Batanes News

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Province of Batanes - Archived News

Wars of ancient history were about possessions, territory, power, control, family, betrayal, lover's quarrel, politics and sometimes religion.

But we are in the Modern era and supposedly more educated and enlightened .

Think about this. Don't just brush off these questions.

  • Why is RELIGION still involved in WARS? Isn't religion supposed to be about PEACE?
  • Ask yourself; What religion always campaign to have its religious laws be accepted as government laws, always involved in wars and consistently causing WARS, yet insists that it's a religion of peace?


There are only two kinds of people who teach tolerance:
  1. The Bullies. They want you to tolerate them so they can continue to maliciously deprive you. Do not believe these bullies teaching tolerance, saying that it’s the path to prevent hatred and prejudice.
  2. The victims who are waiting for the right moment to retaliate. They can’t win yet, so they tolerate.
Oldest House in Ivana.jpg
Oldest house in Ivana, Batanes

Dietary supplement is a product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs.

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

Strong winds push plane off runway in Batanes

One of the Sky Pasada planes servicing Batanes was almost pushed off the island’s unpaved runway by unusually strong winds on Thursday, a company press statement said on Friday.

Ramon Guico III, president of WCC Aviation Co., which operates the Sky Pasada, said no one was hurt when the twin-engine, short-range LET 410 was dragged by strong winds toward the end of the runway, moments after it landed at Itbayat island.

“The landing gear was destroyed and we do not know yet what other damages there could be. But we are thankful that not one of the passengers was hurt,” Guico said in a telephone interview.

The plane flew from Basco, Batanes capital town, to Itbayat. Guico would not say how many passengers were on the plane but the LET 410 could accommodate 19 people.

Guico said the plane was one of the two aircraft approved by the manufacturer to fly the Batanes route.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) has certified that the two Sky Pasada planes are outfitted for the peculiar slopes of the Basco runway, he said.

Guico said the company would continue servicing the route because it would be difficult for Batanes residents to move from Basco to Itbayat without the Sky Pasada.

“But I do not know yet when we could resume operations. It all depends on how long the aircraft will be repaired. We will also try to have a cost-benefit analysis, whether it would still be feasible to have it repaired,” he said.

In July 2010, Sky Pasada planes were grounded when the CAAP required airline companies to introduce additional safety features on their fleet to comply with European Aviation Security Agency standards.

FICTAP Congress At Manila Hotel

The country’s largest group of cable television operators covering the Philippine archipelago from Batanes to Jolo will hold its 13th annual international congress on March 8-9 at the historic landmark Manila Hotel.

From Federation of International Cable TV Associations of the Philippines (FICAP), the organization changed its name to FICTAP (Federation of International Cable TV and Telecommunications Association of the Philippines(FICTAP)) as approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission dated January 4, 2012 to emphasize its expansion from cable TV to Internet and related value-added services (VAS).

From a handful of countryside cable TV pioneers who got together in 1999 to work for their common aspirations and interests, FICTAP now counts about a thousand micro, small and medium cable enterprises who continuously meet in a yearly international congress and exhibit, the venue being the Manila Hotel since 2008.

Cotabato City cable operator Estrellita “Neng” Juliano Tamano, who heads FICTAP as national chairperson since its inception, assured that this year’s convention will bring the biggest benefits for delegates in terms of new businesses and technologies, improved relations with government regulatory agencies, promotional offers from suppliers and entertainment highlights.

Congress chairperson Dr. Cecilia M. Dy disclosed that with the theme, “Exploring the Wonders of Digitization” the convention will tackle technological innovations like digitalization, the proposed National Broadband Network and high-definition TV, strategic marketing in the face of increasing territorial competition and decreasing market share and effective program planning and implementation.

Dy added that the conference will also focus on the enlistment of government support and coordination to address relevant issues with the Commission on Information Technology and the National Telecommunications Commission.

NPC Awards P4.2-B Supply Contracts

State-run National Power Corporation has awarded P4.2 billion worth of supply contracts to four petroleum companies which shall deliver the fuel requirements of its Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG) for this year.

