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==News about Ringworm Bush (Akapulko)==
==News about Ringworm Bush (Akapulko)==
'''Garden Help: Colors, butterflies in abundance'''
:By Terry Brite Delvalle
While preparing for a talk about using color in the landscape, I collected flowers from the office and at home to create a visual display of color. It was amazing to collect such an assortment of colors and to observe the wealth of pollinators and wildlife that benefit from those flowers.
There is an abundance of woody ornamentals, perennials and annuals that are contributing to our colorful landscapes. Where there is color, you will also find butterflies. It’s time to pull out the butterfly identification pictures because this is the height of the butterfly season.
Some of the more interesting woody plants with color are beautyberry, thryallis, butterfly vine, passion vine and sennas.
Beautyberry (Caliparpa americana) is a native plant that is loaded with striking purple or white berries in tight clusters along plant stems. Beautyberry grows well in fertile soil in full sun to partial shade, and serves as food for birds. It will reach 8 feet in height but can be kept in bounds by pruning. Cuttings are beautiful in floral arrangements especially if mixed with yellow or orange flowers. To make the berries stand out in arrangements, pinch off the leaves.
Thryallis (galphinia glauca) is another woody shrub covered with small yellow flowers. Plants range from 5 to 9 feet in height and 4 to 6 feet wide. This upright evergreen shrub thrives in full sun locations. Plants may be damaged by freezes so some protection from the cold is beneficial.
One vine that displays an assortment of colors is the yellow butterfly vine, Mascagnia macroptera. This vigorous evergreen vine will reach 10 to 12 feet tall and is easily trained to a trellis or can be grown as a mounding shrub or groundcover. Clusters of bright yellow orchid-like flowers measure 1 inch across and occur spring through fall. The plant is named for the green papery seed pods that resemble the shape of a butterfly. As they mature, these pods change from green to tan to brown.
Passion flower vine (Passiflora incarnata) is known for its beautiful ornate flowers and may produce an edible fruit rich in vitamin C. Although this native plant is considered a weed by some, it is a must have for the serious butterfly gardener. It is a food source for zebra swallowtail when grown in the shade and gulf fritillary when grown in sun.
Sennas are in bloom and, depending on the species, produce clusters of yellow flowers (Senna bicapsularis, Christmas senna) or yellow candlestick blooms (Senna alata). You may know these plants under the name of cassia but the genus name was changed from Cassia to Senna. They attract sulfur butterflies and are a food source for sulfur caterpillars. The caterpillars are difficult to spot because they change colors based on their food source. If they are feeding on leaves, caterpillars are green and, when feeding on flowers, are yellow; great camouflage to help protect them from predators.
Many perennials are also in bloom. Some perennials have been in bloom all summer whereas others are triggered to bloom by the shorter days. A good example of fall bloomer is Mexican sage (Salvia leucanthoe).
Mexican sage is a robust grower, spreading more in width each year and reaching 5 feet in height. Plants may die back with a winter freeze but come back each spring. They may be a dull background plant during the summer, but it’s a standout now with its spikes of fuzzy purple flowers.
Butterfly gingers (Hedychium spp.) are blooming producing fragrant flowers that are traditionally white but also come in shades of pink, yellow, coral, or orange.
Although not a true ginger as the name implies, blue gingers (Dichorisandra thyrisolia) are starting to produce striking blue flower spikes. 
Many of the cupheas bloom during the fall months. A popular one is called candy corn (Cuphea micropetala). This one is ideal for fall as the blooms are triggered by shorter days. It reaches 5 to 6 feet tall, and is loaded with yellow and orange tubular flowers that look like candy corn — perfect for Halloween décor.
Firebush (Hamelia patens), a Florida native, has been in bloom all summer and is starting to develop purple-black berries that are a food source to several birds. Plants may reach 4 to 6 feet in height but respond well to pruning. They are typically nipped back by the cold but come back every year in the spring. Firebush is a great attractant for butterflies, pollinators, and hummingbirds.
Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) are always a great addition for perennial beds and will flower from spring until the first frost. Make sure to select those that include butterflies on the plant labels as some of the newer varieties don’t seem to do the job. Along with butterflies, expect visits from hummingbirds, too.
Firespike (Odontonema strictum) is a great fall bloomer that reaches 4 to 5 feet in height with a spreading growth habit. The terminal spikes of red tubular flowers are a magnet for both butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants may suffer some damage due to cold weather but come back reliably each spring.
Many warm season annual plants will continue to provide color until the first frost. One standout is Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia). Bright orange flowers on top of 4- to 6-foot-tall plants provide the perfect perch for butterflies. 
Milkweed is another favorite annual that continues to flower into fall and also serves as a nectar and food source for monarch butterflies. The one most commonly found in nurseries is the scarlet milkweed (Asclepias curassavica). It is the easiest to grow and readily reseeds but sometimes keep the monarchs here instead of making their migratory trip to Mexico. If you grow this one, cut plants back in October to eliminate this food source. Next spring, consider planting native milkweeds instead; Asclepias tuberosa or A. humistrata in dry sites and A. incarnata or A. perennis in moist sites.
Garden centers are stocking many cool season annuals and perennials. Chrysanthemums are plentiful and come in an assortment of colors. These can be planted in the landscape after flowering and will bloom naturally in the spring and fall as long as the short-day cycle is not interrupted by outside lights. Marigolds are often referred to as the “poor man’s chrysanthemum.”
Wonderful fall colors of yellow and orange are at a much better price, and will outlast the chrysanthemum blooms. Other cool-season flowers to plant soon are dianthus, geranium, lobelia, pansy, petunia, snapdragon and viola. Some of these are heat sensitive and may not be on the market until the end of October. For color and texture, mix in some edibles such as parsley, chives, thyme, rosemary, kale, rainbow, or bright lights Swiss chard, beets, red mustard, plus red and green leaf lettuces.
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