Categories: Philippines


The Preamble of the Philippine Constitution: “We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”

Equality: for all the people and never putting the laws of religions above or equal to that of the government. A homeland for all the Filipinos without creating a pocket homeland for the followers of the religion of ISLAM or any other religions.
Peace: The Islamic Leaders (Moros (Muslims) use peace as a bargaining tool to achieve their goal for an islamic state. “Give us what we want and you will have peace” is their way of negotiating. Review the “Snapshot of the history of Islam in the Philippines” and learn.

The Philippines is divided into RegionsProvincesCities and MunicipalitiesBarangays and Puroks.

  • As of 2015 according to the NSCB (National Statistical Coordination Board)
    • The Philippines is divided into 17 Regions.
    • There are 81 PROVINCES in the Philippines.
    • There are 146 Cities in the Philippines.
    • There are 1,488 Municipalities in the Philippines.
    • There are 42,046 Barangays in the Philippines.
      • We already have a webpage for each region, each province, every city, and every municipality, and all of the barangays. The barangay system is one of the most effective way of governing. If properly executed. The barangay system literally gives the power of government to the people. The majority of the people in the barangay know of each other. Most of them grew up together and went to the same barangay school. Let us build on this system, a system of humanity and camaraderie where a personal and neighborly relationships make a difference.
  • Capital City: Manila
  • Independence: July 4, 1946. — incorrectly celebrated on June 12
    • Teaching students that the independence day is June 12, 1998 instead of July 4, 1946 creates a culture of UNGRATEFUL people who believe in lies.

The Philippines flies two flags: The national flag and the flag of Islam. Now Islam has its own region.

Flag Description of the Philippines

  • There are two equal horizontal bands
    • blue (top; representing peace and justice)
    • red (representing courage)
  • a white equilateral triangle based on the hoist side represents equality
  • the center of the triangle displays a yellow sun with eight primary rays, each representing one of the first eight provinces that sought independence from Spain
    • Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Manila, Nueva Ecija, and Pampanga
  • each corner of the triangle contains a small, yellow, five-pointed star representing the three major geographical divisions of the country: Luzon, Visayas and Muslim Mindanao: The 1987 Philippine Constitution changed the name from “Mindanao” to “Muslim Mindanao”

The design of the flag dates to 1897; in wartime the flag is flown upside down with the red band at the top.

Wars of ancient history were about territory, power, family or lover’s quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don’t just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn’t religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion is always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it’s a religion of peace?


A country that advocates “the separation of church and state” should never support any religion financially.
Why is the Philippines financially supporting Islam with a yearly governmental budget?

The Philippines violates the Separation of Church and State in its 1987 Constitution. The Constitution of the Philippines declares: The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable. (Article II, Section 6), and, No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights. (Article III, Section 5).

Regions | Philippine Provinces | Philippine Cities | Municipalities | Barangays | High School Reunions


Philippines, is the only country in the world which is 85% Catholic that created FIVE(5) national laws “favoring”, “promoting” and “financing” the religion of ISLAM.
Then made it unlawful to finance all other religions.
The only country in the world that has a government commission that caters to Muslims only, for the hajj, for madrasas, and the spread of Islam at government’s expense PAID by the taxes of Non-Muslims. A government-run Muslim channel, Salaam TV to promote Islam.

Religion is always good for the people but it should never be embraced or financed by government. Tax exemption is not tantamount to financing. Every non-profit organization is tax-exempt.
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Source of the Political strife in the Philippines[edit]

The senate of the Philippines represents only the most populated areas of the Philippines. The senate does not represent the majority of the people.

The Philippines is divided into 17 regions with cities, municipalities and provinces within each of the regions. These 17 regions are divided as follows: 7 regions in Luzon, 4 regions in the Visayas, 6 regions in Mindanao. Each region is already well represented by the house of representatives (congressmen). However, the senate does not represent the regions properly. ACurrently (2016-2019) the senate is only represented by one(1) senator from the Visayas, and only three(3) from Mindanao. The other 20 senators are from Luzon and 15 of them are from Metro Manila. Do you call this proper representation of the people in the Philippines? >>>> READ ON

  • Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao:

Geography of the Republic of the Philippines[edit]

Area: 300,000 sq. km. (117,187 sq. mi.). Major cities (2007 estimate): Capital–Manila (pop. 11.55 million in metropolitan area); other cities–Davao City (1.36 million); Cebu City (0.80 million).

  • Terrain: Islands, 65% mountainous, with narrow coastal lowlands.
  • Climate: Tropical, astride typhoon belt.
  • Total water area: 1,830 sq km.
  • Total coastline: 36,289 km.

