Golden Seal
Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Cures for Diseases, Ailments & Illnesses that afflict Humans and Animals
Aloe Vera •
Astragalus •
Bankoro •
Bilberry •
Bitter Gourd (Ampalaya) •
Bitter Orange •
Black Cohosh •
Cat's Claw •
Chamomile •
Chasteberry •
Coconut •
Cranberry •
Dandelion •
Echinacea •
Ephedra •
European Elder Tree •
Evening Primrose •
Fenugreek •
Feverfew •
Flaxseed •
Garlic •
Ginger •
Ginkgo •
Ginseng (Asian) •
Golden Seal •
Grape Seed •
Green Tea •
Hawthorn •
Hoodia •
Horse Chestnut •
Kava •
Lavender •
Licorice •
Malunggay Moringa Oleifera •
Milk Thistle •
Mistletoe •
Passion Flower •
Peppermint Oil •
Red Clover •
Ringworm Bush (Akapulko) – Cassia alata •
Saw Palmetto •
St. John's Wort •
Tawa Tawa •
Turmeric •
Valerian •
Yohimbe •
accept the bitter to get better
Golden Seal Leaves | |||
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GoldenSeal | |||
Golden Seal Root |
Golden Seal
The medicinal herb Goldenseal as an alternative herbal remedy - Goldenseal is a plant that grows wild in parts of the United States but has become endangered by over harvesting. With natural supplies dwindling, goldenseal is now grown commercially across the United States, especially in the Blue Ridge Mountains.Common Names--goldenseal, yellow root
Latin Name--Hydrastis canadensis
What Goldenseal Is Used For
Historically, Native Americans have used goldenseal for various health conditions such as skin diseases, ulcers, and gonorrhea.
- Now, goldenseal is used for colds and other respiratory tract infections, infectious diarrhea, eye infections, and vaginitis (inflammation or infection of the vagina).
- It is occasionally used to treat cancer. It is also applied to wounds and canker sores, and is used as a mouthwash for sore gums, mouth, and throat.
Goldenseal's numerous uses are attributed to its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It soothes irritated mucus membranes aiding the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Taken at the first signs of respiratory problems, colds or flu, Goldenseal helps can help to prevent further symptoms from developing. It has also been used to help reduce fevers, and relive congestion and excess mucous.
Goldenseal cleanses and promotes healthy glandular functions by increasing bile flow and digestive enzymes, therefore regulating healthy liver and spleen functions. It can relieve constipation and may also be used to treat infections of the bladder and intestines as well.
Goldenseal contains calcium, iron, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, B-complex, and other nutrients and minerals. The roots and rhizomes of goldenseal contain many isoquinoline alkaloids, including hydrastine, berberine, canadine, canadaline, and l-hydrastine as well as traces of essential oil, fatty oil and resin. It is believed that the high content of these alkaloids gives its antibiotic, anti-infective and immune stimulating qualities.
In particular it is the alkaloid berberine that is most likely responsible for Goldenseal's effectiveness against bacteria, protozoa, fungi, Streptococci and it also promotes easier removal of the bacteria by inhibiting their ability to adhere to tissue surfaces. Berberine is also anti-fungal and strongly anti-diarrheal. It aids against the infection of mucous membranes such as the lining of the oral cavity, throat, sinus, bronchi, genito-urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. Clinical studies have shown it is effective in the treatment of diarrhea cause by E. coli (traveller's diarrhea), Shigella dysenteriae (shigellosis), salmonella paratyphi (food poisoning), giardia lamblia (giardiasis), and vibrio cholerae (cholera).
Goldenseal may also help with allergic rhinitis, hay fever, laryngitis, hepatitis, cystitis, and alcoholic liver disease.
It has proven its value in cases of diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Its astringent properties have also been employed in cases of excessive menstruation and internal bleeding. Externally, a wash can be prepared to treat skin conditions such as eczema and ringworm, as well as wounds and badly healing sores, or used as drops in cases of earache and conjunctivitis. The decoction is also said to be effective as a douche to treat trichomonas and thrush. As a gargle it can be employed in cases of gum infections and sore throats. The application of a paste or poultice containing goldenseal root is sometimes recommended for boils, abscesses and carbuncles on the grounds that Goldenseal helps to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.
How Goldenseal Is Used
- The underground stems or roots of goldenseal are dried and used to make teas, liquid extracts, and solid extracts that may be made into tablets and capsules.
- Goldenseal is often combined with echinacea in preparations that are intended to be used for colds.
What the Science Says about Goldenseal
- Few studies have been published on goldenseal's safety and effectiveness, and there is little scientific evidence to support using it for any health problem.
- Clinical studies on a compound found in goldenseal, berberine, suggest that the compound may be beneficial for certain infections--such as those that cause some types of diarrhea, as well as some eye infections. However, goldenseal preparations contain only a small amount of berberine, so it is difficult to extend the evidence about the effectiveness of berberine to goldenseal.
- NCCAM is funding a study to understand the mechanism by which berberine may act against tumors.
Side Effects and Cautions of Goldenseal
- Goldenseal is considered safe for short-term use in adults at recommended dosages. Rare side effects may include nausea and vomiting.
- There is little information about the safety of high dosages or the long-term use of goldenseal.
- Although drug interactions have not been reported, goldenseal may cause changes in the way the body processes drugs, and could potentially increase the levels of many drugs. However, a study of goldenseal and indinavir, a drug used to treat HIV infection, found no interaction.
- Other herbs containing berberine, including Chinese goldthread (Coptis trifolia) and Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium), are sometimes substituted for goldenseal. These herbs may have different effects, side effects, and drug interactions than goldenseal.
- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using goldenseal. The berberine in the herb may cause the uterus to contract, increasing the risk of premature labor or miscarriage. Berberine may also be transferred through breast milk, causing life-threatening liver problems in nursing infants.
- Goldenseal should not be given to infants and young children.
- Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
How Goldenseal Works
- source: wikipedia verbatim
While most people assume that goldenseal has direct antimicrobial effects, it may work by more diffuse means. Herbalist Paul Bergner investigated the research and has been unable to find case reports where the level of intestinal pathogens are lower after taking goldenseal, although he has found many reports where symptoms were reduced. In fact a study by Rabbani[11] where men with E. coli induced diarrhea had 42–48% reduced symptoms after taking berberine showed unchanged levels of intestinal bacteria, pathogenic or otherwise. His conclusion on how it works:
- One traditional use of goldenseal is as a mucous membrane tonic. Note that it does not have to come in contact with the mucous membranes to have this effect. Hold some goldenseal in your mouth for a minute or two, and you can feel the effect on the mucous membranes in your nose and sinuses. Traditional doctors stated that goldenseal increases the secretion of the mucous membranes. At the same time, goldenseal contains astringent factors, which also counter that flow. Thus it was referred to as a mucous membrane "alterative", increasing deficient flow but decreasing excessive flow. How this happens has not been determined by science, but is thoroughly supported by the traditional uses.... It is my opinion that goldenseal acts as an "antibiotic" to the mucous membranes not by killing germs directly, but by increasing the flow of healthy mucous, which contains its own innate antibiotic factors—IgA antibodies. This effect is unnecessary in the early stages of a cold or flu, when mucous is already flowing freely.
It appears likely that goldenseal shares with Mahonia (Oregon grape) and Berberis (Barberry) the ability to inhibit the drug resistance efflux pumps (MDR pumps) of bacteria, as discussed below.
Traditional usage of GoldenSeal
- section source: wikipedia verbatim
At the time of the European colonization of the Americas, goldenseal was in extensive use among certain Native American tribes of North America, both as a medicine and as a coloring material. Prof. Benjamin Smith Barton in his first edition of Collections for an Essay Toward a Materia Medica of the United States (1798), refers to the Cherokee use of goldenseal as a cancer treatment. Later, he calls attention to its properties as a bitter tonic, and as a local wash for ophthalmia. It became a favorite of the Eclectics from the time of Constantine Raffinesque in the 1830s.
Goldenseal was extensively used for cancers and swellings of the breasts by the Eclectics, although it was not considered sufficient for cancer alone. Hale recommended its use in hard swellings of the breast, while conium was used for smaller painless lumps. The two herbs alone or with phytoplankton Americana were used for cancers, along with alternatives like red clover.
Ellingwood's American Materia Medica lists goldenseal as being useful for functional disorders of the stomach, catarrhal gastritis, atonic dyspepsia, chronic constipation, hepatic congestion, cirrhosis, protracted fevers, cerebral engorgements of a chronic character, uterine subinvolution, in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia from the displaced uterus, post partum hemorrhage, catarrhal, ulcerating, aphthous, indolent and otherwise unhealthy conditions of mucous surfaces, leucorrhea, gallstones and breast swellings associated with the menses. Ellingwood cites one unusual use:
- Cuthberton gave hydrastis canadensis as a tonic to a pregnant woman who had a goitre of recent appearance. The goitre was promptly cured. As a result of this observation, he treated twenty-five other cases of goitre at the time of puberty, or during the pregnant state. At times when interference with the function of the reproductive organs seemed to produce reflex irritation. He claims that every case was cured by this remedy. He gave the agent from six weeks to three months, three times a day after eating. One of the patients had become steadily worse under the use of iodine, the iodides, and thyroid extract. This patient began to improve as soon as hydrastis was given, and was promptly cured with this remedy alone.
Herbalists today consider goldenseal an alterative, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, bitter tonic, laxative, anti-diabetic and muscular stimulant. They discuss the astringent effect it has on mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, the bladder, and rectum (applied topically), and the skin. Goldenseal is very bitter, which stimulates the appetite and aids digestion, and often stimulates bile secretion.
News About Golden Seal
Curing naturally / A show on the healing power of herbs points up the importance of knowing their strengths, limitations -- and dangers
- By Ron Sullivan (Special to The Chronicle)
The exhibition tells us that "one in every four of the 500 million prescriptions U.S. doctors write is for a drug that started out as a plant." Many other drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, are synthetics of compounds that were first found in plants: Aspirin is a common example. Acetylsalicylic acid is a refinement of salicylic acid, which, if you read the "salix" hidden in the "salicylic," you'll see comes from willows, genus Salix. To be precise, it's hidden in the interior bark of willows, which for centuries was a folk cure for headaches.
Folk medicine, herbal medicine and assorted "alternative healing" techniques present us with some interesting dilemmas. Many remedies are valid enough to justify research by major pharmaceutical companies, with the big investment that serious science can require. Some get hyped -- look at those vague, mysterious TV commercials for drugs, never mind the stuff you have trouble explaining to the kids.
Some drug development requires pricey labs and deservedly well-paid brains, but it's not forbiddingly expensive to set up a controlled double- blind experiment, and the procedures for a good clinical trial aren't exactly a secret. There's the rub -- when something is proven workable and doctors start using it a lot, it stops being "folk" or "alternative." Getting snapped up by mainstream medicine can make a remedy easier and cheaper to get, or it can put it out of reach by making it expensive, proprietary or strictly regulated. Can we grow our own cures in self-defense?
Maybe. That certainly works well for food, when we have a few square feet of dirt to work with. But there's a reason we call that stuff on the bathroom shelf "drugs" and not "dessert." If it has power to help it also has power to harm. As the Conservatory's exhibit carefully points out, "natural" does not equal "safe."
If you're growing your own, it certainly makes sense to know all you can about it. First thing to think about is just how reliable your information is. Get to know as much as you can from as many unrelated sources as possible - and watch out for people who just uncritically pass along what they've heard, for the pharmaceutical equivalent of an urban legend or a smarmy commercial. That includes your sweet old grandma, no matter how long she's survived thanks to her special tonic.
(My sweet old grandma had an asafetida bag, which was worn around the neck to ward off flu, rather than used as hing in curries. The cuisine she knew wasn't spicy or garlicky except for the occasional kielbasa at a Polish wedding. I suspect the "assafiddity" worked by reducing close interpersonal contact.)
Remember that relying on personal testimonies is a sign of quackery, that the plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence" and that the point of double-blind trials is just to filter out other factors that can affect results. This includes the placebo effect and the experienced clinician's favorite healer, Tincture of Time.
Next, consider two things: Just how serious is the problem you're using the homegrown or folk-remedy stuff for? And how risky is the stuff to use, whether it helps or not?
I have anecdotal evidence, including personal experience, that ginger is good against nausea. I don't hesitate to recommend it because it's nontoxic, it doesn't interfere (so far as I know) with any anti-nausea agents you might try if it doesn't work, and nausea by itself is usually not life-threatening. Besides, it's tasty. I keep a bag of crystallized ginger around just 'cause.
I like an aloe vera plant on the kitchen windowsill, too. That's a traditional cure with a long history, for burns and skin irritations. Serious burns - even just blistering, if it's big enough - want professional attention, but the average kitchen burn responds well to the goo from a bit of split aloe vera leaf. And the stuff works best when it's fresh, not preserved in a jar. I wouldn't take it internally because I know it can be a powerful purgative.
