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"God, Us and the Universe"
to achieve peace, happiness, health and prosperity with accountability.

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Jesus Christ was one of the first ADVOCATES of the Separation of government and religion. He said: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

"Let there be freedom of religion, but keep religion separate from government. A country that bows down to the laws of religion will one day be governed by religion." by FHM

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With prudence, we as creatures of God can help make our environment a better place. Do something good everyday. Be respectful, kind and grateful. The greatest advise came from Jesus Christ: "Love one another as I have loved you." The other advise is as old as humanity: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". For the bullies, it goes like this: "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."

Universal Stewardship is about
Humanity Living to Achieve
"Sustainable Stewardship of God's Creation
and Prosperity with Accountability"

Universal Stewardship is NOT about RELIGION or POLITICS.
- - NOT ABOUT - -
"Dominion over God's Creation and Humanity's Salvation from Damnation"

God is not about the eternal damnation or punishment in hell, and neither is he about the eternal reward of heaven. He is about accountability in terms of privileges. God is about serenity and love and the ever lasting opportunity to belong and be "more". God simply wants us to live our eternal life (corporeal and spiritual), love, share, prosper and be happy.

The principles of Universal stewardship

  1. PRUDENCE: The skill, ability, or wisdom to avoid conflict and choose what is right and what is good or beneficial to humanity.
    Be cordial. When you approach, communicate, talk to or listen to an individual you do not like, use good judgment and discipline yourself to use reason vs emotion. Be sensitive to the feelings of children. Your tone of voice will make or break them. Be nice. Your judgment may dictate that the individual you are conversing or dealing with is totally disagreeable, offensive, vile and revolting yet you need to rise above all that negative emotion and use reason to be gracious, hospitable, warm and friendly. Diplomacy requires prudence. Be attentive and listen more to what others are saying or just simply talking about. Always speak the truth, but avoid excessive deliberations, otherwise folly will be your company. You can't be diplomatic without being prudent. Being prudent however, does not imply that one has to be submissive to the bully or evil.
  2. RESPECT: Foster and adhere to the RESPECT for one another. Respect is not to be expected. Respect is to be given. Do not expect to earn the respect from the other person before you respect him/her. Simply give respect. It will come to you abundantly.
    Children may not know what the word respect means. But they know what it feels like to be respected or be disrespected. They may have not have heard the word yet or made any reference to that word in what they feel, but deep inside they already know what it feels like to be respected. It is instinctive to want to be respected. Children can feel when they are disrespected. They can feel when they are respected. Words, tone of voice, and actions are felt by children. These feelings are carried forward to adulthood. Parents or guardians must teach children what the word respect means. Teach them the greatest twin virtues of Respect and Kindness.
    Help a child grow with love, teach him/her discipline and build his/her character with respect and kindness, groom his/her personality with apology and forgiveness. Surely, prudence will guide his/her decisions later in life.
    Respect makes a person care for another, it allows one to be open and be willing to have a good conversation, to allow the understanding of one another, which can ultimately lead to LOVE.
    Respect all the creations in this universe. We are its steward. Utilize all the material things around you but be sustainable, recycle or re-use and never abuse or waste. Always replenish.
    If you carry respect with you at all times, then that greatest advise, "to love one another" can be achieved.
    GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT. "Respect is to be earned, only if lost once given."
    Anything done without respect is done either for the money, for a reward, as an obligation, out of pity, out of tolerance, was told to, was forced to, was coerced to, for survival, or for vanity. Do your best to attach the ingredient of respect when you do anything.
    Never ever make the mistake of identifying tolerance for respect or kindness. Continued tolerance is cowardice. Do not allow those bullies to cheat, insult, or deprive. On the other hand, Tolerate if you must, until you are able to fight back. Fight, not because you hate or you are hated, fight because you are defending and protecting what and who you love and respect.
    • Share your prosperity, share your abundance, share your knowledge, share your acquisitions and most of all share the love that is in your heart. Be kind. Kindness allows us to reach out. Kindness is a great way to communicate. Try to be helpful. Try to do a something good for yourself and others. Be compassionate. Try not to tease or insult others. Share your abundance and be generous whenever possible.
    Prosperity comes with work, you need focus and determination to follow and realize your goals, hopes and dreams. Hope is inherent in all of us. You can beat a person down but if he has a shred of hope in him, he will stand up and fight. Hope can lead a person to prosperity.
    Prosperity is threefold: Material prosperity, Intellectual prosperity, and spiritual prosperity. The acquisition of material and intellectual prosperity does not guarantee us happiness. Reaching for spiritual prosperity touches happiness, it touches love. For humanity to prosper, we must share, we must be involved. Humans are born selfish! Parents and Adults must teach children to share. As you chip away at your "rock of selfishness", sharing becomes easier. Conversations and relationships become less & less difficult.
    Develop what you can but with the attitude of sustainable development for posterity. Harvest the bounty of the world but always let nature return to its living splendor. You are the steward of your body and soul and of this universe. Develop your body, your mind and soul. But never deprive others or this universe in the process of your development. Having the ability to SHARE embedded in our soul: Makes us: generous, kind, helpful, merciful, compassionate, amiable and tender. Be compassionate and try to alleviate the needy, the suffering, the sorrow and misfortune of others. Sharing makes the universe a better place. Learn to share the cheapest and most abundant human positive commodity, the SMILE. A smile is irresistible, compelling, persuasive, contagious, and catching. A simple smile can change the life of an individual to help build a kinder and braver universe to fight evil.
    Be generous, kind and helpful but never let this be under pressure or coercion from others. Let this come from your heart. Generosity or being helpful must not be a result of an incentive to being rewarded for the "good deed". It must not come from bribery to be reciprocated. Give with and from the goodness of your heart without expecting reciprocation. Giving as a result of guilt without atonement is simply a way "buying" personal satisfaction.
    If we have LOVE and RESPECT in our hearts and we are willing to SHARE that love and respect, the good will always triumph over evil.
  4. GRATITUDE: Appreciate what you have and never take others for granted. When you give or when you are being compassionate or generous, do not ever expect reciprocation. God knows your good deeds. Be grateful but never expect others to be grateful towards you. Do not expect gratitude from others. It is an uncomfortable feeling, knowing that your generosity is not being reciprocated with gratitude, while you are always grateful for the generosities that you receive. Smile inwardly. This is when you let positive thinking overcome the negative. Disappointment comes to those who EXPECT reciprocation and gratitude, because vanity always expects a compliment or reward. Vanity thrives on praises, applause, and reciprocation. Never fail to say thank you. Learn how to make people feel good. Be grateful now, rather than feel the sorrow or regret that you never took the opportunity to say "THANK YOU". Apologize for your inconsistencies or failures but do not ever fail to thank the other person for tolerating you or for being patient with you.
    At meal time quietly pray and give thanks 3 times. First to God, second to the person providing the food, third to the people who grew or produced the food. Always be grateful for your life.
    If you want to thank God for your health and prosperity; thank him by helping yourself become better, thank him by helping others and sharing your love, knowledge, abundance and prosperity.
  5. RESPONSIBLE PROSPERITY: As you prosper through life you must exercise prudence and responsible ways to attain your wealth and prosperity. There is no need to deprive others in order for you to succeed. Negotiation is a two way street. Being responsible means that it is your obligation to make sure that both parties are satisfied. Always keep in mind principle #1. Rewards seldom come immediately but you must stay focused, focus will determine your reality. You will always hear sayings about what money can’t get for you. Undeniably that is true. That is why you need to practice responsible prosperity with charity and compassion in your demeanor. In order to prosper we first need to survive. Survival is our basic instinct. To survive we the creatures of God need the basics of: Sustenance, Shelter, Energy, Unity, Propagation, Security, Exploration, Healthcare, Education, Pleasure, Leadership and Communication. Acquire your basic needs to prosper, but always with responsibility and accountability.
  6. APOLOGY: What a great way to calm down an angry person. Apologize for your mistakes. Make your apology and mean it, without any "buts" in your sentence. Apologize even to the child that you just took for granted. A great exercise in humility. It is difficult to apologize when you are vain. An apology shreds vanity.
  7. FORGIVENESS: Listen. Quietly listening can work wonders. Listen to the person who wants to be forgiven. Learn to accept an apology without bitterness. Forgiveness opens the path to better and meaningful communication. Learn to forgive yourself. Give yourself a chance to improve and be a better person.
  8. ACCOUNTABILITY: We will be accountable for all our thoughts, words, and deeds. Don't be a bully. Teach the children to give respect. Teach them not to cheat, not to insult and not to deprive. When at fault, learn to apologize. An apology can melt a heart of stone. While in this world, there are rules and laws that demand to be followed. Disobedience can lead to severe consequences. Accountability is not simply for our corporeal life. We will also be accountable in the after life. Accountability does not simply apply to the negatives that we have done, it is also for the positive things in our life. Your good thoughts, words and deeds will be rewarded. Anytime you follow, lead or forge the path for the positive, good things will always happen to you. Every time you reach for something (positive or negative), you create a permanent path or bridge back you. Through the generations and in many cultures there are sayings of "you reap what you sow", "Karma", "what goes around, comes around". The path we take here in this universe will be the path to our spiritual state. Every moment through your journey in life, you create paths of "to and from". The Positive or Negative may travel those same paths that you have created in your life in either way. To hold someone accountable requires prudence whether it is for the accountability of what is good or bad. The law of the universe listens to "apology" and our ability to forgive. Our inability to apologize or forgive will only create the same results for our actions. These are all about accountability.
    Do not Cheat. Do not Insult. Love but never deprive, share and be balanced and you will be ENLIGHTENED.
    The greatest force that keeps us in darkness is cheating. We lie. Then we begin to believe in our own lies. The first step to enlightenment is to stop lying to ourselves. By accepting our past, we accept the truth. Learn from the past(truth), this will allow us to know ourselves and bring us closer to enlightenment

