Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
Idle | Flojo | |
Idleness | Flojonesa | |
If | Si | |
If not | Sino | Si no |
Ignite | Cendi | |
Ignorance | Ignorancia | |
Ignorant | Ignorante | |
Ignore | Ignora | No hace caso |
Iguana | Iguana | |
Ill | Enfermo | |
Illness | Enfermedad | |
Illuminate | Alumbra | |
Illustrate | Aclara | |
Image | Imagen | |
Imagination | Imaginacion | |
Imagine | Imagina | |
Imagine that | Quever | |
Imbibe | Toma | Bebe |
Imitate | Imita | Copia |
Imitation | Imitacion | |
Immediately | Enseguidas | Apenas, Dayun |
Immerse | Sumi Na Agua | |
Immigrate | Imigra | |
Imperil | Pone Na Peligro | |
Impersonate | Tampa Otro | |
Implement | Implementa | |
Implicate | Implica | Umit |
Implicated | Implicao | |
Implore | Roga | Suplica |
Imply | Implica | Umit |
Import | Importa | |
Important | Importante | |
Impose | Impone | |
Impossible | Imposible | |
Imprison | Encarcela | |
Improve | Mejora | |
In | En | Na |
In case | En caso | |
In front | En frente | Adelante |
In the meantime | Mientras tanto | |
In-laws | Con Cunños | Con Cunñas |
Inaugurate | Inagura | |
Incense therapy | Sahuma | |
Inch | Pulgada | |
Incharge | Encargao | |
Incident | Incidente | |
Inclination | Inclinacion | |
Incline | Inclina | |
Inclined | Inclinao | Inclinado |
Include | Inclui | |
Included | Incluido | |
Income | Entrada | Ganancia |
Inconvenient | Malisud | |
Independent | Independiente | |
Indicate | Indica | |
Individual | Individual | |
Inebriated | Borracho | |
Infect | Infecta | Tapon |
Infected | Infectao | Tapon |
Infection | Infeccion | |
Infested | Infestado | |
Infinity | Infinito | |
Influence | Influencia | |
Information | Informacion | |
Infront | Enfrenta | Atubang |
Ingredient | Ingrediente | |
Inhabitant | Viviente | |
Inheritance | Herencia | |
Initial | Inicial | |
Inject | Claba | |
Injection | Inekccion | |
Ink | Tinta | |
Inn | Fonda | |
Inner Tube | Goma del rueda | |
Innocent | Inocente | |
Insert | Entra | Chucha |
Inside | Adentro | |
Inside out | Baliscat | |
Insignificant | Insignificante | |
Insist | Insisti | |
Inspire | Inspira | |
Install | Pone | |
Instead | Envez | |
Instigate | Instiga | |
Instruct | Enseña | |
Insult | Insulta | Insulto |
Insulter | Gangiador | |
Insure | Asegura | |
Intact | Intacto | |
Integrity | Integridad | |
Intelligent | Inteligente | Awishao |
Intense like for cuteness | Ugud | |
Intention | Intencion | |
Intention | Intencional | Adredes |
Intentional | Interes | Gana |
Interested | Interesao | |
Interesting | Interesante | |
Interfere | Entramete | Interferi, mete |
Interferer | Metedor | |
Interpret | Interpreta | |
Interpreter | Sabe interpreta | |
Interrupt | Entramete | |
Interrupting | Ta entramete | |
Interview | Entrevista | |
Intimidator | Intimidor | |
Intoxicated | Borracho | |
Introduce | Introduci | |
Invade | Invadi | |
Invasion | Invacion | |
Invent | Inventa | |
Invention | Invento | Invencion |
Investigate | Investiga | |
Investigation | Investigacion | |
Invite | Invita | |
Involve | Enbuelto | |
Involved | Implicao | |
Irksome | Salawayun | |
Iron | Hierro | Plancha |