- Toxic 'remedies'
Other herbs are just plain dangerous, and people who prescribe them ought to be busted. Aristolochia (pipevine, birthwort) just for example, has destroyed kidneys and killed people, and there's valid documentation of this. No matter how much you trust your prescriber, do your own research. Yes, that goes for mainline meds, too. Check accreditation and credibility from authoritative resources online or elsewhere. Ask hard questions. Don't settle for vague stuff like "It balances the system."
There's another caution about homegrown - or store-bought - herbal remedies: It's not easy to predict how concentrated the active ingredient, or any other ingredient that happens to accompany it, is. "Supplements" aren't regulated as tightly as official drugs are. Even in your own garden, a given quantity of a root might have more or less of whatever's good for what ails you depending on how much sun, fertilizer or water the plant gets, how fast it grew, or even the plant's immediate ancestry. Plants vary just as much in other compounds as they do in the compounds that make flower color. If it's mint tea to settle your stomach, that might not matter much. If you're looking for some hinky alkaloid to lift your depression, that's a bigger deal.
- Armed with information
Whether you get your herbal goodies from your garden or from the store, remember that they're drugs and treat them as such. There are cross-reactions among pharmaceuticals, including those used in medical emergencies, and herbal remedies. There are even cross-reactions between pharmaceuticals and grapefruit juice. So be sure every health-care professional you work with knows everything you're ingesting; carry a list with your ID. Some folks are allergic to some herbs, like chamomile and even aloe, so test a little first. Knowing a little botany is useful here; if you're allergic to a plant's relatives, you might be allergic to it, too.
There's responsibility beyond the personal with any drugs we use, including "naturals." First, there's enlightened self-interest: care for the resources. American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) are both in trouble from too much collecting, and plants in less- regulated parts of the world can quickly be exploited. Prunus africana, used in prostate remedies, is close to extinction from intensive harvesting in its African home range.
Thousands of plants are being researched by labs and bio-prospectors, but many are being forced to extinction as their habitat - rainforests, savanna, wetland - is plowed or paved. This impoverishes all of us, but especially the local people who rely on these plants as frontline medicine. Take a look at the plants and drugs on show at the Conservatory and be impressed at how much we can lose before we even learn about it.
Knowledge is another thing in danger of extinction. As traditional communities dissolve or die out, their cultures go with them, including the medicinal lore that alerts other researchers as to what plants exist and are useful. So many species exist that, while they're looking for a lot of needles, they have 10 times as many haystacks to search. Again, the locals suffer first, in a vacuum of knowledge and available cures.
That knowledge itself is intellectual property, and researchers who ignore locals' rights and profit exclusively do great injustice. They also endanger their successors' access to place, plants and lore. Why would exploiters be welcomed? As understanding grows among the holders of traditional knowledge (as well as the perpetuators of food and medicine plant breeds), a legal evolution is taking place to define indigenous intellectual property rights.
Goldenseal: An herbal antibacterial agent and digestive
- (Clinical Advisor)
Goldenseal, one of the most popular herbs in the United States today, is used as a base in many herbal preparations. Also known as yellow root, ground raspberry, or Indian turmeric, goldenseal is credited with a number of different medicinal properties. It is typically associated with supposed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
The plant grows in the wilds of southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States, and is a perennial with a thick, yellow root characterized by knoblike sections and hairlike root fibers.
- Background
Native goldenseal has actually been overharvested in the United States to the point that it is listed as an endangered species by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, an organization dedicated to ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.2 Today, commercial growers supply the bulk of the plant products for use in supplements, with most production originating from the area of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Goldenseal is a member of the buttercup family and appears as a purple-stemmed, fuzzy plant with pointed, saw-tooth-edged leaves.3 These dark-green hairy leaves bear a single white flower that yields a late summer fruit resembling a raspberry.
In spite of its widespread use as a medicinal herb, goldenseal is frequently used as an additive to other herbal mixtures because of its synergistic effects.3 The primary active ingredients in goldenseal are the alkaloids hydrastine and berberine, which function primarily as anticholinergics and antioxidants.
- Science
Goldenseal is most commonly used as an antibacterial agent and an aid to digestion.3 One interesting bench trial examined the antimicrobial effect of goldenseal on cell cultures of Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium known to induce duodenal ulcers. The extract of goldenseal rhizomes showed a robust in vitro mean inhibitory concentration of 12.5 mg/mL in all of the 15 strains of the bacterium cell lines. One hypothesis regarding goldenseal's efficacy against bacterial infection is that it blocks the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from the macrophages in the system, thereby reducing the symptoms and longevity of the infection. In a study of goldenseal extract with lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages, the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, and IL-12 was inhibited in a dose-dependent curve.
Goldenseal extract was measured against cultured cell lines of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sanguis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.6 Each bacterium was subjected to direct exposure to the goldenseal extract. The measured "killing time" and mean inhibitory concentration values supported goldenseal's antibacterial claims.
Another study explored goldenseal's antioxidant activity as it applied to cholesterol. In an in vivo study with rats, all rats were given a high-cholesterol diet and then randomly assigned to either placebo treatment or goldenseal treatment. At the end of the 24-day treatment period, serum lipid levels in both groups of rats were examined. The goldenseal cohort showed a total cholesterol reduction of more than 31%, a 25% drop in LDL, and nearly a 33% decrease in triglycerides.
Goldenseal is being evaluated for its potential use in the treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD). Chinese researchers recently explored goldenseal's potential to slow the progressive degeneration associated with AD.8 Berberine, an active ingredient in goldenseal, is a natural isoquinolone alkaloid with a wide range of pharmacologic effects. In this new study, berberine was reviewed for its antioxidant properties as well as for its activities as an acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, a beta-amyloidal peptide blocker and a cholesterol-lowering agent.8 All of this suggests that berberine may act as a promising multipotent agent to combat AD.
- Safety, interactions
Toxicity from goldenseal has been reported. The lethal dose of the berberine isolate is thought to be 27.5 mg/kg.1 Goldenseal is not recommended for use in pregnant or nursing women or in children.2 Patients using warfarin or cardiac glycosides should also avoid using goldenseal.
- Dosage and cost
Recommended doses of the extract are 250 mg by mouth three times daily, or 0.5 to 1.0 g, three times daily for the dried rhizome powder-filled capsules for short periods of time. The powder-filled capsules, used to treat such minor illnesses as respiratory infections, are not recommended for use longer than a period of 14 days.1 The total cost varies depending on the dose concentration, but a typical month's supply of goldenseal ranges from $20 to $30.
- Summary
The use of goldenseal as an adjunctive therapy is safe in appropriate patient groups. As long as proper dosing guidelines and safety issues are addressed, health-care providers may find the short-term use of goldenseal a reasonable recommendation.
Health Benefits of Echinacea & Goldenseal
- Source:
- (Fitday Editor)
Echinacea, a native North American plant, is something that horticultural experts are often very familiar with. Its brightly colored and attractive flowers dot the landscapes of large portions of the continent. They also show up in lots of home gardens and commercial landscaping installations, as well as some authentic horticultural restoration projects.
- Benefits of Echinacea
Echinacea has been known to have some restorative qualities and medicinal uses. Today, the effectiveness of echinacea is somewhat debated, but modern research has shown the potential for echinacea as a tool for fighting viruses and keeping the immune system healthy.
Echinacea is most commonly used to ward off the common cold. It can be used to treat a range of illnesses, such as fever, cold, flu or viral illnesses, as well as some kinds of infections. Researchers say that echinacea can help boost the immune system by fighting off virus microbes. It is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties. Some herbalists and others call echinacea a "blood purifier" and refer to phagocytes, natural elements that the body develops to combat viral microbes. Experts claim that echinacea can help the body produce these phagocytes.
Although some studies have not found that echinacea is effective in treating colds and viruses, other studies have found that taking echinacea supplements can cut down the risk of contracting a cold by nearly 50% in some individuals. That makes echinacea a popular herbal remedy, even though it's hard to say how effective it is in any given case. Trials at universities and other research centers continue to look at how the herb might aid the body in its natural capacity to shrug off some of the common seasonal viruses that currently threaten the global community.
- Echinacea and Goldenseal
Echinacea is often taken together with goldenseal. This herbal remedy can help fight the inflammatory and congestive elements of the common cold by soothing conditions in the inner membranes of the nose and throat. It also has some anti-inflammatory and immune boosting abilities, according to researchers. Lots of herbal remedy providers package echinacea together with goldenseal for a double punch against cold and flu viruses.
- Potential Risks of Echinacea
Potential side effects for echinacea range from minor issues like dizziness to larger problems. Echinacea can trigger asthma attacks in individuals with respiratory conditions. Doctors often warn against using herbal supplements like echinacea for those who are already on a lot of medications, as some kinds of drug interactions can apply. Before starting on a regimen of echinacea or some other herbal home remedy, it's a good idea to have an in-depth discussion with your local family doctor about the risks and benefits of echinacea or another herbal supplement product. With the right care and attention to detail, echinacea could be worth looking at as a helper for fighting off the kinds of viruses that are creating epidemics in today's population during each flu season.
Goldenseal: The Latest and Greatest Herbal Cure
- By Steven Foster
Goldenseal is slowly gaining ground as one of America's most popular herbs
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) has taken an interesting journey in the last decade. In the 1970s and ‘80s it emerged as the herb of choice among “in-the-know” herb consumers for topical and internal use, perceived as a natural antibiotic. In the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, it emerged as an underground and unproven natural ploy to beat urinalysis for drug tests. The theory was that if you took goldenseal capsules, tincture, or tea the day before a drug test, the goldenseal in your system would interfere with the chemical detection of illicit drugs in your system. I heard more than one story of athletes complaining that steroids were still detected in their urine or truck drivers who tried the technique and were disgruntled when marijuana showed up in their tests. In addition, during the 1990s, echinacea/goldenseal combination products emerged as the best-selling herbal combination product in the American market. Then in 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act catapulted herb products into the mass market, and for a few short years between 1996 and 1998, demand for goldenseal skyrocketed. Even the demand in health-food stores increased as more consumers came to shop, looking for the latest and greatest herbal cure.
The new market demand for goldenseal created supply shortages at the wholesale level. To some well-meaning individuals and even companies, this supply shortage (sparked by increased demand, hence higher prices), along with observations of increased difficulty in obtaining the supply from the wild, translated into a slogan: “Save the Endangered Species—Goldenseal.” The former Frontier Herb Cooperative (now Frontier Natural Products Coop) of Norway, Iowa, produced bumper stickers and buttons with the slogan. With no information on the biology or economics of the plants, what in essence seemed to be a supply-and-demand problem translated into a conservation problem by association. Consumer awareness became heightened and plant biologists took notice.
To discover just how much goldenseal was being used, the American Herbal Products Association commissioned a survey to measure the status of cultivated and wildharvested goldenseal root for 1998. The survey, conducted by the Arthur Andersen consulting firm, surveyed companies known to be engaged in the whole trade or cultivation of goldenseal. The report represents the first modern study on the total annual harvest of goldenseal roots. Wildharvest of goldenseal for 1998 was just over 250,000 pounds of dried root. An additional 3 tons were produced in cultivation.
Since 1998, use of goldenseal has declined, though no new figures are available. However, the percentage of wildharvested versus cultivated material has changed. Upwards of 30 percent of the supply now comes from cultivated sources, whereas in 1998 only 2.4 percent came from cultivated supplies.
In the submission for the goldenseal listing for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), it was noted that the plant is designated as threatened in Canada, is endangered in six states in the United States (primarily at the edge of its natural range where it is inherently rare), and threatened in five. In none of the states in which it occurs naturally was it considered to be common, according to the report. However, it should be noted that goldenseal has only been abundant historically in four states—Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana. By its very natural distribution it is therefore relatively non-abundant in twenty-three of the twenty-seven states in which it is known to occur. Declines in populations were observed in the late nineteenth century and such observations continued to accelerate, though no inventories were conducted to substantiate observations by a few individuals. This is the greatest problem with conservation of wild herb species—actually determining the exact status of the population in the wild. This includes a range-wide inventory of how many individuals or populations exist, the plant’s population biology, the dynamics of those populations, and even their reproductive biology. For goldenseal, this information did not exist except for a few obscure, dated scientific reports of limited scope. The research had simply not been conducted.
In response to the CITES listing of goldenseal, research on cultivation and wild populations of goldenseal has increased. One location in which the research occurs is Meigs County, Ohio, in the heart of goldenseal country. Research on wild populations at the United Plant Savers (UpS) sanctuary in Ohio has been ongoing for several years. At the neighboring National Center for Preservation of Medicinal Herbs (NCPMH), begun in 1998 by Frontier Natural Products Cooperative, goldenseal trials are entering their fifth year under the direction of Erica Renaud, research director at Frontier’s Organic Research Farm in Norway, Iowa.
According to Renaud, “Since 1998, twenty-eight on-farm research trials have been underway at the NCPMH. The on-farm research focuses on agronomic production models for the ‘critical to cultivate’ species to help develop effective models for bringing the plants under cultivation. Specifically, the research strategy is to evaluate the effects of fertility levels, shade levels, harvest dates, propagation techniques, mulches, and plant spacing on growth, yield, and medicinal quality of herbs such as goldenseal.