Bodies of Water of The Philippines[edit]

  • Philippine Sea
  • South China Sea
  • Sulu Sea
  • Celebes Sea
  • Luzon Straight
  • Sibuyan Sea
  • Visayan Sea
  • Mindanao Sea
  • Moro Gulf
  • Manila Bay

Islands of The Philippines[edit]

11 Largest Philippine Islands
Island Name Island Size
1 Luzon 104,688 sq km
2 Mindanao 94,631 sq km
3 Samar 13,079 sq km
4 Negros 12,704 sq km
5 Palawan 11,785 sq km
6 Panay 11,515 sq km
7 Mindoro 9,736 sq km
8 Leyte 7,213 sq km
9 Cebu 4,408 sq km
10 Bohol 3,862 sq km
11 Masbate 3,269 sq km
Total Area: 276,890 sq km
Country 298,170 sq km

Main Philippine Islands Group: Luzon Islands GroupVisayas Islands GroupMindanao Islands Group.

The Philippines is divided into three main islands group and are headed under:

  • Luzon Islands Group – It is the most populous of the three groups, with Manila being its center of everything imaginable and as the Capital seat of the country. Metropolitan Manila is the hub of it all and is one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world with over 11.5 million people. It is also referred to as the National Capital Region by the government. Majority of the top national schools are located here and this is where most of the students go to for their college education.
  • Visayas Islands Group – It is the second most populated of the three groups with over 17 million people and its center of commerce, with the most populated area being Cebu island. It is home to the largest native language speakers of Bisaya. It’s commerce production is second to Luzon’s and is home to the second largest international airport in Mactan island – Mactan International.
  • Mindanao Islands Group – It is the least populated of the three island groups with Davao being its largest and most populated area. The emerald island of Mindanao is the richest in mineral contents and production in the country, and it is considered the country’s bread basket as over sixty percent of food staples for the country’s ninety million plus population is produced here. It is also the country’s gateway to the East Asia Growth Area of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, & Philippines (BIMP-EAGA) – the truism to that reference is reflected squarely on Zamboanga City and the Peninsula area of Mindanao it services, in its title as the #1 GDP area in the Philippines! Majority of the international income it derives from is from BIMP-EAGA.

People of the Republic of the Philippines[edit]

  • Nationality: Noun–Filipino(s). Adjective–Philippine.
  • Population (as of 2019) – 108,100,000
    • Population (as of 2017) – 103,829,424
      • Population (as of 2016) = 100,981,437
      • P*opulation (2008 estimate): 90.5 million.
  • Annual growth rate (2007 estimate): 2.04%.
  • Ethnic groups: Malay, Chinese.
  • Religions (based on 2000 census): Roman Catholic 80.9%, Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, Aglipayan 2%, other Christian 4.5%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1%.
    • Separation of Church and State in The Philippines – The Philippines does not follow its own constitution regarding the separation of church and state. The Philippines financially supports the muslim religion via the ARMM and the NCMF. No other religion in the Philippines is financially supported with a yearly budget.
  • Languages:
    • Filipino (based on Tagalog), official national language;
    • English, language of government and instruction in education. All High Schools, Colleges, and Universities are taught in English, All the textbooks are in English.
  • Education: Years compulsory–6 (note: 6 years of primary education free and compulsory; 4 years of secondary education free but not compulsory). Attendance (2007)–84% in elementary grades, 58% in secondary grades. Literacy (2003)–93.4%.
  • Health: Infant mortality rate (2006)–24 per 1,000. Life expectancy (2005)–67.80 yrs. for males; 72.50 yrs. for females.
  • Work force (2007): 36.22 million. Services (including commerce and government, 2007)–50%; agriculture–35%; industry–15%.

The majority of Philippine people are descendants of Indonesians and Malays who migrated to the islands in successive waves over many centuries and largely displaced the aboriginal inhabitants. The largest ethnic minority now is the mainland Asians (called Chinese), who have played an important role in commerce for many centuries since they first came to the islands to trade. Arabs and Indians also traveled and traded in the Philippines in the first and early second millennium. As a result of intermarriage, many Filipinos have some Asian mainland, Spanish, American, Arab, or Indian ancestry. After the mainland Asians, Americans and Spaniards constitute the next largest minorities in the country.

More than 90 percent of the people are Christian as a result of the nearly 400 years of Spanish and American rule. The major non-Hispanicized groups are the Muslim population, concentrated in the Sulu Archipelago and in central and western Mindanao, and the mountain aboriginal groups of northern Luzon. Small forest tribes still live in the more remote areas of Mindanao.

About 87 languages and dialects are spoken, most belonging to the Malay-Polynesian linguistic family. Of these, eight are the first languages of more than 85 percent of the population. The four principal indigenous languages are Cebuano, spoken in the Visayas; Tagalog, predominant in the area around Manila; Ilocano, spoken in northern Luzon, and Maranao and related languages spoken in Mindanao. Since 1939, in an effort to develop national unity, the government has promoted the use of the national language, Pilipino, which is based on Tagalog. Pilipino is taught in all schools and is gaining widespread acceptance across the archipelago. Many use English, Fukienese, or Mandarin as second languages. Nearly all professionals, academics, and government workers speak some English. In January 2003, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ordered the Department of Education to restore English as the medium of instruction in all schools and universities. Only a few Filipino families use Spanish as a second language.

