Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
Fermented tuba | Bahal | |
Fertilize | Pone Abono | |
Fertilizer | Abono | |
Festered wound | Bacocang | |
Fetch water | Aguada | |
Fever | Calentura | |
Fidelity | Fidelidad | |
Fifth | Quinta | |
Fifty | Cincuenta | |
Fight | Pelea | Imbisti |
Fight back | Imbisti | |
Fighter | Peleador | |
Fighting | Peleajan | Golpeajan |
File | Lima | Recogi |
Fill | Llena | |
Filling | Llenada | |
Film | Pelicula | |
Filter | Sala | |
Filthy | Cochino | Ma Buling |
Filthy habit | Cochino | Cochina |
Finalize | Finaliza | |
Finally | Finalmente | Cuando acabao, Ultima |
Finance | Financia | Fondo, Pone capital |
Financing | Financiacion | |
Find | Encontra | |
Find out | Averigua | |
Fine | Multa | |
Fine rice grits | Binglid | |
Finesse | Delicadeza | |
Finger | Dedo | |
Finish | Acaba | |
Finished | Acabao | |
Fire | Fuego | Kema |
Firebrand | Tison | |
Firecracker | Rabentador | |
Firefighter | Bombero | |
Firefly | Aniniput | |
Firewood | Leña | |
First | Primero | Una |
Fish | Pesca | Pescao |
Fish | Pescao | Pesca |
Fish Casting Net | Rede | Tarraya |
Fish pond harvesting | Secada | |
Fisherman | Pescador | |
Fishing | Pescada | |
Fishnet | Sihut | Rede, Tarraya |
Fit | Tupa | Coloca, Amo |
Fit | Acabe | |
Five | Cinco | |
Fix | Compone | Arregla |
Fixed | Fijo | Componido |
Flashlight | Plaslayt | |
Flat | Tampat | Plat |
Flat ass | Sampayut | |
Flat basket | Bilao | |
Flat nose | Charat | |
Flatten | Lata | |
Flattened | Lata | |
Flee | Escapa | Corre |
Fleshy | Malaman | |
Flick | Pitik | |
Flighty | Caprichoso | |
Flip | Baliscat | Tuat |
Flipped over backwards | Baliscat pa tuat | |
Flirt | Biga | Ego |
Flirtatious | Bigaun | |
Float | Lutao | |
Flood | Avenida | |
Floor | Piso | |
Flopping around | Palak palak | |
Flour | Harina | |
Flourish | Prospera | |
Flower | Flores | |
Flower vase | Florero | |
Flowering | Floreao | |
Flu | Tankaso | |
Fluorescent | Fluorescente | |
Fly | Bula | Moscas |
Foe | Enemigo | Contrario |
Fog | Sereno | Nublina |
Foil | Sangga | |
Fold | Dobla | |
Follow | Sigui | Segui |
Follower | Siguidor | Seguidor |
Followers | Siguidores | Seguidores |
Following | Siguiente | Siguiendo |
Fond | Quiere-quiere | |
Food | Comida | Ulam |
Food container | Fiambrera | |
Fool | Torpe | Tonto, Engaña |
Foolish actions | Sanganadas | Guachi |
Foolish playful person | Guachinango | |
Foolishness | Lukuras | Tonterias, Sanganadas |
Foot | Pie | |
For | Para | |
Forbid | Prohibi | |
Force | Forza | |
Forced | Forzao | |
Forcer | Forzador | |
Forearm | Antebrazo | |
Forehead | Frente | |
Foreman | Capatas | |
Forest leech | Alimatok | |
Forget | Olvida | |
Forgetful | Olvidon | |
Forgive | Perdona | |
Forgiveness | Perdon | |
Forgotten | Olvidao | |
Fork | Tenedor | |
Form | Forma | |
Formal | Formal | |
Format | Format | |
Fortune | Fortuna | |
Forty | Quarenta | |
Forward | Avantea | |
Foundation | Fundacion | |
Founder | Fundador | |
Fountain | Fuente | |
Four | Cuatro | |
Fourth | Aca cuatro | |
Frame | Frame | |
Fraud | Engaño | |