“Our first root weight harvest of the three-year-old goldenseal roots began in the fall of 2001. Goldenseal roots of the six different propagation methods and fertility levels will be evaluated for root weight yield and important chemical constituents such as hydrastine and berberine,” Renaud states.
I was in Meigs County, Ohio, in October 2001 and observed the harvest and weighing of hundreds of goldenseal roots in this phase of the research. Then-NCMPH manager Diane Don Carlos, her apprentices, volunteers from Rural Action, and Renaud worked tirelessly over a three-day period digging the roots, cleaning them, weighing them fresh, drying them, weighing them again, and meticulously recording the data. Next they took the roots to the lab for chemical testing. Much detailed work goes into producing information of use to growers. Initially, all of the roots planted in the dozens of experimental plots in the forest of Meigs County in the spring of 1998 were from wildcrafted sources. Since that time, NCMPH staff and volunteers have been monitoring the plantings and conducting experiments that will determine the effects of different mulching, shade, fertilizers, and disease observations on goldenseal and other woodland herbs currently in experiment plots at the center.
With a great deal of data collected, most of which has yet to be analyzed and published, look for the results to provide useful information for home herb gardeners and commercial growers alike.
Facts on Echinacea & Goldenseal
- By Sandi Busch
Echinacea and goldenseal are sometimes combined and marketed as a supplement to support your immune system. While the effect may be true for echinacea, the active ingredient in goldenseal does not impact the immune system. Goldenseal is dangerous for pregnant and breast-feeding women, and both herbs may interact with prescription medications, so consult your health-care provider before taking these supplements.
- Echinacea Basics
Echinacea, also known as purple coneflower, belongs to the daisy family and includes nine different species. Laboratory tests show that it stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of cells that fight bacteria and infections, but research continues to explore exactly how it works. Echinacea significantly reduces the severity of cold symptoms and may help you get over a cold faster, but it doesn't prevent colds, according to New York University Langone Medical Center.
- Echinacea Evidence
In the December 2010 issue of the "Annals of Internal Medicine," researchers reported that echinacea did not affect the duration or severity of the common cold in their study. But it did successfully reduce the number and length of colds in a 2012 study published in “Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” Contradictory studies may be explained by differences in the way the study preparations are made. "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews" reported that the ingredients in echinacea preparations vary depending on the species and the part of the plant used. Evidence to date indicates that using the above-ground portion or whole plant extract from the species Echinacea purpurea works the best.
- Goldenseal Basics
You can tell from goldenseal's various names -- turmeric root and goldenroot -- that the root is the part used for medicinal purposes. Goldenseal contains a substance called berberine that kills bacteria and fungi. Research shows, but does not yet prove, that berberine may lower blood pressure. When used topically or as a gargle for a sore throat, it may help wounds heal and prevent infections, but insufficient research exists to support its effectiveness. Goldenseal is often sold with echinacea, but as of 2013, no evidence existed to show that it increases immunity or helps treat colds.
- Health Warnings
Women who are pregnant should never take goldenseal because it may harm the baby or stimulate contractions; breast-feeding women should also avoid it. Echinacea is generally considered safe, but may cause side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. If you have allergies to ragweed, daisies or marigolds, you may also be allergic to echinacea. It can slow down the absorption of caffeine, making you jittery from excess caffeine in your system. In addition, echinacea may worsen some autoimmune conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Consumer Warnings
A 2003 survey of echinacea products found that 10 percent of the supplements contained no echinacea and half did not accurately label the species used. More than half did not contain the amount of ingredients as stated on the label. Look for the USP Verified mark on the products you buy, which indicates the supplement was tested for quality.
How papaya, fenugreek leaves can control dengue'
- (Agencies, The Health Site)
Giloy is helpful in building the immune system and papaya leaves cure dengue fever, an expert says. Pankaj Aggarwal, from the capital-based Agrawal Homoe Clinic, has suggested some easy home remedies
Giloy is helpful in building the immune system and papaya leaves cure dengue fever, an expert says. Pankaj Aggarwal, from the capital-based Agrawal Homoe Clinic, has suggested some easy home remedies to control platelet loss and recovery from dengue fever.
- • Giloy (herb): This is helpful in building the immune system, giloy stem marks immediate recovery when consumed in frequently during the fever. Boil two or three giloy stems for ten minutes and serve the patient for better immunity.
- • Papaya leaves: The budding leaves of papaya tree cure dengue fever and helps in removing excess toxins from the body. The intake of its juice from crushed leaves can helpin rising the platelet count.
- • Fenugreek leaves: Fenugreek leaves help in reducing the pain of the patient and help in restful sleep. It reduces the level of fever stabilizing the blood pressure and heartbeat of the patient. Read more about treatment of dengue fever.
- • Goldenseal: The herb proves to be an excellent remedy for its ability to clear up the symptoms of the dengue fever. The leaf when consumed in form of juice helps in eliminating the dengue virus from the body strengthening the immunity of the body against its signs.
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Distinguished by its thick, yellow knotted root, Goldenseal is a valuable multi-purpose herb for treating a range of health conditions.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is a herb in the buttercup family containing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and laxative properties. These make it a fantastic, multi-purpose remedy used to treat a variety of ailments from upset stomach to hay fever, to conjunctivitis and canker sores.
- Where it's found
Native to southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States, Goldenseal is a plant with a single stem, small flowers, and raspberry-like fruit. It can be found growing wild in rich, shady soil but is now mostly grown on farms.
The dried root of the Goldenseal herb is used to make medicine and can be bought as a topical salve, in tablet form, or as a bulk powder. It’s often used to boost the medicinal effects of other herbs it’s blended with, such as echinacea.
- How it can benefit you
Taken internally as a digestion aid, Goldenseal can help soothe upset stomach, acting as an antibacterial agent. It’s most often combined with echinacea to help strengthen the immune system but has a host of other benefits. These include:
- • disinfecting cuts and scrapes
- • to treat skin, eye inflammations
- • to aid the relief of urinary tract infections
- • available in mouthwashes for sore throats and canker sores
- Naturopath Mim Beim says:
“It's a herb, often called the “king of the mucus membranes”. It helps with any infection of the membranes that line the body, such as the throat, bowel and lungs. So it’s helpful when treating conditions such as tonsillitis, sinusitis or, diverticulitis. For a sore throat, mix it with Thyme and Myrrh and gargle. You only need it in tiny amounts. Watch for staining if you have it as a tincture or extract…. That yellow is hard to remove!”
7 herbal remedies for urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common. Around one in two women and one in 20 men will get one and for a lot of women, it's a recurring thing.
Most of us are familiar with the symptoms: burning sensation when passing urine, frequent urination, a cloudy, bloody or very smelly urine and general discomfort in the area. High fever, back pain and vomiting occur when the infection becomes more serious and moves to the kidneys. If this occurs, it is very important to see your GP as left untreated an infection can lead to kidney damage.
A urinary tract infection can range from an infection of the bladder to an infection of the kidney. Cystitis, an infection in the bladder, is the most common UTI.
Bacteria do not normally live in the urinary tract, it is a sterile area but they can enter the urinary tract and multiply, causing an infection. This can occur during intercourse or wiping back to front after urination (for women). The urethra is fairly short and straight, making it easier for germs to travel into the bladder.
Changes to the immune system may make a person generally more vulnerable to infections as well as changes in hormonal levels. Infections are more common just before a period and in pregnancy. As women age, tissues of the urethra and bladder become thinner and drier with age, as well as after menopause or a hysterectomy leading to a greater chance of infection.
Diagnosis is simple. A urine test ordered by a GP can identify the cause of infection and treatment is usually a course of antibiotics. However, recurrent infections are common and studies have shown that women are at a 20 per cent - 30 per cent higher risk of experiencing a recurrence of infection within three to four months of an initial UTI.
According to Kidney Health Australia, women are also more at risk of repeated urinary tract infections if they:
- - use spermicide jelly or a diaphragm for contraception
- - have had a new sexual partner
- - suffer from constipation
- - had their first urinary tract infection at or before 15 years of age
- - have a family history of repeated urinary tract infections.
We know that overuse of antibiotics can cause a disruption in gut flora health leading to a greater susceptibility to more infections. Gut flora makes up two thirds of our immune system.
This is where herbal remedies can be useful. Herbalists have used the following seven herbs successfully.
• Bearberry
also known as uva ursi. In a double blind placebo study of 57 women with recurrent UTIs, bearberry was shown to effectively suppress further infection. Bearberry acts as an antibacterial, urinary antiseptic, astringent and healer to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. It is also a diuretic.
• Dandelion leaf
Different to the root which has a focus on balancing digestive and liver health, this herb is potent diuretic used to flush the bladder and relieve symptoms.
• Cornsilk
Has soothing mucilaginous or demulcent properties. This soothes the irritated mucous membranes. It also has a diuretic effect. Rich in silica and other minerals, which help strengthen the tissues.
• Horsetail
Acts in a similar fashion to corn silk.
• Marshmallow root
Yes, original marshmallow candy was made from this plant. As you could imagine, marshmallow has a softening demulcent effect on irritated mucous membranes of the urinary tract.
• Cranberry
Technically not a herb but used by herbalists. Flordis, a natural health company, has performed extensive studies on cranberry extract. Cranberry helps prevent potentially harmful bacteria from sticking to urinary tract walls and effectively flushes out the bacteria from the urinary tract to help promote urinary tract health. By helping to maintain a clean urinary tract this will reduce the frequency of recurrent cystitis.
Is a potent antibacterial and mucous membrane healer indicated for inflammation of the urinary tract wall.
All of these herbs, with the exception of Goldenseal and Cranberry, may be taken in a herbal tea form. Add 1 teaspoon of each in a litre of boiling water, steep for 7 minutes and consume daily. I recommend organic herbs. You may also take these herbs in a herbal tincture form which contains concentrated constituents of herbs and offer maximum therapeutic benefits. They are only available with a prescription from your naturopath or herbalist. A qualified health practitioner will ensure your medication; supplements or disease state does not interact with your herbs. When a herbalist prescribes herbal remedies they consider one's constitution, age, allergies, sensitiveness, robustness, weight, temperature, current status of health and personality. From this understanding they can choose the most successful remedies for you. Ellura by Flordis is a brilliant cranberry supplement that I use quite successfully in my clinical practice.
Note: Always remember to tell your health practitioner if you're pregnant or breast-feeding as many herbs like medicine may be contra indicated. These herbs do not replace antibiotics when they are needed. They may be used in conjunction, to strengthen the urinary tract mucous membranes or to prevent an infection.
Killer! Dengue Fever, Symptoms, Home Remedies, Tips To Prevent From Dengue?
- Source:
- By Kavi Sehrawat
Killer! Dengue Fever, Symptoms, Home Remedies, Tips To Prevent From Dengue? : Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. There are four distinct serotypes of the dengue virus (DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4). Symptoms appear in 3–14 days (average 4–7 days) after the infective bite. Dengue fever is a flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults.” Dengue fever is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age which can cause abdominal pain, bleeding and affect the circulatory system.
- Dengue Fever Symptoms
How to Know the Signs and symptoms of Dengue?
Dengue fever symptomps includes A drop in platelet count .It doesn’t spread from person to person. The most common symptoms of Dengue are Sudden high fever, Severe headaches, Fatigue , exhaustion, Severe joint and muscle pains, Nausea, Vomitting and Skin rashes. Tips To Prevent Dengue Fever & Home Remedies
Doctors can diagnose dengue infection with a blood test. There are no particular medicines or antibiotics to cure the same since it’s caused by a virus but you are advised to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Currently there is no vaccine for dengue.We bring you some of the most effective home remedies as shared by health experts and doctors.
1. Giloy: It is a very important herb in Ayurveda. It helps in maintaining the metabolic rate, strengthening the immune system and protect your body against infections, explains Dr. Gargi Sharma from New Delhi. She recommends that you can boil the stems and serve it as a herbal drink. You can also add few Tulsi leaves in the drink.
2. Papaya Leaves: “It helps in increasing platelet count and it helps in reducing the symptoms of fever like body-ache, chills, feeling low, getting tired easily and nausea,” says Dr. Gargi. You can crush the leaves and consume or drink the juice which helps in flushing out the toxins
3. Golden seal: Its a natural antiviral capacity can essentially cure dengue fever in a matter of days.
4. Turmeric: It is known to boost the metabolism and it helps in making the healing process faster. You can consume turmeric along with milk.
5. Tulsi Leaves and Black Pepper: Dr. Simran Saini from New Delhi suggests to consume a drink made by boiling Tulsi leave and adding about 2grams of black pepper to it. This drink helps in building your immunity and acts as an antibacterial element.
6. Barley Grass: It has the unique ability to significantly increase the body’s blood platelet count by stimulating the production of more blood cells. You can drink barley tea or eat barley grass directly and see a rapid increase in platelet count
7. Water: Drink as much water as possible to keep the body hydrated, which will also help to ease symptoms like headaches and muscle cramps, both of which are exacerbated by dehydration
8. Neem Leaves: It is commonly prescribed for a variety of ailments, and dengue fever is no exception. Drinking the subsequent brew has been shown to increase both blood platelet count and white blood cell count, two of the most dangerous side effects of the virus.
