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List of English and Chavacano words

Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.

English Chavacano-1 Chavacano-2
Fermented tuba Bahal
Fertilize Pone Abono
Fertilizer Abono
Festered wound Bacocang
Fetch water Aguada
Fever Calentura
Fidelity Fidelidad
Fifth Quinta
Fifty Cincuenta
Fight Pelea Imbisti
Fight back Imbisti
Fighter Peleador
Fighting Peleajan Golpeajan
File Lima Recogi
Fill Llena
Filling Llenada
Film Pelicula
Filter Sala
Filthy Cochino Ma Buling
Filthy habit Cochino Cochina
Finalize Finaliza
Finally Finalmente Cuando acabao, Ultima
Finance Financia Fondo, Pone capital
Financing Financiacion
Find Encontra
Find out Averigua
Fine Multa
Fine rice grits Binglid
Finesse Delicadeza
Finger Dedo
Finish Acaba
Finished Acabao
Fire Fuego Kema
Firebrand Tison
Firecracker Rabentador
Firefighter Bombero
Firefly Aniniput
Firewood Leña
First Primero Una
Fish Pesca Pescao
Fish Pescao Pesca
Fish Casting Net Rede Tarraya
Fish pond harvesting Secada
Fisherman Pescador
Fishing Pescada
Fishnet Sihut Rede, Tarraya
Fit Tupa Coloca, Amo
Fit Acabe
Five Cinco
Fix Compone Arregla
Fixed Fijo Componido
Flashlight Plaslayt
Flat Tampat Plat
Flat ass Sampayut
Flat basket Bilao
Flat nose Charat
Flatten Lata
Flattened Lata
Flee Escapa Corre
Fleshy Malaman
Flick Pitik
Flighty Caprichoso
Flip Baliscat Tuat
Flipped over backwards Baliscat pa tuat
Flirt Biga Ego
Flirtatious Bigaun
Float Lutao
Flood Avenida
Floor Piso
Flopping around Palak palak
Flour Harina
Flourish Prospera
Flower Flores
Flower vase Florero
Flowering Floreao
Flu Tankaso
Fluorescent Fluorescente
Fly Bula Moscas
Foe Enemigo Contrario
Fog Sereno Nublina
Foil Sangga
Fold Dobla
Follow Sigui Segui
Follower Siguidor Seguidor
Followers Siguidores Seguidores
Following Siguiente Siguiendo
Fond Quiere-quiere
Food Comida Ulam
Food container Fiambrera
Fool Torpe Tonto, Engaña
Foolish actions Sanganadas Guachi
Foolish playful person Guachinango
Foolishness Lukuras Tonterias, Sanganadas
Foot Pie
For Para
Forbid Prohibi
Force Forza
Forced Forzao
Forcer Forzador
Forearm Antebrazo
Forehead Frente
Foreman Capatas
Forest leech Alimatok
Forget Olvida
Forgetful Olvidon
Forgive Perdona
Forgiveness Perdon
Forgotten Olvidao
Fork Tenedor
Form Forma
Formal Formal
Format Format
Fortune Fortuna
Forty Quarenta
Forward Avantea
Foundation Fundacion
Founder Fundador
Fountain Fuente
Four Cuatro
Fourth Aca cuatro
Frame Frame
Fraud Engaño
Free Spirit Mantas
Free will Voluntad Deseo
Freedom Libertad
Frequent Frecuente
Fresh Fresco
Friday Viernes
Fried Frito
Friend Amigo Amiga
Friendship Amistad
Frighten Espanta Asusta
Frisk Requisa
Frog Palaka
From Desde De
From the province Provinciano
Front Delante Frente
Front line Frontera
Frontage Frontera
Fruit Fruta
Fruit picker Sacador
Fruits Frutas
Frustrated Frustrado
Fry Fri
Frying Fri
Frying pan Carahay
Frying pan, large Cawa
Fuck Chinga Pitul
Fuck you Chinga vos
Fucker Chingon Chingona
Fulfill Cumpli
Full Lleno Busog
Full force Todas Todo fuerza
Full of sores Sarnasin
Fumes Umu
Function Funciona
Funding Fondo
Funds Fondo
Funnel Embudo
Funny Makarisas
Furious Endiabla
