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==DOE readies bidding of hydro sites‏==
*Source: http://positivenewsmedia.com/blog/2012/02/doe-readies-bidding-of-hydro-sites%E2%80%8F/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doe-readies-bidding-of-hydro-sites%25e2%2580%258f
* Feb 23, 2012
:by  (PNA)
MANILA, Feb. 23 (PNA) – The Department of Energy (DOE) will bid out new 40 to 50 run-of-river hydroelectric sites in the third quarter to promote a level of playing field and ensure transparency in the awarding of government contracts.
Energy Undersecretary Jay Layug told reporters that under existing guidelines, the Department of Energy issues service contracts based on a first come-first serve basis.
The run-of-river hydro sites are located in Luzon and the Visayas. The sites have a capacity of two megawatts and less each. They are covered by existing studies from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
“We wanted a level playing field in terms of awarding SCs. Not that we were not fair before no, but because we’ve received complaints as well in the past….so a bidding model will take out those complaints,” Layug said.
“There has been a study on these sites, and what we plan to do is by the third quarter this year, we will bid them out for purposes of awarding service contracts,” he said.
Layug said the bidding would be conducted similar to the Philippine Energy Contract Round (PECR) for oil and gas, coal, and geothermal projects. DOE is now conducting the bidding process for PECR coal and oil and gas.
“Just like a PECR scenario, we’re looking at the legal, technical and financial qualification and those that meet those requirements will be awarded. Usually, bulk of it depends on the work program proposal in the technical component, if it is the most aggressive, usually it will be the one given [the contract],” the energy official said.
The department has already signed over 1,772 MW of large and mini-hydro power projects. Among the large hydro projects approved are the 600 MW Apayao-Abulog hydro power project of Pan Pacific Renewable Power Philippines Corp., Green Energy Management Holdings’ 332-MW Diduyon hydro plant in Quirino.
Mini-hydro project approved include Hedcor Inc’s 1.2 MW Irisan 3 hydroelectric power plant in Tuba, Benguet, AV Garcia Power Systems Corp.’s 1 MW Abdao hydroelectric power project in Tabaan, Benguet, Benguet Electric Cooperative’s 1.6 MW Man-asok hydro project and Sunwest Water & Electric Co. Inc.’s upper and lower Dummon hydro projects in Cagayan.
==Weather: Flash floods possible in four Luzon provinces==
==Weather: Flash floods possible in four Luzon provinces==
*Source: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/248786/news/nation/weather-flash-floods-possible-in-four-luzon-provinces
*Source: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/248786/news/nation/weather-flash-floods-possible-in-four-luzon-provinces