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List of English and Chavacano words

Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.

English Chavacano-1 Chavacano-2
Idle Flojo
Idleness Flojonesa
If Si
If not Sino Si no
Ignite Cendi
Ignorance Ignorancia
Ignorant Ignorante
Ignore Ignora No hace caso
Iguana Iguana
Ill Enfermo
Illness Enfermedad
Illuminate Alumbra
Illustrate Aclara
Image Imagen
Imagination Imaginacion
Imagine Imagina
Imagine that Quever
Imbibe Toma Bebe
Imitate Imita Copia
Imitation Imitacion
Immediately Enseguidas Apenas, Dayun
Immerse Sumi Na Agua
Immigrate Imigra
Imperil Pone Na Peligro
Impersonate Tampa Otro
Implement Implementa
Implicate Implica Umit
Implicated Implicao
Implore Roga Suplica
Imply Implica Umit
Import Importa
Important Importante
Impose Impone
Impossible Imposible
Imprison Encarcela
Improve Mejora
In En Na
In case En caso
In front En frente Adelante
In the meantime Mientras tanto
In-laws Con Cunños Con Cunñas
Inaugurate Inagura
Incense therapy Sahuma
Inch Pulgada
Incharge Encargao
Incident Incidente
Inclination Inclinacion
Incline Inclina
Inclined Inclinao Inclinado
Include Inclui
Included Incluido
Income Entrada Ganancia
Inconvenient Malisud
Independent Independiente
Indicate Indica
Individual Individual
Inebriated Borracho
Infect Infecta Tapon
Infected Infectao Tapon
Infection Infeccion
Infested Infestado
Infinity Infinito
Influence Influencia
Information Informacion
Infront Enfrenta Atubang
Ingredient Ingrediente
Inhabitant Viviente
Inheritance Herencia
Initial Inicial
Inject Claba
Injection Inekccion
Ink Tinta
Inn Fonda
Inner Tube Goma del rueda
Innocent Inocente
Insert Entra Chucha
Inside Adentro
Inside out Baliscat
Insignificant Insignificante
Insist Insisti
Inspire Inspira
Install Pone
Instead Envez
Instigate Instiga
Instruct Enseña
Insult Insulta Insulto
Insulter Gangiador
Insure Asegura
Intact Intacto
Integrity Integridad
Intelligent Inteligente Awishao
Intense like for cuteness Ugud
Intention Intencion
Intention Intencional Adredes
Intentional Interes Gana
Interested Interesao
Interesting Interesante
Interfere Entramete Interferi, mete
Interferer Metedor
Interpret Interpreta
Interpreter Sabe interpreta
Interrupt Entramete
Interrupting Ta entramete
Interview Entrevista
Intimidator Intimidor
Intoxicated Borracho
Introduce Introduci
Invade Invadi
Invasion Invacion
Invent Inventa
Invention Invento Invencion
Investigate Investiga
Investigation Investigacion
Invite Invita
Involve Enbuelto
Involved Implicao
Irksome Salawayun
Iron Hierro Plancha
Iron Clothes Plancha Ropa
Irritate Irrita Consumi, Inchilao
Isn’t he Hinde ba ele
Isn’t she Hinde ba ele
Isolate Aparta
Issue Asuntos
It is Se
It is getting dark Ta queda ya escuro Ta escuricha ya
It’s here Taqui
Itch Rasca
Itchiness Rascinas
Itchy Rasca
Jack fruit Nangka
Jail Carcel
Jailhose Calabozo
January Enero
Jar Garapon
Jaw Sahgang
Jealous Celos Celoso
Jeep Jeep
Jeer Gangia
Jelly Jalea
Jeopardy Peligro
Jesus Christ Lizard Ibit
Jewelry Alajas
Jihadist Juramentado
Job Trabajo
Join Uni Man Junto, Junto
Joke Broma Tenta
Joker Bromisto Bromista
Joy Alegria
Judge Juez Juzga
Juice Gata
July Julio
Jump Bringca Salta
Jumper cable Jamper cable
June Junio
Jurisdiction Jurisdiccion
