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Revision as of 03:38, 10 March 2009
Chavacano LETTER A
FEEL FREE TO ADD MORE CHAVACANO WORDS THAT START WITH THE LETTER "A". No profanity, please. Please, register as a user. Gracias. If you are not sure how to add words within the cell of the tables, then just simply add the words at the end of the table or the bottom of this page. Someone will come along and place them at the right place.
Chavacano de Zamboanga | |||
EXAMPLE - Ejemplo |
abaja | to go down; to lower | bajar | Abaja na escalera |
abajada | downwards, descent | bajada | Bien kore gayot na abajada |
abajo | down, under, below | abajo | Abajo de mi ventana, tiene un flores de amor seco |
abal-abal | choppy seas | mar borrascoso | chavacano ba este? hende ba se motorsiclo de viaje na monte? |
abandona | to abandon, leave behind | abandonar | Ya abandona le con el de suyo anak. |
abandonao | abandoned, deserted | abandonado | Kame aki na Mindanao el maga abandonao |
abanica | to fan | abanicar, abanicarse | Abanica daw? Bien fuerte el calor. |
abanico | fan | abanico | Maga mujer lang ta usa el abanico. |
abierto | open | abierto | El puerta abierto. |
abio | take-along ration | racion para llevar | |
abogado, abogao | lawyer | abogado | |
abogago (slang) | dumb lawyer | abogado estupido | |
abona (el tiera) | to fertilize, refill a lowland, to pay account of another | estiercol, material que se usa para fertilizar | |
abonante | payor of someone's bill | el paga la cuenta de otro | |
abono | fertilizer | estiercol, material que se usa para fertilizar | |
abrasa | to embrace, to clasp | abrazar | |
abrasada | embrace | abrazo | |
abrasador | long pillow comforter | almohada para abrazar | |
abri | to open | abrir | |
abridor | can opener | abrelatas | |
Abril | April | Abril | |
absoluto | absolute | absoluto | |
abuela | grandmother | abuela | |
abuelo | grandfather | abuelo | |
abultao | bulging, protruding | protuberante | |
aburrido | annoyed, vex | aburrido | |
abusa | to abuse | abusar | |
abusao | abusive | abusivo | |
abuso | abuse | abuso | |
abuya | to appear, emerge | aparecer, surgir | |
aca | up to | hasta | |
acaba | to finish, end | acabar | |
acabao | finished | acabado | |
accion | action | acción | |
aceita | to oil | aceitamos | |
aceitada | the act of oiling or greasing, sweet-talking | acto de engrazar, acto de inducir por dulces palabras | |
aceite | oil | aceite | |
acepta | to accept, receive | aceptar | |
acerta | to guess right | acertar (suposición, the original Spanish word in the list, is a name whose meaning is just 'guess', as in 'my guess is that...'. | |
acido | acid | ácido | |
aclima | acclimate | aclimatar, aclimatarse | |
acorda | to remember | recordar | |
acosta | to lay down, put to bed | acostar, acostarse (the previous Spanish expression in the list, 'poner, colchado', seems to be a mistake) | |
acostumbra | to get accustomed | acostumbrarse (the previous Spanish word in the list, 'acostumbrado' is not the infinitive). | |
actividad | activity, action | actividad | |
actual | actual, present | actual (better than 'real' or 'efectivo') | |
acudi | to come to, run to help | acudir (better than 'venir', which means just 'to come' | |
adelante | in front, ahead, forward | delante, adelante (better than previous 'adelantado', which is not an adverb) | |
ademas | more so | además (instead of 'más', which means 'more'. I guess that Ch. 'ademas' is like English 'moreover'. Am I right?) | |
adentro | inside | adentro, dentro (I think it would be better to suppress previous 'interior', which is not an adverb) | |
adentra, entra | enter | entrar | |
adios | goodbye | adiós | |
admira | admire | admirar | |
admiti | to admit | admitir | |
adora | adore, worship | adorar | |
afuera | outside | fuera, afuera | |
agrio | sour | agrio, ácido | |
aguarda | wait for, hold on | aguardar, esperar | |
agudo | sharp | agudo | |
aguha, aguja | needle | aguja | |
ahora | now | ahora | |
ahora mismo | right now | ahora mismo | |
aire | air | aire | |
ajos | garlic | ajo | |
al | upon | ||
ala(s) | wing(s) | ala(s) | |
alcancia | piggy bank | hucha, alcancía | |
alcanza | to reach for, overtake | alcanzar | |