The Philippines has one of the highest literacy rates in the developing world. About 93 percent of the population 10 years of age and older are literate.

History of the Republic of the Philippines[edit]

The Philippines had 3 colonizers:

  1. The Muslims: The religion of Islam colonized the archipelago. With their sultanates, they established their form of governance from Sulu to Luzon. The first Muslims(Moro) showed up in 1380.
  2. The Spaniards: They arrived in 1521 and began to do battle against the Muslims for dominance over the indigenous peoples of the archipelago. Later the archipelago was named as the Philippines.
  3. The Americans: They arrived in 1898. They fought against the Spaniards to posses the Philippines. Later signed the treaty of Paris.

NOTE: Of the 3 colonizers only the Americans were generous. They built infrastructures and a great educational system. And best of all, on July 4, 1946 they willingly gave the Philippines to the Filipinos. For the first time the Philippines had control over its own domain. For the first time the Philippines experienced sovereignty. For the first time the Philippines became an independent nation.

The history of The Philippines can be divided into seven very distinct phases: 1. the pre-Spanish period (before 1521); 2. the Spanish period (1521-1898); 3. the Filipino Revolution period; 4. the American period (1898-1946); 5. the Japanese occupation period; 6. the Philippine Independence and 7. the post-Independence period (1946-present).

1. Pre-Spanish Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippines and claimed the archipelago for Spain in 1521, but stayed for only a few days. Christianity was established in the Philippines only after the arrival of the succeeding Spanish expeditionary forces (the first led by Legazpi in the 16th century) and the Spanish Jesuits, and in the 17th and 18th centuries by the conquistadores.

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2. Spanish Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

The long period of Spanish rule was marked by numerous uprisings. Towards the latter half of the 19th century, Western-educated Filipinos or ilustrados (such as national hero Jose Rizal) began to criticize the excesses of Spanish rule and instilled a new sense of national identity. This movement gave inspiration to the final revolt against Spain that began in 1896 under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo and continued until the Americans defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, during the Spanish-American War. Aguinaldo declared independence from Spain on June 12, 1898.

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3. Filipino Revolution Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

During the Filipino Revolution period starting in 1898 until 1899, there arose two very distinct revolutionary outcome from native Filipinas residents who initiated an armed uprising against the historical Spanish government of the Filipinas, and against the invading forces of the United States of America, who initially had the backing of the northern Filipinos of Luzon but ended up doing battle against them after they defeated the ruling Spaniards because they withdrew their support for the Americans after it became clear the U.S. wanted to take the Filipinas islands foe its own, and paid to get it done legally in the sum amount of $30,000,0000.00 to Spain.

The two very distinct outcomes of the Filipino revolution are: Read on

4. American Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

Following Admiral George Dewey’s defeat of the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay, the U.S. occupied the Philippines. Spain ceded the islands to the United States under the terms of the Treaty of Paris (December 10, 1898) that ended the war.

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5. Japanese Occupation Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

World War II began in the Philippines when Japan surprised and deliberately attacked the country and after months of continued offensive, the island of Corregidor, the last American/Filipino stronghold, finally fell in May 1942. U.S. forces in the Philippines surrendered to the Japanese, placing the islands under Japanese control. During the occupation, thousands of Filipinos fought a running guerilla campaign against Japanese forces.

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6. Independence of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

§ 1394. Recognition of Philippine independence

  • (a) Withdrawal of American sovereignty

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7. Post-Independence Period of The Republic of the Philippines[edit]

The early years of independence were dominated by U.S.-assisted postwar reconstruction. The communist-inspired Huk Rebellion (1945-53) complicated recovery efforts before its successful suppression under the leadership of President Ramon Magsaysay. The succeeding administrations of Presidents Carlos P. Garcia (1957-61) and Diosdado Macapagal (1961-65) sought to expand Philippine ties to its Asian neighbors, implement domestic reform programs, and develop and diversify the economy. In 1962, the official Philippine Independence Day was changed from July 4 to June 12, commemorating the date independence from Spain was declared by Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898.

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Culture of The Philippines[edit]

This is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the world – our colorful and lively culture that makes us distinctly Filipino. This includes traditions, language, arts, etc. which are found in museums, churches and galleries, found within the heart of the key cities. Read On

Government and Political Conditions of The Philippines[edit]

Malacañang Palace 2008 as seen from across the Pasig River. The Malacañang Palace is the official residence of the President of the Philippines.

Malacañang Palace Postcard 1980 as seen from across the Pasig River. The Malacañang Palace is the official residence of the President of the Philippines.

How to get the best out of the Malunggay
Moringa (Malungay) leaves compared to common foods
Values per 100gm. edible portion
Nutrient Moringa Leaves Other Foods
Vitamin A 6780 mcg Carrots: 1890 mcg
Vitamin C 220 mg Oranges: 30 mg
Calcium 440 mg Cow’s milk: 120 mg
Potassium 259 mg Bananas: 88 mg
Protein 6.7 gm Cow’s milk: 3.2 gm


*Type: Republic.