The biggest of the contracts went to Petron Corporation for P2.44 billion. Its fuel deliveries will be for NPC-SPUG assets in Calayan islands; as well as North Luzon, Quezon and Mindoro/Romblon jurisdictions.

Oil major Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation cornered the other hefty contract of P1.16 billion; and its supply area coverage will be Basco in Batanes, Marinduque, and also the Mindoro and Romblon areas.

Independent player Phoenix Petroleum Philippines Inc. cornered a supply deal of P550.57 million for the fuel needs of Power Barge 113; while Filpride Resources Inc. of the Villavicencio group got a P92.93-million share in the supply pie.

Tender documents would show that the approved budget cost for the fuel requirements awarded was at P6.273 billion, higher than the total cost cornered for the supply deals.

The volume auctioned by the power firm hovered at 138,502 kiloliters; comprising of 116,301 kiloliters of diesel and 22,201 kiloliters of fuel oil.

The other delivery points assigned to Phoenix Petroleum will be the NPC-SPUG facilities in Western Mindanao and Eastern Mindanao.

The SPUG areas to be supplied by Filpride Resources, on the other, will be part of northern Luzon as well as the Palanan and Casiguran (Aurora) cluster.

NPC noted the volume of contracts awarded will already cover the fuel needs of its off-grid facility operations for the whole duration of 2012.

Since the privatization of its assets, NPC’s residual mandate would be to reinforce the provision of electricity in off-grid and far-flung areas.

With the financial strain it suffered last year that hamstrung its fuel procurement strategies, the company is making sure that it will not be saddled with the same dilemma this year so the SPUG areas will not be threatened again with power interruptions.

TESDA sets first ever training course on tour guiding in Batanes

BASCO, Batanes- The Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) will be conducting the first ever training course on tour guiding in the province starting January 21.

Juanita Acacio TESDA administrative officer said the training is set for 196 hours or 25 days at the TESDA-supervised school, the Batanes Technical Skills Development Center.

Acacio said the tour guiding course is designed to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of tour guiding services (TGS) national certificate (NC) ll, such as coordinating tour program/ itinerary; guiding and accompanying tourists in the locality in accordance with industry standards.

“The course will cover basic, common and core competencies so that TESDA will no longer hire tour guiding trainers from outside Batanes in the future trainings because the product of this training could already serve as future trainers,” Acacio after this tour guiding training course.

The lead lecturer on tour guiding will be Dr. Florecita Barsana Acacio, an Australia-based Ivatan. She is the hospitality management consultant, and University of the Philippines curriculum consultant on hospitality management.

The local trainers are National Certificate (NC II) holders Rogelio Doplito, an employee of the provincial government, and Juliet Cataluña, a national broadsheet correspondent.

Doplito is a private part time tour guide for the past eight years, tour guiding local and foreign tourists to historical sites in Batanes Islands. On the other hand, Cataluña was the former chairman of the Batanes Eco-tourism cooperative for five years and had been tour guiding in her private capacity for the past seven years.

Batanes colleges accredit courses under TESDA ladderized education program

BASCO, Batanes- The Batanes State College (BSC) and Saint Dominic College (SDC) have accredited courses under the ladderized education program of the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA).

Juanita Acacio, TESDA administrative officer said eight courses in BSC and two courses in SDC have been granted National Certificate (NC) level II.

The Batanes State College offers courses such as food and beverage services, automotive servicing, plumbing, consumer electronics, bar tending, food processing and baking while the Saint Dominic College offers Automotive servicing and computer hardware servicing.

With their accreditation to National Certificate II, Acacio said, their scholars obtained NC II eligibility through assessment tests in oral, written and practicum.

Scholars who passed the assessment tests use the NC II as passport for work in prestigious companies in the province or in Metro Manila.

Acacio said some of their scholars in Baking and Food Services are employed at the St. Dominic College Canteen and Bakery Inc., and at the Octagon Bed and Dine both located in Basco.

