducing how much is absorbed and excreted. Therefore the potential effectiveness of many drugs can be limited.

This includes drugs used to treat serious conditions such as AIDs, cancer and epilepsy. St John’s Wort can also reduce the effectiveness of the oral contraceptive pill. It should not be taken along with standard antidepressant drugs.

Anyone suspecting they may have symptoms of depression should consult their doctor to ensure a correct diagnosis is made. The use of St John’s Wort should be guided by a health-care professional who is knowledgeable about the quality of available products, effective dosing and safety considerations, including known drug interactions associated with its use.

St. John's Wort for Depression

(About Health)
What Is St. John's Wort?

St. John's wort, or Hypericum perforatum, is a small shrub with clusters of yellow flowers which grows mainly in Europe, Asia and North America.

It has a long history of use as a depression remedy, going back to the time of ancient Greece. In modern times, it has gained increasing support in the medical literature as an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression and is quite popular in both the U.S. and Europe.

All growing parts of the plant above the soil are used to manufacture the herbal extract, which is used medicinally in a variety of forms, such as pills, capsules, teas and tinctures.

How Does It Work?

It is unknown exactly how St. John's wort relieves depression, but there are two substances which are believed to be its main active components: hypericin and hyperforin.

It has been proposed that hypericin may act upon the brain in ways that decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol, while increasing the availability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

Hyperforin may also work by increasing the availability of these mood-regulating substances, as well as others, but serotonin is thought to be the most important neutrotransmitter affected.

Other components of St. John's wort, such as the flavonoids, act as irreversible monoamine oxidase-A inhibitors, but their concentrations are so low that they are not likely to be involved in the antidepressants effect of St. John's wort.


The medical literature seems to suggest that St. John's wort is most effective for those with mild to moderate depression. However, it may be less effective for those with more severe or chronic depression.

Safety and Tolerability

The side effects that have been reported with St. John's wort are both uncommon and mild, when they do occur. Some of the reported side effects include: dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, gastrointestinal symptoms and confusion.

Rarely, patients will report an increased sensitivity to light with St. John's wort, especially at higher doses. Some scientists have recommended the precautionary use of sunscreen for patients spending a large amount of time in the sun.

At least 17 cases of psychosis, 12 of which were comprised of mania or hypomania, have been reported in the literature. Bipolar patients are advised to use St. John's wort only if they are also taking a mood stabilizer.

If you are taking any other medications, you should consult with your doctor or pharmacist about the possibility of any drug interactions with St. John's wort. Several drugs - including warfarin, cyclosporin, birth control pills, theophylline, phenprocoumon, digoxin, indivir and irinotecan - may potentially become less effective if taken in conjunction with St. John's wort. HIV-positive patients who take a protease inhibitor, cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs should be especially cautious about using St. John's wort. It is also recommended that St. John's wort not be combined with SSRIs due to anecdotal reports of serotonin syndrome, perhaps due to the monoamine oxidase inhibitor activity of St. John's wort.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Little is known about what effects St. John's wort may have during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is advised that women who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant should avoid St. John's wort until more complete safety data is available.

Homeopathic St. John’s Wort: Good for More Than Just Depression

By Larry Malerba, D.O.

In this age of antidepressant overprescribing, popular herbal preparations of St. John’s Wort have become an excellent first line of defense in mild depression for those concerned about pharmaceutical side effects. But did you know that a diluted homeopathic form of St. John’s Wort is highly useful for a wide variety of additional health-related problems? Homeopathic Hypericum perforatum, named for the Latin genus and species of the plant, is effective for many conditions that involve nerve injuries and puncture wounds.

I remember my first experience with Hypericum in medical school. A woman with chronic arm pain resulting from a severe injury to her “funny bone” (a large nerve exposed at the elbow called the ulnar nerve) consulted the physician with whom I was doing a preceptorship. Previously an accomplished guitar player, she had endured years of pain and, in spite of surgery to the nerve, was no longer able to perform. The doctor prescribed several doses of homeopathic Hypericum and, within a few weeks, she experienced a 50 percent reduction in pain. This simple case example illustrates the most common indication for Hypericum — injuries to nerves.

