Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
Sleep | Dormi | |
Sleepy | Con sueño | |
Sleepy head | Dormilon | |
Sleeves | Mangas | |
Sleigh | Pajagat | |
Slice | Saja | Dividi |
Slide | Landug | |
Slide Down | Man Luslus | Landug |
Slide off | Haplus | |
Sling shot | Pitikan | |
Slip | Landug | |
Slip through | Lusut | |
Slippers | Chinelas | |
Slippery | Malandug | |
Slit | Saja | |
Sliver | Saluksuk | |
Slope | Balisbis | |
Slow | Despacio | |
Slowly | Despacito | Hinay, Ma tarda |
Small | Diutay | Pequeño |
Small Ax | Achita | |
Small bag | Bolsillo | |
Small box cart | Carriton | |
Small cart | Carrito | |
Small Mahcete | Bolito | Hilamon |
Small person | Bulilit | |
Small pocket | Bolsillo | |
Smart | Inteligente | Awishao |
Smash | Machaca | Quebra |
Smell | Ole | |
Smell of urine | Pansut | |
Smile | Sonrisa | Re |
Smoke | Fuma | Umu, Umera |
Smoky | Mucho umu | Umera |
Smooth | Liso | Lisa |
Snack | Isnak | Merienda |
Snag | Sangit | Sabit, Engancha |
Snagged | Enganchao | Man sangit |
Snake | Culebra | |
Snap | Pitik | Raventa |
Snapping sound of the tongue | Tacla | |
Snatch | Rebata | |
Sneak | Tiit | |
Sneak Away | Man Tiit | |
Sneeze | Destornuda | |
Snip | Tejeria | |
Snore | Ronca | |
Snot | Sipun | Nana |
Snotty | Nanain | Sipunin |
Snow | Nieves | |
Snuggle in | Suut | |
So | Entonces | |
Soak | Remoja | Hulum |
Soap | Jabon | |
Soapy | Ma jabon | |
Socialize | Socializa | |
Sock | Calcetin | Soquia |
Socks | Soquia | Calcetin |
Soft | Blando | |
Softball | Sopbol | |
Soften | Ablandia | Emblanda |
Sold | Vendido | |
Solder | Soldia | |
Soldier | Soldao | |
Sole | Planta de pie | |
Solely | Solamente | |
Solicit | Solicita | Pidi |
Solitary | Solitario | |
Solution | Solucion | |
Solve | Resolve | Explica, Solve |
Some | Algun | |
Someone | Algunos | Tal pulano, Tal pulana |
Something | Algun cosa | Algo |
Sometimes | Tiene vez | |
Son | Hijo | Niño |
Song | Cancion | |
Soot | Uling | |
Sorcerer | Burujo | |
Sorceress | Buruja | |
Sore eyes | Milah-Milah | |
Sores | Sarnas | |
Sorrow | Doloresa | Dolor |
Sorry | Arrepentido | |
Soul | Alma | |
Soup | Caldo | |
Sour | Agrio | |
Source | Origen | |
Spade | Pala | |
Spanish plum | Siguelas | |
Spanish Plum | Sirguelas | |
Spank | Pescoson | |
Spanking | Pescoson | |
Spar | Puria | |
Speak | Habla | Conversa, Cuento |
Special | Especial | |
Specially | Especialmente | |
Specific | Specifico | |
Speech | Discurso | |
Spell | Deletra | Encanto |
Spelling | Deletrea | |
Spend | Gasta | |
Spender | Gastado | |
Spice | Espesia | |
Spicy hot | Cahang | |
Spider | Gagamba | |
Spiffy | Plantudu | |
Spill | Derrama | |
Spin around | Bira-Bira | |
Spinning top | Trompo | |
Spirit | Espiritu | Alma |
Spiritual | Espiritual | |
Spirituality | Espiritualidad | |
Spit | Escupi | |
Splash | Salpica | Rega, Pisig |
Splatter | Pisig Agua | |
Split | Parte | |
Spoon | Cuchara | |
Spot | Columbra | Pecas |
Spouse | Esposa | Esposo, Marido |
Sprain | Balda | |
Sprained | Baldao | Baldado |
Spread | Calayat | |
Spread Love | Hace calayat con el amor | |