The TESDA scholarship programs have reduced financial burden for the Ivatan average earners because their children enjoy free tuition fee in local college institutions. They have free transportation expenses and pay minimal boarding fees. (TCB/NGA/PIA Batanes)

Juanita Acacio Administrative officer of TESDA says two schools in Batanes namely, the Batanes State College and the St. Dominic College have accredited their courses under the TESDA ladderized education program.

Municipal health office brings health services closer to Itbayat Island residents

ITBAYAT, Batanes- Residents of this island municipality are now reaping the benefits of the innovations on health services brought by municipal health officer Dr. Allan Sande.

Beneficiary Rosalia Castillo said they are touched by the efforts of Sande, a non-Ivatan physician from Cagayan de Oro who is serving the people of Itbayat like his own townmates.

He initiated regular visits or reach-out medical activities to far-flung barangays like Yauran and Raele (San Jose) every Friday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.

Sande also scheduled a regular check up for malnourished children in Itbayat with the assistance of rural health nurses. He likewise conducted lectures on healthy lifestyles among the parents of the children.

The residents said Sande’s innovation brought convenience to the families of the far-flung barangays, who could not afford to bring their children to the hospital for check up.

Congressional District Office completes tree planting target

BASCO, Batanes- The greening program implementation of the Congressional District Office (CDO) dubbed as Heritage Tree Planting Project has already completed its commitment to plant 319,000 seedlings from August to December 2011.

According to CDO greening program coordinator Edwin Abulencia, from August to November CDO planted 165,526 seedings and the remaining 153,474 seedlings were planted in December.

The seedlings were planted by the CDO casual employees who were assigned in all barangays of the six municipalities.

The CDO has prioritized watersheds in the 6 municipalities and along the national roads as tree planting sites. The group also replaced the growing trees that were affected by the widening of roads.

The national greening project coordinator said they took advantage of the rains from October to December for their tree planting activities.

Batanes State College sustains adopt fishing village project

BASCO, Batanes- The Batanes State College (BSC), in coordination with the local government of Mahatao headed by Mayor Pedro F. Poncio, has adopted Diura Fishing Village of Mahatao town, aimed at training the village fishermen or the mataws on processing of surimi products, tocino, fish ball and longganisa out of “Dibang,” or common flying fish.

The Diura fishing village has 37 families, all seasoned fishermen who are well-known in Mahatao for their abundant catch. They are all members of the Diura Fishermen’s Association.

The adoption of the said fishing village took place in 2010 and it is now catering the school’s fishing processing program with the integration of vegetable production and root crops and meat processing.

Inspired by the existing income-generating fish ponds in the village operated by the local government of Mahatao, BSC has constructed a fish laboratory farm in Diura that specializes in tilapia hatchery operation to provide the needed fingerlings aimed at boosting the aqua culture in the province.

BSC faculty member Arlene Bermejo said that as their adoptive institution, BSC is continuously providing the Diura fishing village with services and trainings on disaster preparedness, vegetable and root crops production, meat processing and fish processing and preservation.

“Common to fisher folks is preserving fish by drying. But after the fish processing training, they produced processed fish,” Bermejo noted.

Every Christmas holidays, the BSC family also expresses gratitude to the residents of Diura fishing village through program and gift giving both in kind and in cash.

First national museum in Batanes inaugurated

BASCO, Batanes- The first national museum in Batanes located at the old Long Range Naval (LORAN) station in Barangay Imnajbu, Uyugan, 25 kilometers south of Basco, was inaugurated last January 7.

Dr. Ana Labrador of the national museum in Manila said that establishing a museum in Batanes is a pride of the province and a jumping point of visitors to visit a place.

She also said that the function of a museum is to give information, give access to exhibition of artifacts that may be supported by a publication, programs of series of lectures, seminars and other activities.

“The museum is expected to draw tourists because it is educational, it allows viewers to learn how people survived in the past,” Labrador said.

