Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

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Regions | Philippine Provinces | Philippine Cities | Municipalities | Barangays | High School Reunions

List of the 17 Regions in the Philippines
National - Capital Region I - Ilocos II - Cagayan III - C. Luzon IV-A - Calabarzon IV-B - Mimaropa V - Bicol VI - W. Visayas VII - C. Visayas VIII - E. Visayas IX - Zamboanga X - N. Mindanao XI - Davao XII - Soccsksargen XIII - Caraga XIV - CAR XV - BARMM

Within these 17 regions in the Philippines, there are 42,027 barangays, 1486 municipalities, 148 cities, 82 provinces. It has a democratic form of government and the freedom of speech is upheld by law. English is the "lingua franca" and is the mode of instruction in all high schools, colleges and universities. Laws and contracts are written in English.

Barangays of Calasiao, in the Pangasinan Province within Region 1 in the Republic of the Philippines
AmbonaoAmbuetelBanaoangBuedBuenlagCabilocaanDinalaoanDoyongGabonLasipLongosLumbangMacabitoMalabagoMancupNagsaingNalsianPoblacion EastPoblacion WestQuesbanSan MiguelSan VicenteSongkoyTalibaew

The Philippines has been a "decentralized" form of government since 1991, contrary to what most Filipinos think. Ever since the creation of Republic Act 7160, each LGU is responsible for its own domain. Even the smallest LGU the barangay creates its own Budget. It is not dependent on handouts from the city, municipality or province. "IMPERIAL MANILA IS A MYTH!", it does not exist anymore. The Philippine budget formulation system is not centralized. "Budgetary planning has been DECENTRALIZED since 1991". It is the responsibility of each LGU to submit their budgetary needs for review. Failure to submit is the problem.

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Interactive Google Satellite Map of Pangasinan
Calasiao Map Locator

Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Buenlag, Calasiao,
Pangasinan, Philippines

Location of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

  • Buenlag is one of the barangays of Calasiao.
  • Calasiao is one of the municipalities in the Pangasinan province.
  • Pangasinan is in the island of Luzon and within Region_I-Ilocos Region.

History of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Contribute your knowledge about the history of Buenlag

People of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Total Population of Buenlag

Elected Government Officials of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Elected Buenlag Officers for the term of 2007 - 2010
  • Chairman (captain): ?
  • Kagawad:
    1. ?
    2. ?
    3. ?
  • SK Chairman: ?
  • SK Kagawad:
    1. ?
    2. ?
    3. ?

Businesses in Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

  • We invite you to list your business located in Buenlag, Calasiao.
  • Give your business a good description. Add your address and contact number if available.
    • Resorts, restaurants, pension houses, or hotels are welcome to be listed here.
    • Bakery, Mechanical Shop, Bicycle Shop, Tailor shops can be listed here.
    • If you have a pharmacy or gas station, it can be listed here too.
    • Hardware stores, Agrivets, salon, spas, etc. are welcome to be listed.
  • We do not allow external links except for our sponsor zamboanga.com and maletsky.com. If you have an external site for your business you may not link to it in Z-Wiki but you can point to it. e.g. list it like this: www.my??business.com - this tells the people of your website but it does not link to it.
  • Businesses in Buenlag
    1. The name of your business, address, phone number

Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines supports Philippine Cycling

Philippine Cycling is about cycling in the Philippnes. Philippine Cycling helps promote bike races, bicycle tours, and the development of bicycle trails. Activities are coordinated with bike shops throughout the Philippines to promote the fun of riding bikes.

Real Estate for Sale or lease in Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

  • If you have real estate property, whether its commercial, residential, farm land, or just an empty lot in Buenlag, you can list that property for FREE HERE in Z-wiki.
  • You can list your House and lot or farm land for sale or lease for free here in Z-Wiki

Churches, Mosques, or Places of Worship in Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

The name of your church, mosque, or place of worship can be listed here. We can even provide you with a free webpage. We can help you.

Schools in Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

The schools in Buenlag

Economy of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

  • If you have an article that talks about the improvement of the economy of Buenlag, Calasiao you can post that article here. If you come across any news items that talk about the economy of Buenlag, Calasiao, you may post it here. Of course you have to reference the writer of the article. Any improvement to transportation, power and service usually improves the economy of the community, so go ahead and report that too.

Natural Resources of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

This page needs some articles about the natural resources of Buenlag, Calasiao. Where does the energy source of this Calasiao come from? Are there any mining industries? Rivers and tributaries are part of the natural resources.

Tourists Attractions of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

  • Help us add some of the tourist attractions of Buenlag in Z-wiki. This will help boost the local economy of Buenlag. Anything that is unique or anything that stands out in your community may be a tourist attraction.
  • Landmarks are usually photographed a lot by visitors. Post the Buenlag landmarks here.

Fiestas and Traditions of Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Fiesta date of Buenlag

Your Story about Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Tell your story about Buenlag. You can talk about the good things in Buenlag or simply talk about the past. You can talk about the eco-system of Buenlag. What is the local LGU doing about the preservation of your natural resources? The topic can start here and once it gets bigger it can have a page of its own in Z-Wiki. It's all up to you.

The oldest man or woman in Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

Do you know who the oldest man or woman is in Buenlag? Z-Wiki is starting this inquiry in order to honor the older generation of the Philippines. Please provide the full name and date of birth of the elder living in Buenlag.

Why Z-Wiki Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines

We want to give the people of Buenlag the ability to promote their community to the world via the internet by providing this interactive website. The growth of this website of Buenlag is not depentent upon one individaul. This website will grow as more people of Buenlag participate and provide valid information about the community and also by providing pictures about the community. More power to Buenlag.

Buenlag, Calasiao Photo Gallery

  • Click HERE to view more PHOTOS about Buenlag, Calasiao.