Author name: fhm

Surgeon, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Siruhano

Surgeon in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Siruhano Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Siruhano = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Surgeon” Chavacano Sentence using “Siruhano” The skilled surgeon performed a life-saving operation on the patient. El experto siruhano ya hace un operacion que ya salva el […]

Surgeon, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Siruhano Read More »

Millionaire, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Millonario

Millionaire in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Millonario Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Millonario = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Millionaire” Chavacano Sentence using “Millonario” If you make $2 a minute, it will only take you one year to be a millionaire. But at $2 a

Millionaire, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Millonario Read More »

Smoking, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Ta fuma

Smoking in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Ta fuma Alternate chavacano word: Fumada Alternate English word for  Ta fuma = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Smoking” Chavacano Sentence using “Ta fuma” He is smoking outside. Ta fuma le afuera. Another example of English to chavacano translation It is

Smoking, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Ta fuma Read More »

Labor, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Trabajo

Labor in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Trabajo Alternate chavacano word: Trabaja Alternate English word for  Trabajo = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Labor” Chavacano Sentence using “Trabajo“ My father’s work is hard labor. El trabajo de mi tata bien pesao. Another example of English to chavacano translation

Labor, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Trabajo Read More »

Agriculturist, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Agricultor

Agriculturist in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Agricultor Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Agricultor = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Agriculturist” Chavacano Sentence using “Agricultor” A simple farmer is an agriculturist who did not go to a university. El un cainginiero es un agricultor no hay

Agriculturist, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Agricultor Read More »

Intersection, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Interseccion

Intersection in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Interseccion Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Interseccion = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Intersection” Chavacano Sentence using “Interseccion” The car stopped at the intersection because there was a stop sign. El carro ya para na intersección porque tiene stopsayn.

Intersection, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Interseccion Read More »

Lasted, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Alarga

Lasted in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Alarga Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Alarga = Note: List of words with translation and links to pages. English Sentence using “Lasted” Chavacano Sentence using “Alarga” The session for consultation lasted 1 hour. El sesion para consultacion ya alarga hasta un hora. Another example of English to

Lasted, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Alarga Read More »