  1. Love
    • Love creates transparency. Love creates clarity. Express your love in thoughts or feeling, in words, in gestures, in deeds or in your conduct. Share the love. Don't keep it inside. Never be ashamed to hug your loved ones. Go ahead and say it or write it: "I love you". Love is to be shared and never to be tested. Enjoy the love of your loved ones. Awaken the love that is inside you. Never allow hate, insecurity, hostility, animosity, atrocity, abomination or detestation drown the love inside you. The need to belong or to unite is a catalyst that can't be ignored. Temper your need to belong with LOVE. Love does not just apply towards others, it applies to yourself as the individual. Love should never be limited to people within your ideological circle, religion or family. Learn to love everything in this universe. Enjoy life. Enjoy your surroundings. Enjoy mother earth.
  2. Share
    • Share your prosperity, share your abundance, share your knowledge, share your acquisitions and most of all share the love that is in your heart. Be kind. Kindness allows us to reach out. Kindness is a great way to communicate. Try to be helpful. Try to do a something good for yourself and others. Be compassionate. Try not to tease or insult others. Share your abundance and be generous whenever possible.
    Prosperity comes with work, you need focus and determination to follow and realize your goals, hopes and dreams. Hope is inherent in all of us. You can beat a person down but if he has a shred of hope in him, he will stand up and fight. Hope can lead a person to prosperity.
    Prosperity is threefold: Material prosperity, Intellectual prosperity, and spiritual prosperity. The acquisition of material and intellectual prosperity does not guarantee us happiness. Reaching for spiritual prosperity touches happiness, it touches love. For humanity to prosper, we must share, we must be involved. Humans are born selfish! Parents and Adults must teach children to share. As you chip away at your "rock of selfishness", sharing becomes easier. Conversations and relationships become less & less difficult.
    Develop what you can but with the attitude of sustainable development for posterity. Harvest the bounty of the world but always let nature return to its living splendor. You are the steward of your body and soul and of this universe. Develop your body, your mind and soul. But never deprive others or this universe in the process of your development. Having the ability to SHARE embedded in our soul: Makes us: generous, kind, helpful, merciful, compassionate, amiable and tender. Be compassionate and try to alleviate the needy, the suffering, the sorrow and misfortune of others. Sharing makes the universe a better place. Learn to share the cheapest and most abundant human positive commodity, the SMILE. A smile is irresistible, compelling, persuasive, contagious, and catching. A simple smile can change the life of an individual to help build a kinder and braver universe to fight evil.
    Be generous, kind and helpful but never let this be under pressure or coercion from others. Let this come from your heart. Generosity or being helpful must not be a result of an incentive to being rewarded for the "good deed". It must not come from bribery to be reciprocated. Give with and from the goodness of your heart without expecting reciprocation. Giving as a result of guilt without atonement is simply a way "buying" personal satisfaction.
    If we have LOVE and RESPECT in our hearts and we are willing to SHARE that love and respect, the good will always triumph over evil.
  3. Do not Cheat
    • One of the hardest thing to do. Almost instinctively we try to cheat when trying to have, attain or crave something that we don't have. When we cheat, we do not only lie to others, we lie to ourselves.
  4. Do not Insult
    • We learn to tease (insult) as children. When teased, children get very angry and they emotionally get hurt. As we grow to be adults we become experts at insulting each other. Battles, wars, and killings are started by simple insults. A person who insults another does not respect the other person. If you respect an individual or anything you will not insult. GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT.
    • Do not make a mockery of the shortcomings of others.
  5. Do not Deprive
    • To take away, remove, deny, keep away, withhold from the enjoyment or possession. Deprivation of life, communication, freedom, education, food, shelter, (basic needs), etc... When an individual is denied of certain privileges, not because he or she has done something wrong but because his/her culture or society simply dictates it, is a form of deprivation.

