English to Chavacano

Walking in a state of Drunkenness, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Wagi

Walking in a state of Drunkenness in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Wagi Alternate chavacano word: Lenge-Lenge Alternate English word for “Wagi” is Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Walking in a state of Drunkenness” Chavacano Sentence using “Wagi“ Look at how he is walking. He is drunk. Mira […]

Walking in a state of Drunkenness, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Wagi Read More »

Walk for peace, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Camina por paz

Walk for peace in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Camina por paz Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for “Camina por paz” is Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Walk for peace” Chavacano Sentence using “Camina por paz“ You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting

Walk for peace, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Camina por paz Read More »

Wake up, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Desperta

Wake up in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Desperta Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for “Desperta” is Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Wake up” Chavacano Sentence using “Desperta“ Wake up! It’s 7 am. Desperta! Alas 7 ya. You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply

Wake up, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Desperta Read More »

Waiting, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Esperando

Waiting in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Esperando Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for “Esperando” is Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Waiting” Chavacano Sentence using “Esperando“ I have been waiting for you for over an hour. Esperando yo contigo sobra ya un hora. You can help keep

Waiting, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Esperando Read More »

Wage, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Sueldo

Wage in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Sueldo Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for “Sueldo” is Salary Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Wage” Chavacano Sentence using “Sueldo“ You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting below. Make a sentence in chavacano using the Chavacano

Wage, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Sueldo Read More »

Vulnerable, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Vulnerable

Vulnerable in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Vulnerable Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for “Vulnerable” is Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Vulnerable” Chavacano Sentence using “Vulnerable“ You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting below. Make a sentence in chavacano using the Chavacano word

Vulnerable, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Vulnerable Read More »