Iron Clothes | Plancha Ropa | |
Irritate | Irrita | Consumi, Inchilao |
Isn’t he | Hinde ba ele | |
Isn’t she | Hinde ba ele | |
Isolate | Aparta | |
Issue | Asuntos | |
It is | Se | |
It is getting dark | Ta queda ya escuro | Ta escuricha ya |
It’s here | Taqui | |
Itch | Rasca | |
Itchiness | Rascinas | |
Itchy | Rasca | |
Jack fruit | Nangka | |
Jail | Carcel | |
Jailhose | Calabozo | |
January | Enero | |
Jar | Garapon | |
Jaw | Sahgang | |
Jealous | Celos | Celoso |
Jeep | Jeep | |
Jeer | Gangia | |
Jelly | Jalea | |
Jeopardy | Peligro | |
Jesus Christ Lizard | Ibit | |
Jewelry | Alajas | |
Jihadist | Juramentado | |
Job | Trabajo | |
Join | Uni | Man Junto, Junto |
Joke | Broma | Tenta |
Joker | Bromisto | Bromista |
Joy | Alegria | |
Judge | Juez | Juzga |
Juice | Gata | |
July | Julio | |
Jump | Bringca | Salta |
Jumper cable | Jamper cable | |
June | Junio | |
Jurisdiction | Jurisdiccion | |
Just | Lang | |
Justify | Justifica | |
Katuray | Katuray | |
Keep | Guarda | Recogi |
Keep After | Persigi | |
Keep apart | Desaleja | |
Keep Back | Aguanta | |
Keep Off | Preveni | |
Keep Out | No Entra | Esta Afuera |
Keep Safe | Con Cuidao | |
Key can opener | Abrilata | |
Kick | Patea | Patada |
Kid | Bata | Joven |
Kidney | Riñon | |
Kill | Malta | |
Kiln | Orno | |
Kind | Generoso | Amable |
Kindle | Cendi | Kema |
Kindness | Amabilidad | |
Kinds of diarrhea | Clase de Caganera | Aguasa, Cursiao, Soropot |
King | Rey | |
Kiss | Besa | |
Kitchen | Cocina | |
Kitchen countertop | Paga | |
Kitchen sink | Lavabo | |
Kite | Bulador | |
Knead | Masa | Suba |
Knee | Rodilla | |
Kneel | Hinca | |
Knees | Rodillas | |
Knife | Cuchillo | |
Knit | Teje | |
Knock | Golpe | Tuktuk |
Knock on the head | Kakal | |
Knot | Buhul | |
Know | Sabe | Conoce |
Know it all | Sabiondo | |
Knowledge | Saber | |
Lack of interest | Falta interes | Falta gana |
Lacking | Falta | |
Ladder | Escalera | Escala |
Laid down | Acostao | |
Lame | Piang | |
Lamp | Lampara | |
Lance | Lansia | |
Land | Tierra | |
Language | Lenguaje | |
Lantern | Farol | |
Lard | Manteca | |
Large | Grande | |
Large earthen Jar | Banga | |
Large stone with a flat top | Pukpukan | |
Lasso | Laso | Lasa |
Last | Ultimo | |
Last night | Anoche | |
Last place | Uliji | Ultimo lugar |
Lasting | Durable | |
Lastname | Apellido | |
Late | Atrasao | Uliji |
Late arrival | Atasao | Atrasado |
Later | Despues | |
Laugh | Re | |
Laughable | Makarisas | |
Laughter | Risas | |
Launder | Lava | |
Laundry | Lavada | |
Laundry woman | Lavandera | |
Law | Ley | |
Laws | Leyes | |
Lawyer | Abogado | Abogao |
Lay Down | Acosta | |
Lay on the ground | Emplasta | |
Laziness | Flojonesa | |
Lazy | Flojo | |
Lead | Plomo | |
Lead | Encabeza | Guia |
Leader | Lider | |
Leaders | Lideres | |
Leaf | Hoja | |
Leak | Gotea | Tulo |
Lean | Sandig | Inclina |
Lean On | Man Sandig | |
Leap | Salta | |
Learn | Aprende | |
Learn by guessing | Adivina y acerta | |
Learn to speak chavacano | Aprende conversa chavacano | |
Leather | Cuero | |
Leave | Deja | Abandona, Larga |
Leave Behind | Deja | Abandona |
Leaves | Hojas | |
Leech | Sangriguelas | |