There are a number of areas of the body that are rich in nerves, most notably the fingertips, tailbone, and eyes. Because of the high density of nerve endings in these areas, they can become very painful when injured. We all know how painful an injury as minor as a paper cut can be. The good news is that cuts, bruises, and crush injuries to the fingertips will respond quite nicely to homeopathic Hypericum. Just a few doses can help reduce pain and speed the healing process.

A common feature of nerve injuries is that pain often radiates along the nerve starting from the site of the injury. An example of this type of nerve injury occurs when a person falls and lands on his or her tailbone. The tip of the spine, or coccyx, is essentially where the spinal cord ends, and injuries to this area can be very painful. I was once consulted by a young man who had severely injured his tailbone. He reported years of suffering, primarily in the form of nerve pains that radiated from his coccyx down both legs. His condition had turned something as basic as walking into a painful experience. Periodic doses of Hypericum over the course of several months rendered him virtually pain free.

Likewise, a direct injury to the eyeball that results in sharp, sticking, nerve-like pains may respond well to Hypericum. In such cases, it is very reasonable to take a few doses of Hypericum in quick succession followed by a prompt medical evaluation in order to rule out potential complications and ensure a safe recovery.

The other main indication for Hypericum is for the effects of puncture wounds. Whether the injury is from a needle, a nail, a splinter, a shard of glass, or an insect stinger, the administration of a few doses of Hypericum in the initial phase of such injuries is a good precaution to take in order to prevent pain, inflammation, and further complications. Again, depending on the type and extent of injury, a physician should be consulted if infection is suspected or if problems persist.

I once saw a woman who complained of chronic nerve pain radiating down her leg. She was certain that the pain had begun after she was given an epidural injection to manage pain during labor and delivery. Here, we see an interesting conjunction of Hypericum indications, a puncture wound via injection administered to a nerve center of the body, the spinal cord. Thankfully, periodic doses of Hypericum resulted in the complete disappearance of her pain within a couple of months.

The very same conjunction of circumstances occurs during routine dentistry. Lidocaine injections are used to block nerves innervating the roots of teeth. This modern anesthetic miracle can prevent dentistry from being a harrowing experience, but the aftermath can be painful. It is not that uncommon that this type of dental anesthesia can lead to chronic symptoms like facial numbness, tingling, and pain associated with the location of the injection. This is why I recommend a couple of routine doses of Hypericum to my patients to be taken immediately after completion of dental visits in order to prevent such complications. For the same reasons, I also recommend it after tooth extractions and root canals.

It should be noted that homeopathic Hypericum perforatum is not the same as herbal St. John’s Wort and neither is it a nutritional supplement. Herbal and homeopathic forms of St. John’s Wort have different indications and different guidelines for their usage. Another difference is that homeopathic Hypericum comes in very diluted form and is FDA approved and regulated. This article offers only a brief introduction to some of the uses of this wonderful medicine. It’s reputation for safety and effectiveness is well known. Hypericum is sold over the counter at most natural health stores and is easy to use with a little self-education regarding homeopathic medicines and how to use them for first-aid purposes.

Your health: Herbal tea helps during pregnancy

By Sandra Clair (Sandra Clair's Opinion)

Hi Sandra, I'm expecting my first baby in a few weeks and am a little nervous about keeping myself and my baby healthy. My pregnancy has been difficult and I'm already exhausted. I understand I need to eat well and rest where I can, but I was wondering what plant medicine may help new mothers? -- Nicky, Wellington

Congratulations on your first baby and the exciting times you have ahead. It's normal for most first time mothers to feel nervous, especially if your pregnancy has been difficult.