During the groundbreaking ceremonies, a mini exhibit of local artifacts was also held which made the event more colorful.

A team from the national museum in Manila, who conducted ocular inspection last October, said the rehabilitation and restructuring would take about a year which is why the anticipated opening of the national museum is targeted in 2013.

NFA Ships Emergency Rice Supply to Batanes

The National Food Authority [NFA] has shipped a total of 2,000 bags of rice to Batanes to effectively augment the food security inventory in the province.

According to NFA, the emergency rice shipment was made in the wake of the dwindling commercial rice stocks in the province caused by the difficulty in transporting rice through the shipping route crossing the Balintang Channel.

The difficulty in crossing the Balintang Channel has discouraged the commercial traders to continue with their regular rice shipments.

To mobilize rice transport, the NFA hired MV SAVERS, a commercial ship which, unfortunately, also experienced difficulty in crossing Balintang channel and therefore had to dock at Calayan island.

As part of emergency protocols, on December 30, the NFA through the Department of Agriculture coordinated with the Department of National Defense to airlift some 200 bags of rice to the province using the C-130 of the Philippine Air Force.

The rice airlift temporarily addressed the tightness in supply problems until the main shipment arrived on January 1 when the MV SAVERS had finally crossed Balintang Channel.

The NFA emphasized it will continue to perform its mandate to provide emergency supply source in areas anywhere in the country wanting supply of the staple.

In the case of Batanes, the agency will remain committed to supply additional buffer stocks as long as there is a problem in the supply of commercial rice in the area.

DSWD mandates provision of comfort rooms in all day care centers

BASCO, Batanes- Municipal Local Government operations Officer Eunicia Gato said that local government units should provide built-in comfort rooms in all day care centers in their respective municipalities.

In the ongoing monitoring activity of LGU Basco for the search for model barangay, the monitoring teams included in the set of criteria the presence of a built-in comfort room at the day care centers for the safety, sanitation and convenience of day care pupils.

As of November 2011, only four of the six day care centers in Basco complied with the construction of comfort room in the day care centers. These are barangays San Antonio, San Joaquin, Kayvaluganan and Kayhuvukan.

The other two barangay are in the process of constructing comfort rooms and the day care pupils are still using a separate structure near the day care centers.

Basco mayor stands pat on curfew for minors

BASCO, Batanes- Basco mayor Demetrius Paul C. Narag said he will continue to to implement the curfew for minors in the municipality.

In the recent multi-sectoral advocacy, information and education campaign, Narag said the implementation of the curfew is to ensure the safety and welfare of the minors, and to lessen the occurrence of teenage pregnancies and crimes which involve children in Basco.

Narag also sought the cooperation of business establishments, especially the computer and internet shops to strictly observe the curfew hours particularly 9:00 p.m. for minors l2 yrs. old and below and l0:00 to l2:00 pm for minors l3 to l7 years old.

Some businessmen said closing at 10:00 p.m. means income cutting but Narag said he is bent on running after the violators.

The mayor said that although there is a bigger number of business establishments who complied than those who do not, there is a need to continuously advocate for the 100 percent compliance of the municipal ordinance.

Narag also sought the support of the provincial and municipal social welfare and development officers, schools, churches, media, police personnel, PTCA officials and all agencies in Basco to exert efforts for the proper implementation of the curfew.

DPWH reports completed infra projects in Batanes

BASCO, Batanes- About six infrastructure projects in the province are now 100 percent complete, according to the report from the office of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Batanes District Engineering Office.

The projects include the Itbayat water supply system, repair of Itbayat Central School, repair of Raele elementary school, completion of Chabtucan-Chanarian Tukon farm-to market road (FMR), Brgy. Kayhuvokan, Basco day care multi purpose building, cementing of FMR Desin-vadishi in Mahatao phase 1, and rehabilitation of Ivana Elementary School.

Based on the agency report, 23 infra projects are on-going, three of these are nearing completion such as Road Protective Structure Guard Wall in Tukon Basco, upgrading of national road Itbayat airport-Mauyen port road, and the construction of Dichu-Ramay FMR Phase 11, Mahatao.

