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==Location of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
==Location of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
Cabatuan is located ....
Cabatuan is located ....
<FHM_iFrame>iframe width="400" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=Calbayog+City,+Samar,+Philippines&amp;sll=37.0625,-95.677068&amp;sspn=40.681389,56.513672&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Calbayog+City,+Samar,+Eastern+Visayas,+Philippines&amp;t=m&amp;z=10&amp;ll=12.066667,124.6&amp;output=embed"</FHM_iFrame>

==History of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
==History of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
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==Local Government Unit LGU of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
==Local Government Unit LGU of Cabatuan, Calbayog City, Philippines==
:'''Elected Cabatuan Officers for the term of 2013 - 2016'''
*Punong Barangay : Bonguit, Basilio Lacaba
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Jaropojop, Justo Jr. Masloc
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Ostulano, Pastor Jr. Lasaca
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Alandino, Ramil Rontos
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Daguman, Alito Capalis
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Rojales, Randy Ladroma
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Macabidang, Mario Ostulano
#Barangay Kagawad <:> Bonguit, Romeo Tahil
:'''Elected Cabatuan Officers for the term of 2010 - 2013'''
:'''Elected Cabatuan Officers for the term of 2010 - 2013'''
*Samar (Western Samar), Calbayog City, Cabatuan, Punong Barangay (Chairman), [[Basilio L.  Bonguit]]
*Samar (Western Samar), Calbayog City, Cabatuan, Punong Barangay (Chairman), [[Basilio L.  Bonguit]]