  • Independence: July 4, 1946.
  • Constitution: February 11, 1987.
  • Branches:
    • Executive–president and vice president elected on separate tickets by popular vote for a single six-year term;
    President for the term of 2010 -2016: Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III
    • Legislative–bicameral Congress or Kongreso consists of:
      1. The Senate or Senado (24 seats – one-half elected every three years; members elected at large by popular vote to serve six-year terms) and
      2. The House of Representatives or Kapulungan Ng Nga Kinatawan; the House has 287 seats including 230 members in one tier representing districts and 57 sectoral party-list members in a second tier representing special minorities elected on the basis of one seat for every 2% of the total vote but with each party limited to three seats; a party represented in one tier may not hold seats in the other tier; all House members are elected by popular vote to serve three-year terms
    • Judicial–independent: Supreme Court (15 justices are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council and serve until 70 years of age); Court of Appeals; Sandigan-bayan (special court for hearing corruption cases of government officials)
  • Political parties:
    • Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats
    • Nationalist People’s Coalition
    • Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino
    • Liberal Party
    • Aksiyon Demokratiko
    • Partido Demokratikong Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan
    • and other small parties.
  • A breakdown of The Philippines’ system of government Leadership
    • Country
      • President – One: the president is elected for a one 6 year term. No re-election.
      • Vice-President – One: the vice-president is elected for a one 6 year term
      • Senate – 24 – (2010): The senators are elected for a six year term. There is an election every 3 years where only 12 senators run for office whose six year term has expired.
      • House of Representatives – 212 (2007): In office for a 3 year term. May serve for 9 years if re-elected.
      • Supreme Court – 15
    • Provinces
    • Cities
      • Mayor
    • Municipalities
      • Mayor
    • Barangay
      • Puno or Barangay Captain
  • Suffrage: Universal, but not compulsory, at age 18.

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Principal Government Officials of the Republic of the Philippines[edit]

Philippines Principal Officials: Term: 2016-2022
  • President: – Rodrigo R. Duterte
  • Vice President: – Leni Robredo
  • Foreign Secretary– Perfecto Yasay, Jr.
  • Senate President — Aquilino Pimentel III
  • House Speaker — Pantaleon Alvarez
  • Ambassador to the United States–Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr.
  • Permanent Representative to the UN– Teodoro Locsin, Jr.
  • Supreme Court Chief Justice — Maria Lourdes Sereno

The Republic of the Philippines maintains an embassy in the United States at 1600 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036 (tel. 202-467-9300). Consulates general are in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Agana (Guam). READ ON…

The Philippine Senate[edit]

The Philippine senate is composed of 24 senators who are elected by the legally registered voters of the Philippines. Senators are elected to a six year term, half the senators are elected every 3 years. This process insures that the Senate maintains a full membership.

The Senate of the Philippines is the upper chamber of the bicameral legislature of the Philippines, the Congress of the Philippines. The Senate is the only body that can authorize the ratification of treaties.

Current Senate Members of the Philippines

1.) Edgardo J. Angara 1987–1998; 2001–2007; 2007-2013; 2013-2019, 2019-2025

Quezon City, NCR Luzon

2.) Maria Lourdes Nancy Sombillo Binay 2013-2019, 2019-2025

Makati, NCR Luzon

3.) Bong Go – 2019-2025

Davao City Region XI Mindanao

4.) Leila Norma Eulalia Josefa De Lima 2016-2022

Camarines Sur – Region V(Bicol) (Luzon)

5.) Bato Dela Rosa – 2019-2025

Davao City Region XI Mindanao

6.) Franklin M. Drilon 2010-2016, 2016-2022

Iloilo City, Iloilo, Visayas but lives in Metro Manila (Luzon)

7.) Sherwin Gatchalian 2016-2022

From Valenzuela City – NCR (Luzon)

8.) Richard J Gordon 2004-2010; 2016-2022

Zambales – Region III (Luzon)

9.) Ana Theresia Hontiveros 2016-2022

From: Manila – NCR (Luzon)

10.) Manuel Lito Lapid 2004-2010; 2010-2016, 2019-2025

Pampanga, Region III Luzon

11.) Imee Marcos – 2019-2025

from Region I Luzon

12.) Pillar “Pia” Juliana Cayetano Sebastian 2004-2010, 2010-2016, 2019-2025

Taguig City, NCR Luzon

13) Francis Tolentino – 2019-2025

from: Albay Region V (Luzon)

14) Panfilo M. Lacson 2004-2010, 2016-2022

Cavite – Region IV-A (Luzon)

15.) Mary Grace Poe Llamanzares 2013-2019, 2019-2025

from: NCR Luzon

16.) Emmanuel Pacquiao 2016-2022

From Mindanao Sarangani Province – Region XII (Mindanao)

17.) Francis N. Pangilinan 2001–2007; 2007-2013; 2016-2022

From Manila – NCR (Luzon)

18.) Aquilino “Koko” Martin De La Llana Pimentel III 2013-2019, 2019-2025

Misamis Oriental, Region 10 Mindanao

19.) Ralph G. Recto – 2010-2016; 2016-2022

Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila, Lipa City, Batangas; NCR Luzon