9. Orange Juice: It helps to promote antibodies of the immune system, increase urination and the release of toxins, and stimulates cellular repair due to vitamin C’s crucial role in the creation of collagen.
10. Basil Leaves: It is known to be an important immune-boosting technique, and has long been recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of dengue fever.
Be Safe! Be Happy
3 Surprising Health Benefits of Goldenseal
- By Beth Buczynski
When I was little, I had an eye infection, and I remember that my mom used a goldenseal “tea” to wash out my eye. I don’t remember very much about the tea except the very bitter taste when some of it got in my mouth.
Turns out this pungent herb is actually a powerhouse medicinal herb that can be used as a home remedy for many things!
- Choosing Ethical Goldenseal
Like ginseng, goldenseal is also a very powerful and popular medicinal herb. Because of their high value and potency, both plants have been the victim of unsavory harvesting practices that put their entire species at risk.
In order to meet global demand, ginseng and golden seal harvesting routinely occurs in places where it’s not legal, like national parks, nature preserves, state parks and state forests. Additionally, harvest often occurs out of season, making it impossible to harvest sustainably because seeds are not yet ripe and before plants are fully matured, reducing the overall population.
“Goldenseal is protected on a federal and international level and is listed on Appendix II of the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), an international treaty monitoring trade in threatened and endangered species,” reports “This means that a CITES permit is required to sell goldenseal to other countries. To get such a permit, you need to be able to show that the plants are at least four years old and were obtained legally.”
To avoid supporting illegal practices, choose ethically-wildcrafted or verifiably cultivated sources of goldenseal bulk herbs or supplements from brands you trust.
- Health Benefits Of Goldenseal
The source of goldenseal’s strength comes from a compound called berberine that kills many types of bacteria and germs, such as those that cause candida (yeast) infections and parasites such as tapeworms and Giardia. Berberine may also “activate white blood cells, making them better at fighting infection and strengthening the immune system” and has been shown to have some antibiotic properties, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Taking goldenseal in small doses as tablets/capsules (containing the powdered root), liquid extracts, glycerites (low alcohol extracts) or using it topically as a skin wash, is considered safe and can be an excellent natural remedy for the following health conditions:
- Indigestion
- Hay Fever
- Common Cold
- Flu
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Allergies
- Sore Throat
- Fungal Infections
- Minor Cuts & Scrapes (Disinfectant)
- Skin, Eye, and Mucous Membrane Problems (sinusitis, pink eye, and urinary tract infections)
Goldenseal Healing Benefits – Detoxification, Immune Boosting and More
- By Denice Arthurton
As with so many of the natural herbal remedies, the healing benefits of goldenseal have been known and utilized by man for many centuries. Native Americans used the plant extensively and claimed it was an aid to curing cancer.
Goldenseal, also known as golden-root, yellow-root and orange-root, is actually a member of the buttercup family. It is the root of the plant that is used and where most of its medicinal properties are contained. Healing Properties of Goldseal
Goldenseal can be used in the treatment of a vast range of bodily dysfunctions and medical conditions due to the properties it contains. Anti-inflammatory – particularly effective for inflammation of the ear, nose and throat so conditions such as sinusitis and inflammation from colds and flu can be soothed by goldenseal.
1.) Antimicrobial/antibiotic – goldenseal contains agents that have abilities to fight infection, bacteria and disease carrying micro-organisms. It can be used to disinfect and treat wounds and conditions where infection is present in the body.
2.) Anticatarrhal – this will help to counteract or suppress the overproduction of mucus that occurs in some conditions particularly colds and flu.
3.) Relaxant or sedative – goldenseal can be used as a mild sedative and can therefore be useful to aid sleep.
4.) Detoxification and efficiency stimulation– the plant has the ability to aid in the detox of the internal systems, aiding lymph drainage and promoting more efficient internal functioning. This can help with all the internal organs and systems including liver, bladder, digestive tract, blood stream and circulatory system.
5.) Boosts immune system – using goldenseal in this way can protect the body against infections and contagious conditions and is particularly useful as a flu and cold prevention.
6.) Excessive bleeding in menstruation – many women suffer from this condition and goldenseal is effective in regulating menstruation and controlling the amount of blood loss.
7.) Lowers levels of stomach acid – this can be useful for relieving the symptoms of digestive problems such as indigestion, reflux, duodenal ulcers and gastritis.
It would appear that goldenseal is particularly effective when combined with echinacea, another herbal remedy.
Goldenseal can be purchased as tablets or pills, salves, tinctures and as consumption as a tea. All these are produced from a powder of the plant’s roots. Do carefully check the source of any product you are buying. Goldenseal in its natural, wild form is becoming scarcer due to over-harvesting and some producers are supplying sub-standard, non-organically grown plants.
It is recommended that pregnant women and children should avoid taking goldenseal and it is advised that anyone using it should follow daily dosage guidelines. Goldenseal may act as a contra-indicator for other medicines so always consult a doctor if you are on existing medication.
Although there is little scientific evidence to support the healing benefits of goldenseal there are many individual testimonies to its healing efficiency for many different problems.
Fresh Clips: Benefits of Goldenseal
- By Steven Foster
About a decade ago, the price of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) shot up from historic levels of around 13 dollars a pound to more than 100 dollars a pound, prompting a closer look at the sustainability of goldenseal supplies. Subsequently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service added goldenseal to its list of restricted items.
After goldenseal was listed, some in the herb community began to suggest potential herbal substitutes for goldenseal. Substitute suggestions included berberine-rich herbs, such as Oregon grape root (Mahonia aquifolium); Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis, also known by its Chinese name, huang lian); and a small plant found in forests in the Northeastern United States, American goldthread (Coptis trifolia, also known as C. groenlandica).
The use of American goldthread was dismissed by many familiar with the plant. Although the plant is fairly common, the root is too difficult to harvest. It is literally a “gold thread,” and any attempt to harvest it from the wild would not produce a significant supply, and was certain to create a new conservation crisis for goldthread.
All of the plants mentioned above contain significant amounts of the alkaloid berberine, which is responsible for the bitter flavor and bright-yellow color of their respective roots. In the end, Chinese goldthread seemed like the best possible choice. However, as supplies of Chinese goldthread dwindled in China, some suggested that goldenseal might be a suitable substitute for it. Instead, scientists have begun to look to growing supplies of both plants.
- Grow Goldenseal, Save the Species
A recent study published in the journal Chinese Medicine looked at the comparative chemistry of goldenseal, Chinese goldthread and its North American counterpart, American goldthread. All three species are members of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). As expected, all three plants were shown to contain the alkaloid berberine.
The chemical analysis also quantified the alkaloids copistine, palmatine and hydrastine, all of which may contribute to expected medicinal effects. The results showed that goldenseal contains the most berberine. All three species contain copistine, with American goldthread containing the most. The alkaloid hydrastine was confirmed to be unique to goldenseal and palmatine unique to Chinese goldthread.
Most medicinal plants contain varying levels of compounds that are responsible for the health benefits consumers expect from herbs. Given the complexity and variability in chemistry from one species to another, it often is difficult to find a substitute that fits the chemical profile of other plants. This is the case with goldenseal, particularly in light of studies that show the alkaloids in goldenseal work synergistically.
Given the wide-ranging chemistry of the three plants included in this study, the authors concluded that neither goldenseal nor American goldthread contain all of the alkaloids found in Chinese goldthread. Therefore, goldenseal is not a suitable substitute for Chinese goldthread, and vice versa.
The solution to developing a sustainable supply is the commercially cultivated sources of the herbs. Significant progress has been made in North America to supply cultivated goldenseal to the market and Chinese goldthread also is being grown commercially in China.
- Did You Know?
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) is an international treaty that regulates the trade of such items as tiger skins and elephant tusks. In the past 15 years, there has also been more emphasis on monitoring trade in medicinal plants. Items listed in CITES Appendix 1 are illegal in international trade. Appendix II-listed items (like goldenseal) are monitored to “ensure their survival.”
Get bitter if you want to feel better
- Source:
Fashions in food have forgotten an important element, one that is transformative for our health. Check out what's popular on social media and you'll see a lot of sweet smoothie bowls, raw cakes and thick shakes. You might also see salty snacks, but bitters barely get a look-in despite their bountiful health benefits.
This column is to remind us all of the incredible health benefits of bitters and encourage you to embrace bitter foods back into your diet.
Bitters have been traditionally used for years in both Chinese and western herbal medicine to aid our digestive system and overall health. Its medicinal use can even be traced back to ancient Egypt.
How do they work? Essentially, the bitter taste stimulates the taste buds, which in turn promotes digestive secretions including saliva, acids, enzymes, and bile, as well as the release of the hormone gastrin. These secretions enhance our upper digestion, the breakdown of foods and the assimilation of nutrients.
Bitters also contain complex carbohydrates, alkaloids, vitamins and minerals that have antioxidant, antiviral, and antispasmodic properties. These ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, control pain, relax muscles, stimulate the repair of the gut wall lining (leaky gut repair) and improve digestion and elimination.
Consuming bitters also helps to recalibrate our taste buds so we can enjoy other flavours and reduce our desire for sweets thus helping us to eliminate sugar cravings.
Bitter herbal tonics are very popular among herbalists and naturopaths for digestive health. My favourite herbal bitters for incorporating into herbal tonic blends are:
- Gentian root (Gentiana lutea) is traditionally used for low hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach – which can lead to belching or flatulence, bad breath, indigestion, dyspepsia, food allergies and intolerances, nausea and loss of appetite. - Dandelion root (Taraxacum offcinale radix) is traditionally used for constipation, dyspepsia, poor digestion and liver function, detox and loss of appetite. - Angelica root (Angelica archangelica) is traditionally used for digestive weakness, intestinal inflammation, colitis, and stimulates circulation. - Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis) is traditionally used for loss of appetite, gastritis, colitis, dyspepsia, and leaky gut.
Bitter herbal tonics are best consumed 15 minutes before each meal in a little water much like an aperitif.
Note: See your natural health practitioner for a prescription and specific dose in the form of a tonic/tincture or capsule/tablet form. Herbal tonics or tinctures are only available with a prescription from your Naturopath or Herbalist. A qualified practitioner will ensure your medications, supplements or current health status do not interact with the herbs. When a herbalist prescribes herbal medicine they consider your constitution: age, allergies, sensitivity, robustness, size, temperature and current status of health. Always remember to tell you practitioner if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
It is simple to incorporate bitters into our diet:
Goldenseal: The Cure for Everything?
- By Elea Carey (Medically Reviewed by Peggy Pletcher, MS, RD, LD, CDE)
Simply put, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. The medicinal claims about goldenseal range from its powers as a cure for toenail fungus to its effectiveness against pancreatic cancer. But is goldenseal really an all-conquering super plant?
Goldenseal is a low, sprawling plant with palm-shaped leaves. A single white flower appears in the center of each set of leaves, turning into one red berry with about ten seeds. It’s native to the hardwood forests east of the Mississippi River, but its prevalence in the wild has decreased because of mining and over-harvesting.
- What Is Goldenseal Said to Treat?
In short, it might be easier to make a list of conditions goldenseal hasn’t been associated with helping. Early American medical texts refer to the Cherokees and Iroquois using goldenseal to treat cancer, mouth ailments like canker sores, and stomach issues.
Today, it’s marketed for a vast array of symptoms. Some claim that it can treat colds and upper respiratory infections. Other conditions it’s said to help include:
- • gonorrhea
- • malaria
- • pneumonia
- • just about any stomach or digestive condition
- • skin problems such as dandruff, ringworm, and eczema
- • eye infections
Goldenseal is also said to increase the effectiveness of other herbs and medicines. It’s regularly combined with echinacea, an herb associated with strengthening the immune system.
- What’s Goldenseal’s Secret?
Modern research has isolated a chemical in goldenseal called berberine that might be the source of its acclaimed benefits. According to one study, berberine is an anti-diabetic agent, though it’s not understood why. A 2014 study concluded that berberine might also help lower cholesterol. Berberine also seems promising as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems and digestive issues.
Goldenseal also seems to be effective against the bacterium E. coli, which can cause urinary tract infections and digestive problems leading to diarrhea. Goldenseal’s anti-bacterial qualities might be the reason behind its reputation as a treatment for various skin ailments and infections.
Goldenseal root is dried and powdered. It’s sold in capsules for internal use, and also comes in creams and topical preparations to treat skin conditions. Tinctures are also available, and can be used to treat mouth conditions.
- What’s the Bottom Line?
Taken in moderate doses, goldenseal is probably harmless. Always talk to your doctor about any supplements you’re considering taking, especially if you’re on prescription medicines. They might interact with herbal supplements.
There isn’t enough research around whether goldenseal is safe for children. It isn’t recommended if you’re pregnant or nursing.
There is no recommended dosage for the goldenseal you apply to your skin. If you’re treating a wound, use enough to cover the wound at least once a day, and wash it daily to make sure nothing is trapped in the healing skin.