Sprinkle | Salpica | Rega |
Sprinkle with liquid | Pisik | |
Sprinkle with powder | Empolva | |
Sprout | Putuk | |
Squander | Malgasta | |
Square | Cuadrado | |
Squat | Katingkating | |
Squatter | Squater | |
Squatting | Man squater | Man Katingkating |
Squeeze | Puga | Apreta, Pichi, Estruja |
Squeeze in | Suut | |
Squid | Choka | |
Squid | Calamares | |
Squirt | Sumpit | |
Stab | Lansia | Puñala |
Stage | Plataforma | |
Stagnant | Hulum | |
Stairs | Escalera | Escalon |
Stammer | Tartamudea | Gago, Gaga |
Stamp | Marca | |
Stamp Feet | Zapatea | |
Stand | Levanta | Para |
Stand in line | Pila | |
Standing | Parao | |
Starch | Almidon | |
Stare | Pija | |
Start | Comenza | Empeza, Principia |
Started | Principia | Porsigui |
Startle | Espanta | Asusta |
Starve | Pasa Jambre | |
Station | Estacion | Puesto |
Statue | Estatua | |
Stay | Esta | Queda, Estada |
Stay Awake | Vela | Esta Dispierto |
Stay Longer | Man Dulug | |
Steady | Fijo | |
Steal | Roba | |
Steer | Directa | Maneja |
Steering wheel | Manibela | |
Stem | Pungangu | |
Step | Pisa | |
Step in tree | Hakak | |
Step On | Pisa | |
Stepfather | Padrastro | |
Stepmother | Madrastra | |
Steps | Escalon | |
Sterio | Esterio | |
Stick | Palito | |
Still | Pa | |
Sting | Pica | Morde |
Stinging nettle | Alingatung | |
Stingy | Kuripot | |
Stink | Hedor | |
Stinky | Yede | |
Stinky feet | Cachichas | |
Stir | Mescla | Bate |
Stir fry | Guisa | |
Stirring the soil | Habug | |
Stomach | Estomago | Barriga |
Stone | Piedra | |
Stool | Silla | |
Stoop | Agacha | |
Stop | Para | No mas |
Store | Tienda | |
Story | Istoria | |
Stove | Pogon | |
Straddle | Lakang | |
Straight | Derecho | |
Straighten | Endereza | |
Strain | Sala | |
Strange | Estraña | |
Strangle | Cugah | |
Strategy | Estrategia | Diskarte |
Street | Calle | Camino |
Strength | Fuerza | |
Stretch | Estira | |
Strict | Estricto | Estricta |
Strike | Gulpia | Ataka |
String | Cordel | |
String beans | Frijoles | |
String beans | Frijoles | |
Strip | Desnuda | |
Stroll | Pasea | |
Strong | Mafuerza | Fuerte |
Struggle | Lucha | Tormenta |
Student | Estudiante | |
Study | Estudia | |
Stumble | Tumba | Tisut |
Stump | Tuud | |
Stunted | Atas | Inanu |
Stupid | Estupido | Bobo, Boba, Pendejo |
Stupidity | Bobonaso | Bobonesa |
Style | Estilo | |
Subject | Asignatura | Sujeta, Materias |
Submit | Somete | |
Subside | Menora | |
Substitute | Sustitui | Sustitud |
Succeed | Logra | Sale bien, Sucede |
Success | Acierto | Ganao |
Suck | Chupa | |
Suck-up | Mamarul | |
Suckle | Mama | |
Suffer | Sufri | |
Sufficient | Suficiente | |
Suffocate | Sufoca | |
Sugar | Azucar | |
Sugarcane | Tubu | |
Sugarcane Mill | Trapichi | |
Suggest | Dale Opinion | Sugeri |
Suggestion | Sugestion | |
Suit | Terno | |
Suitcase | Maleta | |
Sum | Suma | |
Sum Up | Suma | |
Summary | Sumario | Cuenta |
Summer | Verano | |
Sun | Sol | |
Sunday | Domingo | |
Sunday allowance | Domingo | |
Sunken ass | Sampayut | |
Super | Super | |
Supermarket | Mercado | |
Supper | Cena | |
Supplicate | Suplica | |
Supplies | Provision | |
Supply | Provision | Suplay |
