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List of English and Chavacano words

Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.

English Chavacano-1 Chavacano-2
Tribe Tribo
Trim Corta Capa
Trimmed Capao Cortao
Trip Viaje Tisut
Triple Triple
Triumph Victoria Ganar, Gana
Tropical Tropical
Trouble Trobol Averia, Apuro
Trowel Paleta
Truant Buguy
Truce Amistad
Truck Trak
True Deberas Cierto
Trunk Tronco Pono, Batang
Trust Compiansa Compia
Trustworthy De compiansa
Truth Verdad
Try Proba Pricura
Tuba gatherer Maninguete
Tuba shoulder container Cawit
Tube Tubo
Tuesday Martes
Turn Bira Turno
Turn around Bira Y day vuelta
Turn off Apaga
Turn the soil Habug
Turns out Resulta Gale
Turtle Bau Tortuga
Tweezer Sipit
Twelve Doce
Twenty Veinte
Twenty cents Peseta
Twentyone Veinte uno
Twice Dos Veces
Twist Torci
Twisted Palipit
Two Dos
Two faced Doble cara
Two hundred Dos cientos
Typhoon Tifon Bagyo
Ugly Malacara Fea
Ultimate Ultimo
Umbrella Payung Parasol
Unbind Desata
Uncircumcised Suput
Uncle Tio
Uncountable No puede conta
Under Abajo
Undershirt Camiseta
Understand Entende
Understanding Entendimiento
Underwear Calsoncillo
Undescended testicle Abil
Undeveloped fruit Pulak
Undo Bunca Deshace
Undress Desnuda
Unfasten Desata
Ungrateful Ingrato Sunsaca
Unique Unico
Unite Uni
United Unido
Unity Unidad
Universe Universo
University Universidad
Unknown Desconocido
Unless Si hinde
Unload Descarga
Unloading Descargo
Unpredictable No puede predecti
Unripe Muda
Unripe and immature fruit Bubut
Unripened taste Pakla
Untangle Desata
Untie Desata
Until Hasta
Until we see each other again Hasta la vista
Until when Hasta para cuando
Up Arriba
Up to Aca
Upon Al
Uproot Arangka Uclat, Barangka
Upside down Baliscat
Upstairs Arriba
Urinal pot Arinola
Urinate Mia
Us Kita Canaton, Canamon
Usable Usable
Use Usa
Used Usao
Used to Anat Acostumbrao
Useful Usable
Useless Inutil Nosevi
Utility Utilidad
Utilize Usa Aprobecha, Utiliza
Vacant Vacante
Vacation Vacacion
Vaccination Vacuna Vacunacion
Vaccine Vacuna
Vagabond Vagabundo
Vagina Kulu Puki, Coño
Vain Hambugero Egoista, Engrido
Valiant Valiente Valeroso
Valley Valle
Valuable Algo el valor De valor
Value Valor
Vanity Vanidad
Vegetable Gulay
Vegetable top Talbus Cojollo
Vehicle Vehiculo
Veil Velo
Vein Vena
Velocity Velocidad
Venerate Verera
Vengeance Venganza
Venom Veneno
Venomous Venenoso
Ventilator Ventilador
Verify Verifica
Version Version
Very Muy Gayot, Bien, Gat
Very slowly Hinay-Hinay Bien despacito
Very well Buenamente Enbuenamente
Very well done Enbuenamente
Vex Aburrido
Vexed Inchilao Aburrido
Vice Vicio
Vice Versa Y dai vuelta
Victim Victima
Victorious Victorioso
Victory Victoria Ganao
View Vista
Vigil Vela
Vindictive Vengativo
Vine Baguing Balagun
Vinegar Vinegre
Violate Viola
Violation Violacion
Violence Violencia
Violent Violento
Virgin Virgen Donselya
Visibility Visibilidad
Visit Visita
Vison Vision
Vocabulary Vocabulario
Voice Voz
Voices Voces
Void Vacio Borrao
Volcanic Vulcanico
Volcano Vulcan
Voluntarily Voluntad
Volunteer Voluntario
Vomit Gomita
Vote Vote Vota
Voter Elector Votante
Vulcanize Vulcanice
Vulgar Vulgar
Vulnerable Vulnerable