How much goldenseal is safe to take orally is unclear. Read labels for each brand’s recommended dose and talk to your doctor about what’s safe for you.
There are no miracle cures. In moderate doses, goldenseal is probably harmless, but there’s very little scientific evidence that it will cure what ails you.
Benefits Of Goldenseal
- (Benefit Of)
Benefits Of Goldenseal
The botanical name of goldenseal is Hydrastis Canadensis. It is commonly known as Orange-root, and is a perennial herb belonging to the family Ranunculaceae or buttercup family. The plant is native to northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. This perennial herb is , hepatic, laxative, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and oxytocic in nature. Due to the above properties, the plant is the most popular herb sold in the American market. The American Indians use goldenseal as a medicine for treating digestive, respiratory, genito-urinary tract inflammations caused by allergies and infections.
Aids in detoxification. Goldenseal herb helps to increase fluid elimination that removes toxins and harmful substances out of the body. It thus helps in the detoxification and cleaning of the body, which in turn protects us from various kinds of illnesses and diseases.
Helps in treating cold and flu. Irritated mucus membranes of eyes, nose, ears and throat are the first signs of cold and flu. Goldenseal soothes the membranes and prevents the development of these symptoms. This herb has long been used for the treatment of fevers, excess mucous and congestion.
Rich in nutrients. Goldenseal contains rich amounts of minerals like calcium, manganese, and iron. It also has minerals like vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other nutrients.
Rich in alkaloids. The rhizomes and roots of this herb contain isoquinoline alkaloids, such as hydrastine, canadine, berberine, l-hydrastine, canadaline, and traces of fatty oil, essential oil, and resin. High content of alkaloids is responsible for the anti-infective, antibiotic, and immune stimulating properties of goldenseal.
Helps in treating heartburn. The goldenseal herb and its extracts help in preventing and treating heartburn, particularly caused by emotional stress. It helps in lowering the levels of acids, thus soothing the digestive system and reducing heartburn.
Aids in curing ear infections. This herb helps in curing ear infections and other related diseases. Due to its ability to boost the immune system, goldenseal keeps away invaders such as bacteria from the tissues. Apart from this, it supports the drainage of lymph from the ear area reducing the possibility of bacterial growth.
Beneficial for the nervous system. Goldenseal extract is helpful in calming the central nervous system. Regular consumption of goldenseal creates a relaxing and sedating effect, thus improving sleep. Ample and deep sleep slows down heartbeat and lowers the blood pressure.
Beneficial for women. The herb is beneficial for slowing down menstrual bleeding and any bleeding after child birth. Due to its astringent effect, it helps in dilating the blood vessels and lowers the rate of bleeding.
The herb promotes the contraction of the uterus. Thus, pregnant women should avoid the use of this herb. People suffering from heart disease, glaucoma, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure should consult their physician before consuming goldenseal.
- By Cathy Wong, ND
What You Need to Know About Goldenseal
- What is Goldenseal?
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the most popular herbs on the market today. It was traditionally used by Native Americans to treat skin disorders, digestive problems, liver conditions, diarrhea, and eye irritations. Goldenseal became part of early colonial medical care as the European settlers learned of it from the Iroquois and other tribes.
Goldenseal gained widespread popularity in the early 1800s due to its promotion by a herbalist named Samuel Thompson.
Thompson believed goldenseal to be a magical cure for many conditions. Demand for this herb dramatically increased, until Thompson's system of medicine fell out of popularity. Over the years, goldenseal has gone through periods of popularity.
Goldenseal is available in nutritional supplement form. It is also available as a cream or ointment to heal skin wounds. Other names include: Yellow root, Orange root, Puccoon, Ground raspberry, and Wild curcuma
Goldenseal herbal tincture can be used as a mouthwash or gargle for mouth sores and sore throats.
- Uses for Goldenseal
According to some alternative medicine practitioners, goldenseal is a bitter that stimulates the secretion and flow of bile, and can also be used as an expectorant. In alternative medicine, goldenseal is used for infections of the mucus membranes, including the mouth, sinuses, throat, the intestines, stomach, urinary tract and vagina.
- • minor wound healing
- • bladder infections
- • fungal infections of the skin
- • colds and flu
- • sinus and chest congestion
Goldenseal became the center of a myth that it could mask a positive drug screen. This false idea was part of a novel written by pharmacist and author John Uri Lloyd.
So far, scientific support for the claim that goldenseal can treat infections (or any other condition) is lacking.
- Caveats
One of goldenseal's chief constituents, berberine, has been reported to cause uterine contractions and to increase levels of bilirubin. Goldenseal should not be used by people with high blood pressure. Those with heart conditions should only use goldenseal under the supervision of a health professional.
Side effects are rare, but include irritation of the mouth and throat, nausea, increased nervousness, and digestive problems. The liquid forms of goldenseal are yellow-orange and can stain.
Supplements haven't been tested for safety and due to the fact that dietary supplements are largely unregulated, the content of some products may differ from what is specified on the product label. Also keep in mind that the safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established. You can get tips on using supplements here, but if you're considering the use of goldenseal or any other alternative medicine, talk with your primary care provider first.
Self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.
How to Grow Goldenseal From a Root?
- By Joanne Marie (Demand Media)
Native Americans introduced early settlers to goldenseal, a plant they used as part of their traditional medicine to treat digestive problems, skin disorders and irritated eyes. Today, goldenseal root is commonly available as a supplement. It has a number of uses and possible benefits, due in part to the plant's natural anti-bacterial and immuno-stimulating properties.
- Goldenseal
Goldenseal belongs to the same botanical family as the common buttercup. A perennial plant that grows wild in many wooded regions of the U.S., it has a bitter-flavored root that is yellowish-brown and quite twisted and wrinkled. Today, the plant has been domesticated and its root is harvested and processed for its medicinal properties. Goldenseal contains a number of natural compounds called alkaloids and two of these, berberine and hydrastine, are most likely responsible for its health benefits, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
- Actions
One of the alkaloids in goldenseal, berberine, has natural anti-microbial properties, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, which says that the compound kills bacteria that cause diarrhea, fungi that cause yeast infections, and various parasites, including tapeworms. University experts also report that berberine in goldenseal can protect against potentially serious E. coli infections and may generally help strengthen your immune system. Berberine purportedly reduces fevers and acts as a mild sedative, and hydrastine might help reduce blood pressure.
- Evidence
Research from both laboratory and clinical studies supports use of goldenseal root in fighting infections. For example, in a clinical trial published in the "Journal of Infectious Diseases," patients with E. coli-induced diarrhea who took berberine from goldenseal experienced significant improvement of symptoms compared to a placebo group. In a laboratory study published in "Planta Medica," both a goldenseal extract and purified berberine inhibited growth of Streptococcus bacteria that cause oral infections. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center also indicates that berberine from goldenseal has anti-cancer properties, at least in the laboratory, significantly inhibiting the growth of cultured breast and brain cancer cells. However, large clinical trials with human subjects are needed to confirm goldenseal's possible anti-cancer actions.
- How To Use
Goldenseal root is available from health-food stores as a supplement in tablet capsule or liquid extract forms. Although generally considered safe, you might experience mild stomach upset or other intestinal discomfort after taking goldenseal. In addition, some people may be allergic to the plant and might develop a skin rash or hives after consuming goldenseal root. Do not take goldenseal if you have hypertension or a cardiovascular disorder, or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Goldenseal may interact with some medications, including blood thinners, heart medicines or certain antibiotics. Discuss goldenseal root with your doctor before taking it to determine if it is a good choice for you.
Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis L.: A long and colorful Folk history Native Plant
- By Maureen McCracken
Goldenseal, is a native North American woodland plant, and it is believed to be the only living species of the genus Hydrastis. The herb has a long and colorful folk history. Over the years, goldenseal has been referred to by a large number of interesting names including: Indian dye, yellow root, ground raspberry, yellow puccoon, wild circuma, eye root, eye-balm, yellow paint, wild turmeric and yelloweye. Many of these names are derived from the plants’ numerous uses.
Goldenseal has been harvested for its medicinal qualities for centuries. These medicinal properties stem from Goldenseal’s chemical components: three active alkaloids, namely Hydrastine, Berberine and Canadine, as well as traces of essential oil, fatty oil and resin. Cherokee Indians used Goldenseal root as a treatment for cancer, as an antiseptic, to treat snakebite and as a health tonic. Iroquois Indians used it to treat whooping cough, diarrhea, liver trouble, fever, pneumonia and several digestive disorders. They also made a concoction mixing the ground roots with bear grease to use as an insect repellent. Native people also boiled the roots to make a yellow dye. Early Americans, who used goldenseal roots to make a solution to wash the eyes of infection, learned about the herb from the Native peoples. Goldenseal was also used to treat sore throats, mouth sores and digestive problems.
Goldenseal is now widely available in health stores across North America in various forms: capsules, tablets, oil, tincture, compound, dried root, dried leaf and powder. Its current uses stem from the herb’s Indian and early settler heritage and include: treatment for nasal congestion, mouth sores, eye and ear infections, and as an antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal. As with many medicinal plants, its use is supported by tradition, as there is little supporting scientific evidence.
- History of a healing herb
Commercial interest in Goldenseal root as a medicinal herb began in the early to mid 1800s. Until recently, most of the supply was harvested from the wild. Due to its popularity as a healing herb, Goldenseal has become seriously threatened by over-harvesting. In addition, deforestation has further threatened the plant, as its natural habitat continues to be cleared. Consequently, in 1991, Goldenseal was placed on the endangered species list. The Department of Agriculture has taken action to promote Goldenseal stewardship and conservation. Many states are encouraging production of Goldenseal as a farm crop; however, it is a slow process as crop development can take up to five years before harvest.
Goldenseal is a perennial herb, hardy in zones 4-8. The much sought after roots are horizontal rhizomes covered with bright yellow fibrous roots. Mature plants are 6-14 inches tall, with large toothed leaves and a hairy flower stem. Small, white, inconspicuous flowers bloom in the spring and produce a single fruit in July. The fruit, which resembles red raspberries, is not edible. This perennial spreads through its rhizome and root system. Goldenseal grows best in shade in rich, loamy soil. It likes moisture, but must have excellent drainage. Mulch provides a good winter cover and helps maintain the moisture. Plantings under oak, poplar, walnut and basswood have been successful. Propagation is usually done by dividing rhizomes every 3-5 years, as seed propagation yields less predictable results and takes approximately two years longer. However, seed production is important for plant adaptability, especially in the wild.
As with anything used for medicinal purposes, large doses should be avoided. Additionally, it should be noted that avoidance is advised during pregnancy as goldenseal stimulates contraction of the uterus. It may also raise blood pressure and should not be used by people with any kind of cardiac problems.
Herbs for Health: Uses for Goldenseal
- Source:
- By Steven Foster
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the most popular herbs on the U.S. market. Although a scientific basis for its use has not been established, it has been one of the herbal stars of American folk medicine for more than 200 years.
This small, herbaceous plant of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) has hairy, lobed leaves and bright yellow rhizomes and roots. Inconspicuous white flowers in April and May are followed by showy, bright red fruits suggestive of raspberries. Goldenseal grows in rich, moist woods, especially under beech trees, from Vermont to Minnesota and south to Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas.
The name goldenseal comes to us from Samuel Thomson (1769–1841), the founder of a system of herbal medicine that attracted millions of followers during the first half of the nineteenth century. Thomson noted the small cuplike scars on the upper side of the rhizome and thought that they looked like wax letter seals.
Goldenseal’s primary historical use has been as a tonic for mucous membranes, particularly those of the digestive tract. White settlers learned this use from Native Americans. The Cherokee also used the roots as a wash for local inflammations and drank a decoction to treat general debility, dyspepsia, and poor appetite. The Iroquois used a decoction to treat diarrhea, liver disease, fever, sour stomach, flatulence, and pneumonia. It was an ingredient of digestive bitter tonics, the nineteenth-century counterpart to antacids. Both Native Americans and whites obtained a bright yellow dye from the rhizomes and roots.
During the past two decades, goldenseal has been one of the top-selling herbs in health-food stores, used as an antiseptic, cold remedy, substitute for antibiotics, homeostatic, diuretic, tonic, and anti-inflammatory. And let’s not omit hemorrhoids, excessive menstrual bleeding, nasal congestion, mouth and gum sores, eye afflictions, and (externally) wounds, sores, acne, and ringworm, among other ailments. Name a condition, and you can probably find a reference somewhere to goldenseal’s use for it.
Despite two centuries of use, goldenseal is still considered a folk medicine. Scientists have paid it little attention. The most recent pharmacological study on goldenseal and its constituents dates to 1950, and its author noted that there had been little research during the previous forty years. Because test conditions of early studies were not rigorous by today’s standards, the results of those studies are open to question.
Goldenseal’s pharmacological action has been attributed primarily to the alkaloids hydrastine (1.5 to 4 percent of the dried root) and berberine (1.7 to 4.5 percent of the dried root). The latter, which gives the root its bright yellow color and bitter taste, is also found in barberries, Oregon grape, and goldthread, all of which also have bright yellow roots. Other components found in goldenseal root include the alkaloids canadine, canadaline, hydrastidine, isohydrastidine, and berberastine, along with chlorogenic acid, resins, starch, and sugars.