20.) Vicente C. Sotto III – 1992-1998; 1998-2004; 2010-2016: 2016-2022

Quezon City, Metro Manila – NCR Luzon

21.) Bong Revilla, Ramon Jr – 2019-2025

from NCR Luzon

22.) Cynthia “Hanepbuhay” Aguilar Villar 2013-2019, 2019-2025

Las Piñas City, NCR Luzon

23.) Emmanuel Joel Villanueva 2016 -2022

From the province of Bulacan – Region III (Luzon)

24.) Juan Miguel Zubiri – 2007–2013; 2016-2022

From Mindanao Bukidnon Province – Region X (Mindanao)

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*Winners of the 2016 Senatorial Election for the term of 2019-2025

  1. Villar, cynthia (Np)
  2. Poe, grace (Ind)
  3. Go, bong Go (Pdplbn)
  4. Cayetano, pia (Np)
  5. Dela Rosa, bato (Pdplbn)
  6. Angara, edgardo Sonny (Ldp)
  7. Lapid, lito (Npc)
  8. Marcos, imee (Np)
  9. Tolentino, francis (Pdplbn)
  10. Pimentel, koko (Pdplbn)
  11. Bong Revilla, ramon Jr (Lakas)
  12. Binay, nancy (Una)

*Winners of the 2016 Senatorial Election for the term of 2016-2022

  1. Franklin M. Drilon – Iloilo province, but lives in Metro Manila – NCR (Luzon)
  2. Emmanuel Joel Villanueva* – From the province of Bulacan – Region III (Luzon)
  3. Vicente C. Sotto III – From Manila – NCR (Luzon)
  4. Panfilo M. Lacson – Cavite – Region IV-A (Luzon)
  5. Richard J Gordon – Zambales – Region III (Luzon)
  6. Juan Miguel Zubiri – From Mindanao Bukidnon Province – Region X (Mindanao)
  7. Emmanuel Pacquiao* From Mindanao Sarangani Province – Region XII (Mindanao)
  8. Ana Theresia Hontiveros* – From: Manila – NCR (Luzon)
  9. Francis N. Pangilinan – From Manila – NCR (Luzon)
  10. Sherwin Gatchalian* – From Valenzuela City – NCR (Luzon)
  11. Ralph G. Recto – Muntinlupa City – NCR (Luzon)
  12. Leila Norma Eulalia Josefa De Lima* – Camarines Sur – Region V (Luzon)
5 new senators elected in the election year of 2016(*)

  • Winners of the 2013 Senatorial Election for the term of 2013-2019
  1. Mary Grace Poe Llamanzares Independent 16340333 6.84%
  2. Loren B. Legarda (Npc) Nationalist Peoples’ Coalition 14942824 6.26%
  3. Francis “Chiz” Joseph G. Escudero Independent 14137127 5.92%
  4. Alan Peter S. Cayetano (Np) Nacionalista Party 14129783 5.92%
  5. Maria Lourdes Nancy Sombillo Binay (Una) United Nationalist Alliance 13310851 5.57%
  6. Edgardo J. Angara (Ldp) Laban Ng Demokratikong Pilipino 12853305 5.38%
  7. Paolo “Bam” Benigno Aguirre Aquino IV (Lp) Liberal Party 12376372 5.18%
  8. Aquilino “Koko” Martin De La Llana Pimentel III (Pdp) Partido Demokratiko Pilipino Lakas Ng Bayan 11846088 4.96%
  9. Antonio F. Trillanes IV (Np) Nacionalista Party 11389173 4.77%
  10. Cynthia “Hanepbuhay” Aguilar Villar (Np) Nacionalista Party 11070265 4.64%
  11. Joseph Victor Gomez “JV Estrada” Ejercito (Una) United Nationalist Alliance 11010630 4.61%
  12. Gregorio “Gringo” Ballesteros Honasan (Una) United Nationalist Alliance 10620981

