Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
A | Un | De |
Abaca | Abaca | |
Abal-Abal | Abal-Abal | |
Abandon | Abandona | |
Abandoned | Abandonao | Abandonado |
Abandonment | Abandonamiento | |
Abc | ABC | |
Abdomen | Vientre | Barriga |
Abduct | Abducta | |
Abhor | Aborece | |
Abide | Conforma | Obedece |
Ability | Abilidad | |
Able | Puede | |
Abnormal | Abnormal | |
About | Acerca de | Sobre |
Above | Encima | Arriba |
Abrasion | Ragunio | |
Absolute | Absoluto | |
Absolve | Absolva | |
Absorb | Chupa | Absorba |
Abstain | Abstene | |
Abundance | Abundancia | |
Abundant | Abundante | Mucho |
Abuse | Abusa | Abuso |
Abusing | Abusa | |
Abusive | Abusao | Abusador |
Accede | Conforma | |
Accent | Acento | |
Accept | Acepta | |
Acceptance | Aceptacion | |
Accident | Accidente | Desgracia |
Accidentally | accidentalmente | |
Acclaim | Aclama | |
Acclimate | Acostumbra | |
Accommodate | Acomoda | |
Accompaniment | Acompañamiento | |
Accompany | Acompaña | Hatud |
Accomplice | Conchabao, Uban | Conshis |
Accomplish | Realiza | |
Accord | Amistad | |
According to | Segun | |
Accordion | Acordeon | |
Account | Cuenta | |
Accountability | Acontabilidad | Responsabilidad con consecuencia |
Accountable | Acontable | |
Accountant | Contador | |
Accountant’s office | Oficina del contador | |
Accounting | Contada | |
Accounting book | Libro de contada | Registro |
Accreditation | Acreditacion | |
Accumulate | Acumula | Guarda |
Accuse | Acusa | |
Accustom | Acostumbra | |
Accustomed | Acostombrao | Anat |
Ache | Dolor | |
Achieve | Realiza | Compli |
Achievement | Logro | |
Acid | Acido | |
Acknowledge | Agradece | Admiti |
Acquaint | Conoce | |
Across | Atraves | Unlao |
Act | Hecho | Accion |
Action | Accion | |
Activities | Actividades | |
Activity | Actividad | |
Actual | Actual | |
Actually | Actualmente | |
Acusation | Acusacion | |
Adapt | Adopta | Acomoda |
Add | Omenta | Sum |
Add-on | Abona | Abono |
Addict | Adicto | Adicta |
Addiction | Adiccion | |
Address | Lugar | Suplica |
Adjourn | Sera el junta | |
Adjust | Ajas | Aregla, Cambia, Compone |
Adjustment | Ajasment | Cambio |
Administrator | Administrador | |
Admire | Admira | |
Admit | Admiti | Confesa |
Admonish | Adverti | Regaña |
Adobo | Adobo | |
Adopt | Adopta | |
Adorable | Adorable | |
Adore | Adora | |
Adorn | Adorna | |
Advance | Avantia | |
Advantage | Ventaja | |
Advantageous | Ventajoso | |
Adventure | Adventura | |
Adventurer | Adventurero | |
Advice | Consejo | |
Advise | Conseja | |
Aesthetic | Aestetico | |
Affairs | Asuntos | |
Affect | Afecta | |
Affected | Afectado | Afectao |
Affection | Afeccion | Cariño |
Affectionate | Cariñoso | |
Affiliation | Afiliacion | |
Affirm | Afirma | Declara |
Afford | Otorga | Permiti |
Affordable | Barato | |
Afternoon | Tarde | |
Afternoon snack | Merienda | |
Afterwards | Despues | |
Again | Otra vez | |
Age | Edad | |
Aggravate | Agrava | |
Agile | Alisto | |
Agitate | Agita | |
Agonize | Agoniza | |
Agree | Conforma | Conchaba |
Agreement | Acuerdo | Conchabahan |
Aground | Varado | |
Ahead | Una, Adelante | Enfrente, Avante |