Eating well and resting are more important than ever and this is where daily rituals of self-care with nutritive medicinal herbal teas can strengthen you.

Traditional plant medicines have been used by women for generations to help mitigate issues through pregnancy and post birth fatigue. In Switzerland, where traditional plant remedies are a part of the mainstream medical system, a medicinal tea is recommended for pregnant women as part of their obstetric care.

This traditional midwifery formula includes raspberry leaf and lady's mantle to build up the uterine muscle, horsetail for connective tissue strength and yarrow as a circulatory tonic and to prevent excessive bleeding at birth, as well as nourishing nettle, calming lemon balm and uplifting St. John's Wort.

This specialised Swiss pregnancy tea is deemed highly effective in mitigating common complaints during pregnancy and shown empirically to facilitate a swift birth whilst being absolutely safe.

For these reasons, this traditional herbal combination is recommended at Zurich's University Hospital, a teaching hospital for doctors, nurses and midwives.

St John's wort is also an important traditional remedy used in pregnancy. We have referenced medical use of St John's Wort in pregnancy and child birth going back to the 16th century. It is an amazing plant that has benefitted many women to better tolerate the changes that pregnancy brings and it is entirely safe when taken in tea form, even when you are taking pharmaceuticals.

St. John's Wort is an energising tonic that is scientifically proven to alleviate fatigue, anxiety, mild to moderate depression and tiredness. It may also help to strengthen your nervous system to make you more resilient when you are experiencing stress and anxiety.

St John's Wort oil is also a lifesaver that can help prepare your body for childbirth by reducing stretchmarks during pregnancy and also by reducing the chance of perineum tearing at birth. You could ask your midwife to help show you the best way to massage this oil into your perineum. It is best applied twice daily for the last six-eight weeks before birth, in order to build good elasticity in this area.

The 100 per cent organic plant oil is free of mineral oil such as liquid paraffin. You can also use this oil to help healing in sensitive areas post birth. Using St. John's Wort oil on your baby is another great use as their skin is five times thinner at birth than ours and needs nourishment and protection. An additional benefit is that the oil has a calming influence on baby.

Nettle is also a nourishing plant that has been used safely for thousands of years as a traditional medicine - making it perfect for pregnant and new mums. It is high in strengthening minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C, enzymes and important nutrients.

The need for highly nutritive and nourishing foods increase at times of stress and when extra demands are placed on the body, so including nettle into your daily regime is a great way of topping up your stores as you welcome your new baby to the world.

Lemon balm is an excellent herb that helps to soothe your nerves during pregnancy and post child birth as it can really help with that sudden mood shift that some pregnant women experience. It may help relieve depression, relax muscle spasms and ease fluid retention as well.

Remember that hydration is important, so keep up your fluid intake through water, teas, smoothies or high water content fruit and vegetables.

7 Health Benefits of St. John’s Wort

(Dove Med)

St. John’s wort, or Hypericum perforatum, is a yellow flowering plant and medicinal herb that is sold over-the-counter. There are approximately 370 species of the genus Hypericum worldwide that are native to the regions of Europe, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Middle East, India, and China. Other names for the herb include Tipton’s weed, rosin rose, goatweed, chase-devil, or Klamath weed.

Here are the 7 health benefits of St. John’s wort: 1. St. John’s wort may be used to treat depression.

It has been well known that St. John’s wort can be used as an herbal treatment for depression. A study of 29 clinical trials with more than 5,000 patients was conducted by Cochrane Collaboration. The review concluded that extracts of St John's wort were better than the placebo in patients with major depression. 2. St. John’s wort may treat Parkinson’s disease.

Research from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) suggested that St. John’s wort possesses antioxidants that could help reduce neuronal degeneration caused by Parkinson’s disease. 3. St. John’s wort may treat for premenstrual syndrome.