Earlier, the DPWH also reported the completion of the construction of Basco water system Phase 6, upgrading of national road to airport, Itbayat, construction of Taytay-Vahangsien right of way in Basco and concreting of FMR phase 1 in Uyugan.

Batanes PDRRMC to be more proactive in 2012, says Batanes Gov.

BASCO, Batanes- In a move to address problems concerning disasters, peace and order and other issues, the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council chaired by Vicente S. Gato called a meeting attended by 13 agency members and three local chief executives of Basco, Ivana and Uyugan.

Gov. Gato stressed that there is a need to discuss the pressing problems of the province before unmanageable circumstances arise.

Gov. Gato commendable the proper implementation of curfew for minors which aims to reduce crime incidence in the province and for the safety of the minor. He said he will schedule a meeting with school principals to ensure that the said ordinance will be fully implemented in Basco as he urged other LGUs to come up with a similar ordinance in their municipalities.

Meantime, Mayor Demetrius Paul Narag has called on computer shops operators to cooperate in the implementation of curfew on minors.

Another issue discussed during the meeting is lack of facilities to chase Taiwanese poachers.

Gov. Gato disclosed that as per reports reaching his office, there are nightly sightings in the north of Itbayat island but they don’t have vessels to be used in monitoring and chasing the poachers.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels are assigned in Mindanao because their services are very much needed there.

Gov. Gato said they will set another meeting to come up with solutions to the problem and he also told the PDRRMC members that starting this year, their meeting will be conducted quarterly, and not only when there are issues and problems that are needed to be resolved.

Alcover: They’re shameless

“THEY said they accepted because they want to give Christmas presents to their constituents. They’re shameless,” ANAD party list Rep. Pastor Alcover was quoted as saying.

Alcover also said that Budget Sec. Florencio “Butch” Abad released P800 million in Priority Development Assistant Fund (PDAF) to his district in Batanes which has only 10,000 voters.

This prompted Speaker Feliciano “Sonny” Belmonte Jr. to make a vow of spearheading the filing of a complaint before the House committee on ethics against Alcover.

“That is absolutely false. We can file a case before the House ethics committee,” Belmonte stressed, adding that Alcover has been ruining the institution for issuing blatant lies.

Eastern Samar Rep. Ben Evardone, Biliran Rep. Roger Espina, Catanduanes Rep. Cesar Sarmiento and Bohol Rep. Rene Relampagos echoed Belmonte’s position, saying the House committee on ethics chaired by Bohol Rep. Erico Aumentado should investigate Alcover “for making false accusations and irresponsible statements that put Congress as an institution and my colleagues in a bad light.”

“That is totally untrue and ridiculous,” they said. “The Speaker (Belmonte) did not commit nor promise anything to those who will sign the impeachment complaint.”

“We read the complaint before we signed because we had an electronic copy. We signed it on our own volition and based on our belief on P-Noy’s campaign against corruption,” they added.

Although there were allegations that the impeachment of Corona was done in haste, Tupas said that the seeming sudden move had been hatched since September 2010.

Tupas explained that it came after the Higher Court (SC) issued a status quo ante order preventing the House committee on justice from hearing the impeachment complaint against then Ombudsman Ma. Merceditas Gutierrez.

He denied that the 188 signatures in the impeachment complaint which resulted to automatic transmittal to the Senate of eight Articles of Impeachment against Corona was a product of an overnight work.

“After we were prevented from doing our constitutional duty, we decided to start gathering information against the Chief Justice. Our discreet research was not an overnight work but more than a year of inquiry,” said Tupas.

Rep. Barzaga asked SC to dismiss petition

Rep. Elpidio “Pidi” Barzaga, a member of the 11-man House prosecution panel, asked the Supreme Court (SC) to dismiss with dispatch the petition asking the magistrates to stop the Senate from proceeding with the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona for lack of jurisdiction.