Support | Suporta | |
Supposedly | Daw | Dao |
Sure | Asegurao | Cierto, Segurao |
Surely | Asegurado | |
Surname | Apellido | |
Surroundings | Alrededor | |
Survey marker | Mohon | |
Survive | Sobrevivi | |
Suspect | Sospecha | |
Suspend | Suspende | |
Suspended | Suspende | |
Suspicious | Suspechoso | Supechosa |
Sustain | Sostene | Aguanta |
Swallow | Traga | |
Swear | Jura | |
Sweat | Sudor | Suda |
Sweep | Barre | |
Sweep the floor | Barre con el piso | |
Sweet | Dulce | |
Sweet potato | Camote | |
Sweetness | Dulzura | |
Swell | Incha | |
Swelling | Inchason | Ta incha |
Swig | Tungap | |
Swim | Nada | |
Swindle | Engaña | Roba |
Swing | Duyan | |
Swipe | Pahit | Hampas |
Switch | Cambia | |
Swollen | Inchao | |
Swoon | Desma | |
Sworn to kill infidels | Juramentado | |
Symbol | Simbolo | |
Symmetrical | Simetrica | |
Symmetry | Simetria | |
Syringe | Hiringa | |
System | Sistema | |
T-Shirt | Camiseta | |
Table | Mesa | |
Tail | Rabo | |
Tailor | Sastrero | Sastrera |
Take | Saca | |
Take a fall | Echas | |
Take a nap | Man siesta | |
Take Apart | Bunca | Deshace |
Take Away | Lleva Lejos | Saca |
Take away from | Rebata | |
Take Back | Bawi | |
Take Care Of | Cuida | |
Take Leave | Despide | |
Take off | Quita | |
Take Out | Quita | Saca |
Take Shelter | Man Julao | |
Take Shortcut | Corta Viaje | |
Take To | Lleva Para | |
Take turns | Relevahan | |
Take-Along | Lleva | |
Takeover | Releva | |
Tale | Cuento | |
Talk | Conversa | Habla |
Talkative | Cuentera | Bocachon, Bocachona, Daldalero, Daldalera, Matabi |
Talking behind | Mulmura | |
Tall | Alto | Alta, Altote |
Tallow | Sebo | |
Tally | Cuenta | |
Tame | Mansia | |
Tamper | Mete | Cambia |
Tantrum | Lumpagi | |
Tap-Swipe | Kuhit | |
Tape measure | Pulgadera | |
Target | Asenta | Apunta |
Taro | Gabi | |
Task | Encargo | |
Taste | Saborea | |
Tasted | Saborea | |
Tasting | Saborea | |
Tasty | Sabroso | |
Tattoo | Tatu | |
Taught | Enseñao | |
Taunt | Tenta | Chulla |
Tavern for tuba | Tubaan | |
Tax | Impuesto | |
Tea | Cha | |
Teach | Enseña | |
Teacher | Maestra | Maestro |
Teachings | Enseñanza | Enseñando |
Tear | Rompe | Tastas |
Tear | Lagrima | |
Tease | Chulla | Tenta |
Teaser | Chullador | |
Teaspoon | Cucharita | |
Technology | Tecnologia | |
Teenage boy | Solterito | |
Teenage girl | Dalaguita | |
Teeth | Diente | |
Telephone | Telefono | |
Tell | Habla | Manda |
Temper | Genio | |
Temporary | Temporario | |
Temporary obsession or craze | Hangul | |
Ten | Dies | |
Tendon | Ugat | |
Tepid water | Tibio agua | |
Terminate | Termina | |
Termite | Anay | |
Terrace | Batalan | |
Terrible | Terrible | Grabe |
Territory | Territorio | |
Terrorist | Terorista | |
Test | Test | Proba |
Testicles | Bola-bola | Huevos |
Tether | Amarra | |
Thank you | Gracias | |
Thanks | Gracias | |
Thanks a lot | Muchisimas gracias | |
That | Ese | Aquel, Se |
That’s why | Poreso | |
The | El | Maga |
The manner or way of teaching | Enseñada | |
The manner or way of teaching | Enseñada | |
The move-mojo-resourcefullness | Descarte | |
Theft | Robo | |