Hydrastine is a vasoconstrictor. Berberine and hydrastine both are slightly sedative and strongly antibacterial; both stimulate the flow of bile and reduce muscle spasms. Most pharmacological studies of berberine, however, have extracted the compound from Asian species of goldthread or barberry rather than goldenseal.
One recent folk application for goldenseal sounds like something out of fiction, which in fact it was. In Stringtown on the Pike, the most popular of eight novels by the pharmacist John Uri Lloyd (1849–1936), goldenseal bitters are erroneously identified as strychnine in a chemical test by an expert in a murder trial. The accused is convicted on this testimony, although the stomach of the deceased actually contained no strychnine at all, only goldenseal, which the victim habitually drank as a digestive aid. Since the novel’s publication in 1900, the story has become a part of folklore associated with chemical-test errors. Goldenseal has been used (without success) on numerous occasions to mask the use of morphine in racehorses, and people have taken it in the hope of disguising the presence of illegal drugs in their urine. Actually, goldenseal may just as likely produce a false positive reading as a false negative; however, because of the practice of ingesting goldenseal to affect the outcome of drug testing, some labs now also test for the presence of goldenseal in a urinalysis.
The future of goldenseal in the marketplace will depend on developing cultivated supplies of the root. This relatively uncommon woodland plant, which has traditionally been wild-harvested, is becoming increasingly scarce. Although ginseng growers in the northern United States, Ontario, and British Columbia are beginning to cultivate goldenseal as well, prices have risen sharply as stands of wild goldenseal are depleted. Wholesale prices now exceed $30 per pound—more than three times those of only a few years ago.
Much more research is needed on goldenseal: on the plant itself, on substantiation of its alleged therapeutic effects, and on developing cultivated sources to meet the demand that will surely continue to climb.
- Goldenseal Economics
The goldenseal supply problem—characterized by periodic shortages, price hikes, and concern over future supplies—is not easily defined. Over the years, a number of botanists have observed that because of overharvesting of the root, goldenseal is increasingly rare in areas where it once flourished.
More than 100 years ago, in Drugs and Medicines of North America (1884–1885), pharmacist John Uri Lloyd and his brother, botanist Curtis Gates Lloyd, recorded dramatic declines in wild populations of goldenseal, which they attributed not only to harvest of the root for medicinal markets, but also to habitat loss due to deforestation. The Lloyds painted a complex picture of economic and social reasons for periodic shortages, noting that decreases in areas or populations of goldenseal were not necessarily accompanied by decreased supplies. Historically, farm laborers and poor people collected the roots during times of economic hardship or during years of crop failure; conversely, fewer people collected goldenseal (and other herbs) during periods of economic prosperity or abundant crops. Sometimes, the entire supply of goldenseal would be consumed in one season, resulting in shortages and price increases, but this would stimulate a larger harvest the following season, causing subsequent market gluts and price decreases that discouraged harvesting the root the next year. As collectors turned their attention to other pursuits, the price of goldenseal would stabilize as stocks were exhausted, and so, as the Lloyds put it, “history repeats itself”. Recent supply shortages and high prices appear to follow the same pattern of a century ago.
The actual number of pounds harvested and consumed annually is not known. Possible reasons for the recent shortages include harvesters’ shifting to higher-priced herbs such as ginseng, periods of drought in the Southeast that have made digging the roots difficult, lack of interest in harvesting due to price decreases, and a scarcity of wild plants. Climatological conditions may cause year-to-year changes in goldenseal populations, but because the reproductive biology and population dynamics of the species have received little attention from botanists and plant ecologists, such changes have not been documented. In the meantime, as more growers plant goldenseal, supplies are expected to stabilize in five to ten years, the period required to harvest a crop from new plantings.
Children's herbal cough and cold withdrawn as potentially dangerous
- By Rebecca Smith (Medical Editor)
A children's herbal medicine has been withdrawn after regulators found it was unlicensed and potentially dangerous.
Parents have been warned not to give their children Echinacea & Golden Root for Juniors sold by Holland and Barrett.
The pictures on the bottle, used for coughs and colds, do not match the description and the botanical name given was also incorrect.
A spokesman for the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said the bottle appeared to show Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis) and not Golden root (Rhodiola rosea). The botanical name on the product Berberis aquifolium is also incorrect.
He added that high doses of berberine are reported to cause stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, depression, heart damage, low blood pressure, seizures, paralysis, spasms, and death.
Overdoses of hydrastine are reported to cause exaggerated reflexes, convulsions, paralysis, and respiratory failure. Berberine is reported to cause or worsen jaundice in newborns and could lead to a life-threatening form of brain damage called kernicterus.
Rhodiola rosea it is not recommended in children and adolescents under 18 years of age due to the lack of adequate safety data, the MHRA said.
Richard Woodfield MHRA Head of Herbal Policy said: “Parents need to remember that just because a product is labelled as natural does not mean it is safe.
“When buying herbal products you should look for those that have a traditional herbal registration which can be identified by a THR number on their label. This ensures that the product is safe and avoids consumers putting their health in jeopardy.
“Anyone that has this herbal product at home should stop using it immediately and return any unused product to Holland and Barrett.
"If you have taken this product and have any concerns then please speak to your GP or healthcare professional."
7 herbal remedies to help prevent urinary tract infections
- By Anthia Koullouros
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common. Around one in two women and one in 20 men will get one, and for a lot of women, it's a recurring thing.
Most of us are familiar with the symptoms: burning sensation when passing urine, frequent urination, a cloudy, bloody or very smelly urine and general discomfort in the area. High fever, back pain and vomiting occur when the infection becomes more serious and moves to the kidneys. If this occurs, it is very important to see your GP as left untreated an infection can lead to kidney damage.
A urinary tract infection can range from an infection of the bladder to an infection of the kidney. Cystitis, an infection in the bladder, is the most common UTI.
Note: Always remember to tell your health practitioner if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, as many herbs like medicine may be contra-indicated. The following herbs don't replace antibiotics when they are needed; they may be used in conjunction, to strengthen the urinary tract mucous membranes or to prevent an infection.
- Why do infections occur in the first place?
Bacteria do not normally live in the urinary tract, as it's a sterile area, but they can enter the urinary tract and multiply, causing an infection. This can occur during intercourse or wiping back to front after urination (for women). The urethra is fairly short and straight, making it easier for germs to travel into the bladder.
Changes to the immune system may make a person generally more vulnerable to infections, as well as changes in hormonal levels. Infections are more common just before a period and in pregnancy. As women age, tissues of the urethra and bladder become thinner and drier with age, as well as after menopause or a hysterectomy, leading to a greater chance of infection.
Diagnosis is simple. A urine test ordered by a GP can identify the cause of infection, and treatment is usually a course of antibiotics. However, recurrent infections are common, and studies have shown that women are at a 20-30 per cent higher risk of experiencing a recurrence of infection within three to four months of an initial UTI.
According to Kidney Health Australia, women are also more at risk of repeated urinary tract infections if they:
- •use spermicide jelly or a diaphragm for contraception
- •have had a new sexual partner
- •suffer from constipation
- •had their first urinary tract infection at or before 15 years of age
- •have a family history of repeated urinary tract infections.
We know that overuse of antibiotics can cause a disruption in gut flora health, leading to a greater susceptibility to more infections. Gut flora makes up two thirds of our immune system.
This is where herbal remedies can be useful - herbalists have used the following seven herbs successfully.
• Bearberry (also known as uva ursi)
In a double blind placebo study of 57 women with recurrent UTIs, bearberry was shown to effectively suppress further infection. Bearberry acts as an antibacterial, urinary antiseptic, astringent and healer to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. It is also a diuretic.
• Cranberry
Technically not a herb, cranberry is used by herbalists. Flordis, a natural health company, has performed extensive studies on cranberry extract. Cranberry helps prevent potentially harmful bacteria from sticking to urinary tract walls and effectively flushes out the bacteria from the urinary tract to help promote urinary tract health. By helping to maintain a clean urinary tract, this will reduce the frequency of recurrent cystitis.
• Cornsilk
This herb has soothing mucilaginous or demulcent properties, which soothes the irritated mucous membranes. It also has a diuretic effect. Rich in silica and other minerals, it helps strengthen the tissues.
• Dandelion leaf
Different to dandelion root, which has a focus on balancing digestive and liver health, this herb is potent diuretic used to flush the bladder and relieve symptoms.
• Goldenseal
This is a potent antibacterial and mucous membrane healer indicated for inflammation of the urinary tract wall.
• Horsetail
Acts in a similar fashion to corn silk.
• Marshmallow root
Yes, original marshmallow candy was made from this plant. As you can imagine, marshmallow has a softening effect on irritated mucous membranes of the urinary tract.
- What is the best way to take these herbs?
All of these herbs, with the exception of goldenseal and cranberry, may be taken in a herbal tea form. I recommend using organic herbs.
Add 1 teaspoon of herb in a litre of boiling water, steep for 7 minutes, then consume daily.
You may also take these herbs in a herbal tincture form, which contains concentrated constituents of herbs and offers maximum therapeutic benefits. They are only available with a prescription from your naturopath or herbalist. A qualified health practitioner will ensure your medication, supplements or disease state does not interact with your herbs. When a herbalist prescribes herbal remedies they consider one's constitution, age, allergies, sensitiveness, robustness, weight, temperature, current status of health and personality. From this understanding they can choose the most successful remedies for you.
The healing power of flowers
- By Marge C. Enriquez (Philippine Daily Inquirer)
Michael, an American businessman, went to chiropractor-physician, homeopath and botanist Brent Davis, complaining about tensions in the shoulder, neck and jaw and sleepless nights. Instead of adjusting the bones and the spine, Davis, a proponent of floral remedies, realigned his energies.
Michael revealed that in the past two months, he had a falling out with his business partner who had duped him. Although Michael took to breathing therapy and meditation, he was still angry and stressed.
Davis had developed a method of diagnosing the patient’s emotional ailments through bodywork and a special procedure to find the right flowers that could heal the patient’s soul. He customized a blend of floral essences whose vibrations would neutralize Michael’s negative attitudes. A wild flower, Joe Pye (eutrochium), whiffs frequencies that dissolve the tendency to attract exploitation, fear of annihilation and build self-confidence. The Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), a medicinal herb, removes the attitude of blaming and feeling victimized. Claytonia, a rosette-forming plant, was a treatment to promote forgiveness. Michael had to learn to forgive himself for his mistakes.
- Dream
Davis says special flowers “protect, transform and uplift.” When the right floral essences and their vibrations are dispensed, they “overwrite the internal ‘error messages’ on the patient’s mind. Obstacles are removed, and the next step in their life opens much more readily,” he says.
He developed the FlorAlive healing through a dream. It revealed to him a special apparatus that would enable him to draw the energies from the flowers without harming them as they remained uncut and beating with life. He has since been traveling to the Andes mountains, the Peruvian jungles and the wilds of Canada, and is researching on wild orchids in the Philippines.
“Flowers behave in one way similar to satellite-receiving dishes. Their geometry, colors and spatial relationship to the earth determine the kind of frequencies they can ‘download.’ Frequencies they absorb—huge amounts of coherent information that are influenced by where the flower is growing—are stored in semicrystalline moisture in the surface of the petals,” says Davis. “By not cutting the flowers when they are extracted, their highly coherent and aligning frequencies are maintained. The maximal transformational power is transmitted to our body, delivering the greatest healing possibilities.”
- Drops
The floral energies are stored in concentrated drops that are added to the drinking water. As the individual consumes the blend over time, the energies of these flowers will erase the emotional trauma that has been buried in one’s memory track.
“This stored upset is directly responsible for the negative self-talk that plays continuously in our subconscious—the stored memories of emotional trauma we all carry. When it is removed by pure frequencies from uncut flowers, we have a new and positive outlook on life. We come into the more harmonious alignment with the internal, and that naturally activates the positive law of attraction,” he says.
FlorAlive consists of three processes that clear out negativities in the subconscious: removing the deep-seated hurts; enabling the ability to receive, which was blocked by the trauma; and unlocking the potential that has been hindered due to one’s inability to receive.
After three months, patients have reported enhanced self-esteem, better job and earning opportunities; unhealthy relationships are replaced by harmonious ones, adds Davis. By taking these drops, people find tranquility in the midst of severe challenges.
What Is Goldenseal Root Extract Used For?
- By Anastasia Leon
Native to the eastern woodlands of the United States, goldenseal (Hydratis canadensis) thrives in moist, partly shaded environments within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 to 8. Although rare under cultivation, goldenseal adds visual interest to shady garden beds with its frilly white flowers and red berries. Root division is one of the simplest means of growing new goldenseal plants since it requires very few tools and only a modest investment of time. However, it must only be performed in autumn since the cool, moist weather will help the plants put down new roots without causing undue stress.
1. Run a garden hose at the base of the goldenseal plant the evening before digging it up. Water until the top 6 inches of soil feel moist. Let the water soak in overnight.