Barzaga branded as improper the petition filed Atty. Vladimir Cabigao which sought a temporary restraining order (TRO) and writ of prohibitory injunction from the SC against the Senate impeachment court on argument that Corona’s impeachment was done in haste.

He cited Section 31 of Article 13 of the Constitution which guarantees the “exclusive right of the House of Representatives” to initiate impeachment while Section 6 gives the Senate the “sole power to try and decide on impeachment cases.”

“The SC should dismiss the petition on the ground of lack of jurisdiction. This is a political question. The House and the Senate were given by the Constitution the exclusive power to decide on impeachment cases. It is not a judicial controversy,” Barzaga explained.

29 barangay nutrition scholars re-oriented on milk code

BASCO, Batanes- The Provincial Health Office (PHO) recently re-oriented the 29 barangay nutrition scholars (BNS) in the province on the Milk Code to heighten their advocacy for all lactating mothers to exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months.

Rhiza Dacles, Rural Health Unit said exclusive breastfeeding which is stipulated in the Milk Code means feeding babies with pure mother’s milk without any water or soup or whatever liquid for the first 6 months.

Darce Acacio, PHO nurse lectured and demonstrated the different correct position of the mother and the baby on breastfeeding that included the following: cradle- keeping the baby in the mother’s stomach with their skin touching each other; cross cradle hold- one arm supporting the baby’s body and others support the head; and football hold, holding the baby on mother’s side with legs behind her and the baby tucked under her arm.

Other breastfeeding positions include saddle hold- breastfeeding in a sitting position; and lying position where breastfeeding is done by lying, giving more opportunities for both baby and mother to relax and to sleep more at night.

On the other hand, Lynneth Calagui, Department of Health nurse, oriented the BNS on milk feeding using small cup designed for infants which is safer than bottle feeding. She said the cup is easier to clean, easier to carry and less risky from diarrhea.

The last topic was child growth chart, discussed by PHO dietician Rosemarie Delatado. She emphasized that exclusively breastfed babies are healthier and more economical for family budget. It also reduces incidence of allergy among babies.

IBP creates team to monitor Corona trial

The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) has created a special team to closely monitor the upcoming impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona in the Senate, its national president Roan Libarios announced yesterday.

In a press conference in their headquarters in Pasig City, Libarios said their regional governors have unanimously agreed to establish an IBP impeachment communications group composed of volunteer lawyers tasked “to inform the public on the impeachment and its effects on judicial independence.”

He also announced the creation of another IBP impeachment watch that would “closely monitor the developments in the impeachment case before the Supreme Court and the Senate.”

This developed as officials of IBP also affirmed their stand against the speedy impeachment of Corona, which they believe treads on the powers and prerogatives of the judiciary under the Constitution.

All 10 regional officials of the 40,000-strong organization have expressed grave alarm over what they described as “breakneck and high-handed impeachment” of the chief justice by the House of Representatives.

Libarios reiterated their position that the impeachment was unconstitutional but also revealed that they would not initiate legal action to question it before the high court.

Governors of IBP supported this stand in a statement of support for the Chief Justice where they branded the impeachment as “a menace and an open subversion of the constitutional prerogatives of the Supreme Court as the final interpreter of the law and the arbiter of rights.”

Those who signed the statement were IBP governors Denis Habawel (Northern Luzon), Olivia Jacoba (Central Luzon), Dominic Solis (Greater Manila), Vicente Joyas (Southern Luzon), Leonor Gerona-Romeo (Bicolandia), Manuel Enage Jr. (Eastern Visayas), Erwin Fortunato (Western Visayas), Israelito Torreon (Eastern Mindanao) and Florendo Opay (Western Mindanao). Libarios had earlier issued a statement against the impeachment.

This time, the other national officials of IBP supported his stand. They lamented that the House had in effect arrogated unto itself the power to interpret the law over and above the SC by impeaching the chief justice based on decisions issued by the high court.

