Skip to contentAdivinanza de chavacano:
- Cosa papel si denoche, lapis si de dia. What is paper at night and pencil during the day.
- Alboroto si bajo, Calma si hondo. Noisy when shallow; Quiet when deep.
- Taqui ya, taqui ya, Pero no ta mira. It’s already here, it’s already here. But you can’t see it.
- Aire o viento – [Air or wind]
- Cual pono na monte, tiene ramas, nuay hojas? What’s that tree in the mountain which has branches but no leaves?
- Cielo arriba, cielo abajo, agua na medio. Sky above, sky below, water in the middle.
- Tiene un pono, ta come de suyo mismo cuerpo. There’s a tree that eats up its own trunk.
- Tiene lang un diente mi lola. Ta oi todo el gente, si ele ta grita. My grandma has but one tooth. Yet everyone hears her when she shouts.