Furnace to make copra Tapahan Orno
Furniture Mueble
Fuse Mecha
Future Futuro
Gain Gana Ganada, Ganar
Galavant Lakuacha, Layas
Gallivant Layas, Lakuaya
Gamble Juga Apuesta
Gambling Juego de apuesta Juego con apuesta
Game Juego
Gang member Barkada
Gang Up Talabangan
Gangster Gangster
Garage Garaje
Garbage Basura
Garden Jardin Tablon
Gardener Jardinero
Gargle Gargarea
Garlic Ajos
Gate Puerta Tranca
Gather Ajunta Recoger, Hace tumpuk
Gathering Encontrajan
Gelatine Gumalman
Gender Genero
General General
Generally Generalmente Mas mucho
Generosity Generosidad
Generous Generoso
Genius Alto saber Bien awishao
Gentle Suave
Gentleman Caballero
Genuine Genuin
Get Saca
Get bigger Engranda Queda grande
Get dressed Muda
Get ready Prepara ya
Get to Guinda
Get up Levanta
Gift Regalo Regala
Gifted Regalado
Gills Argallas
Ginger Jenibre
Ginger tea Tahu
Girlfriend Novia
Give Dale Regala
Give back Devolve
Give birth Pari
Give up Deja Abandonao
Given Regalado
Glass Vaso Espejo
Glory Gloria
Glowing Brillante
Glutton Tragon
Go Anda Larga
Go down Abaja
Go home Volve
Go In Entra
Go Out Sale
Go to market Anda na tiangue Man tiangue
Go to school Anda na escuela
Go to town Anda na pueblo
Go Up Subi
Go with Sigui Segui
Go with him Sigui conele
Goat Cabrito
Goat, female Cabra
Goat, male Cabron
God Dios
God bless you Dios te bendiga
God forbid Buyag
Goddaughter Hijada
Godfather Padrino
Godmother Madrina
Godson Hijado
Gold Oro
Good Bueno Buena, Buen, Bien, Buenamente
Good judgement Wisho
Good luck Buena suerte
Goodbye Adios Hasta la vista
Goose grass Pies de gallo
Gore Curnia
Gossip Chismis
Gossiper Chismosa Chismoso
Govern Goberna
Government Gobierno
Grab Rebata Agarra
Grace Gracia
Gracious Gracioso
Grade Grado
Graduate Gradúa
Granary Tambobo
Grand Gran Grandioso
Granddaughter Nieta
Grandfather Abuelo Lolo
Grandmother Abuela Lola
Grandson Nieto Apo
Grant Dale Atorga
Granting Atorga Dale
Grapefruit Pomelo
Grapes Uvas
Grass Sacate
Grasshopper Langosta
Grate Rala Gitgit
Grate Gitgit
Grater Ralador
Gratitude Gratitud
Grave Grabe Sepultura, Tumba
Gravel Gava
Graze Chaggis
Great Gran
Great Grandfather Bisabuelo
Great Grandmother Bisabuela
Great position Gran Posicion
Greatness Gran Posicion
Greedy Canalla Lagag, Hambrenton
Green Verde
Green beans Frijoles
Green onions Cebollas
Greet Saluda
Grief Dolor
Grieve Man Triste
Grill Rejas Asa
Grilled Asao Asado
Grin Ngisi Sonrisa
Grind Mole
Grinder Molino Moledor
Groan Agunta
Groin Jita Verija
Grope Capah Kuut
Group Grupo
Grow Crece Engranda
Growing Ta crece
Growl Gruñi
Grown Crecido
Grudge Agravio
Grumble Gruñi
Grunt Agunta
Guarantee Garantisa Fianza
Guaranteed Garantisao Garantisado
Guarantor Fiador
Guaranty Garantisa
Guard Guardia Vigila
Guava Guyaba Guyabas
Guess Adivina
Guide Guia
Guilt Culpa
Guitar Guitarra
Gulp Tungab
Gun Fusil Pistola
Gutter Canal Embornal
Habit Costumbre
Hack Tajea Corta
Haggle Rebaja
Hail Saluda
Hair Pelo
Hairless or lacking in hair Pilung
Hairy Ma pelo
Hairy Caterpillar Citicuero
Half Media
Half cooked Bantilaw
Hallucinate Alucina
Hallucination Alucinacion
Ham Hamon
Hamburger Hamborjer
Hammer Martilla Martillo
Hamper Sangga
Hand Mano