2. Dig up the goldenseal plant the following morning before the weather heats up. Measure out 8 inches around the plant. Dig down to a 10-inch depth along the 8-inch line using a sharp shovel.
3. Push the shovel blade beneath the goldenseal's rootball. Gently pry it from the ground. Lift the plant and place it on a moistened sheet of burlap. Secure the moist burlap around the rootball while preparing a rooting container.
4. Combine three parts loam, two parts peat and one part coarse sand. Halfway fill a 1-gallon nursery container with the mixture. Add water so the mixture feels moderately moist.
5. Unwrap the goldenseal. Remove soil from the rootball until the fine, white filament roots are plainly visible. Run water over the rootball to rinse off even more loosened soil.
6. Cut off a small, 1/2- to 2-inch-long piece of rhizome using a gardening knife. Select a rhizome that has at least one growth bud and an abundance of filament roots.
7. Place the rhizome cutting in the prepared pot with the filament roots spread out over the surface of the soil. Cover the rhizomes with a 2- to 3-inch-thick layer of the loam mixture.
8. Pour water onto the loam to settle it atop the rhizome cutting. Add more loam if it settles too much since the goldenseal rhizome must be under at least 2 inches of soil to successfully grow.
9. Place the potted goldenseal rhizome outdoors under dappled sunlight. Water weekly to a 1-inch depth until the autumn rains start. Withhold water during the autumn and winter unless no rain falls for more than than two weeks.
10. Watch for renewed growth the following spring once daytime temperatures stay reliably above 60 degrees F for several weeks. Transplant the goldenseal plant into a shady garden bed after the last frost.
- Things You Will Need
- Garden hose
- Sharp shovel
- Burlap
- Loam
- Peat
- Coarse sand
- 1-gallon nursery pot
- Gardening knife
- Warning
Do not dig up wild goldenseal plants since it is a protected species throughout most of its range.
10 Health Benefits of Goldenseal
- (ET Hyper)
Goldenseal, also known as yellow puccoon or orangeroot, is a member of the buttercup family.
The herb is believed to derive from Canada and United States, and then gradually spread to other parts of the worlds such as Europe. Since ancient time, besides culinary purposes, goldenseal has been used as a trusted ingredient in a countless number of medical treatments and home remedies. The herb is found with a rich content of organic compounds as well as chemical composition, especially alkaloids. Goldenseal can be prepared into many forms such as tablets, tinctures, bulk powder and supplements. Since a small amount of concentrated goldenseal rootstock can significantly impact the nervous system of the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking in it as a medicine. Generally, health benefits of goldenseal consist of improving digestive system, sinus conditions, boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, infection, allergies as well as treating nausea. Let’s take a closer look at top 10 health benefits of goldenseal.
1. Allergy
There are many types of allergy that people can easily get and one of its most common symptoms is sneezing. Thanks to the anti-allergic properties, goldenseal is able to ease the inflammation in the mucus membranes. Furthermore, the herb can reduce the risk of developing severe allergic symptoms with the capacity of calming the nervous system.
2. Sinus Problems
Thanks to the strong antimicrobial properties, goldenseal has been proved to effectively reduce infection and inflammation in sinus cavities. By using goldenseal, you can quickly get relief from sinus problems and improve the condition.
3. Strong Immunity
Adding goldenseal into your daily basis is a good way to stimulate your immune system. Furthermore, it is also used to clean the intestinal as well as respiratory system, preventing various related diseases. Into the bargain, the herb is a trusted ingredient in treatments for prostate and vaginal infections. Generally, by using goldenseal, you can improve your health as well as keep diseases at bay. Read also Home Remedies to Boost Immunity.
4. Reduce Inflammation
For those who are suffering from joint pain or other types of inflammation, especially topical one, goldenseal is an ideal ingredient used to make great treatments. For topical inflammation, you can simply apply externally the power of goldenseal to the affected areas. Meanwhile, for internal inflammation, taking in goldenseal supplement seems to be a good way to improve the condition.
5. Intestinal Worm
Intestinal worm is a common problem in many parts of the world, especially the place where people difficultly get clean water. Although the condition doesn’t immediately lead to death or other severe diseases, it can cause malnutrition and other problems, eventually leading to death. Fortunately, goldenseal can give you a helping hand in eliminating the worms, eggs as well as the toxin left inside digestive system.
6. Aiding Digestion
Goldenseal makes great home remedies for various problems of digestion, especially in the gastrointestinal tracts and guts. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the herb that help to get rid of the problems and promptly improve your whole system. By stimulating bowel movement and keeping your gut healthy, you can easily avoid constipation, bloating, ulcers and various other problems.
7. Appetite
For those who have lost smell and taste, goldenseal can be the solution. People have found a strong connection between a regularly using of goldenseal with a considerable increase in appetite. This makes goldenseal a great ingredient to boost body metabolism and accelerate the burning process of calories.
8. Fever Reduction
Fever is a term described an abnormal temperature above the normal range, which is caused by various medical conditions, especially bacterial, viral or parasitic infections. If the fevers last without improvement, there is likely a chance the body will get dehydration, exhaustion or even brain damage. Thankfully, goldenseal can reduce fever and ease the tension of muscles and nervous system.
9. Skin Health Another health benefit you can get from golden seal is the ability to accelerate the healing process of the skin. With the skin problems caused by viral, bacterial and fungal such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, goldenseal can quickly improve the condition by reducing the inflammation and infection, simultaneously eliminating the factors causing the symptoms. Read also Home Remedies for Acne Scars.
10. Detoxify the body Goldenseal is also used to cleanse the body, flushing out the waste, toxin and other harmful products inside the organ systems, especially kidney and liver. Accordingly, your immune system will be strengthened, keeping your body safe from various ailments and diseases.
Goldenseal: Ancient Native American Herb Treats Colds, Flu, Ulcers, Liver Disease, Cancer
- By JB Bardot (The JB Bardot Archives)
Goldenseal is one of the most popular herbs currently sold in the US and is used to cure a wide range of health problems. Known by its Latin name, Hydrastis canadensis, goldenseal is available as a tea, tincture, ointment, tablet, powder and homeopathic remedy. It is effective at treating conditions such as colds and flu, fungal infections, urinary tract infections, stomach problems, menstrual cramps and loss of appetite. Native Americans, particularly the Iroquois tribe, reportedly used the herb to cure serious diseases such as cancer and ulcers. Goldenseal contains a compound known as berberine which has been proven to kill off certain strains of bacteria such as E. coli, H. pylori, and those that cause infectious diarrhea. It has also been found to be effective against candida, giardia and tapeworms.
- Immunity Booster
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, goldenseal acts as a natural antibiotic when combined with Echinacea and is promoted as a way to strengthen the immune system. It can also be used to treat infections of the mucous membranes such as sinusitis, pink eye, urinary tract infections and sore throat. Used topically, the antibacterial properties found naturally in berberine kill off any bacteria that may be present in minor wounds and skin infections.
- Antibacterial
A 2001 study performed in Italy at the University of Rome tested the effects of the isolated alkaloids of goldenseal such as berberine, canadine, canadaline and beta-hydrastine against different strains of bacteria. Researchers measured the ‘killing time’ of these alkaloids on two strains of staphylococcus, E. coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa. Researchers concluded that “the results provide a rational basis for the traditional use of Hydrastis Canadensis.
- Liver Failure
Acetaminophen toxicity is the number one cause of liver failure in the developed world. Acetaminophen is the main ingredient in the most popular over the counter painkillers such as Tylenol and Anacin Aspirin Free. According to the FDA, almost 500 deaths per year are as a result of acetaminophen overdose with 25% of those being unintentional. Researchers at Chiba University in Japan found that goldenseal offered protection against acetaminophen induced liver failure in male rats.
- Cancer
Hydrastis canadensis is the homeopathic name for goldenseal. A study performed in 2012 at the Amala Cancer Research Center in India tested the effects of a variety of homeopathic remedies such as Hydrastis, Carcinosinum, Ruta and Thuja for their ability to induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Apoptosis is also known as programmed cell death. The results showed that many of the enzymes required for apoptosis were increased in laboratory rats that were given homeopathic medicine. The researchers concluded that “apoptosis is one of the mechanisms of tumor reduction of homeopathic drugs.”
Another Indian study carried out in 2010 found that goldenseal may be able to prevent cancer of the liver. Researchers found that rats with chemically induced liver cancer showed decreased cancer activity when given a crude extract of Hydrastis Canadensis. The results showed that golden seal had anti-cancer potential and could be suitable as a complementary medicine in the treatment of liver cancer
- Possible Side Effects and Drug Interactions
Like traditional medicines, herbs can cause side effects so it is advisable to consult an experienced health practitioner or herbalist before stating treatment with goldenseal. While it is considered safe in small doses, the long-term effects of golden seal have not yet been fully evaluated. What is known is that it is extremely dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers and has been found to cause kernicterus (brain damage) in unborn children. It is also known to react with certain drugs such as antidepressants, blood-thinners and liver medication. Combining goldenseal with drugs of this type can led to serious illness so always consult your regular health practitioner if you are already on medication.
12 Amazing Benefits Of Goldenseal For Skin, Hair And Health
- By Maanasi Radhakrishnan
Many of us grow the flowering plant in our houses, yet are ignorant of its many medicinal and herbal uses. ‘Goldenseal’ is widely grown but most of us are unaware of its very existence! The plant is dried and put to multiple and diverse uses across the world. Various alternative forms of medicine use this herb to treat different ailments. It is also amongst the top 5 herbal products in the United States and its popularity is growing every day, across the globe. The herb is also referred to as ‘Indian Turmeric’. Like turmeric, Goldenseal too is a powerhouse of good health!
- Nutrition Facts of Goldenseal:
Goldenseal is a rich source of Vitamin B, E, C and A, along with important minerals like iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and manganese. It also contains traces of resin, vital and important fatty acids and essential oils required for the proper functioning of the human body. Health Benefits of Goldenseal:
1. All-In-One Tonic:
Golden seal has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and astringent properties. Simply put, it can be used to treat inflammation where ever the human mucus membrane is involved, like the throat, stomach, tracts, ears and even eyes.
2. Natural Expectorant:
Symptoms of a common cold need no introduction. Though relatively harmless, a common cold can leave you feeling queasy and unpleasant. Goldenseal, when consumed in moderate doses, can effectively cure cold and flu. It is also used to relieve congestion and expel excess mucus collection from the body. So, the next time you find yourself sniffling because of a cold, turn to Goldenseal! 3. For A Better Digestive And Urinary System:
Latest studies show that Goldenseal can be used to treat digestive disorders. This root cleanses the glandular functions in the body, promoting better flow of bile and digestive enzymes. This root has the power to ease digestion-related issues, including indigestion and constipation. The better your digestive system, the healthier your liver and spine will be. 4. Helps Overcome Anorexia:
Goldenseal is an effective tool in treating Anorexia Nervosa. This eating disorder distorts a person’s body image, which compels them to restrict their food intake to lose weight. Goldenseal is a rather strong and potent digestive stimulant and tonic that is used to treat anorexia. This digestive tonic stimulates digestion and nurtures the patient back to health.
5. Good for Women:
This herb is particularly useful to women. It works to treat many urinary and reproductive ailments in women. It can also be used to treat vaginal pain, menstrual problems, and vaginal inflammation.
6. Aids in Weight Loss:
This herb has innate diuretic properties. Therefore, it can be used by those who wish to lose weight as it helps in the elimination of accumulated toxins by promoting sweating and urination.
7. Good for the Joints:
Any kind of accumulation in the joints can hamper their active and effective functioning. Studies suggest that goldenseal has the potential to prevent fluids and other substances from accumulating in the joints. People suffering from joint issues can consume goldenseal, under medical supervision, to obtain relief from such conditions.
- Skin Benefits of Goldenseal:
8. Natural Acne Remedy:
A trusted folk remedy for acne, the golden seal is also used to treat skin ulcers, rashes, abrasions, swelling or inflammation. It is gentle on the skin, and effectively treats acne with no side effects.
9. Treats Skin Disorders:
According to latest studies, goldenseal has medicinal value and can be used to treat myriad skin disorders effectively. The herb is now widely used as an active ingredient in various medicines that are used to treat eczema, itching, herpes, blisters and sores.
10. All Natural Antiseptic:
The next time you snip your finger while cutting veggies, try goldenseal. The herb has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and can be used to treat most open wounds without apprehension. You may experience a slight tingling sensation, but be rest assured your, finger is healing already! Hair Benefits of Goldenseal:
11. Hair Tonic:
I always believed that since hair is not living, nothing smeared up there can make a difference. But the more I read, the more I began to believe that caring for hair can indeed make it soft, voluminous and full of life. Goldenseal can be consumed as a supplement orally to improve hair health.
12. Anti Dandruff Concoction:
Goldenseal is used to treat dandruff and is an active ingredient in many herbal products designed for hair care. Use this herb in its natural form, by just soaking it in water before a shower to rid those pesky white flakes!