Just Lang
Justify Justifica
Katuray Katuray
Keep Guarda Recogi
Keep After Persigi
Keep apart Desaleja
Keep Back Aguanta
Keep Off Preveni
Keep Out No Entra Esta Afuera
Keep Safe Con Cuidao
Key can opener Abrilata
Kick Patea Patada
Kid Bata Joven
Kidney Riñon
Kill Malta
Kiln Orno
Kind Generoso Amable
Kindle Cendi Kema
Kindness Amabilidad
Kinds of diarrhea Clase de Caganera Aguasa, Cursiao, Soropot
King Rey
Kiss Besa
Kitchen Cocina
Kitchen countertop Paga
Kitchen sink Lavabo
Kite Bulador
Knead Masa Suba
Knee Rodilla
Kneel Hinca
Knees Rodillas
Knife Cuchillo
Knit Teje
Knock Golpe Tuktuk
Knock on the head Kakal
Knot Buhul
Know Sabe Conoce
Know it all Sabiondo
Knowledge Saber
Lack of interest Falta interes Falta gana
Lacking Falta
Ladder Escalera Escala
Laid down Acostao
Lame Piang
Lamp Lampara
Lance Lansia
Land Tierra
Language Lenguaje
Lantern Farol
Lard Manteca
Large Grande
Large earthen Jar Banga
Large stone with a flat top Pukpukan
Lasso Laso Lasa
Last Ultimo
Last night Anoche
Last place Uliji Ultimo lugar
Lasting Durable
Lastname Apellido
Late Atrasao Uliji
Late arrival Atasao Atrasado
Later Despues
Laugh Re
Laughable Makarisas
Laughter Risas
Launder Lava
Laundry Lavada
Laundry woman Lavandera
Law Ley
Laws Leyes
Lawyer Abogado Abogao
Lay Down Acosta
Lay on the ground Emplasta
Laziness Flojonesa
Lazy Flojo
Lead Plomo
Lead Encabeza Guia
Leader Lider
Leaders Lideres
Leaf Hoja
Leak Gotea Tulo
Lean Sandig Inclina
Lean On Man Sandig
Leap Salta
Learn Aprende
Learn by guessing Adivina y acerta
Learn to speak chavacano Aprende conversa chavacano
Leather Cuero
Leave Deja Abandona, Larga
Leave Behind Deja Abandona
Leaves Hojas
Leech Sangriguelas
Left Ya Larga Deja, Izquerda
Left hand Mano izquerda
Left over food Bahao
Left over food Hinugas
Leg Pata Pierna, Muslo
Leg over someone Tanday
Legislature Legislatura
Legitimate Propio Verdadero
Legs Pata Pierna, Muslo
Lemon grass Tanglad
Lend Presta Dale presta
Lesson Leccion
Let Permiti Deja
Let Go Larga
Let us play Juga kita
Let us see Aver
Let’s see Haber Mira kita
Let’s see Aver
Letter Carta Letra
Letters Cartas Letras
Lettuce Lechugas
Level Nivel
Lever Bangual
Leverage Ventaja
Liar Embustero Embustera, Mentiroso, Mentirosa
Liberty Libertad
Library Librario
Lice Lisa
License Licensia
License plate Placa
Lick Lambe
Lie Mentira Man Embusteria
Lies Mentiras Embusterias
Lieutenant Teniente
Life Vida
Lifetime Entero vida
Lift Alsa
Light Alumbra Encendi
Light up Arde, Cindi
Lightning Kirlat
Lightning Bolt Rayo
Lightweight Libiano
Like Como Dol
Like Quiere Gusta
Like that Ansina
Like this Ansina
Likewise Mismo Igualmente
Liking Gusto
Limit Limito
Line Linea
Line Up Alinea
Line up Man pila
Linger Man Dulug
Lips Labios
Liquid Liquido
List Lista
Listen Oi Uyi
Litter Basura
Little Diutay Pequeño
Little at a time Poco poco
Little bird Pajarito
Little brother Hermanito
Little shit Igit
Little sister Hermanita
Live Vivi
Livelihood Lavida
Liver Higado
Living room Sala
Load Carga Llena
Loan Debe
Loathe Odia
Localization Localisacion
Located Localidad
Location Localidad
Lock Tranca
Lock Up Encera
Lodging Lugar
Loiter Man Dulug
Long Largo
Long ago Antes
Long pole Sungkit
Long time Tarda
Long time ago Largo tiempo
Longer Mas largo Mas ya tarda