  • Winners of the 2013 Senatorial Election for the term of 2010-2016
  1. Franklin M. Drilon
  2. Juan Ponce Enrile 1987–1992; 1995–2001; 2004-2010; 2010-2016
    Gonzaga, Cagayan Province, Luzon
  3. Jose E. “Jinggoy” Estrada 2004-2010; 2010-2016
    San Juan City, Metro Manila, Luzon
  4. Teofisto L. Guingona III – 2010-2016
    Bukidnon, Region 10 Mindanao
  5. Manuel Lito Lapid 2004-2010; 2010-2016
    Pampanga, Luzon
  6. Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. – 2010-2016
  7. Sergio R. Osmeña III – 2010-2016
    Cebu, Visayas
  8. Ralph G. Recto – 2010-2016
    Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila, Lipa City, Batangas; Luzon
  9. Ramon B. Revilla, Jr. 2004-2010; 2010-2016
    Imus, Cavite, Luzon
  10. Pillar “Pia” Juliana Cayetano Sebastian 2004-2010, 2010-2016
    Taguig City, Luzon
  11. Miriam Defensor Santiago 1995–2001; 2004-2010; 2010-2016
  12. Vicente C. Sotto III
    Quezon City, Luzon
  • Former Senators of The Philippines
  1. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III 2007–2013
    • Tarlac Province, Luzon
  2. Joker P. Arroyo 2001–2007; 2007-2013
    • Makati City, Luzon
  3. Rodolfo G. Biazon 1992–1995, 1998–2004; 2007-2013
    • Muntinlupa City, Luzon
  4. Richard J Gordon 2004-2010
    • Olongapo City, Zambales, Luzon
  5. Panfilo M. Lacson 2004-2010
    • Imus, Cavite, Luzon
  6. Francis N. Pangilinan 2001–2007; 2007-2013
    • Mandaluyong City, Luzon
  7. Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. 1987–1992 ;1998-2004; 2004-2010
    • Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao
  8. Manuel A. Roxas II 2004-2010
    • Roxas City, Capiz, Visayas
  9. Jamby Madrigal Valade 2004-2010
    • Manila, Luzon
  10. Manuel B. Villar, Jr. 2001–2007; 2007-2013
  11. Juan Miguel Zubiri 2007–2013
    • Malaybalay City, Mindanao

Economy of The Philippines[edit]

  • Philippines/Gross domestic product = 376.8 billion USD (2019)
  • Natural resources: Copper, nickel, iron, cobalt, silver, gold.
  • Agriculture: Products–rice, coconut products, sugar, corn, pork, bananas, pineapple products, aquaculture, mangoes, eggs.
  • Industry: Types–textiles and garments, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, wood products, paper and paper products, tobacco products, beverage manufacturing, food processing, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, electronics and semiconductor assembly, mineral products, hydrocarbon products, fishing, business process outsourcing services.
  • Trade (2009): Exports–$38.3 billion. Imports–$42.8 billion.

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Featured News of The Philippines[edit]

Updated: October 4, 2021

Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte is under the microscope again with the Judges at the International Criminal Court as they approved a formal investigation into possible crimes against humanity committed under his leadership.

An internal investigation that leaked, found that at least 154 police officers could be criminally liable while conducting President Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody war on drugs. But under the orders of President Duterte, the government will not cooperate with the ICC. The cover up continues.

Agriculture and Forestry[edit]

Arable farmland comprises more than 40 percent of the total land area. Although the Philippines is rich in agricultural potential, inadequate infrastructure, lack of financing, and government policies have limited productivity gains. Philippine farms produce food crops for domestic consumption and cash crops for export. The agricultural sector employs more than one-third of the work force but provides less than a fifth of GDP.

Decades of uncontrolled logging and slash-and-burn agriculture in marginal upland areas have stripped forests, with critical implications for the ecological balance. Although the government has instituted conservation programs, deforestation remains a severe problem.

With its 7,107 islands, the Philippines has a very diverse range of fishing areas. Notwithstanding good prospects for marine fisheries, the industry continues to face a difficult future due to destructive fishing methods, a lack of funds, and inadequate government support.

Agriculture generally suffers from low productivity, low economies of scale, and inadequate infrastructure support. Agricultural output increased by 5.1 percent in real terms during 2004 but stagnated to 2.24 percent in 2005 due to drought and intermittent weather disturbances. Despite the adverse effects of successive and very strong typhoons in the last four months of 2006, the overall annual farm output expanded by 3.8 percent. In 2007, the sector grew by 4.68 percent, led by gains in the fisheries subsector.

Fruits of the Philippines[edit]

In the past, many of the fruits found at the local markets were seasonal, but today they are mostly grown year-round with intervention. Read On

  • Rambutan is abundant in the month of September.

Industry of the Philippines[edit]

Industrial production is centered on the processing and assembly operations of the following: food, beverages, tobacco, rubber products, textiles, clothing and footwear, pharmaceuticals, paints, plywood and veneer, paper and paper products, small appliances, and electronics. Heavier industries are dominated by the production of cement, glass, industrial chemicals, fertilizers, iron and steel, and refined petroleum products. Newer industries, particularly production of semiconductors and other intermediate goods for incorporation into consumer electronics are important components of Philippine exports and are located in special export processing zones.

The industrial sector is concentrated in urban areas, especially in the metropolitan Manila region, and has only weak linkages to the rural economy. Inadequate infrastructure, transportation, and communication have so far inhibited faster industrial growth, although significant strides have been made in addressing the last of these elements.

Mining in the Philippines[edit]

The Philippines is one of the world’s most highly mineralized countries, with untapped mineral wealth estimated at more than $840 billion. Philippine copper, gold, and chromate deposits are among the largest in the world. Other important minerals include nickel, silver, coal, gypsum, and sulfur. The Philippines also has significant deposits of clay, limestone, marble, silica, and phosphate. The discovery of natural gas reserves off Palawan has been brought on-line to generate electricity.