I am old now, yet I can't master these 5 things that I came up with in 1969. I continue to hurt the people I love. But this does not mean that I have given up.

✅ Find atonement and repentance when you Cheat, Insult or Deprive. The first step towards repentance or atonement is apology. Then this will lead you to forgiveness. You must find the humility to apologize for your wrong doings, then you must forgive yourself. This will develop an attitude in your heart to be able to forgive others.
✅ Our thoughts, words and deeds always have consequences. Ultimately,We will be held accountable for the positive or negative effects of our thoughts, words and deeds.

Remember these words:

  • Do not Cheat. Do not Insult. Love but never deprive, share and be balanced and you will be ENLIGHTENED.

Frank Maletsky

  • We are plagued with Bias, Prejudice and Bigotry.
    • Race, Color, Creed, Religion, Ethnicity, Location of residence, Nationality, Occupation, Income, Education, Beauty, Deformity and Sexual orientation continue to feed bias, prejudice and bigotry. Universal Stewardship provides the guidelines to avoid these pitfalls.

We are the guardians, protectors, custodians, keepers, caretakers, maintainers, defenders, overseers, curators, administrators and stewards of God's blessings and creation

We are the guardians, protectors, custodians, keepers, caretakers, maintainers, defenders, overseers, curators, administrators and stewards of God's blessings and creation.

God reveals himself to us through creation. We are not to have dominion over creation, we have been entrusted to live in harmony with God's creation.

  • We are to have responsible and sustainable stewardship over God's creation.
  • Utilize God's creations to improve yourself, to achieve your goals, and to learn as much as you can from your journey in life. Do not abuse God's creation. Gain from it and share your abundance. Develop what you can but with the attitude of sustainable development for posterity. Harvest the bounty of the world but always let nature return to its living splendor.
  • Always treat God's creation with: RESPECT, PRUDENCE, GRATITUDE and KINDNESS.
  • Do not waste. Use only what is needed. Do not simply discard when you no longer need a usable item, donate it or recycle it. Recycle all waste products and do not simply dump them. Keep our environment clean.

We survive and prosper by utilizing God’s creation. As long as we are on this planet, everything that we do is intimately and intrinsically connected as it is all throughout the universe. The cycles, the randomness, the sunrise or sunset; for an instant there is no difference. It is all in the motion.

A man sailing out in the open sea sees a sunrise and at that very instant a man riding his horse somewhere sees a sunset. The air that the Brazilian feels against her face could possibly be that same air that gently touched the face of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. The rain that the Australian feels rolling down his cheek could very well be originated from the evaporated waters in Mongolia. We are all connected. We all breath the same air and we all drink the same water. Care and sustain mother earth. Do not pollute, corrupt or defile our source of life. Let us protect our environment, our habitat.

The development of technology allows us to manipulate science for the advancements towards prosperity of humanity but more often than not, at the sacrifice of mother earth. The growing knowledge of science and technology is meant to help in the salvation of God’s creation and not simply for the prosperity of humanity.

Every child outgrows its nest. Soon humanity will outgrow mother earth. Will mother earth be able to nurse us until our minds will be advanced enough so we can wield its ultimate power of traveling beyond time, space and matter with a the simple power of our thought? Maybe, maybe not. Until then let us not deprive mother earth with the advancements of science and technology. Let us be the stewards of the universe. Let us propagate universal stewardship.

The bible documents that humans shall have dominion or shall rule over the earth. It reads: "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule (have dominion) over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." That mentality has led us to the deterioration of our environment. We are not to have dominion or rule over the earth. We are supposed to be the guardians or stewards of mother earth.

The order of things are as follows: God, self, family, country(tribe), religion(ideology). Let us not ever forget that. Universal Stewardship is not about religion or country. It is about God's creation.

We are humans

We are the spiritual creatures of GOD and given this corporeal body to understand the fragility of the heart. We feel! Our feelings are embodied in our thoughts, words, and deeds. We are here on Earth and in this universe to spread LOVE. As a child we seek love, because that is all that we have when we are born. From the very beginning we are magnetized towards love. We want to belong to love. The need to belong is strong. We yearn to connect.