Left | Ya Larga | Deja, Izquerda |
Left hand | Mano izquerda | |
Left over food | Bahao | |
Left over food | Hinugas | |
Leg | Pata | Pierna, Muslo |
Leg over someone | Tanday | |
Legislature | Legislatura | |
Legitimate | Propio | Verdadero |
Legs | Pata | Pierna, Muslo |
Lemon grass | Tanglad | |
Lend | Presta | Dale presta |
Lesson | Leccion | |
Let | Permiti | Deja |
Let Go | Larga | |
Let us play | Juga kita | |
Let us see | Aver | |
Let’s see | Haber | Mira kita |
Let’s see | Aver | |
Letter | Carta | Letra |
Letters | Cartas | Letras |
Lettuce | Lechugas | |
Level | Nivel | |
Lever | Bangual | |
Leverage | Ventaja | |
Liar | Embustero | Embustera, Mentiroso, Mentirosa |
Liberty | Libertad | |
Library | Librario | |
Lice | Lisa | |
License | Licensia | |
License plate | Placa | |
Lick | Lambe | |
Lie | Mentira | Man Embusteria |
Lies | Mentiras | Embusterias |
Lieutenant | Teniente | |
Life | Vida | |
Lifetime | Entero vida | |
Lift | Alsa | |
Light | Alumbra | Encendi |
Light up | Arde, Cindi | |
Lightning | Kirlat | |
Lightning Bolt | Rayo | |
Lightweight | Libiano | |
Like | Como | Dol |
Like | Quiere | Gusta |
Like that | Ansina | |
Like this | Ansina | |
Likewise | Mismo | Igualmente |
Liking | Gusto | |
Limit | Limito | |
Line | Linea | |
Line Up | Alinea | |
Line up | Man pila | |
Linger | Man Dulug | |
Lips | Labios | |
Liquid | Liquido | |
List | Lista | |
Listen | Oi | Uyi |
Litter | Basura | |
Little | Diutay | Pequeño |
Little at a time | Poco poco | |
Little bird | Pajarito | |
Little brother | Hermanito | |
Little shit | Igit | |
Little sister | Hermanita | |
Live | Vivi | |
Livelihood | Lavida | |
Liver | Higado | |
Living room | Sala | |
Load | Carga | Llena |
Loan | Debe | |
Loathe | Odia | |
Localization | Localisacion | |
Located | Localidad | |
Location | Localidad | |
Lock | Tranca | |
Lock Up | Encera | |
Lodging | Lugar | |
Loiter | Man Dulug | |
Long | Largo | |
Long ago | Antes | |
Long pole | Sungkit | |
Long time | Tarda | |
Long time ago | Largo tiempo | |
Longer | Mas largo | Mas ya tarda |
Longtitude | Longtitud | |
Look | Busca | Mira |
Look After | Cuida | |
Look back | Bira cara | |
Look up | Tanga | |
Looks good | Plantudu | |
Looks like | Ichura | |
Loose | Haluga | |
Loosen | Desata | Afloja, Haluga |
Loosened | Aflojao | |
Lose | Perde | |
Loser | Perdido | |
Loser fighting cock | Talunan | |
Loss | Perdicion | |
Lost | Perdido | |
Loud | Suena | Alboroto |
Lovable | Amable | Amoroso |
Love | Ama | Amor |
Love King | Amor doño | |
Lovely | Guapa | Hermosa |
Lover | Amante | Kabit |
Loving | Amoroso | |
Low | Bajo | |
Lower | Mas bajo | |
Lowness | Bajura | |
Loyal | Fiel | |
Luck | Suerte | Chamba |
Lucky | Debuenas | Suertisto, Suertista |
Luggage | Baul | |
Lukewarm water | Tibio agua | |
Lunch | Comida | Baun |
Lunch Box | Baun | Abio, Fiambrera |
Lurk | Tiit | |
Lust | Lujuria | |
Lustful | Lujuriao | |
Machete | Bolo | |
Machine | Maquina | Motor |
Machismo | Macho | |
Made | Hecho | |
Magic | Magic | |
Magnitude | Magnitud | |
Maid | Muchacha | Criada |
Maiden | Dalaga | |
Mail | Correo | Carta |
Mailman | Cartero | |