“Such an impeachment has transformed the House of Representatives as the higher interpreter of what law is, a clear encroachment on the prerogatives exclusively vested by the Constitution in the Supreme Court itself,” the IBP stressed, adding that this would lead to the crumbling of constitutional doctrines of separation of powers and judicial supremacy on matters of interpretation of laws.

While it expressed support behind the reform agenda of President Aquino, the IBP said its implementation must respect – and not subvert – the constitutional allocation of powers to the three branches of government.

“If the Supreme Court is emasculated by partisan actions, to who shall the people turn to against excesses by those who are in power?” the IBP asked.

The IBP said the grounds invoked to impeach Corona refer to the collegial decisions of the Supreme Court involving interpretation of law in actual disputes elevated for review.

More questions

Yesterday, another lawyer questioned before the Supreme Court (SC) the impeachment of Corona in Congress.

In a 13-page petition, lawyer Oliver Lozano said he represents the Lawyers’ League for a Better Philippines in asking the high court to issue a status quo ante order enjoining the proceedings against the Chief Justice.

“There is extreme urgency to declare void the impeachment complaint for grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction as well as lack of valid verification.

The nullification of the complaint will preempt an impending civil strife that threatens to wreck our democratic way of life,” he alleged.

Lozano, former lawyer of the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos, said President Aquino “failed to stem the tsunami of poverty, hunger and labor unrest that engulf the nation.”

Lozano was the fourth to question the impeachment of Corona before the SC. Earlier this week, lawyer Vladimir Cabigao, tax informer Danilo Lihaylihay and former IBP president Vicente Millora had filed similar petitions.

‘No impeach bribe’

Meanwhile, congressmen-allies of President Aquino denied in strong terms yesterday claims that he gave P1 million to each of the 188 House members who signed the impeachment complaint against Corona.

Rep. Pastor Alcover Jr. of the party-list group Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy (ANAD) made the allegations in an interview with the newspaper Sun Star Cebu.

The story appeared in the paper’s Dec. 20 edition. Alcover belongs to the House opposition bloc, whose titular head is Arroyo.

“That is an absolute lie, a fabrication of a malicious mind,” Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II said of the ANAD lawmaker’s claim. Eastern Samar Rep. Ben Evardone said Alcover’s allegations “are totally untrue and ridiculous.”

“The President and the Speaker did not commit nor promise anything to those who signed the impeachment complaint. I read the complaint before I signed it. We signed it on our own volition and based on our belief in the President’s anti-corruption campaign,” he said.

He asked the House ethics committee to investigate Alcover “for making false accusations and irresponsible statements that put the President, the House and our colleagues in bad light.” Gonzales and Evardone belong to the ruling Liberal Party.

For his part, Rep. Teddy Casiño of the party-list group Bayan Muna said Alcover “should simply be ignored.” Casiño and his militant colleagues signed the impeachment complaint against Corona.

They have been at the receiving end of Alcover’s frequent privilege speeches, in which he describes their organizations as “communist-Maoist-terrorist.”

They have completely ignored him. Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. has denied that anything was promised to those who signed the impeachment complaint. It was a voluntary act on the part of every House member, he said.

Aside from claiming that the 188 impeachers received P1 million each from Aquino, Alcover said many of those who signed the Corona impeachment complaint did not read it.

He also alleged that Budget Secretary Florencio Abad has released P800 million in PDAF (priority development assistance fund) to Batanes, his home province, which is represented in the House by his wife Henedina.

PDAF is the official name of the congressional pork barrel. Reached for comment, Abad said, “Both allegations are completely unfounded and absolutely untrue. The media shouldn’t waste time and space to report them.”

A check with the Department of Budget and Management website, where all PDAF and other fund releases are posted, showed that as of last June 29, Abad’s agency has released only P35 million to his wife’s province-district.–

Search for best bakery, restaurant in Basco on

BASCO, Batanes- The local government here will be conducting a search for best bakery and restaurant to address the local and tourist customers' feedback on how food establishments can improve their services and for the business sector to comply with the requirements.