Ailment | Dolencia | Enfermedad |
Aim | Apunta | Aspira |
Air | Aire | |
Airhead | Buang | |
Airplane | Aeroplano | |
Airport | Aeropuerto | |
Alcoholic beverage | Tomada | |
Alert | Alerto | Alerta |
Align | Alinea | Alinear |
Alignment | Alineacion | |
Alike | Igualmente | |
Alive | Vivo | |
All | Todo | |
Allege | Alega | |
Alleged | Alegao | |
Allegedly | Daw | |
Allergic | Alergico | |
Allergy | Alergia | |
Alleviate | Alivia | |
Alleviated | Aliviao | |
Allow | Permiti | Deja lang |
Almost matured coconut fruit | Ilanun | |
Alphabet | Abecedario | |
Alphabetical | Alfabetico | |
Alphebatize | Alfabetiza | |
Already | Ya | |
Alright | Bien | |
Also | Tamen, Tambien | Gane |
Alter | Altera | Cambia |
Alternate | Relevo | |
Although | Aunque | |
Always | Firme | Siempre |
Amaze | Espanta | |
Ambition | Ambicion | |
Ambitious | Ambicioso | |
Amend | Compone | |
Amiable | Amable | |
Amorous | Amoroso | |
Amount | Cantidad | |
Amputate | Corta | |
Amuse | Distrae | |
Analyze | Analiza | |
Anchor | Ancla | |
Ancient | Anciano | Antigua |
And | Y | Pati |
Angel | Angel | |
Anger | Rabio | Rabia |
Angered | Rabiao | |
Angry | Rabia | Rabiao |
Animal | Animal | |
Ankle | Tobillo | |
Announce | Anuncia | |
Annoy | Inchila | Consumi, Aborece |
Annoyed | Inchilao | Aburrido, Consumi |
Answer | Contesta | solucion, Contestacion |
Ant | Subay | |
Anticipate | Anticipa | |
Anus | Puit | |
Anxiety | Ansia | |
Anxious | Ansia | Ansioso |
Anyone | Cualquien | Maskin quien, Tiene quien |
Anywhere | Cualquier | |
Apart | Aparte | Aparta |
Apologize | Pidi perdon | |
Apology | Apologia | Disculpa |
Appeal | Apela | |
Appear | Aparece | |
Appease | Apacigua | |
Append | Omenta | |
Appetite | Apetito | Gana |
Applause | Palacpacan | |
Application | Aplicacion | |
Apply | Aplica | |
Appoint | Nombra | |
Appraise | Evalua | |
Appreciate | Aprecia | |
Apprehend | Arresta | |
Apprise | Avisa | Informa |
Approach | Atraca | |
Appropriate | Apropia | |
Approve | Aproba | |
April | Abril | |
Arch | Arco | |
Ardent | Ardiente | Con gana |
Areca – Betel nut tree | Bonga | |
Argue | Purpia | Discuti |
Arguing | Purpiahan | Discutihan |
Arm | Brazo | Arma |
Armpit | Subaco | |
Aroma therapy | Sahuma | Sahumera |
Around | Alrededor | |
Arrange | Arregla | |
Arrest | Arresta | Arresto |
Arrival | Llegada | |
Arrive | Llega | |
Arrow | Flecha | |
Arthritis | Artritis | |
Article | Articulo | |
As | Como | |
As far as | Hasta | |
As if | Dol | |
As long as | Basta | |
As of | A partir | Hasta |
As soon as | Apenas | |
Ascertain | Determina | Averigua |
Ash | Sinisa | |
Ask | Pidi | Remedia |
Ask | Pregunta | |
Aspire | Aspira | |
Assassinate | Asesina | Mata |
Assemble | Man Junto | |
Assent | Consenti | |
Assert | Afirma | Insisti |
Assess | Checkia Valor | |
Asshole | Puit | Punyeta |
Assign | Asigna | |
Assignment | Asaymen | |
Assist | Asisti | Ayuda |
Assistance | Ayuda | |
Assure | Asegura | |
Asylum | Asaylum | |
At | Ala, Alas | En |
Athlete | Atleta | |
Athlete’s foot | Alipunga | |
Atonement | Reparacion | |
Attach | Kabit | Conecta |
Attached | Pilit | |
Attack | Ataca | Ataque |