Despite its rich mineral deposits, the Philippine mining industry is just a fraction of what it was in the 1970s and 1980s when the country ranked among the ten leading gold and copper producers worldwide. Low metal prices, high production costs, and lack of investment in infrastructure have contributed to the industry’s overall decline. A December 2004 Supreme Court decision upheld the constitutionality of the 1995 Mining Act, thereby allowing up to 100 percent foreign-owned companies to invest in large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, oil, and gas.

Foreign Relations of The Philippines[edit]

In its foreign policy, the Philippines cultivates constructive relations with its Asian neighbors, with whom it is linked through membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. The Philippines chaired ASEAN from 2006 to 2007, hosting the ASEAN Heads of State Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum. The Philippines is a member of the UN and some of its specialized agencies, and served a two-year term as a member of the UN Security Council from January 2004-2006, acting as UNSC President in September 2005. Since 1992, the Philippines has been a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. The government is seeking observer status in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The Philippines has played a key role in ASEAN in recent years, ratifying the ASEAN Charter in October 2008. The Philippines also values its relations with the countries of the Middle East, in no small part because hundreds of thousands of Filipinos are employed in that region. The welfare of the some four to five million overseas Filipino contract workers is considered to be a pillar of Philippine foreign policy. Foreign exchange remittances from these workers exceed 11 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.

The fundamental Philippine attachment to democracy and human rights is also reflected in its foreign policy. Philippine soldiers and police have participated in a number of multilateral civilian police and peacekeeping operations, and a Philippine Army general served as the first commander of the UN Peacekeeping Operation in East Timor. The Philippines presently has peacekeepers deployed in eight UN Peacekeeping Operations worldwide.. The Philippines also participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom, deploying some 50 troops to Iraq in 2003. (These troops were subsequently withdrawn in 2004 after a Filipino overseas worker was kidnapped.) The Philippine Government also has been active in efforts to reduce tensions among rival claimants to the territories and waters of the resource-rich South China Sea.

U.S.A.-Philippines Relations[edit]

U.S.-Philippine relations are based on shared history and commitment to democratic principles, as well as on economic ties. The historical and cultural links between the Philippines and the United States remain strong. The Philippines modeled its governmental institutions on those of the United States and continues to share a commitment to democracy and human rights. At the most fundamental level of bilateral relations, human links continue to form a strong bridge between the two countries. There are an estimated four million Americans of Philippine ancestry in the United States, and more than 250,000 American citizens in the Philippines.

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Trade and Investment[edit]

Two-way U.S. merchandise trade with the Philippines amounted to $17.1 billion in 2007 (U.S. Department of Commerce data). According to Philippine Government data, 14.1 percent of the Philippines’ imports in 2007 came from the United States, and about 17.0 percent of its exports were bound for America. The Philippines ranks as our 29th-largest export market and our 34th-largest supplier. Key exports to the United States are semiconductor devices and computer peripherals, automobile parts, electric machinery, textiles and garments, wheat and animal feeds, and coconut oil. In addition to other goods, the Philippines imports raw and semi-processed materials for the manufacture of semiconductors, electronics and electrical machinery, transport equipment, and cereals and cereal preparations.

The United States traditionally has been the Philippines’ largest foreign investor, with close to $6.7 billion in total foreign direct investment as of end-2007.

Since the late 1980s, the Philippines has committed itself to reforms that encourage foreign investment as a basis for economic development, subject to certain guidelines and restrictions in specified areas. Under President Ramos, the Philippines expanded reforms, opening the power generation and telecommunications sectors to foreign investment, as well as securing ratification of the Uruguay Round agreement and membership in the World Trade Organization. As noted earlier, President Arroyo’s administration has generally continued such reforms despite opposition from vested interests and “nationalist” blocs. A major obstacle has been and will continue to be constitutional restrictions on, among others, foreign ownership of land and public utilities, which limits maximum ownership to 40 percent.

Over the last two decades, the relatively closed Philippine economy has been opened significantly by foreign exchange deregulation, foreign investment and banking liberalization, tariff and market barrier reduction, and foreign entry into the retail trade sector. The Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 opened opportunities for U.S. firms to participate in the power industry in the Philippines. Information and communications technologies, backroom operations such as call centers, regional facilities or shared-service centers, tourism, and mining are likewise leading investment opportunities.

Principal U.S. Embassy Officials Ambassador–Kristie A. Kenney Deputy Chief of Mission–Paul W. Jones Political Counselor–Thomas B. Gibbons Economic Counselor–Larry L. Memmott Public Affairs Counselor– Richard Nelson Consul General–Richard D. Haynes Management Counselor–Catherine I. Ebert-Gray Commercial Counselor– Patrick WallUSAID Mission Director–Jon Lindborg Agricultural Counselor–Emiko Purdy Transportation and Safety Administration–Scottie R. Laird

Department of Homeland Security – Frank J. Cabaddu Defense Attaché Office–Colonel Anthony Senci Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group–Colonel Kevin D. Clark Regional Security Officer–Jacob M. Wohlman Legal Attaché James D. Nixon U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration–Timothy C. Teal Veterans Affairs–Jonathan Skelly Social Security Administration– Darrin Morgan. American Battle Monuments Commission–Larry A. Adkison U.S. Peace Corps– Sonia Derenoncourt

