
Consecuencia in English is: Consequence
Other similar chavacano word for “Consequence” is  “
Other English word for “Consecuencia” is “

English Sentence usingConsequence
Chavacano Sentence using “Consecuencia”
1.If there is no consequence, there is no obedience.
2. The foreman said, I am the boss. It is my responsibiltiy. Then the house fell down. He blamed the materials because according to him they were faulty. He does not want to pay the consequences of his error. He is responsible for the construction of the house, but he does not want to be accountable. There are many people like this. Theirs is the responsibility but when the time comes, they blame others because nobody is making them accountable. Nobody makes them pay for the consequences. They get the big salaries. Theirs is the responsibility, but sometimes when too big of an error happens, even if it is their responsibility, they escape. Don’t we know many people like this? ha ha ha ha
1. Si no hay consecuencia, no hay obediencia.
2. Habla pa el capatas, yo el bosing. Mi responsabilidad se. Na, ya tumba man el casa. Ya culpa le con el materiales kay fallao daw. No quiere le paga con el consecuencia de suyo error. Ele el responsable na construccion del casa, pero no quiere le el acontabilidad. Mucho gente ansina. De ila el responsabilidad pero llega na hora ta “buta cuerpo” lang kay no hay quien ta hace canila acontable. No hay quien ta manda canila paga el consecuencia. Sila ta recibi el grande SUELDO. Sila el responsable, pero tiene vez si bien grande error ya sucede, maskin de ila el responsabilidad ta escapa ya. Hinde ba mucho kita conose ansina? ha ha ha ha

Here are other English and Chavacano words in the database.

You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting below. Make a sentence in chavacano using the Chavacano word Consecuencia which is the TITLE of this page. It does not have to be perfect. Our language is not perfect. If in doubt, use the search window above to look for translations. 🙂

Cuento del Sabiondo alla na punta del monte Columbato: Junio 28, 2024

Por que hinde maga oficiales del maga barangay na costao del rio hinde ta ayuda compone con el riprap?

Por favor:

  • No mas usa el maga palabra “Ka”, “Ikaw”, “Con ikaw, “Pangit”.
  • Usa el chavacano palabra de “Tu“, “Ebo“, “Contigo“, “Malacara“.

  • Cosa de tuyo nombre noy?
    • Contesta le: Pernando Balente Crus
  • Escribi daw de tuyo nombre.
    • Ya escribi le: Fernando Valente Cruz

Na Ta entende ya! Poreso puede habla Chabacano pero si ta escribi CHAVACANO.

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