The University of Leeds in the United Kingdom produced a double-blind study and has concluded that St. John’s wort is more effective than placebo treatment for the most common physical and behavioral symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. 4. St. John’s wort may treat for irritable bowel syndrome.

A randomized, double-blind study from the Mayo Clinic suggested that St. John’s wort has the potential to treat individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. 5. St. John’s wort may have antiviral and antibacterial activities.

A randomized controlled study found that St. John’s wort contains chemicals like hyperforin and pseudohyperforin, which contain activities that photooxidizes pathogens and kills them. 6. St. John’s wort may be used for alcoholism.

An active chemical in St. John’s wort, hyperforin, may be useful for treatment of alcoholism. However, dosage, safety, and efficacy have not been investigated yet. 7. St. John’s wort may help with memory.

Studies have shown that St. John’s wort could alleviate long-term age-related impairment in rats.

10 Reasons to Love the Herb St. John’s Wort

By Michelle Schoffro Cook

The popular herb St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) often gets an eyebrow raise from the media, even in the face of whole volumes of research espousing its effectiveness for many health concerns. However, St. John’s Wort is one of the best mood-lifting, anti-stress, and anti-depressant herbs out there. But there are many more reasons to reinstate St. John’s Wort as the amazing healing herb it is. I’ve compiled ten of my favorite research-supported uses for St. John’s Wort—all of which are reasons to love this versatile and highly effective herb.


While the world of psychology continues to question St. John’s Wort, study after study proves its effectiveness for depression, particularly mild to moderate depression. Some studies demonstrate that it is as effective as anti-depressant drugs. While there are fewer studies examining St. John’s Wort’s effectiveness against major depression, it has also been found to be helpful in this regard. Exciting research in the Journal of Zhejiang University Medical Sciences shows that the combination of St. John’s Wort and the nutrient quercetin boost the effects of the herb. Plus, St. John’s Wort’s safety record is far superior to drugs used for depression.


Research published in the medical journal Phytotherapy Research showcases St. John’s Wort’s effectiveness as a natural anti-anxiety medicine. While many people attempt to attribute the herb’s anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects to the naturally-present compound hypericin, the reality is that St. John’s Wort is a highly complex herb with many different active compounds, including: naphthodianthrones, xanthones, flavonoids, phloroglucinols (hyperforin) and hypericin. Because pharmaceutical drugs tend to contain one substance intended to function using one active mechanism in the body, we often try to compartmentalize herbs in the same way, when they repeatedly show greater effectiveness as a whole than as individual compounds.

Wound Healing

St. John’s Wort flowers have traditionally been macerated into oil to make a natural dressing for wounds. And research examining this application found it to be highly effective in the treatment and healing of wounds.


Exciting research in the online journal PLoS One found that hypericin found in St. John’s Wort was highly effective against a type of cancer, melanoma, using three different mechanisms to cause cancer cells to die.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Research published in the Italian medical journal Fitoterapia found that St. John’s Wort and feverfew flower extracts were highly effective against the pain of diabetic neuropathy. What’s more is that the herbal medicine proved comparable to three different drugs used for the condition.


St. John’s Wort has proven itself effective for other types of pain as well, namely in the treatment of migraines. Research published in the medical journal Phytomedicine found that St. John’s Wort blocked pain receptors involved in migraines, making it an effective natural treatment for migraine sufferers.


Research published in the medical journal Menopause found that St. John’s Wort significantly reduced the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal, perimenopausal, and post-menopausal women. Perimenopause is considered the ten years prior to menopause. Post-menopause begins one year after periods have altogether stopped.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Swiss scientists published a novel study in the medical journal Brain Pathology, in which they found that St. John’s Wort has a protective effect against beta-amyloid plaques linked with Alzheimer’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease

Exciting new research in the medical journal Cell and Molecular Neurobiology found that St. John’s Wort holds promise in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Antioxidant Activity

The same study published in Cell and Molecular Neurobiology also found that St. John’s Wort has potent antioxidant activity, meaning that it destroys harmful free radicals before they can do damage to the cells and tissues of the body. Because free radical damage is involved in aging and many diseases, these findings suggest that St. John’s Wort may have many other far-reaching applications.

