Template:Barangays malolos city

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Revision as of 22:34, 6 April 2010 by Maletsky (talk | contribs)
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Barangays of Malolos City in the Bulacan Province, Philippines

AnilaoAtlagBabatninBagnaBagong BayanBalayongBaliteBangkalBarihanBulihanBungahanCainginCaleroCaliligawanCanalateCanioganCatmonCofradiaDakilaGuinhawaLigasLiyangLongosLook 1stLook 2ndLugamMaboloMambogMasileMatimboMojonNamayanNiuganPamarawanPanasahanPinagbakahanSan AgustinSan GabrielSan JuanSan PabloSan VicenteSantiagoSantisima TrinidadSanto CristoSanto NiñoSanto RosarioSantolSumapang BataSumapang MatandaTaalTikay
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