Longtitude Longtitud
Look Busca Mira
Look After Cuida
Look back Bira cara
Look up Tanga
Looks good Plantudu
Looks like Ichura
Loose Haluga
Loosen Desata Afloja, Haluga
Loosened Aflojao
Lose Perde
Loser Perdido
Loser fighting cock Talunan
Loss Perdicion
Lost Perdido
Loud Suena Alboroto
Lovable Amable Amoroso
Love Ama Amor
Love King Amor doño
Lovely Guapa Hermosa
Lover Amante Kabit
Loving Amoroso
Low Bajo
Lower Mas bajo
Lowness Bajura
Loyal Fiel
Luck Suerte Chamba
Lucky Debuenas Suertisto, Suertista
Luggage Baul
Lukewarm water Tibio agua
Lunch Comida Baun
Lunch Box Baun Abio, Fiambrera
Lurk Tiit
Lust Lujuria
Lustful Lujuriao
Machete Bolo
Machine Maquina Motor
Machismo Macho
Made Hecho
Magic Magic
Magnitude Magnitud
Maid Muchacha Criada
Maiden Dalaga
Mail Correo Carta
Mailman Cartero
Maintain Mantene
Maintenance Mantencion Mantenimiento
Majority Mayoria
Make Hace
Make Hace
Make a deal Contratajan
Make A Hole Agujera
Make Easy Hace Facil
Make Noise Alborota
Make Use Of Usa
Making of Hacida
Male Hombre
Malice Malicia
Malign Mal Habla
Mallet Mazo
Maltreat Maltrata
Man Hombre
Manage Bihila Bisia
Manage Maneja Bihila
Mango Mangga
Mangrove post Sagasah
Manipulate Manipula
Manipulating Manipula
Manner Manera
Manners Costumbre Modales
Manufacture Fabrica
Many Mucho Manada
Marble Jolen Marmol
March Marcha Avanza
March Marzo
Margerine Margarina
Marinate Babat
Mark Marca Rastro
Marked Marcao
Market Tiangue Mercado
Market stall Puesto
Married Casao
Married couple Maridable
Marry Casa
Marsh Pantano
Mashed boiled bananas Bayu-Bayu
Mask Mascara
Mass Misa Masa
Massage Suba Masaje
Massage Masaje Suba
Massage therapist Masajista Subandero
Master Amo Maestro, Maestra
Masticate Mascucha Masca, Usang
Masturbate Bate
Masturbation Batida
Mat Petate Mate
Matches Posporo
Mate Pareja Compañero, Compañera
Material Materiales
Mattress Corchon
Mature Hecho Maduro, Awishao
Maturity Wisho
May Mayo
May Puede Baka
Maybe Baka Talvez, Puedeque, Seguro
Mayor Alcalde Alcaldesa
Me Yo Conmigo
Meal Comida Vianda, Baun
Mean Quiere Decir
Meaning Significacion Que decir
Meaningless or worthless things or actions Palestroques
Meantime Mientras tanto
Meanwhile Mientras tanto
Measure Midi Racion
Meat Carne Laman
Meat pie Empanada
Mechanic Mecanico
Medal Medalla
Meddle Entramete Samuk
Medicine Medicina
Meet Encuentro
Meeting Encontrajan Miting
Melancholy Triste
Melt Derreti
Member Miembro
Memories Recuerdos Memorias
Memorize Memoriza
Memory Memoria
Menace Amenaza
Mend Compone Coregi
Mend Zurci Aregla
Mentality Mentalidad
Mentally Mental
Mention Menciona
Merchant Negociante
Mercy Misericordia
Merry Feliz
Mess Calandracas
Message Mensaje
Messy Calandracas
Messy Calandracas
Microbe Microbio
Microscope Microscopio
Middle Medio
Midwife Paltera
Milk Leche
Mill Mole Molino
Million Millon
Millions Millones
Millipede Milpies
Mince Pica pica
Mind Pensamiento
Mine Mio Mina
Minute Minuto
Mirror Espejo
Mischievious Salawayun Pillo, Tulisan, pilla
Miss Falla Señorita, Perde
Missed No hay tupa
Mistake Error Mali
Mistreat Maltrata
Mistress Kabit
Mistrust Desconfia
Mix Mescla Bate
Mix things up Kalkal
Mix To Taste Templa
Mixed Mesclao
Mode Modo
Moist Mojoso
Moldy smell Panus
Mole Lunar

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