St. John’s Wort is available in capsule, tablet, dried flowers, in teabags, tincture (alcohol extract), glycerite (glycerin extract) and oil forms. The oil form is suitable for skin applications such as wounds or to alleviate the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Simply apply the oil two to three times daily until you experience symptom improvement. For capsules, tablets, teas, tinctures, and glycerites, follow package instructions as they differ greatly from one product to another. While some people prefer supplements containing only one of the active ingredients in St. John’s Wort—hypericin—I prefer tinctures of the plant since they contain a wider range of active ingredients. Depending on the application, you may need to allow up to several weeks to notice results.

Because some drugs can interact with St. John’s Wort, avoid combining certain pharmaceutical drugs with St. John’s wort. Check with your pharmacist to see if medications you may be taking interact with St. John’s Wort. Never discontinue depression medications without consulting your physician. Additionally, while St. John’s Wort is actually quite safe, it can cause photosensitivity in some people.

Benefits of St. John’s Wort

By Deni Bown

Herb Profile: St. John’s Wort

Hypericum perforatum


A hardy rhizomatous perennial, reaching 30cm–1m (1–3ft) high, with blunt, narrowly oval leaves and bright yellow, five-petalled, gland-dotted flowers, 2cm (1⁄2in) across, in summer. St. John’s wort grows wild in woods and hedgerows in Europe and temperate parts of Asia. It is naturalized in many other countries, notably in North America where by 1830 it had become a serious weed, and where eradication programmes are carried out to protect livestock from phototoxicity (sensitivity to sunlight) caused by eating the plant.


St. John’s wort has been known throughout history as a vulnerary (wound healer) and was in its heyday on the battlefields of the Crusaders. It was also credited with keeping evil away, for which purpose it was hung above doors on the Eve of St. John’s Day (24 June), when witches were thought to be most active. Its mystique was confirmed by the way the juice of the plant turns red on exposure to air — a phenomenon thought to symbolize the blood of St. John the Baptist.

Healing Benefits of St. John’s Wort

Though St. John’s wort is best known today as an anti-depressant and sedative — ‘nature’s Prozac’ — it is historically more important as a healing herb. Traditionally the plant was cut as it came into flower, chopped and packed into jars of vegetable oil which in due course it turned red. The oil was used as a dressing for burns, bruises, injuries, sprains, tennis elbow, sciatica and following surgery. It is particularly effective for deep wounds, injuries caused by crushing, or any other kind of trauma or condition associated with nerve damage. As an anti-depressant, St. John’s wort can be taken in the form of a tea, tablets or tincture to relieve anxiety, nervous tension, menopausal syndrome, bedwetting in children and shingles, as well as mild clinical depression. It is not given to patients suffering from severe depression, or to patients who are already taking certain kinds of medication. High doses of St. John’s wort may cause photosensitivity, especially in fair-skinned people.

Notes for Gardeners

St. John’s wort is easy to grow in well-drained to dry soil, including clay, in sun or partial shade. It is an obvious candidate for the woodland garden or hedgerow, and is equally at home in a perennial wildflower meadow. Start it from seed in autumn or spring, or propagate plants by division when dormant or as new growth begins in the spring. Where conditions suit it, St. John’s wort usually self-sows and forms handsome colonies.

10 Reasons to Love the Herb St. John’s Wort

By Michelle Schoffro Cook

The popular herb St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) often gets an eyebrow raise from the media, even in the face of whole volumes of research espousing its effectiveness for many health concerns. However, St. John’s Wort is one of the best mood-lifting, anti-stress, and anti-depressant herbs out there. But there are many more reasons to reinstate St. John’s Wort as the amazing healing herb it is. I’ve compiled ten of my favorite research-supported uses for St. John’s Wort—all of which are reasons to love this versatile and highly effective herb.