Goldenseal is so popular and has such diverse applications that it is always in short supply! With more and more people turning their attention to herbal treatments and lifestyle, many herbs have caught people’s fancy. But Goldenseal is no passing fad. It is a tried and tested product that provides amazing results. The internet has a great list of simple, yet powerful, recipes – so you have no excuses and can use the plant as a medicine to treat numerous diseases!
Goldenseal Proves to be Natural Antibiotic and Antiviral
- By Case Adams (Naturopath)
Despite the research proving that antibiotics are producing more deadly superbugs, antibiotic medications are still prescribed for even the most easily conquered bacterial infection.
And unbelievably, antibiotics are still being prescribed for a number of viral infections.
Of course antibiotics will not cure a viral infection. And they often will not cure a bacterial infection of a bacteria that has grown resistant to the antibiotic being used.
The World Health Organization has found that many antibiotics are thus losing their effectiveness. Read this article here.
And the U.S. Centers for Disease Control are finding that some infections are resulting in greater deaths because they are now untreatable with antibiotics. Here is the article.
Luckily, nature provides a means to fight off bacterial and viral infections without producing resistant bacteria.
One of those agents is Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). Goldenseal has been shown in the research to be both antibiotic and antiviral.
The fact that Goldenseal can be used as a lethal antibiotic was illustrated in a study from the University of North Carolina, where researchers tested Goldenseal against several strains of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria.
The researchers tested both raw Goldenseal and Berberine – an antibiotic component extracted from Goldenseal against various USA300 strains of MRSA.
The researchers found that while the Berberine inhibited MRSA significantly – with average minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 150 micrograms per milliliter – the Goldenseal inhibited the MRSA strains at a rate two times the rate of Berberine – with an MICs of 75 micrograms per milliliter.
Furthermore, the researchers found that the Goldenseal inhibited the MRSA bacteria through a variety of mechanisms – rather than just one. It also squashed the MRSA’s ability to quorum sense – which is their means of communication.
The researchers stated: “Collectively, our results show that H. canadensis leaf extracts possess a mixture of constituents that act against MRSA via several different mechanisms. These findings lend support for the traditional application of crude H. canadensis extracts in the prevention of infection.”
This last point confirms that whole powdered Goldenseal is preferable to berberine extract. Other studies confirm Goldenseal’s antibiotic potency
Other studies have also showed Goldenseal’s ability to outperform pharmaceutical antibiotics in combating bacterial infections. For example, researchers from the Egyptian Agricultural Research Center compared giving antibiotic pharmaceuticals to infected fish in an infected aquaculture farm with giving Goldenseal to infected fish.
The fish had been infected with Aeromonas hydrophila, A. sobria, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Citobacter freundii – which combined to kill most of the fish that went untreated.
They were able to naturally divide the fish into cages that allowed them to be separated. The cages where the fish were given the antibiotics, 84% of the fish survived due to their being given the antibiotics.
But among the fish given the Goldenseal, a full 87% of the fish survived – surpassing the 84% survival rate of the antibiotic medicines given to the other fish. Goldenseal is also Antiviral
Additional research proves that Goldenseal is also a potent antiviral medication.
Researchers from North Carolina State University’s Microbiology department have found that goldenseal herb (Hydrastis canadensis) inhibits the growth of the H1N1 influenza virus in human cells.
The research tested the growth of H1N1 influenza A virus among a variety of cell types, including human lung cells. They found that the application of an alcohol extract of goldenseal to the human cells infected with H1N1 virus stopped the growth of the virus. Goldenseal accomplished this by blocking the virus’ ability to alter and transfer DNA and other protein information – stopping its ability to replicate.
The active constituent believed by the researchers to be central in these effects is berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid within Goldenseal. Goldenseal and berberine have shown in other research to be significantly antibacterial.
The researchers also found that berberine blocked inflammatory factors related to the influenza A H1N1 virus. These included TNF-α and PGE2, which stimulate inflammation related to the viral infection – causing fever and aching pain among other symptoms. The researchers concluded that the mechanisms involved in blocking these inflammatory factors were separate from Goldenseal’s ability to block the growth of the virus.
The researchers concluded that, “Taken together, our results suggest that berberine may indeed be useful for the treatment of infections with influenza A.” Goldenseal contains many benefits and constutuents
This multiple effect ability of the Goldenseal herb – used for thousands of years among traditional doctors for a variety of infections and inflammatory conditions – is common among medicinal herbs. Most herbalists refer to this as the synergistic effect of the herb due to the fact that most herbs contain many – and some even hundreds – of active constituents.
This is illustrated by Goldenseal. In addition to berberine, Goldenseal also contains tetrahydroberberastine, hydrastine, canadine, canalidine, berberastine and hydrastinine among other medicinal constituents. All of these and others have their own medicinal effects, along with the ability to buffer and balance the effects of other constituents. This buffering feature of multiple constituents is believed by herbalists to be why natural herbs have so few adverse side effects.
Goldenseal is a natural supplement typically available as a raw powder or extract taken from any part of the plant, including the seeds, stems, leaves and root. The root is considered the most medicinal part of the plant, however. Its name is derived from the fact that it often has a golden yellow color.
A 2014 study from the Peking Union Medical College has confirmed that Berberine from Goldenseal reduces inflammation and oxidation associated with diabetes.
And a 2013 study from India’s University of Kalyani found Goldenseal inhibited cancer growth among liver cells.
Caution: Goldenseal should be used with caution, as it can stress the liver if too much is taken for too long. See your health professional.
Learn about other natural immune system strategies. ·
5 Incredible Goldenseal Benefits You Don’t Want to Live Without
- Source:
- By Aylin Erman
Goldenseal is a Native American medicinal plant that was introduced to early settlers by Cherokee Indians. It is grown in Canada and Eastern US. To this day, goldenseal is utilized for its ability to protect the body in more ways than one. Here are 5 critical goldenseal benefits that can make the difference in your life, especially during the winter.
Goldenseal grows in moist forest soils or damp meadows. It is also commonly referred to as the ox-eye daisy, golden daisy, maudlinwort, moon daisy, eye balm, yellow root, orange root, yellow puccoon, eye root and ground raspberry.
The major active components of goldenseal are berberine and beta-hydrastine, which bear antimicrobial and astringent properties, respectively. Other active alkaloids include tetrahydroberberastine, canadaline, berberine, hydrastine, and canadine, all of which contribute to its medicinal effects.
The winter season often invites illness and makes our bodies more susceptible to bacteria, viruses and other predators. To prevent sickness and fight off what you may already have, goldenseal is a necessary component of your at-home apothecary. Here are 5 goldenseal benefits that can save the day (and the season):
1. Boost Immunity
Goldenseal is popularly used to boost the body’s immunity. Often, it is paired with echinacea in certain cold and flu-fighting formulas. Goldenseal has shown the ability to enhance immune function by increasing antigen-specific immunoglobulin production.
2. Fight bacteria
In a synergistic effort among goldenseal’s flavonoids, the medicinal plant exhibits a powerful antimicrobial ability. Goldenseal fights bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminthes and chlamydia. It is also referred to as a natural antibiotic. Clinically, berberine itself is used as a treatment for bacterial diarrhea, wounds and sores, intestinal parasite infections and ocular trachoma infections.
3. Prevent Cancer
According to researchers, goldenseal may inhibit the growth and multiplication of cancer cells.
4. Protect the Liver
Goldenseal has shown to bear hepatoprotective effects, meaning that it has the ability to protect the liver and prevent it from failing. This comes in handy the day after a night of debauchery or, in some cases, an accidental overdose.
5. Lower Cholesterol
Berberine is already considered a unique cholesterol-lowering alkaloid. However, goldenseal, which contains berberine among other alkaloids, may be better at fighting cholesterol than isolated berberine itself. Due to its highly multiple bioactive components, goldenseal has shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and plasma cholesterol more effectively.
The Many Medicinal Goldenseal Benefits
Herbal Medicine has long been aware of the many Goldenseal benefits, one of which includes having an astringent effect on mucous membranes.
Lately, more and more people have begun to understand just how limited — in both variety and nutritional value — our “modern” diets have become. This realization has sparked a new and wide-spread interest in the culinary and therapeutic uses of herbs…those plants which — although not well-known today — were, just one short generation ago, honored “guests” on the dinner tables and in the medicine chests of our grandparents’ homes. In this regular feature, MOTHER EARTH NEWS will examine the availability, cultivation, and benefits of our “forgotten” vegetable foods and remedies… and — we hope — help prevent the loss of still another bit of ancestral lore.
A handsome perennial, goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis ) is native to cool, shaded woodlands in the eastern United States, particularly the rich, well-drained highlands of Appalachia. It grows from 6 to 12 inches tall, with a single main leaf and two secondary leaves of five to seven lobes each. As the leaf stems die back, they mark the fleshy, yellow rhizome (rootstock) with scars that resemble seals and give the plant its name.
Each stem is graced by a solitary greenish white flower in May or June, followed by a raspberry-like aggregate fruit that's about half an inch in diameter. Each one of a berry's small "globes" contains two or three hard, black, shiny seeds about the size of buckwheat grains. The plant's rhizome — usually about three-quarters of an inch thick and two inches long, with a profusion of long yellow rootlets — is, when dried, the part most often used in medicinal preparations. Goldenseal Benefits
Goldenseal has an acrid, bitter taste and a disagreeable odor, but there are so many goldenseal benefits that it has been called "the universal herb" for over 300 years. The powdered rootstock — considered a general tonic for the mucous membranes — can be applied as a snuff or an antiseptic dust, in washes and infusions, or in capsule form. In combination with other herbs, goldenseal has been used — at various times and, we must assume, with varying degrees of effectiveness — to treat ulcers, sinus conditions, dyspepsia, worms, bowel irregularity, gonorrhea, prostate and vaginal infections, and morning sickness among other problems.
However, goldenseal should be taken only in small and infrequent doses... no more than one half to one gram, and not more than three times daily. The ingestion of large quantities can overstimulate the nervous system and produce convulsions, miscarriage, and the excessive buildup of white corpuscles in the blood. Cultivating Goldenseal
Once foraged almost to extinction, goldenseal can still be found (in late spring and summer) growing wild in some areas. But the herb is also relatively easy to cultivate. Select a spot that comes as close to duplicating the plant's natural environment as possible . . . that is, a site under trees (or lath) that will be shielded from direct sun but still get enough light to promote leaf and root growth.
Next, condition the soil — which will ideally be a clay-based medium — with sand, leaf mold, bone meal, and cottonseed meal until it's naturally moist (but well-drained) and fairly light. Do not add fertilizer.
You'll want to cultivate the conditioned soil to a depth of ten inches before planting either seeds, rootlets, or (the preferred method) budded pieces of rhizome. Mulch the bed in winter with leaves, hay, cowpeas, or bean vines and in summer with hardwood sawdust. Given regular care, the plants should mature in three or four years.
Autumn is the best season for planting or harvesting this herb. After the tops have died down, uproot the rhizomes very carefully. Clean off the dirt and replant any small or undeveloped roots. Then dry the rhizomes on racks in a warm, shaded area or in mild sunlight.
Using the Best Herbal Teas to Prevent Colds
- By Melanie Maynard (Colorado Springs Herbal Kitchen Examiner)
Winter is here, the weather has changed and you just can’t afford to get sick. You take the conventional flu shot, pull out your wardrobe of neck scarves and wash your hands so often your friends label you obsessive compulsive. When in actuality, you’ve got a deadline at work or the most anticipated date of the year is approaching and you cannot, under any circumstances, let yourself get sick.
Take into consideration Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” then use the best herbal teas to prevent colds and keep your stride in the winter months. Step into the realm of alternative medicine and explore the medicinal benefits of herbal teas. Keep yourself healthy and stimulate your immune system while enjoying a relaxing cup of hot tea.
Boosting your immune system is one of the first steps in staying healthy, and according to the “Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine” some of the more popular herbs listed in preventing the cold virus are echinacea, goldenseal, ginger, honeysuckle, slippery elm, stinging nettle and eucalyptus. Because the benefits and uses are basically similar in promoting and strengthening the immune system, you can make your choice on preferred flavor and taste. You may even want to make your own herbal tea blend.
Medicinal herbs are not limited to a singular benefit and offer multiple uses as well. One of the more popular and well known is Echinacea. When combined with goldenseal, it creates the benefit of stimulating the immune system while promoting respiratory health (where most cold viruses begin to form). Customize tea remedies to preference with lemon, honey or other variables such as ginger or cinnamon sticks.
Other herbs fare better once you become sick or aid to help shorten an illness; however, when it comes to cold or flu prevention, stock your cupboards with a combination of various teas to alternate or combine – create your own winter herbal tea recipe.
Would you like to add another element to a tea break that is good for your health? De-stress. Utilize your favorite relaxation technique while taking time to enjoy the tea sipping moment. Good health is a balance of body, mind and spirit. Stress interferes with your immune system and tea time should be an immune builder, not a destroyer.
Enhance your health by using the best herbal teas to prevent a cold. Add it to your regime of flu shot, neck scarves and hand washing. Give yourself extra protection when meeting that pending deadline and look and feel your best when Friday night “date night” comes around.