Wage Sueldo
Waist Cintura
Wait Espera
Wake up Desperta
Waling stick Baston
Walk Camina Caminada
Walk for peace Camina por paz
Walking in a state of Drunkenness Wagi Lenge-Lenge
Walking stick Baston
Wall Dindin
Wall matting made of woven bamboo (bagacay) Sawali
Wall of a residence Dindin
Wallet Pitaca
Wallow Tubug
Wander Bulcha Ronda
Wants Quiere
War Guerra
Warehouse Bodega
Wart Calongo
Wash Lava
Wash tub Bateya
Washed Lavao
Wasp – small Lapinik
Waste Usik Susio, Basura
Watch Bisia Guardia
Water Agua
Water gun Hiringa
Water Jar Tenaja
Watered down Aguao
Watering can Regador
Watery Aguasa
Waves Marejada
Way Camino Modo
Way of talking Conversada
We Came
Weakness Debilidad
Wealth Riqueza
Weapon(s) Armas
Weaponize Armar
Weapons Armas
Wear Vesti
Weary Aburrido
Weather Tiempo
Weave Teje
Wedding Casamiento
Wedge cut Hakak
Wednesday Miercoles
Weed Sagbut
Week Semana
Weeping Llantos
Weigh Pesa
Weight Pesades Pesa
Weight scale Pesador
Welcome Bienvenidos
Well Bien Poso
Well groomed Paliquero
West Weste Oeste
Wet Moja Mojao
Wetland Pantano
Whale Ballena
Wharf Pantalan
What Cosa Que
What are you doing Cosa tu ta hace Cosa bo ta hace
Whatever Maskin cosa
Wheel Llanta
When Cuando
When I return Birar yo
When they return Birar sila
When you return Birar tu
Where Donde
Where are you Donde tu
Where are you going Donde tu anda
Where do you live Donde tu ta queda
Where is he Donde le
Whether Maskin
Which Cual
Which one Cualquien
While Mientras Enantes
Whip Latigo Bijuco
Whisper Hutik Cucho-cucho
White Blanco Blanca
White hair Uban Blanco pelo
Who Quien
Who arrived Quien ya llega
Who is he Quien le
Who is she Quien ba ele
Who is your father Quien de tuyo tata
Whole Entero
Why Por que
Why didn’t you show up Por que tu no hay abuya
Wick Mecha
Wide Ancho
Widow Viuda
Widower Viudo
Width Anchor
Wife Esposa Mujer
Wild Salvaje
Wild cat Gatorgalla
Wild duck Patoymonte
Will Ay Voluntad
Win Gana Ganar
Wind Viento
Window Ventana
Wing Alas
Wings Alas
Winnow Vintia Sopla
Winnowing basket Bilao
Wire Alambre
Wisdom Saber Wisho
Wise Awishao Alto el saber, Mucho cosa sabe, Bien acertao
Wish Deseo
With Con
With care Con cuidao Enbuenamente
With me Conmigo
With you Contigo
Within Dentro
Without Sin
Witness Testigo
Wobbly walk Lenge-Lenge
Woman Mujer
Woo Enamora
Wood shavings Biruta
Woods Buug
Word Palabra
Words Maga Palabra
Work Trabaja Trabajo, Obra
Worker Trabajador Empleado
Working Trabajando
World Mundo
Worm Gusano Bulati
Worry Lingasa
Worth Valor
Wound Irida Iri, Herir
Wrap Envolve
Wrapped Envolvido
Wrapping Envuelto
Wrestle Lucha Almucha
Wring Puga
Wrinkled Culisung
Wrist Pulso
Write Escribi
Writing Escribida Ta Escribi
Wrong Malo Hinde amo
Yam Camote
Yard Yarda
Yawn Huyap
Year Año
Yellow Amarillo
Yellowish Amarilloso
Yes Si Ho-on
Yesterday Ayer
Yippee Alurayang
Yoke Ayugo
You Tu, Ustedes, Vosotros Evos, Bo, Vos, Camo
Young Joven Bata
Young man Jovencito
Younger Menor Mas Joven
Youngster Jovencito
Your Debo, Tuyo Vosotros, Deinio
Yours De tuyo Deinio
Yourself Tu mismo
Yoyo Bayben Yoyo
Zealous Con gana
Zero Cero Nada
Zest Cascada mescla
Zigzag Zigzag
Zone Zona
Zoo Zu

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