While the world of psychology continues to question St. John’s Wort, study after study proves its effectiveness for depression, particularly mild to moderate depression. Some studies demonstrate that it is as effective as anti-depressant drugs. While there are fewer studies examining St. John’s Wort’s effectiveness against major depression, it has also been found to be helpful in this regard. Exciting research in the Journal of Zhejiang University Medical Sciences shows that the combination of St. John’s Wort and the nutrient quercetin boost the effects of the herb. Plus, St. John’s Wort’s safety record is far superior to drugs used for depression.


Research published in the medical journal Phytotherapy Research showcases St. John’s Wort’s effectiveness as a natural anti-anxiety medicine. While many people attempt to attribute the herb’s anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects to the naturally-present compound hypericin, the reality is that St. John’s Wort is a highly complex herb with many different active compounds, including: naphthodianthrones, xanthones, flavonoids, phloroglucinols (hyperforin) and hypericin. Because pharmaceutical drugs tend to contain one substance intended to function using one active mechanism in the body, we often try to compartmentalize herbs in the same way, when they repeatedly show greater effectiveness as a whole than as individual compounds.

Wound Healing

St. John’s Wort flowers have traditionally been macerated into oil to make a natural dressing for wounds. And research examining this application found it to be highly effective in the treatment and healing of wounds.


Exciting research in the online journal PLoS One found that hypericin found in St. John’s Wort was highly effective against a type of cancer, melanoma, using three different mechanisms to cause cancer cells to die.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Research published in the Italian medical journal Fitoterapia found that St. John’s Wort and feverfew flower extracts were highly effective against the pain of diabetic neuropathy. What’s more is that the herbal medicine proved comparable to three different drugs used for the condition.


St. John’s Wort has proven itself effective for other types of pain as well, namely in the treatment of migraines. Research published in the medical journal Phytomedicine found that St. John’s Wort blocked pain receptors involved in migraines, making it an effective natural treatment for migraine sufferers.


Research published in the medical journal Menopause found that St. John’s Wort significantly reduced the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal, perimenopausal, and post-menopausal women. Perimenopause is considered the ten years prior to menopause. Post-menopause begins one year after periods have altogether stopped.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Swiss scientists published a novel study in the medical journal Brain Pathology, in which they found that St. John’s Wort has a protective effect against beta-amyloid plaques linked with Alzheimer’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease

Exciting new research in the medical journal Cell and Molecular Neurobiology found that St. John’s Wort holds promise in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Antioxidant Activity The same study published in Cell and Molecular Neurobiology also found that St. John’s Wort has potent antioxidant activity, meaning that it destroys harmful free radicals before they can do damage to the cells and tissues of the body. Because free radical damage is involved in aging and many diseases, these findings suggest that St. John’s Wort may have many other far-reaching applications.

St. John’s Wort is available in capsule, tablet, dried flowers, in teabags, tincture (alcohol extract), glycerite (glycerin extract) and oil forms. The oil form is suitable for skin applications such as wounds or to alleviate the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Simply apply the oil two to three times daily until you experience symptom improvement. For capsules, tablets, teas, tinctures, and glycerites, follow package instructions as they differ greatly from one product to another. While some people prefer supplements containing only one of the active ingredients in St. John’s Wort—hypericin—I prefer tinctures of the plant since they contain a wider range of active ingredients. Depending on the application, you may need to allow up to several weeks to notice results.

Because some drugs can interact with St. John’s Wort, avoid combining certain pharmaceutical drugs with St. John’s wort. Check with your pharmacist to see if medications you may be taking interact with St. John’s Wort. Never discontinue depression medications without consulting your physician. Additionally, while St. John’s Wort is actually quite safe, it can cause photosensitivity in some people.

Pictures of the St. John's Wort Plant and Flowers