Hand of banana Pengka
Hand Out Dale
Handcuffs Posas
Handfishing Capah
Handiwork Obra
Handle Puluhan Mango, Aguanta
Handout Limosna
Handsome Guapo Hermoso
Handsome young man Guapito
Handsomeness Guapura
Handwriting Escribida de mano
Hang Colga Bitay, Kabit
Hanging bridge Puente Colgante
Happen Sucede
Happening Ta sucede Ta pasa
Happiness Alegria Felicidad
Happy Alegre Feliz
Happy birthday Feliz Compleaños
Happy-tranquil Campante Aflojao
Hard Duro Dificil
Hard time Tormenta
Harm Daño
Harvest Cosecha Cajida
Hash Picadillo
Hasten Apura
Hat Sombrero
Hatch Chuka
Hatched Chukaw
Hate Odia Odio
Haul Hala
Have Tiene Tener
Have been Enantes Estaba
He Ele Le
He is Ele
He loves her Ta ama le con ele
Head Cabeza Encabeza
Head bump Bukul
Headache Dolor de cabeza Jaqueca
Headline Encabezamiento
Heal Cura
Heal by blessing Santigua
Healer Curandero
Health Salud
Healthy Sano
Hear Oi
Hearing Oido
Heart Corazon
Heartfelt Sentido
Heat Calenta Calor
Heat up Calenta
Heaven Cielo
Heavy Pesao
Heed Pone Atención
Heel Talon
Heel of a shoe Tacon
Height Altura Altor
Heir Heredero Heredera
Heiress Heredera
Held Aguantao
Hell Infierno
Hello Buenas Hola
Help Ayuda
Help each other Ayudahan
Help one another Ayuda caday uno
Helper Ayudante
Hemorrhoids Almorana
Hen Gallina
Hence Poreso
Hens Gallinas
Her Ele Le
Her Ele conele
Herb Yerba
Here Aqui Taqui
Heredity Herencia
Heritage Herencia
Hero Hiro
Hers Suyo
Hesitant Dudoso
Hesitate Duda
Hesitation Duda
Hey Hoy
Hibiscus Gumamela
Hiccup Man Sirruh
Hide Esconde
Hide Intention Disimula
High Alto
Higher Mas alto Mayor
Highest Mas alto de todo
Highway Caretera
Hill Gulud
Hillside Balisbis
Hilt Puluhan
Him Ele conele
Hinge Bisagra
Hip Cadera
Hire Emplea
His Suyo
History Historia
Hit Pega Tupa, Golpia, Embona, Coloca
Hoarse voice Paus
Hoe Asada
Hoist Alsa Alto
Hold Aguanta Agarra
Hold on Aguanta Aguarda
Hole Agujero Poso, Oyo
Home Casa
Homework Trabajo na casa Asaymen
Honest Honesto
Honey Miel
Honor Honor
Hook Gancho Bingit, Engancha
Hook Up Engancha
Hooked branch Panga
Hope Esperanza Roga
Hopefully Ojala
Horderves Sunsuman Pulutan
Horn Cuerno
Horny De Cuerno
Horrible Horrible
Horse Caballo
Horse mackerel Caballas
Hot Caliente
Hotel Hotel
Hour Hora
House Casa
House gecko Toko
House helper Muchacha Criada
Housefly Moscas
How Quemodo Quelaya
How are you? Quetal
How many Cuanto
How much Cuanto
How old are you Cosa el de tuyo edad Cuanto años ya tu
Howl Uwang
Hug Abrasa
Huge Basket Canastro
Human Humano
Humble Humilde
Humid Humedo
Humiliate Desprecia
Humility Humilidad
Humor Humor
Hump Sakyut Buntut
Hunchback Kuba
Hunger Hambre
Hungry Hambre
Hunt Pajarea Caza, Busca
Hurry Apura Dalih
Hurt Duele
Hurts Duele
Husband Marido Esposo
Hut Payak
Hypocrite Hipocrito
Hypocritical Hipocritico
I Yo
I am sorry Perdona conmigo
I don’t like you No quiere yo contigo
I like Quiere Quiero
I like you Quiere yo contigo
I love you Ta ama yo contigo
I miss you Miss yo contigo
Ice Hielo
Ice cream Sorbete Helado
Ice cream vendor Sorbetero
Idea Idea
Identification Identificacion
Identify Identifica
Identify Identifica
Identity Identidad
Idiot Idioto Idiota

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