Their | De ila | |
Theirs | De ila | |
Them | Canila | |
Then | Despues | Cabar |
Theoretical | Teoretica | |
Therapeutic | Terapeutico | |
There | Alla | Alli |
Therefore | Entonces | |
These | Estos | |
They love each other | Ta ama sila caday uno | |
Thick | Grueso | Espeso |
Thief | Ladron | |
Thievery | Ladronesa | Robo |
Thieves | Ladrones | |
Thigh | Pata | Pierna, Muslo |
Thin | Flaco | Fino |
Things | Cosas | |
Think | Pensa | |
Third | Tercero | |
Thirty | Treinta | |
This | Este | |
Thorn | Tunuk | |
Thoroughly | Completamente | |
Those | Esos | Aquellos, Maga, Aquel |
Thought | Pensaba | Pensamiento |
Thousand | Mil | |
Thrashing wildly | Alimpasag | Palak palak |
Thread | Ilo | |
Threat | Amenazo | |
Threaten | Amenaza | |
Three | Tres | |
Throat | Garganta | |
Throb | Palpita | Putuk, putuk-putuk |
Throw | Buta | Gueria |
Throwing stick | Plangketa | |
Thug | Maton | Abusador |
Thumb | Pulgar | |
Thunder | Trueno | |
Thursday | Jueves | |
Tick | Garapata | |
Ticket | Boleto | Pasaje |
Tickle | Calam | |
Tie | Amarra | Persoga |
Tie | Corbata | |
Tie up | Trinca | Amarra |
Tight | Apretao | |
Tighten | Apreta | |
Till | Hasta | Habug, Cultiva |
Time | Tiempo | Vez |
Times | Veces | |
Tin Cup | Quartilla | |
Tinsmith | Latero | |
Tip | Punta | |
Tipped | Tuat | Inclinao |
Tiptoe | Ting ting | Tiit |
Tire | Rueda | Cansa |
Tired | Cansao | |
Tiredness | Cansancia | |
Title | Titulo | |
To | Con | Na, A |
To | Para | |
To be more | Maka | |
To become more | Maka | |
To each his own | Cadaycualan | |
To fan | Abanica | |
To go out | Saler | |
To last | Durar | Dura |
To make the sign of the cross | Santigua | Hace señal de cruz |
To me | Conmigo | |
To oil | Aceita | |
To shame | Averguenza | |
To take a picture | Retrata | |
To take back | Bawi | Sunsaca |
To you | Contigo | |
Toast | Tosta | |
Toe | Puntera | Dedo de pie |
Together | Junto | |
Toilet | Casilla | |
Tolerance | Tolerancia | |
Tolerant | Aguante | |
Tolerate | Tolera | Atorga, Aguanta |
Tomato | Tomates | |
Tomb | Tumba | Supultura |
Tommorow | Mañana | |
Tongue | Lengua | |
Tonsils | Tonsil | |
Too | Gane | |
Too many | Demasiao | |
Too much | Demasiao | |
Tool | Herramienta | |
Tools | Herramientas | |
Tooth | Diente | |
Toothbrush | Cepillo | |
Top | Arriba | |
Topic | Asuntos | |
Torch | Suluh | |
Torment | Tormento | Tormenta |
Torn | Rompido | Roto |
Torso | Torso | |
Tortoise | Bau | Tortuga |
Torture | Castiga | Tormento |
Total | Total | |
Totally | Totalmente | |
Tourism | Turismo | |
Toward | Para | |
Towel | Toalla | |
Town | Pueblo | |
Toy | Juguete | Jurgesa |
Tracks | Rastro | |
Tradition | Tracicion | |
Trained | Enseñao | |
Traitor | Traidor | |
Tranquil | Tranquilo | |
Translate | Traduci | |
Transport | Carga | |
Trap | Trampa | |
Trash | Basura | |
Trash can | Basurera | |
Trash pile | Basurahan | |
Trauma | Trauma | |
Traumatic | Traumatico | |
Travel | Viaje | |
Treat | Trata | |
Treatment | Tratamiento | |
Tree | Palo | |
Tree trunk | Tronco de palo | Pono |
Tremor | Temblor | |
Trend | Usu | |
Triangle | Triangola | Triangulo |