Maintain | Mantene | |
Maintenance | Mantencion | Mantenimiento |
Majority | Mayoria | |
Make | Hace | |
Make | Hace | |
Make a deal | Contratajan | |
Make A Hole | Agujera | |
Make Easy | Hace Facil | |
Make Noise | Alborota | |
Make Use Of | Usa | |
Making of | Hacida | |
Male | Hombre | |
Malice | Malicia | |
Malign | Mal Habla | |
Mallet | Mazo | |
Maltreat | Maltrata | |
Man | Hombre | |
Manage | Bihila | Bisia |
Manage | Maneja | Bihila |
Mango | Mangga | |
Mangrove post | Sagasah | |
Manipulate | Manipula | |
Manipulating | Manipula | |
Manner | Manera | |
Manners | Costumbre | Modales |
Manufacture | Fabrica | |
Many | Mucho | Manada |
Marble | Jolen | Marmol |
March | Marcha | Avanza |
March | Marzo | |
Margerine | Margarina | |
Marinate | Babat | |
Mark | Marca | Rastro |
Marked | Marcao | |
Market | Tiangue | Mercado |
Market stall | Puesto | |
Married | Casao | |
Married couple | Maridable | |
Marry | Casa | |
Marsh | Pantano | |
Mashed boiled bananas | Bayu-Bayu | |
Mask | Mascara | |
Mass | Misa | Masa |
Massage | Suba | Masaje |
Massage | Masaje | Suba |
Massage therapist | Masajista | Subandero |
Master | Amo | Maestro, Maestra |
Masticate | Mascucha | Masca, Usang |
Masturbate | Bate | |
Masturbation | Batida | |
Mat | Petate | Mate |
Matches | Posporo | |
Mate | Pareja | Compañero, Compañera |
Material | Materiales | |
Mattress | Corchon | |
Mature | Hecho | Maduro, Awishao |
Maturity | Wisho | |
May | Mayo | |
May | Puede | Baka |
Maybe | Baka | Talvez, Puedeque, Seguro |
Mayor | Alcalde | Alcaldesa |
Me | Yo | Conmigo |
Meal | Comida | Vianda, Baun |
Mean | Quiere Decir | |
Meaning | Significacion | Que decir |
Meaningless or worthless things or actions | Palestroques | |
Meantime | Mientras tanto | |
Meanwhile | Mientras tanto | |
Measure | Midi | Racion |
Meat | Carne | Laman |
Meat pie | Empanada | |
Mechanic | Mecanico | |
Medal | Medalla | |
Meddle | Entramete | Samuk |
Medicine | Medicina | |
Meet | Encuentro | |
Meeting | Encontrajan | Miting |
Melancholy | Triste | |
Melt | Derreti | |
Member | Miembro | |
Memories | Recuerdos | Memorias |
Memorize | Memoriza | |
Memory | Memoria | |
Menace | Amenaza | |
Mend | Compone | Coregi |
Mend | Zurci | Aregla |
Mentality | Mentalidad | |
Mentally | Mental | |
Mention | Menciona | |
Merchant | Negociante | |
Mercy | Misericordia | |
Merry | Feliz | |
Mess | Calandracas | |
Message | Mensaje | |
Messy | Calandracas | |
Messy | Calandracas | |
Microbe | Microbio | |
Microscope | Microscopio | |
Middle | Medio | |
Midwife | Paltera | |
Milk | Leche | |
Mill | Mole | Molino |
Million | Millon | |
Millions | Millones | |
Millipede | Milpies | |
Mince | Pica pica | |
Mind | Pensamiento | |
Mine | Mio | Mina |
Minute | Minuto | |
Mirror | Espejo | |
Mischievious | Salawayun | Pillo, Tulisan, pilla |
Miss | Falla | Señorita, Perde |
Missed | No hay tupa | |
Mistake | Error | Mali |
Mistreat | Maltrata | |
Mistress | Kabit | |
Mistrust | Desconfia | |
Mix | Mescla | Bate |
Mix things up | Kalkal | |
Mix To Taste | Templa | |
Mixed | Mesclao | |
Mode | Modo | |
Moist | Mojoso | |
Moldy smell | Panus | |
Mole | Lunar | |