Free Spirit | Mantas | |
Free will | Voluntad | Deseo |
Freedom | Libertad | |
Frequent | Frecuente | |
Fresh | Fresco | |
Friday | Viernes | |
Fried | Frito | |
Friend | Amigo | Amiga |
Friendship | Amistad | |
Frighten | Espanta | Asusta |
Frisk | Requisa | |
Frog | Palaka | |
From | Desde | De |
From the province | Provinciano | |
Front | Delante | Frente |
Front line | Frontera | |
Frontage | Frontera | |
Fruit | Fruta | |
Fruit picker | Sacador | |
Fruits | Frutas | |
Frustrated | Frustrado | |
Fry | Fri | |
Frying | Fri | |
Frying pan | Carahay | |
Frying pan, large | Cawa | |
Fuck | Chinga | Pitul |
Fuck you | Chinga vos | |
Fucker | Chingon | Chingona |
Fulfill | Cumpli | |
Full | Lleno | Busog |
Full force | Todas | Todo fuerza |
Full of sores | Sarnasin | |
Fumes | Umu | |
Function | Funciona | |
Funding | Fondo | |
Funds | Fondo | |
Funnel | Embudo | |
Funny | Makarisas | |
Furious | Endiabla | |
Furnace to make copra | Tapahan | Orno |
Furniture | Mueble | |
Fuse | Mecha | |
Future | Futuro | |
Gain | Gana | Ganada, Ganar |
Galavant | Lakuacha, Layas | |
Gallivant | Layas, Lakuaya | |
Gamble | Juga Apuesta | |
Gambling | Juego de apuesta | Juego con apuesta |
Game | Juego | |
Gang member | Barkada | |
Gang Up | Talabangan | |
Gangster | Gangster | |
Garage | Garaje | |
Garbage | Basura | |
Garden | Jardin | Tablon |
Gardener | Jardinero | |
Gargle | Gargarea | |
Garlic | Ajos | |
Gate | Puerta | Tranca |
Gather | Ajunta | Recoger, Hace tumpuk |
Gathering | Encontrajan | |
Gelatine | Gumalman | |
Gender | Genero | |
General | General | |
Generally | Generalmente | Mas mucho |
Generosity | Generosidad | |
Generous | Generoso | |
Genius | Alto saber | Bien awishao |
Gentle | Suave | |
Gentleman | Caballero | |
Genuine | Genuin | |
Get | Saca | |
Get bigger | Engranda | Queda grande |
Get dressed | Muda | |
Get ready | Prepara ya | |
Get to | Guinda | |
Get up | Levanta | |
Gift | Regalo | Regala |
Gifted | Regalado | |
Gills | Argallas | |
Ginger | Jenibre | |
Ginger tea | Tahu | |
Girlfriend | Novia | |
Give | Dale | Regala |
Give back | Devolve | |
Give birth | Pari | |
Give up | Deja | Abandonao |
Given | Regalado | |
Glass | Vaso | Espejo |
Glory | Gloria | |
Glowing | Brillante | |
Glutton | Tragon | |
Go | Anda | Larga |
Go down | Abaja | |
Go home | Volve | |
Go In | Entra | |
Go Out | Sale | |
Go to market | Anda na tiangue | Man tiangue |
Go to school | Anda na escuela | |
Go to town | Anda na pueblo | |
Go Up | Subi | |
Go with | Sigui | Segui |
Go with him | Sigui conele | |
Goat | Cabrito | |
Goat, female | Cabra | |
Goat, male | Cabron | |
God | Dios | |
God bless you | Dios te bendiga | |
God forbid | Buyag | |
Goddaughter | Hijada | |
Godfather | Padrino | |
Godmother | Madrina | |
Godson | Hijado | |
Gold | Oro | |
Good | Bueno | Buena, Buen, Bien, Buenamente |
Good judgement | Wisho | |
Good luck | Buena suerte | |
Goodbye | Adios | Hasta la vista |
Goose grass | Pies de gallo | |
Gore | Curnia | |
Gossip | Chismis | |
Gossiper | Chismosa | Chismoso |
Govern | Goberna | |