  • We are born with the greatest gift from GOD, that is the gift of Love. Love is non-corporeal. He also gave us another gift, the instinct for survival, the instinct to belong, a conscience and the freedom of choice. We use this instinct so we can survive, learn, persevere, prosper, be healthy, be strong, have ambitions and be on a quest. This survival and belonging instinct came with the intrinsic essence of fear. The fear of loss or failure, the fear of being alone, of being hurt or of dying. All these combined with a conscience that guides us to what is prudent to act upon. A conscience that instinctively nudges us when we are about to do something wrong or right.
  • The need to belong is a catalyst that can't be ignored. This is inherent in every human being. Temper your need to belong or to connect with LOVE. Love does not just apply towards others, it applies to yourself as the individual.
    • This need to belong or the need to be connected with others is a catalyst for the good and for the bad. Use your gift of choice from God wisely.
  • Our instinct to belong, to feel connected, to yearn, to love and to share this love is the essence of our humanity. This is the impetus for our quest, for our journey in life, our journey towards enlightenment.
  • The need to belong is always tempered with the feeling of primal connection.
  • The feeling of deprivation is the first negative feeling a human experiences. When a baby is removed from its mother's womb, its first instinct is to cry (feeling of loss and pain). This cry also brings in the breath of life. We have just experienced our first conundrum.
  • Birth brings forth life and joy. The instinct of every parent is to love and care for the young. The instinct goes beyond love and care. The need to protect the young is undeniable. The need to nurture, protect, and teach is deep.
  • We are UNIQUE. At a given point in time each person in this world is the youngest living person on earth. It becomes your task to learn and improve upon what the older generation have laid out for you. You learn as much as you can, share as much as you can, and love as much as you can because there will be a time when you may be oldest living person on earth. Then you ask yourself; did I enjoy life? Did I share my love and make it known to the people I love? Did I contribute to the sustainability of universal stewardship? Did I contribute to the betterment of Humanity? Accountability sets in.
  • God created the universe and all life forms. The evolution of the occurrences in the universe is perpetual.

Evolution is the gradual development or transformation of something (life-form), from a simple to a more complex form that it was originally meant or created to be. Evolution is a fact.

The argument that all creatures on earth just appeared in one day is argued upon by atheists viciously. Even some theists agree that evolution continues to work its wonders.

The acknowledgment that evolution is a fact does not dismiss the existence of God. God exists. He is the universe and beyond it, he is everything. He is infinite. He is the past, present and future. God is TIME, SPACE, FREEWILL, MATTER, FORCE, GRAVITY and DIMENSIONS. Beyond positive or negative. He created perfection. We are God's creation. All of God's creation is wrapped around Time. We are the stewards of the universe.

Religions argue furiously that there is no such thing as evolution. Atheists argue that there is no such thing as God but accept evolution. Creation is an unexplainable fact that embraces evolution.

Man as we know it may be at the apex of its evolution or man may still be evolving into what it is meant to be by God.

The Universe

God created the universe. He created a perfect place for prosperity and happiness with accountability.

God is time and freewill. When he created the universe, he shared himself (time and freewill) and he embedded randomness and life in his creation . Freewill and randomness made life more interesting and unpredictable.

When he shared his freewill, he simultaneously created souls-spirits (eternal) with freewill and other corporeal life forms with intrinsic freewill as well and he infused this new creation with the delicate ingredient of emotion. Freewill and emotion are two powerful forces in this universe which nourishes and destroys.

How God created the universe is the playground of theorists. What everybody seems to agree on is that there is Time, Randomness, Matter, Space, force, gravity and even dimensions. Then there are theories of the opposites and multiverse.

Most scientists seem to agree on the big bang theory and even in the recurring big bang theory. They theorize on the ever expanding and contracting universe and that the cycle of life and intelligence goes off and on.

The universe is an eternal creation of God. Not a multiverse or contracting or expanding universe. Just one infinitesimal universe. What has been observed by scientists as they see the expanding galaxies is simply the hour-glass effect. What scientist are observing is simply a minuscule portion of the universe that follows the effects of gravity.

All these clusters of galaxies as is currently being observed, is simply one "occurrence" which will finally succumb to gravity and will be sucked into this "black hole", the center of the hour-glass, and as gravity accelerates all these galaxies through this convergence, it then shoots out the opposite side with such force as to create a "big bang" effect.

There is no contraction and expansion of the universe (occurrence), gravity simply pulls all of its content (galaxies) and all it's forces on through to the other side. There is no end. It is simply a continuance in this one "occurrence".

Modern science call an occurrence the "universe". Our perception of the universe as we see it today, is but a single occurrence. Scientists have estimated this occurrence to be about 13.5 billion years old. How long before it goes on through to the other side? How many cycles has it been through already? There are countless "occurrences" all throughout the universe. These occurrences do not have a simultaneous behavior in their existence. One may be “emptying” while another may be “filling”. The "universe" that the scientists are talking and theorizing about is simply one of these countless occurrences within the infinitesimal UNIVERSE that God has created. The life of these occurrences continue to cycle over.

Each of these occurrences are separated by the vastness of space. This vast "emptiness" as science currently calls it, is not empty at all. This "emptiness" is what holds the universe together and it is entangled with the spirit domain where everything is connected and intertwined. The soul (conglomerate of thoughts) of the sentient being dwells in the spirit realm where it is not confined, restricted or limited by matter, space, gravity, or dimensions. Matter, Space, force, gravity and even dimensions are the perception of sentient beings in the corporeal world where energy is utilized to accomplish anything and everything. In the spirit world, none of these are essential. Will power and emotion are the two essential forces from God that allow the spirit world to be vibrant with life.

Within this universe God created a LIFE force, spiritual and corporeal and along with this came Free Will. Everything that God has created can be destroyed, only two things will remain unimpaired: Time and Freewill.

Time is the past and the future which hinges on the present. There are all kinds of theories out there about bending space and time but that's all they are, theories. Time is one with the universe. If you change the past in this room, you change the past in this area, this world, this solar system, this galaxy, this occurrence, and the universe. You can't change the past, but it can certainly be viewed with the power of the spirit world, everything is in the present. Neither can anyone visit the future. The future is simply variables of probabilities that hinge on randomness and free will within the present. The future out there in the galaxies where free will is not involved depends solely on randomness. The future is not "written in the stars". It is yet to come whether it depends on randomness or free will. A person can certainly predict the future for a specific personal act. Such as the act of swallowing water. Only one free will is involved here and that is his. As soon as more people are involved in a decision making, the future becomes vague. Now, when you combine this with randomness, it becomes almost an impossibility. However, with future quantum computations predicting the probabilities of occurrences, the future may be manageable but it can never be as dead set as the past. The Universe is perfect as God created it and the future certainly depends on randomness and the conglomeration of humanity's freedom of choice.

Free will is the gift from God. This is what helps make the unpredictability of the universe manageable. Freewill is what makes the universe fascinating

Randomness is inherent in the universe. Force and gravity partake in the randomness within the universe. Randomness is uncontrollable. Science will later make it manageable but never stoppable.

Religions write about prophecies (what is to come) or about the "End of times", "Armageddon", "Judgement day", "New beginning". Many believe them to be true. They believe in predestination, yet they also believe in "free will". Now this contradict each other. A prediction for one's action may come true unless deterred by randomness or the "freewill" of another. Since freewill is one of the 3 unchanging God-created factors in the universe, therefore there is no predestination. However, the enlightened (good or bad) spirit who can wield the energy of the corporeal and spirit world may reveal their intentions to sentient beings and make it so to be passed on down as "prophecy" or "revelation". Powerful they may be to cause their will to be materialized in the future, but it remains only as a possibility because the "free will" of another powerful spirit may interfere. Freewill and Randomness will forever be there to change things up.

Also there is no “OMNISCIENCE” (know everything including the future). God is attributed with absolute omniscience by all religions. God’s absolute power to do and create whatever he “wills” is confused with omniscience. There is no future to “see” but there is a future to be created. The will of God can plan (“predict”) that a galaxy will be created because he will make it so. The galaxy “was” not there in the future. It was not there to be seen. When God gave his sentient creation “Freewill”, he gave it without limitation. Freewill and randomness are the unknown factors. God can control and manage randomness but not the freewill of his creations. He can destroy “freewill” and take it all away from his creations, but God created perfection so he will not take “freewill” away. Without “freewill” there is no perfection.

Instinctively we seek prosperity, longevity, and enlightenment

Survival is our basic instinct. To survive we the creatures of God need:
Basic needs.PNG

Copied verbatim from:

These are the twelve(12) basic needs of humanity. Each of us has the obligation and right to survive. Everyday we face the challenge to live so a part of us (posterity) will never die.

✅ 1. Sustenance: the air we breath, food, water, a source of strength, nourishment and universal energy.

✅ 2. Shelter: A sanctuary. Protection from the elements and from danger. A refuge.

✅ 3. Energy: resource for the maintenance of warmth, comfort, activities for continued progress and prosperity.

✅ 4. Security: Protecting oneself and family. Method of guarding our community, its assets and equity . Protection from predators, from plunderers, from thieves, from bullies and those who deprive. Protection from natural disasters. Security guarantees survival. There is no security in weakness. Security sustains prosperity.

✅ 5. Healthcare: The weak, the injured, the sick, and the elderly must be cared for.

✅ 6. Education: Learn from your surroundings or environment. The sharing of knowledge is a must for the continuity of prosperity. To acquire and maintain sustenance, shelter, energy, security, and healthcare the community must share its knowledge through INFORMATION dissemination or education. Education nurtures innovation, science and technology.

✅ 7. Unity: Man needs to belong. Man needs a family. Man has a need for companionship, community, cooperation and camaraderie. Man has a need to bond and stay connected, we need relationships. We are happier when we are in a good relationship. We are healthier when we are in a good relationship. Humans deteriorate when we do not communicate, we fall apart when we are not united, we easily get sick when we are not in a prosperous relationship. Unity helps build the path to self-realization. Unity helps build trust. The inability to connect causes narcissism, it causes loneliness, it may even cause suicide. Unity demands love. Unity needs respect. Most of all humanity needs unity with God.

✅ 8. Propagation: Sexual Pleasure and Continuity of humanity. We get pleasure in helping create the next generation.

✅ 9. Pleasure: The need for enjoyment, amusement, entertainment, self-gratification, self-esteem, fun, happiness and contentment will always be sought for by humans. We get pleasure from achieving our goals.

✅ 10. Exploration: We are instinctively curious of the unknown. We pursue it. We question our own existence, the universe and we even question the existence of God. At the end of every quest, we embark on another. For every answer, we tinker with another question.

✅ 11. Communication: We need interaction. We need cooperation. In order for us to interact, we need to communicate. In order for us to cooperate, we need to communicate. In order for humans to achieve any of the above, we must communicate.

✅ 12. Leadership: As humans we always look for direction, guidance, control and management. As a group or a community we may all agree on something, but we always look up to someone to be in-charge, someone to be the leader.

Nobody has the right to deprive another human being from these basic needs.

Anything and everything that you want or could possibly want has already been provided and presented to you or laid out for you by God. You have to make your move to help yourself.

We create the future. We create the next generation. For the first few years they did not have a choice. We molded them. So when they come out the way they do (even though they can choose to change), don’t put it all on them, we laid out the path for them. God did not.

Government and our basic needs:

  1. Government and Sustenance: Government will assist in the feeding programs for the needy. Government aid will go to those who are certified to be physically or mentally unable to sustain themselves. Anyone found to be capable but suffer from “addiction” will receive free medical attention and evaluation.
    • Agriculture: Government will provide free research. Government will assist in irrigation programs, acquisition of seeds, fertilizer, pesticide and management. The government will actively participate in continued development of sustainable ranching, livestock production, aquaculture, reforestation (public and private). If finance is needed, loans will be given at low interest or no interest at all. Never a handout but always an assistance. Farm to Market roads (access) will be provided by the government and the security of such accesses will be guaranteed by the government.
    • Charitable organizations and individuals: Government must work with any organization or individuals who are willing to help the needy. Acts of kindness must never be condemned.
    • Those who are healthy and capable of working but found themselves in the certifiably temporary need of assistance will be helped. They will get the temporary help while following the guidelines towards self sustainability, “give a hand up, not a handout“.
  2. Government and Shelter: Emergency shelters will be the immediate responsibility of the government. Temporary homeless shelters will be provided. However, each family or individual must pass a thorough vetting procedure. These shelters are meant to help the needy get back on their feet and back to mainstream society. Never meant to be a permanent residence for the capable. Those found incapable of moving on, will be reevaluated again for mental or physical disorders.
    • Government must entice private industry to provide affordable housing through taxation incentives.
    • Government will protect property owners from deprivers or squatters.
  3. Government and Energy: Government will assist the private sector in creating and maintaining energy resources. Government will regulate the private industry in this field. The private industry will be allowed to profit from the marketing of energy but never to gouge the citizens. Incentives must be provided for the development of continued sustainable source of energy.
  4. Government and Unity: To foster Unity, the government will make RESPECT the “standard bearer” of the government in all its functions. RESPECT will be the priority in all public schools. GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT. “Respect is to be earned, only if lost once given.”
  5. Government and Propagation: Government must never interfere in the basic human rights. Government must protect human rights. The freedom of choice must always be respected. However, this does not mean conceding to the deprivation of others. To be able to propagate, life must be protected. The basic needs of humanity is mute without life.
  6. Government and Security: It is the obligation of the government to protect its sovereignty and boundaries or its domain. Prosperity must always be protected from deprivers. Government must protect its citizens and registered residents from foreign and illegal intruders.
  7. Government and Exploration: Both government and the private sector will share common knowledge in exploration. A common database must be created where access is free.
  8. Government and Healthcare: Each individual must take care of himself/herself. Within a community or government the ultimate responsibility for the service of healthcare is that of the government. Healthy citizens enhances the prosperity of the country. The private sector will supply the government with all the necessary supplies at responsible profitable rates.
  9. Government and Education: The inherent responsibility of education is upon the individual, the family, the community and ultimately the government. Free education is the responsibility of the government. Educational supplies for students will be the responsibility of the citizens. Educated citizens enhances the prosperity of the nation.
  10. Government and Pleasure: The freedom of choice will never be taken away from the individual. The right to be entertained and to be happy will be left to the private sector and it is the government’s job to make sure that the laws, rules, or ideologies of others will not deprive this individual right.
  11. Government and Leadership: Government can’t function without leadership. This remains to be in the hands of the citizens.
  12. Government and Communication: Government must guarantee the free flow of public information. The freedom of speech must be upheld but never at the sacrifice of human rights. Never at the sacrifice of RESPECT. Cooperation must always be encouraged.

Once survival is secure, our minds begin to think about prosperity. Let us go back in time when humans have not yet grasped the idea of farming, animal husbandry, reading, writing or advanced technology. The day to day activity of man was simply to find sustenance and maintain his shelter. As he was able to find the right dwelling for his shelter, he was able to return to this abode after he has garnered his sustenance for the day. This dwelling is a precious possession and must be protected for his survival. He begins to think of ways and means of protecting his prized possession. The skill set that he has developed for foraging and hunting must now be also directed toward the protection and preservation of his dwelling from predators and competitors who wish to plunder upon him. Man learns fast that it in order to survive he must not only have sustenance and shelter, he must also have security.

The survival instinct, forced man to think of his security. Injuries forced him to think of ways and means to save and cure himself.

As he became more stable, man began to think more of the what if's. If I can do this, what will it do for me? The man who had the skills to cure wielded the power of life and death, and with this the notion of the power over death came to be. The man who had the highest skill set of security (fighting, attacking, defending) became the leader and protector. The community looked up to this protector and relied on his strength and skills for protection. They honored him. His words became commands that must be obeyed.
The man who had highest skill set of healing the sick became the "healer" and "wise man". The community looked up to and respected these two. Man in his greed took advantage of this.

The healer attributes the healing of the terminally ill to a power that is beyond his own. He realizes this and thus the enlightenment that there is a power incomprehensible by him or others. The healer begins to rely on this power of the great being that he can't see or feel but heals. He shares this knowledge and confirms himself to be the conduit to this source of power.

As time goes on, the "wise man" becomes a spiritual leader. For the severely injured he works his healing skills and begs the mercy of the being beyond.

Who is GOD?

God exists. He created the universe and everything in it. He is the past, present and future. He is infinite. God is in and outside of TIME, SPACE, MATTER, FORCE, GRAVITY and DIMENSIONS. Beyond positive or negative. He created perfection. All of God's creation is wrapped around Time. God is Time and Freewill.

He created Randomness and Free-will which are the catalysts in all of his creations. These two make the universe a very interesting and fascinating place. There is always something to look forward to. The past is the truth. The truth can't be changed. Randomness and Free will is about the future, and it can be manipulated but not seen, only imagined, planned or hoped for.

Religions portray God in many ways. One way is FEAR. Another is LOVE. That he is a jealous and controlling God. These are all qualities of a human leader which the creators of religions and ideologies gave God.

Did man know immediately that God exists? No! Man in his corporeal state is not fully joined with the spirit world and therefore lacks the clarity. Only those who have cycled from spirit to corporeal and back understood God more than anyone else. Man needed to experience God's creation to realize that God exists. Humanity's perception of God came in many ways. God is our creator.

Our emotions (positive and negative) not our intelligence made us first realize that there is God. The experiences of joy, happiness, laughter, prosperity, relaxation, bravery, love, compassion, kindness, sadness, anger, loss, anxiety, stress, fear, yearning, hope, guilt, greed, deprivation, vanity and hate helped us to be aware of someone superior to humans. These experiences made humans realize that there's something or someone out there that is beyond the powers of humans. When an individual accomplishes something that is beyond his personal capacity as he knows it, he then realizes a power from beyond has helped him.

When we see others suffer, we feel compassion. We get this sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. The instinctive kindness and mercy pours out from our hearts. When humans feel the ill effects of the negativeness in life, he began to question his own existence. Fear of deprivation sets in. He begins to justify his fears by asking questions like: What am I doing here? What is life? In times of prosperity and happiness, man doesn’t even have second thoughts about the “woes” of life.

God's plan is simple. He created us. We are to take this gift of Life and live to be prosperous and happy, to love and to share our abundance and be accountable for our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Since time immemorial, man accepted God and also denied the existence of God. There are more who accept vs those who reject. The common denominator in most of those who reject God is that they have accepted God before then somehow because of deprivation, selfishness, vanity or confusion, they have concluded that God does not exist.

Even atheist believe in love, yet they can't explain love. Love is not a simple reaction. Love transcends. Atheists believe in this but can't explain it. Yet they conveniently deny God. Every single one of them maintain the DENIAL LOGIC.

Many books were and are still being written about the non-existence of God and some of the authors became famous specially in the atheistic realm. These books were written based on the writings of religions. To them religion is the foundation of God. Wrong! God is the foundation of religions. Religions were invented by inspired humans for humans to belong to a group, to a community where they can share the same concept of loving and sharing, the same concept of who the supreme being (God) is.

The target or main topic of religion is always the after life. However, bear in mind that there is no religion in the spirit world. Religion is only for the living. Created by the living to benefit the living organization.

Who are these "false gods"?

Some cultures and religions worship many gods. Are they wrong? Believers in monotheistic religions think so. What is the common denominator in all these religions? It is the belief in the power that is beyond the corporeal realm. The belief that there is power beyond this world and that it comes from the spirit world and the universe itself. The power of God. We are humans. When we are desperate we ask, we beg and we pray. When we are at the end of our rope we reach out, we hope for a miracle.

Be focused when you pray. Focus requires internal visualization. This clarifies the mind and calms our soul and allows us to pray meaningfully and not just mumble repetitive words. Focus gives us clarity. Many cultures in their quest for focus have adapted the need for objects, trinkets, mementos, images, emblems, past heroes, leaders and loved ones with charisma and have elevated them to symbols of power to communicate with the gods. Thereby making the prayers personal and meaningful. As each symbol enables focus to open the portal to the spirit world for miracles to be performed, the symbol became the perpetual symbol of a god. Rituals are performed in honor of this god to show gratitude and wish to have him bestow his favor and maybe kindness on his followers or believers. They look up to the symbol or "entity" for hope. Yet the monotheistic believers condemn these people as non-believers for not praying to or worshiping the one true God. But, God did not create us to worship him.

So what is the difference between praying to a one God or to many gods? What are we doing when we pray? We channel, we communicate. God does not answer our prayers by pouring the "ocean" into our "cup" of need. Instead our "cups" are filled from the vessels dipped from the "ocean" by his spiritual stewards. Asking for help from a guardian does not mean you dishonor God. You are actually honoring God when you ask for help. You acknowledged the existence of God through prayer.

Find a "friend" in the spirit world. Someone you are comfortable to relate with and he/she can help you channel and focus your prayers to GOD. Communicate with your loved ones who passed away. Don't pray for them, you can pray or talk to them and ask for their help.

The powerful beings in the spirit world are not all good. There are those who are the followers of satan. Prayers are not only for the good, prayers can come from the bad as well. Satan and his followers also listen to prayers.

The human soul. Life after death, continuity and the connectivity (joining) and clarity

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When a loved one dies, we grieve. We dream. We still yearn for his/her presence. We set up a grave stone, a marker or keep trinkets to commemorate the memory of our loved one. In some cultures, there is cremation. Ashes are kept or simply tossed to th winds to spread and join the wonders of the universe.

We visit this site and "talk" to our loved one, instinctively believing that his/her soul is listening to us. Sometimes this presence after death is felt. We then began to get a hint of life after death. A hint that the human body has a soul. When a fellow human dies in an accident and we caused that accident, we feel remorse. We feel guilt. We feel the deprivation that we have caused.

Loved ones want to keep the memory of the ones who passed away for as long as they can. We keep objects or any old belongings to remind us of the presence of our lost loved one. A small community or village feel the same way for the loss of their protector or leader. Even before humans settled down in one location and they were still nomads, they kept mementos and tell stories of their great leader. There is always that attempt to reach out and gather strength from the dead.

Over the years, when the communication or link is strong and faith overshadows everything, the dead loved one communicates with the living. The living then gets these revelation and a sense of CLARITY. This experience of clarity of wondrous connection became embedded in the soul and it must be shared. This was shared and many believed. This was passed on down through the generations.

Recorded history revealed or manifested the "REVERENCE" that humans had for their dead loved ones, ancestors, or past charismatic leaders. Reverence towards dead warriors or heroes who died for others. These heroes or martyrs were revered. The longer the reverence the stronger the connection, and the path or connectivity becomes more fluid and the joining becomes easier. Monuments are erected, statues are carved, messages on walls, books are written, and objects made to keep the memory alive. Always maintaining connectivity. Unexplained miracles have occurred which were attributed to the dead. These verified miracles strengthened FAITH. And faith touches the soul.

This connectivity can only be maintained or strengthened by focusing our thoughts. The human spirit exists in the mix of time, space and matter just as our thoughts do. It defies gravity and dimensions. The ancients did not have much of technology to rely on. Their daily lives where much more geared towards the spirit world. Day and night were precise and the rhythm of life had clarity. More time went to the development of the discipline of the mind to focus and nurture the inner energy in every man to better understand God’s creation.

The mind that is disciplined, is clear from distractions. The human mind is the engine for our thoughts. The disciplined mind helps focus our thoughts. Two things can help an individual focus: Emotion and Tranquility. Emotion is split by love and hate. Purity of either one creates intensified focus. Tranquility which is the hardest to attain, disciplines the mind to achieve universality. However, love can piggyback tranquility whereas hate stands alone. Love allows the advanced disciplined mind to focus with clarity and to wield its ultimate power of travelling beyond the dimensions of time, space, gravity and matter with the simple power of thought. Imagination is a complex thought process. It mixes reality with fantasy. However, imagination when tempered and forged with disciplined "will power", can become a reality.

There are disciplines of "focus" practiced by some ancient arts that delve in this "power of thought or instinct". Some call it "ki" others "chi" or "qi" where the eternal energy of the universe touches the soul of the living being. The universe is energy. In the spirit world, energy is one with the soul. The soul flows in this universal energy. The "ki" or "qi" is a but a window into the vastness of God's creation.

The conglomerate of our thoughts is our SOUL. When we die, our souls temporarily linger in this corporeal world; a one final look around so to speak. Depending on the power of the Ki, manifestations can be experienced by the living and the lingering can be extended and profound messages can be embedded in the psyche of the living. As our souls finally leave this corporeal realm, it is joined with God in the spirit "world" which binds the universe.

The creation of the spirit world and the corporeal world was simultaneous. Souls in the spirit world were created to live as a corporeal being to gain the knowledge of relationships, sharing, love and sorrow for the loss of loved ones. Inadvertently, the opposites of which were also learned.

There are many accounted events of humans dying and coming back to life. They have stories to tell about the joining. Some experience only of reaching the spirit world but not that of actually meeting a spirit of a loved one. There are others who actually felt the joining, felt the clarity and actually communicated with the spirit of the dead.