Attain | Consigue | |
Attempt | Atreve | |
Attend | Atende | |
Attention | Atencion | |
Attitude | Atitud | Costumbre |
Attorney of the City | Fiscal | |
Attract | Atrae | |
Attribute | Atribui | |
Auction | Remate | |
Augment | Aumenta | |
August | Agosto | |
Aunt | Tia | |
Auntie | Tia | |
Authority | Autoridad | Poder |
Authorize | Autoriza | |
Automatic | Automatico | |
Avail | Toma ventaja | Aprobecha |
Avalanche | Timpak | |
Avenge | Venga | |
Avenger | Vengador | |
Avert | Desvia | |
Avoid | Evita | |
Awake | Despierto | Desperta |
Awaken | Despierta | Desperta |
Awhile | Un rato, Anay | Endenantes |
Awhile ago | Endenantes | |
Ax | Acha | |
Axis | Eje | |
Axle | Eje | |
Baby | Niño, bata | Niña, bata |
Baby ducks | Bibi | |
Bachelor | Soltero | |
Back | Detras | |
Backbite | Murmura | Mal Habla |
Backup | Atras | |
Backward | Pa Atras | |
Bacon | Tocino | |
Bad | Malo | |
Bad breath | Yede boca | Yede resuello |
Bad Character | Mal Caracter | |
Bad habit | Mal Costumbre | |
Bad luck | Mal suerte | Buysit |
Bad omen | Buysit | |
Bad personality | Mal personalidad | |
Bad temper | Mal genio | |
Bag | Bolsa | Suput-suput |
Baggage | Bagaje | |
Bail | Fianza | |
Bait | Paun | |
Baked Rice Cake | Bibingka | |
Balance | Balance | |
Balancing | Balancea | |
Balcony | Balcon | |
Bald | Calvo | Canga |
Bald spot | Kebak | |
Ball | Bola | |
Balls | Maga bola | |
Baluster | Balustre | |
Bamboo | Cania | Caña |
Bamboo pressure toy gun | Patas | |
Bamboo pump gun | Hiringa | |
Bamboo Shoot | Dabung | |
Bamboo with sandpaperlike skin | Bagacay | |
Ban | Prohibi | Suspende |
Banana | Saging | |
Band | Banda | |
Banister | Barandilla | |
Bank | Banco | |
Baptism | Bautismo | |
Baptize | Bautiza | |
Bar | Barreta | Barra |
Bar | Barra | Sangga |
Barbed wire | Barbedwire | |
Barber | Barbero | |
Bargain | Rebaja | |
Bark | Ladra | |
Barrel | Barril | |
Barrow | Capon | |
Barter | Cambiajan | |
Basil | Bambawing | |
Basin | Bateya | Palangana |
Basket | Alat | |
Basket made of coconut leaves | Alula | |
Basketball | Basketbol | |
Bat | Cabug | Bat |
Bathe | Bania | Baña |
Bathroom | Banio | Baño |
Battery | Bateria | |
Battle | Guerra | |
Bawl | Haya | |
Bay | Bahia | |
Bayonet | Bayoneta | |
Bazooka | Bazuka | |
Be careful | Cuidao | Cuidado |
Be Drunk | Emborracha | |
Be Quiet | Esta Quieto | |
Beach | Aplaya | |
Beans | Frijoles | |
Bear | Oso | |
Beard | Barbas | |
Beat | Pega | Golpea |
Beat with a club | Garrocha | |
Beaten | Golpeao | |
Beautiful | Bonita | Bonita, Hermosa, Hermoso |
Because | Porque, Kay | Por causa |
Become | Queda | |
Become great | Engrandese | |
Bed | Cama | |
Bedroom | Pusento | |
Bee | Panal | Abeja, Cabulay |
Bee (Ceratina) | Cabulay | |
Beer | Cerveza | |
Beetle | Bangangan | |
Before | Antes | |
Beg | Pidi Limosna | |
Beggar | Limosnero | |
Begin | Principia | Empeza |
Beginner | Principiante | |
Beginning | Principio | Unajan |
Begrudge | Disculpa | |
Beheaded | Corta cabeza | |
Behind | Detras | Atras |
Behind schedule | Atrasao | Atrasado |
Behind time | Atrasao | Atrasado |
Being | Siendo | |
Belch | Regorda | |