Government | Gobierno | |
Grab | Rebata | Agarra |
Grace | Gracia | |
Gracious | Gracioso | |
Grade | Grado | |
Graduate | Gradúa | |
Granary | Tambobo | |
Grand | Gran | Grandioso |
Granddaughter | Nieta | |
Grandfather | Abuelo | Lolo |
Grandmother | Abuela | Lola |
Grandson | Nieto | Apo |
Grant | Dale | Atorga |
Granting | Atorga | Dale |
Grapefruit | Pomelo | |
Grapes | Uvas | |
Grass | Sacate | |
Grasshopper | Langosta | |
Grate | Rala | Gitgit |
Grate | Gitgit | |
Grater | Ralador | |
Gratitude | Gratitud | |
Grave | Grabe | Sepultura, Tumba |
Gravel | Gava | |
Graze | Chaggis | |
Great | Gran | |
Great Grandfather | Bisabuelo | |
Great Grandmother | Bisabuela | |
Great position | Gran Posicion | |
Greatness | Gran Posicion | |
Greedy | Canalla | Lagag, Hambrenton |
Green | Verde | |
Green beans | Frijoles | |
Green onions | Cebollas | |
Greet | Saluda | |
Grief | Dolor | |
Grieve | Man Triste | |
Grill | Rejas | Asa |
Grilled | Asao | Asado |
Grin | Ngisi | Sonrisa |
Grind | Mole | |
Grinder | Molino | Moledor |
Groan | Agunta | |
Groin | Jita | Verija |
Grope | Capah | Kuut |
Group | Grupo | |
Grow | Crece | Engranda |
Growing | Ta crece | |
Growl | Gruñi | |
Grown | Crecido | |
Grudge | Agravio | |
Grumble | Gruñi | |
Grunt | Agunta | |
Guarantee | Garantisa | Fianza |
Guaranteed | Garantisao | Garantisado |
Guarantor | Fiador | |
Guaranty | Garantisa | |
Guard | Guardia | Vigila |
Guava | Guyaba | Guyabas |
Guess | Adivina | |
Guide | Guia | |
Guilt | Culpa | |
Guitar | Guitarra | |
Gulp | Tungab | |
Gun | Fusil | Pistola |
Gutter | Canal | Embornal |
Habit | Costumbre | |
Hack | Tajea | Corta |
Haggle | Rebaja | |
Hail | Saluda | |
Hair | Pelo | |
Hairless or lacking in hair | Pilung | |
Hairy | Ma pelo | |
Hairy Caterpillar | Citicuero | |
Half | Media | |
Half cooked | Bantilaw | |
Hallucinate | Alucina | |
Hallucination | Alucinacion | |
Ham | Hamon | |
Hamburger | Hamborjer | |
Hammer | Martilla | Martillo |
Hamper | Sangga | |
Hand | Mano | |
Hand of banana | Pengka | |
Hand Out | Dale | |
Handcuffs | Posas | |
Handfishing | Capah | |
Handiwork | Obra | |
Handle | Puluhan | Mango, Aguanta |
Handout | Limosna | |
Handsome | Guapo | Hermoso |
Handsome young man | Guapito | |
Handsomeness | Guapura | |
Handwriting | Escribida de mano | |
Hang | Colga | Bitay, Kabit |
Hanging bridge | Puente Colgante | |
Happen | Sucede | |
Happening | Ta sucede | Ta pasa |
Happiness | Alegria | Felicidad |
Happy | Alegre | Feliz |
Happy birthday | Feliz Compleaños | |
Happy-tranquil | Campante | Aflojao |
Hard | Duro | Dificil |
Hard time | Tormenta | |
Harm | Daño | |
Harvest | Cosecha | Cajida |
Hash | Picadillo | |
Hasten | Apura | |
Hat | Sombrero | |
Hatch | Chuka | |
Hatched | Chukaw | |
Hate | Odia | Odio |
Haul | Hala | |
Have | Tiene | Tener |
Have been | Enantes | Estaba |
He | Ele | Le |
He is | Ele | |
He loves her | Ta ama le con ele | |
Head | Cabeza | Encabeza |
Head bump | Bukul | |
Headache | Dolor de cabeza | Jaqueca |
Headline | Encabezamiento | |
Heal | Cura | |