Basco Mayor Demetrius Paul C. Narag said there will be five major categories in the search which include quality product, cleanliness and sanitation, customer services, safety and security, and compliance to requirements.

He said competitiveness is gauged through evaluation which will be done monthly to enhance the maintenance of quality services.

There will be seven key sectors to handle the 5 major categories namely Department of Health, Provincial Health Office, Municipal Health Office and Rural Health Units for the health and sanitation category; Philippine Information Agency, hotel and restaurant management, hospitality management department of the Batanes State College, and Philippine National Police information sector for customer services.

The Department of Trade and Industry and municipal agriculturist will take charge of the quality product and production sector; PNP for safety and security sector; municipal engineering office, municipal civil registrar, municipal treasurer and mayor’s office for compliance and monitoring.

During the orientation held this morning, Mayor Narag said the monthly evaluation will commence on the 2nd week of January up to 1st week of April in time for 4th Basco Day Celebration on April 15-17, 2012.

Initial activities are also scheduled this month which include orientation of all bakery and restaurant operators and food producers as well as food handlers through a small scale seminar training to be handled by HRM instructors, health authorities, DTI and the PNP.

Narag said the orientation will promote awareness on the business sector, the objectives of LGU Basco in the implementing the evaluation and at the same time the small scale seminar-training will enhance competitiveness of business operators for better customer services.

Brigada Eskwela plus provides feeling of co-ownership among stakeholders

BASCO, Batanes- The Brigida Eskwela launched by the Department of Education (DepEd) in May 2003, now renamed Brigada Eskwela Plus, has strengthened parents, teachers and other stakeholders’ involvement as co-operator, co-owner and co-manager in school projects or programs, said Eleanor A. Abad, District Supervisor for Basco District.

Abad said the Brigada eskwela is conducted regularly in the month of May, however, parents are also conducting school works whenever the need arises.

Homeroom category activities, as agreed by class advisers and Homeroom PTA, such as repair of windows and door shutter and provision of electric fans, dustpans, waste cans, book shelves and health corner are also undertaken.

Abad stressed that the parents’ involvement in school projects promotes camaraderie and harmonious relationship between teachers and parents.

The strategy is also seen as viable alternative to generate additional community maintenance and other operating expenses because the Brigada Eskwela plus successfully demonstrated how the communities can work in teams to maintain public schools, the DEPED official said.

Abad further said through the Brigada Eskwela, there is more bonding between parents and teachers as well as pupils and teachers.

“Pupils enjoy seeing their parents attend PTA homeroom meeting and they are happy if they see their parents participate in school works and this encourages them more to attend classes regularly,” a class adviser also noted.

RDC-RPOC endorses conduct of Balikatan Exercise in Region 2

The Regional Development Council (RDC) and Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) on Tuesday passed a resolution endorsing the conduct of the Balikatan Exercise in Region 2 in 2013.

Regional Director Rolando L. Rafael of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) said while the PH-US Balikatan Exercise is mostly known for its military activities, humanitarian and civic operations are also being undertaken such as provision of health, medical and veterinary services, farm-to-market roads, flood control projects and social infrastructures, and other community services.

Convinced by the various opportunities which could spur economic progress for the region, Governors Vicente Gato of Batanes and Faustino “Bojie” Dy III have expressed interests in hosting the event.

Gato said he is offering their island-province for the military exercise because it needs some facilities and structures for its development.

For his part, Dy said he is offering the coastal town of Palanan to be the military base of the American soldiers. However, they may not meet the requirements of US such as hotels with complete facilities, entertainment and variety of foods.

Meantime, RPOC Chair and Quirino Governor Junie E. Cua said that specific site for the activity is not yet decided since there are certain criteria that must be met first.

Site surveys are being done by the AFP and US Armed Forces to scrutinize the area before the place can be considered as a possible site, he added. (TCB/AU/PIA 2)

The RDC and RPOC members were earlier briefed by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on the specifics of the Balikatan activities on November 23 as a result of the invitation of Isabela 1st District Congressman Rodolfo B. Albano and the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority.