Curuan, Zamboanga City, Philippines

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Click on pictures to get a better view of this beautiful curuan rice field.
As you drive down the highway and you come to the curuan border, you will see rice fields on both sides of the highway. Curuan is a farming community but steadily modernizing its commercial center.

Distance from City Hall
48 kilometers
Location from Downtown
Approximate Population
in 2007 about 9,000
Area Size in Hectares
7216 hectares
Fiesta Date
November 13
Patron Saint
St. Stanislaus Kostka
Families of the 70's & Before Church & Mosque Curuan High School Reunion  

Curuan Elementary School:

Curuan is the largest Barangay in Zamboanga City. It covers over 7,216 hectares or 72.16 square kilometers or 6 kilometers by 12 kilometers in dimension. It is also a school district seat. It manages over 19 other barangays. The elementary school of Curuan itself has an enrollment of about 1200 students.

The Curuan National High School has about 1000 students.
Click here to join the high school reunion.

These pictures were taken in April 2007 when it has not rained in over a month. However, the garden in the middle of the school grounds is still green with some vegetables growing.

Curuan Catholic Church:

Curuan Health Center:

Barangay Officers:    information gathered from Comelec

Election of July 15, 2002

Barangay Chairman: Magno Napal Cruz Delos Reyes - Died 2006

Kagawad: Ranked by number of Votes received

  1. Joselito Jumawan Paragas

  2. Carmelito Falcasantos Manalo

  3. Nelson Tee Carros

  4. Elias Eliazar Natividad Angeles

  5. Expedito Paragas Angeles

  6. Jesus Aneles Atilano

  7. Erolino Francisco Delos Reyes

Some information taken from visitors to

Submitted_by: Canty Muñoz

Patron Saint of the Catholic Church is Saint Stanislaus Kostka. Parish priest is Fr William Quiamjot. Two schools in the barangay are Curuan Central School and Curuan National High School. The name of the water servicing the barangay is Curuan Parish Water System. The water source comes sitio Campo Dos. There is a huge reservoir in Ranch Narra. In addition to the Police force, there is also an army detachment in a place called Sampaloc for the security of the barangay.

Submitted_by: Rizza Rebollos

Curuan may be far from the city but not that far to deprive contituents of this barangay to be aware of what is happening in the city... It comprises of people from different races - pure zamboangueño, bisaya, muslims but they are united. There is no racial descrimination in fact there is nothing to descriminate to, for everyone is equal no one is above the other or below the rest...

Curuan is a barangay which starts to boom. It is rich in gold that some people earn their living form gold mining. Ricefields are not just good sites but they are as well productive that they can feed million sof people all over the world.

The agricultural status of Curuan is good, good land for planting, to raise a farm... We have enough water supply...

From what I have heard, it has already celsite there..both globe and smart... The time i left zamboanga it has only smart telecom there./.. good to hear there is globe already... (it is favorable in my part too, coz the network in the country where I am in does not permit to send sms thru smart only globe telecom)

Anyway!! I miss Curuan..... Keep up the good spirit curuanians>>>>>>>


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