The most prestigious e-mail address a Zamboangueño/Zamboangueña can have.  Best of all, it's free for life!

Get your Z-Mail™ today!

Submit your desired user name for our free Z-Mail:
Enter First Name:
-- You can use mixed case - Required Entry
Enter Last Name:
-- You can use mixed case - Required Entry
Your Desired Username: -- You can use mixed case - Required entry
Make up a password:
-- Keep this private! - Required entry
Enter password again:
-- For verification - Required entry
Within 24 hours, you should be able to logon to the "Check your Z-Mail" icon at and start using your new Z-Mail account.  If the requested user name is unavailable, we would need an alternative e-mail address to notify you.  If you don't have one, just logon to Z-Mail after above processing time frame to verify availability.  If not there, please resubmit your request. Thank you.

Enter your current e-mail address below for notification.
 - Required entry


Z-Mail™ provides the following great benefits:


n Privacy - Only you can access your account with your password.

n Global Access - Access your account anywhere in the world with any internet connection.

n Lifetime Service - Your account is free and yours permanently, even when you change ISPs, URL, jobs, business, schools, or relocate to another place.  People can always find you.

n Personal Account Management:

 Change Finger Information

The Finger protocol lets one Internet user request information about another Internet user. Finger information includes:
  - users full name
  - users complete e-mail address
  - contents of the users Plan file (if one exists)
The Change Finger page is where you enter or edit the contents of your Plan file.

Change Password
Enter your password, and then enter it again to make sure you didn't make any typing errors. Passwords may be from 4 to 30 characters long and cannot contain spaces.
Change Mail Forwarding Information
You can have Z-Mail automatically forward your mail to another mail account. This feature is activated when an e-mail address is present in this text box. (In other words, as long as this box is empty, mail is not forwarded.) Enter a complete mail address including the user ID and the full host name, for example, userid@host.domain, and then press the Save button.
You can forward your mail to more than one e-mail addresses by entering multiple addresses separated by commas.
To keep a copy and forward a copy, precede the forwarding address by a dot and a comma, for example, you'd enter .,userid@host.domain to forward mail to userid@host.domain and keep a copy in your mailbox.
Change User Information
* First Name
* Last Name:
Organization Unit:
Street Address:
Postal Code (zip):
Hide From Info Services:
*Required Information.
Send Vacation Message
You can set up Z-Mail to automatically send a vacation message to anyone who sends you mail. This feature is activated when you enter an e-mail address on the Vacation Message page. Your vacation message will be sent once to each e-mail address that sends you mail.(Web Messaging tracks the e-mail addresses of those who have been sent your vacation message; this prevents any one e-mail address from receiving your vacation message more than once.)
Note: Compare this feature to the Auto Response feature (which sends an automatic response to each message that's received, regardless of whether or not the sender has already received the automatic response.
1. From the Main Menu page, click Change Vacation Message under Options, Personal.
2. On the Change Vacation Message page, enter a vacation message in the text box.   This message will be sent once to each user who sends you mail and is limited to 1000 characters. When you are done, press the Save button.

To stop sending a vacation message, delete the message from the Change Vacation Message page.

Change Vacation Message
You can have a vacation message automatically sent to anyone who sends you mail. This feature is activated when you enter a message in this text box. (In other words, as long as this box is empty, a vacation message is not sent.)
If you want to send a vacation message, enter the message in the text box. This message will be sent once to each user* that sends you mail and is limited to 1000 characters. When you are done, press the Save button.

Note: Compare this feature to the Auto Response feature (which sends an automatic response to each message that's received, regardless of whether or not the sender has already received the automatic response.

*Z-Mail tracks the e-mail addresses of those who have been sent your vacation message; this prevents any one e-mail address from receiving your vacation message more than once.

Change Processing Rules
You can use Delivery Rules to direct incoming mail to particular mailboxes based on the contents of To, From, Sender, Subject, the entire message Header (everything but the body of the message), or the Body of the message.

1. Select the area you want to search.
2. Select "contains" to have the delivery rule look for messages that contain the search string; select "doesn't contain" to look for messages that do not contain the string.
3. Enter a search string as described below.
In the send to the mailbox box, enter the name of the mailbox to which messages meeting the rule criteria will be sent. If you enter a mailbox that does not exist, one will be created for this user on the Z-Mail Server system. A POP3 user will see this mailbox only if they log on to this mailbox using the format userid-newbox. Enter NUL to discard the message.

