
Riddle in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Adivinanza
Alternate chavacano word for Riddle is:
Aleternate English word for Adivinanza =
Note: Usually when referring to the number of times ..…

List of words with translation and links to pages.

English Sentence using “Riddle”Chavacano Sentence using “Adivinanza
1. Paper at night and pencil during the day.
> > Mat
2. Noisy when shallow; Quiet when deep.
> > river
3. It’s already here, it’s already here. But you can’t see it.
> > Air or wind
4. What’s that tree in the mountain which has branches but no leaves?
> > deer
5. Sky above, sky below, water in the middle.
> > Coconut
6. There’s a tree that eats up its own trunk.
> > Candle
7. My grandma has but one tooth. Yet everyone hears her when she shouts.
> > Church bell
8. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
> > Candle
9. Two glass doors open open and close without noise.
>> Eyes
10. Eat one and throw away two.
>> Clam
1. Cosa papel si denoche, lapis si de dia.
> > Petate
2. Alboroto si bajo, Calma si hondo.
> > Rio
3. Taqui ya, taqui ya, Pero no ta mira.
> > Aire o viento
4. Cual pono na monte, tiene ramas, nuay hojas?
> > Venao
5. Cielo arriba, cielo abajo, agua na medio.
> > Coco
6. Tiene un pono, ta come de suyo mismo cuerpo.
> > Candela
7. Tiene lang un diente mi lola. Ta oi todo el gente, si ele ta grita.
> > Campana
8. Alto yo cuando joven, y pandak cuando viejo. Cosa yo?
> > Candela
9. Dos puerta de vidrio abre cierra sin ruido.
>> Ojos
10. Come uno, buta dos.
>> Almeja

Here are other English and Chavacano words in the database.

You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting below. Make a sentence in chavacano using the Chavacano word Adivinanza which is the TITLE of this page. It does not have to be perfect. Our language is not perfect. If in doubt, use the search window above to look for translations. 🙂

Cuento del Sabiondo alla na punta del monte Columbato: Junio 28, 2024

Por que hinde maga oficiales del maga barangay na costao del rio hinde ta ayuda compone con el riprap?

Por favor:

  • No mas usa el maga palabra “Ka”, “Ikaw”, “Con ikaw, “Pangit”.
  • Usa el chavacano palabra de “Tu“, “Ebo“, “Contigo“, “Malacara“.

  • Cosa de tuyo nombre noy?
    • Contesta le: Pernando Balente Crus
  • Escribi daw de tuyo nombre.
    • Ya escribi le: Fernando Valente Cruz

Na Ta entende ya! Poreso puede habla Chabacano pero si ta escribi CHAVACANO.

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