alegre | happy | alegre | |
alegria | happiness | alegría | |
aleja, kita | remove or separate | alejar | |
alfiler | pin | alfiler | |
algo | something | algo | |
alguien | someone, anyone | alguien | |
algun | some | algún, alguna, algunos, algunas | |
algunos | someone, anyone | alguno (pronoun) | |
alimatok | forest leech | sangrijuela de monte | |
alimpasag | wild thrashing | tirar el cuerpo violentamente de un lado a otro | |
alipunga | athlete's foot | infection entre los dedos del pie | |
alisto | alert, quick to take advantage | listo, preparado para tomar cualquier ventaja | |
alivia | aliviate, to lighten, relief | aliviar | |
alla | (over) there (further) | allí, allá | |
alli | there (closer, in that place) | ahí | |
alma | soul | alma | |
almohada | pillow | almohada, cabezal | |
almoranas | almorrana | ||
almorza/almurzi | to eat lunch | comer, (in some places: almorzar) | |
almorzue | lunch | comida (in some places: almuerzo) | |
almucha | to wrestle | luchar | |
almuda | get dressed | vestirse | |
almuerzo | breakfast | desayuno | |
alrededor | around, surroundings | alrededor | |
alto/alta | high, tall (male/female) | alto, alta | |
altote (slang) | tall | ||
altura | height | altura | |
alumbra | to shine, light up | alumbrar, iluminar, encender | |
alurayang | yippee | estupendo | |
alza | lift, to raise | alzar, levantar | |
ama | to love | amar | |
amable | amiable, lovable | amable | |
amante | loving | amante | |
amargo | bitter | amargo | |
amargoso | bitter mellon | (I don't know. Could you give me a synonym or a description of it?) | |
amarillo | yellow | amarillo | |
amarilloso | yellowish | amarillento | |
amaro | rope | cordel | |
anda | go, to go | ir | |
amiga | female friend | amiga | |
amigo | male friend | amigo | |
amistad | truce | ||
amo | correct, right | correcto | |
amó | (male) master, boss | amo, jefe | |
ama | (female) master, boss | ama, jefa | |
amor | love | amor | |
amor doño | love king | ||
amoroso | amorous, loving | enamorado | |
anay |
termite | ||
anay |
a while | ||
ansina | like that | así | |
ancho | wide, broad | ancho | |
anda |
to go, going; leave, leaving | irse | |
angel | angel | angel | |
animal | animal | animal | |
animo | courage | ánimo, valor | |
animoso | courageous | animoso, valeroso, valiente | |
anoche | last night | anoche | |
antes | before | antes | |
antiguo | ancient, antique | antiguo | |
antolihao | (I don't know, Could you give me some sentences? | ||
anuncia | to announce | anunciar | |
año | year | año | |
apaga | turn off, put out | apagar | |
aparador | closet | aparador, armario, chinero | |
aparece | to appear | aparecer | |
aparta | to separate | apartar, separar | |
apenas | as soon as | apenas | |
aplica | to apply | solicitar | |
aprende | to learn | aprender | |
apresura | hurry up | apresurarse, darse prisa | |
apreta (apretie) | to tighten up | apretar | |
apretao | tight | apretado | |
aproba | approve | aprobar | |
aprobacion | aprobación | ||
aprovecha | to profit from, take advantage | aprovechar, aprovecharse | |
apuk | dwarf | enano | |
apunta | to point out, to aim, to list down the debt | indicar, dar en el blanco, preparar la cuenta | |
apura | hurry up | apurar, apurarse | |
aquel | that, those | aquel | |
aqui | here | aquí | |
arde (el fuego, el luz) | to burn, turn on/up (light) | arder, encender (la luz) | |
arena | sand | arena | |
arma(s) | weapon(s), arm(s) | arma(s) | |
armar | to arm | armar (I guess there is a typo in Ch. 'armar') | |
arquila | to rent | alquilar | |
arranca | to remove, pull out (by roots) | arrancar | |
arrastra | to drag | arrastrar | |
arregla | to arrange | arreglar | |
arriba | up, above, upstairs | arriba | |
arroz | rice | arroz | |
asusta | to frighten, scare | asustar | |
aton | ours | nuestro | |
atraca | approach | acercar | |
atras | back | atrás, detrás | |
atrasa | to be late | atrasar, retrasarse | |
atrasado | a late person | retrasado | |
atrasao | late | tarde | |
auto | car, automobile | coche (in Lat. America carro, auto) | |
ayer | yesterday | ayer | |
ayudante | helper | ayudanta | |
ayuda | help | ayudar | |
azucar | sugar | azucar | |
azul | blue | azul |