Entering a Search String

Enter a search string by doing one or more of the following:

  • Enter the literal text (up to 255 characters) that you want to search for. For example, if you want to find the word jazz, type: jazz.
  • Type search expressions and quantifiers (up to 255 characters) as shown in the Text Patterns tables below.
  • Paste a portion of a mail message that meets your intended search criteria. For instance, you could copy and paste text such as XMSMailPriority(High) from the header of a message; this would search for High priority messages.
  • Check Search string from file if you have placed the search text in a text file. The listbox shows a list of the existing rule files.
Text Pattern Expression
Any character .
Any of the values separated by vertical bars within the parentheses (this|that|other)
Any word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)  \w
Any non-word character    \W
Any digit (0-9) \d
Any non-digit  \D
Any white space (spaces and/or tabs and/or carriage returns)  \s
Any non-white space  \S
Any punctuation character (any character other than \w or \s)  \p
Any non-punctuation character \P


Quantifier   Expression
Zero or more   *
One or more   +
Exactly 100   {100}
At least n1, but not more than n2 (where n1 and n2 are numbers)   {n1,n2}

Note: As shown above, the following characters have special meaning in a rule:
If you want to use one of these characters in a search string, precede it with a backslash. For example, to search for a plus sign, enter \+ in the search string.

Address Book
Use this page to add, modify, or delete names in your Address Book.

To add an address, enter a new name and e-mail address and click the Add button.

To modify an address, select it in the Current Addresses list, correct the name and/or e-mail address, and then click the Modify button.

To delete an address, select it in the Current Addresses list, and click the Delete button.

Note: You can select an address to use when creating a mail message.

Manage Mailboxes
A mailbox is like a folder. Mailboxes are often used to organize and store mail. Z-Mail automatically creates a mailbox named "Main;" when you send or delete messages, it automatically creates mailboxes named "Sent" and "Deleted."
For example, all mail related to a project about exotic parrots can be stored in a mailbox you name "Parrots."
You can also create mailbox "sub-folders" within a particular mailbox. For example, a mailbox named "Parrots" can have a sub-mailbox named "Tricks" and another one named "Sounds."

To create a new mailbox,
1. Under "Create a Mailbox," enter the name of a new mailbox to create. (The name must be eight characters or less and may not contain any special characters.)

2. Click the Create button.

To create a mailbox folder within another mailbox folder,
1. Under "Create a Mailbox," enter a name like UserName.Parrots.Tricks, which will add a new mailbox called Tricks under the directory Parrots, which is under the top directory UserName.
2. Click the Create button.

To rename a mailbox,
1. Under "Rename a Mailbox," choose the mailbox name from the drop-down list.
2. Enter a new name in the text box.
3. Click the Rename button.

To delete a mailbox and all the messages it contains,
1. Under "Delete a Mailbox," select the mailbox name from the drop-down list.
2. Click the Delete button.

Auto Response
You can set up Z-Mail so that a response is sent automatically in response to each e-mail you receive.

You use the Preferences page to set your preferences about how Z-Mail works.

Mail Sending Options

Forward Editing
Forward Attachments
Replying (including or excluding original message)
Reply message (include ">" symbol to indicate original message)
Save copy of outgoing message in Sent folder
Include Signature
Confirm sent messages

Message Display Options

Number of Messages per page
Set the sort criteria in the summary list
Sort messages in ascending or descending order
Display message headers
Text attachments
Menu buttons in read message screen
Show new messages for
Message Preview

Delete Options

Deleted messages
Confirm delete messages

Change Signature
A "signature" is a tag that is added to the end of all your messages. For example, you might add a signature that says, "Be sure to visit my new and improved web site."
If this text block is blank, no signature is added. If this text block contains text, the text becomes your "signature." Signature text is limited to 1000 characters. Enter or edit your signature and click the Save button.

Franklin Harry Maletsky for
Copyright © 2000 in4ormation inc., All rights reserved.
Revised: March 12, 2007 .