Heal by blessing | Santigua | |
Healer | Curandero | |
Health | Salud | |
Healthy | Sano | |
Hear | Oi | |
Hearing | Oido | |
Heart | Corazon | |
Heartfelt | Sentido | |
Heat | Calenta | Calor |
Heat up | Calenta | |
Heaven | Cielo | |
Heavy | Pesao | |
Heed | Pone Atención | |
Heel | Talon | |
Heel of a shoe | Tacon | |
Height | Altura | Altor |
Heir | Heredero | Heredera |
Heiress | Heredera | |
Held | Aguantao | |
Hell | Infierno | |
Hello | Buenas | Hola |
Help | Ayuda | |
Help each other | Ayudahan | |
Help one another | Ayuda caday uno | |
Helper | Ayudante | |
Hemorrhoids | Almorana | |
Hen | Gallina | |
Hence | Poreso | |
Hens | Gallinas | |
Her | Ele | Le |
Her | Ele | conele |
Herb | Yerba | |
Here | Aqui | Taqui |
Heredity | Herencia | |
Heritage | Herencia | |
Hero | Hiro | |
Hers | Suyo | |
Hesitant | Dudoso | |
Hesitate | Duda | |
Hesitation | Duda | |
Hey | Hoy | |
Hibiscus | Gumamela | |
Hiccup | Man Sirruh | |
Hide | Esconde | |
Hide Intention | Disimula | |
High | Alto | |
Higher | Mas alto | Mayor |
Highest | Mas alto de todo | |
Highway | Caretera | |
Hill | Gulud | |
Hillside | Balisbis | |
Hilt | Puluhan | |
Him | Ele | conele |
Hinge | Bisagra | |
Hip | Cadera | |
Hire | Emplea | |
His | Suyo | |
History | Historia | |
Hit | Pega | Tupa, Golpia, Embona, Coloca |
Hoarse voice | Paus | |
Hoe | Asada | |
Hoist | Alsa Alto | |
Hold | Aguanta | Agarra |
Hold on | Aguanta | Aguarda |
Hole | Agujero | Poso, Oyo |
Home | Casa | |
Homework | Trabajo na casa | Asaymen |
Honest | Honesto | |
Honey | Miel | |
Honor | Honor | |
Hook | Gancho | Bingit, Engancha |
Hook Up | Engancha | |
Hooked branch | Panga | |
Hope | Esperanza | Roga |
Hopefully | Ojala | |
Horderves | Sunsuman | Pulutan |
Horn | Cuerno | |
Horny | De Cuerno | |
Horrible | Horrible | |
Horse | Caballo | |
Horse mackerel | Caballas | |
Hot | Caliente | |
Hotel | Hotel | |
Hour | Hora | |
House | Casa | |
House gecko | Toko | |
House helper | Muchacha | Criada |
Housefly | Moscas | |
How | Quemodo | Quelaya |
How are you? | Quetal | |
How many | Cuanto | |
How much | Cuanto | |
How old are you | Cosa el de tuyo edad | Cuanto años ya tu |
Howl | Uwang | |
Hug | Abrasa | |
Huge Basket | Canastro | |
Human | Humano | |
Humble | Humilde | |
Humid | Humedo | |
Humiliate | Desprecia | |
Humility | Humilidad | |
Humor | Humor | |
Hump | Sakyut | Buntut |
Hunchback | Kuba | |
Hunger | Hambre | |
Hungry | Hambre | |
Hunt | Pajarea | Caza, Busca |
Hurry | Apura | Dalih |
Hurt | Duele | |
Hurts | Duele | |
Husband | Marido | Esposo |
Hut | Payak | |
Hypocrite | Hipocrito | |
Hypocritical | Hipocritico | |
I | Yo | |
I am sorry | Perdona conmigo | |
I don’t like you | No quiere yo contigo | |
I like | Quiere | Quiero |
I like you | Quiere yo contigo | |
I love you | Ta ama yo contigo | |
I miss you | Miss yo contigo | |
Ice | Hielo | |
Ice cream | Sorbete | Helado |
Ice cream vendor | Sorbetero | |
Idea | Idea | |
Identification | Identificacion | |
Identify | Identifica | |
Identify | Identifica | |
Identity | Identidad | |
Idiot | Idioto | Idiota |