Believe | Cre | |
Bell | Campana | Campanilla |
Belly | Barriga | |
Below | Abajo | |
Belt | Cinturon | |
Bench | Banco | |
Bend | Curva | |
Bend down | Agacha | |
Bend over | Agacha | Tuad |
Benefit | Beneficia | Aprobecha |
Bent | Agachao | |
Benumb | Entumi | |
Bequeath | Entrega | |
Berate | Regania | Regaña |
Best | Mas mejor | |
Bet | Apuesta | Taya |
Bet caller | Cristo | |
Betel | Buyu | |
Betray | Traiciona | |
Better | Mas bueno | Mejor |
Between | Entray de | |
Beware | Con Cuidao | |
Beyond | Lampas | |
Bible | Biblia | |
Bicker | Murmura | |
Bicycle | Bicicleta | |
Bid | Pakiaw | |
Big | Grande | |
Big Belly | Barrigon | |
Big Belly | Butut | |
Big old monkey | Baculao | |
Big step | Lakang | |
Bike | Bicicleta | |
Bird | Pajaro | |
Birdcage | Jaula | |
Birth | Nacimiento | |
Birth, give | Pari | |
Birthday | Compleanio | Compleaño, Dia de Nacimiento |
Bit | Poquito | Poco |
Bite | Morde | Pincha |
Bitter | Pait | Amargo |
Bitter Melon | Amargoso | |
Black | Negro | |
Blackboard | Pizarra | |
Blade | Pilo | |
Blamable | Culpable | |
Blame | Culpa | |
Blanket | Manta | Sapin, Hampelo |
Blanket over animal for riding | Hampelo | |
Bleach | Hace blanco | |
Bleed | Sangrencha | |
Bless | Bendeci | |
Blessed | Bendecido | |
Blessing | Bendicion | Consentimiento |
Blessings | Bendiciones | |
Blind | Bulag | |
Blister | Empulla | |
Bloated stomach | Abentao | |
Block | Sangga | Ataha |
Block of wood | Gutung | |
Blood | Sangre | |
Bloody | Sangrino | |
Blooming | Floreao | |
Blow | Sopla | |
Blow A Whistle | Pita | |
Blower | Soplador | |
Blowgun | Sumpit | |
Blowout | Raventa | |
Blowup | Raventa | |
Blue | Azul | |
Blunderer | Barumbao | |
Blundering fool | Torpe | |
Blur | Amamalu | |
Boar | Butakal | |
Board | Tabla | |
Boat | Barco | Vinta |
Boathouse | Varadero | |
Boatyard | Varadero | |
Body | Cuerpo | |
Boil | Hervi | Pustema |
Boil to cook | Laga | |
Boiled | Hervido | |
Bond | Uni | Uyun |
Bonded | Unido | Uyun, Uni |
Bondsman | Fiador | |
Bone | Hueso | Bucug, Bukug |
Bonfire | Fuguera | |
Book | Libro | |
Boots | Botas | |
Border | Borde | Frontera |
Bored | Boro | Falta gana, Falta interes |
Born | Nace | |
Borrow | Presta | |
Boss | Jefe | Amo, Bosing |
Bother | Asara | |
Bothersome | Asarante | |
Bottle | Botella | |
Bottom | Fondo | Bajo |
Bougainvillea | Buganvilla | |
Boundary | Frontera | Linea |
Bout | Combate | |
Bow One’s Head | Agacha | |
Bowl | Tazon | |
Box | Caja, Cajon | Golpea, Bombia |
Boxer | Bukseador | |
Boxing | Golpe-Golpe | |
Boyfriend | Novio | |
Brag | Hambug | Bugal |
Braggart | Hambugero | Bugalon, Bugalero |
Braid | Trenza | |
Brain | Seso, Utuk | Cerebro, Coco |
Brake | Frena | Freno |
Brakes | Freno | |
Branch | Rama | Sanga |
Brat | Maltido | Maldita |
Brave | Valiente | Valeroso |
Bravery | Valienteria | |
Bread | Pan | |
Breadfruit | Camanse | |
Breadnut | Camanse pipita | |
Break | Quebra | |
Break Loose | Escapa | |
Break Up | Quebranta | |
Breakdown | Averia | Falla |
Breakfast | Almuerzo | Desayuno |
Breast | Mama | |
Breath | Resuello | |
Breathe | Resulla | |
Breed | Raza | |
Bridge | Puente | |