The U.S. Embassy is located at 1201 Roxas Boulevard, Manila; tel. (63)(2) 301-2000; fax 301-2399; website: The American Business Center is located at 25/F, Ayala Life – FGU Center, 6811 Ayala Avenue, Makati City. It houses the Foreign Commercial Service: tel. (63)(2) 888-4088; fax 888-6606; website:; and the Foreign Agricultural Service: tel. (63)(2) 887-1137; fax 887-1268; website:

Travel and Business Information[edit]

Last updated: 9/13/2021

All airline passengers traveling to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the United States may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. Check the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions.

Popular Travel Destinations in the Philippines[edit]

There are several destinations for the traveller to enjoy in the Philippines. It is best if you hire a local to show you around. Every Filipino is proud of his domain. He is very hospitable and always has a smile on his face. You can find a tourist guide almost anywhere. There are professional travel agencies with professional travel guides and there the pedicab drivers, tri-cycle drivers, jeepney drivers, and taxi or puj drivers. Each one of these individuals are very familiar with their area and will do their best to show you their hometown or show-off their hometown.

If you want to enjoy the local areas or barangays, do not hesitate to visit the barangay hall. There you will meet the most wonderful and cooperative people. The officer of the day or the secretary of the barangay will be more than willing help you or point you to the right direction. Every barangay in the Philippines has an elected secretary. The barangay captain (puno) and the council members (kagawads) are always moving around, but the secretary is always in the office.

If you are travelling with teenagers, there is the SK (Sangguniang Kabataan) or Youth Council in each of the barangays. You can have an appointment with one of the youth council members. This is usually a 5 or 8 member group. Again these folks are more than willing to help you.

Education in the Philippines[edit]

There are over 40,000 barangays in the Philippines and just about everysingle barangay has an elementary school. In the more urban areas, each barangay has a public high school.

Real Estate or Properties for Sale or lease in The Philippines[edit]

  • If you have real estate property, whether its commercial, residential, farm land, or just an empty lot in The Philippines, you can list that property for free. Click to VIEW, EDIT, or ADD Realty Listings.
  • You can list your House and lot or farm land for sale or lease for free here in Z-Wiki

Philippine Trivia[edit]

  • The exotic jeepney is a post-war creation inspired by the GI jeeps that the American soldiers brought to the Philippines in the 1940s. Enterprising Filipinos salvaged the surplus engines and came out unique vehicles of art.
  • Short distance and feeder trips could not be more exciting than via Philippine quick transports – **the tricycle, a motorcycle with a sidecar, and
    • the pedicab, a bicycle with a sidecar.
  • The world’s longest underground river system accessible to man can be found at the St. Paul National Park in the province of Palawan.

  • Festivals in the month of November in the philippines

Adivay: November : La Trinidad, Benquet ★ Banaag Festival: November 1 : Anilao, Iloilo ★ P’yagsawitan Festival: November 3rd week: Maragusan Compostela Valley ★ Binabayani Festival: November Last week: Olongapo, Zamboales ★ Tan-OK ni Ilocano Festival: November third week: Ilocos Norte ★ Crown Festival: November 3rd week: Taytay, Rizal ★ Tumba (Candle) Festival: November 2: San Luis, Batangas ★ Pinta Flores Festival: November 3 to 5: San Carlos City, Negros Occidental ★ San Carlos City Fiesta: November 4: San Carlos City, Negros Occidental ★ Angono Arts Festival: November 5 to 25: Angono, Rizal ★

Pages in category “Barangays of the Philippines”[edit]

Click on the first letter of the Barangay’s name or Narrow it down to the first few letters of the Barangay’s Name
Since 1997 has been trying to convince all the municipalities, cities and provinces to mention the name of the barangay where the municipality hall, city hall and provincial capitol is located in. We even wrote letters to the president requesting that the Malacañang palace shows the name of the barangay where it is in. is about the barangays of the Philippines.

Adl, Agua, Alem, Am, An, Ar, At
Bag, Ban, Bar, Bas, Be, Bgy, Bi, Bo, Bu, Bul
Cad, Cal, Cam, Car, Coa, Cogo, Cua
Dan, Day, Don, Dul
Far, Fol
Gap,Ge, Gua,
Hil, Hob
Jar, Jua
Kam, Kay, Kia
Lan, Lio
Mal, Man, Mar, Mat, Mina
Nang, Nes
oe, ou
Pala,Pang, Pian, Poblacion, Poblacion O,
Polo, Prim, Pung
Res, Rizal, Rizd
Sal, Sam, San, San F, San M, San R, San V, Santa, Santo, Se, Si, So, Su
Taga, Tika, Tua, Tung
Xa, Xe
Yab, yob
Zal, Zel

There are 42,045 barangays in the Philippines. The first 200 are listed below.
(previous 200) (next 200)



A cont.

A cont.

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