
Geothermal Energy – Extinction-Level Event

Geothermal Energy: The Ultimate Power Source in an Extinction-Level Event Introduction In the face of an Extinction-Level Event (ELE)—whether caused by an asteroid impact, supervolcanic eruption, nuclear war, or other catastrophic events—most energy sources would fail. The sky could be dark for months or years, surface infrastructure would be devastated, and supply chains disrupted. In […]

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Biomass energy: charcoal, methane, and electricity from solar energy (sunshine)

Biomass is a renewable source of energy.  Biomass can be converted into bio-fuel. Bio-fuels to operate machinery, electric generators, transports, and other pertinent equipment. Bio-fuel: Combustible fuels generated from contemporary biological process that convert biomass into fuels that are in solid, liquid or gas forms. Biomass can be converted into ethanol which can replace all

Biomass energy: charcoal, methane, and electricity from solar energy (sunshine) Read More »