Many religions believe in the communications with the dead. Catholics do not use the word dead for the revered persons, the word saint is used. It has been accounted for that praying to the saints have produced miracles. These miracles are only achieved when there is clarity, when connectivity is made and a joining is established. When the soul of the living touches the soul of the dead the joining is accomplished, then miracles happen. So the dead does not need your help. You need the help from the dead. People claim that they have been "touched" by the holy spirit when the joining is experienced. Touching the spirit world where time, space and matter is inconsequential, it is not the same as meeting, touching or connecting with a particular spirit. You are a step closer, you will feel the serenity of God. You are getting closer to the intensity of God where the spirits dwell. The spirit of the living must touch the spirit of the saint in order for miracles to happen.

All living creatures of God have souls. However, only sentient beings have the ability to be one in clarity with the soul while still living. God created us to be sentient beings with this great potential for clarity and connectivity. These experiences are glimpses into a way of life that humans are destined for. The destiny or evolution of humanity into its apex is for the living to be capable of touching the spirit world and with greater discipline and focus also actually touch and connect with the soul of the dead. The positive and the negative or the good and the bad exist in the world of the living as well as in the spirit world. Be careful who you touch. Wallow in the spirit world and soak in God's strength before you venture into touching the spirits of the dead. Remember it is their realm and not yours.

What happens to the sentient being whose mind hasn't developed? A being that died at a very early stage of life, what happens to the soul? Is it left to wander the spirit world without guidance? Souls with undeveloped "free will" flows back into the living for continued development. This is a the natural cycle. There are no constraints in the spirit world. However, sometimes a very young child that dies may already have an "old soul".

Free will or the freedom of choice does not die when our corporeal body dies. So it begs the question to be asked; is the soul forbidden from returning into a corporeal state? Remember, there is freedom of choice, so no it is not forbidden and yes the souls of any sentient being may go back and have another try at corporeal living. This is where the "old soul" becomes a reality. What's the advantage? The "joining" is the quest. When an old soul becomes corporeal again, only the accumulated instinctive memories are embedded in the corporeal body and the instinctive knowledge is also embedded in the genome. This explains inherited abilities and behaviors.

Every single sentient being in his spiritual state know who God is. Even those who did not believe in God in their corporeal state.

Every time a soul comes back it accumulates more instinctive knowledge. As a spirit the soul retains all of its memories of all its lifetimes but as a living corporeal being it only retains the accumulation of the instinctive knowledge. Such as leadership quality, creativity, charisma, talents, natural abilities, ki energy control, loving, sharing, kindness, greed and selfishness. Hence, we are not on the same footing in the corporeal world. We all have the same potential but there are others who are just further ahead. When these souls come back and there is misguidance from guardians or parents the child grows up to accumulate more negative instinctive knowledge. We re-incarnate into the corporeal world with the instinctive knowledge of who we were. We can get a little nicer or a little angrier. We accumulate more experiences but our fundamental instinctive nature improves very little at a time. History have records of men who were born of very little means yet rise up to greatness. We have read the stories of Moses, Buddha, Mohammad, Jesus Christ, Hitler, Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, and other modern charismatic cult and corporate leaders. People will die for them.
The power and greatness of each soul that comes back and be corporeal again depends on its closeness to the joining. The accumulation of instinctive knowledge and more so of the "ki" which allows the corporeal being to connect or touch the eternal energy of the spirit world. The greatest of them all would be the one who would while still in the corporeal state can wield the power of the spirit world through "ki".
Not all souls will decide to return. Others will simply choose not to. The return may not be to whence he was in his prior life. He may go back into a different dimension, a different galaxy, a different occurrence, a different species of sentient being. We are all the children of God, anyone of those who comes back may be more enlightened and can do "miraculous" deeds while in the corporeal state depending on how joined he is with the spirit world via his ki. One may come back to show us the path to prosperity of body mind and spirit, while another may come to lead us to the path of deprivation.

If you love someone try to maintain the connection, strengthen the bond of your love while you are still alive. Take the time to be with the people you care for. Time among the living is limited. Once wasted, it can never be regained. Don't make excuses. Take the time to attain and maintain tranquility in your life. Mix it with love then share it. You will then experience clarity.

When your loved one passes away, and after the sorrow, the loss, and the feeling of deprivation is gone, clarity will come. The bond that you have developed and strengthened while your loved one was still alive will help guide your path to the joining and feeling of his/her tranquil presence and love.

The modern technologies that we have developed, steered us away from this "connectivity" with the spirit world and henceforth to the souls (spirits) of those who died. Distraction became the norm. The development of the "connectivity" has been stagnated.

Bear in mind that your thoughts, words, and deeds have accountability. Accountability does not end with death. One of the greatest gift of God continues into our spirit world, and that is the "freedom of choice", our "free will". Our death does not take us to a "final" destination. Even in the spirit world our journey continues. The good and the bad exists in the spirit world, the path of the good and the bad crosses. The good being can become bad and the bad being can become good. We can choose and we will be held accountable for our choices.

"Heaven" or "Hell" as depicted in books are not destinations. Can't fool God. In the corporeal realm, bullies and deprivers get away with greed and destruction. There is no "hell" as a destination for the damned, the greedy, the vain or those with destructive behaviors. There is no "heaven" for the prudent, the just or the saintly. The quest for heaven, has that little ingredient of greed.

God is not about the eternal damnation or punishment in hell, and neither is he about the eternal reward of heaven. He is about accountability in terms of privileges. God is about serenity and love and the ever lasting opportunity to belong and be "more". God simply wants us to live our eternal life (corporeal and spiritual) and prosper.

In the spirit world, accountability is the key, there are merits and demerits. There is no “judgment day. There is no day of “reckoning”. There is no time of “revelation”. Merits and demerits are automatic and instantaneous.

An "angel" in "heaven" can fall and a "devil" in "hell" can rise, depending on choices made. We are the stewards of the universe.

Satan, who is he?

Satan is as real as Jesus Christ and as real as all of us. Satan exists. The bible describes satan as a the fallen angel (Lucifer). Is satan the son of God? Yes, he is. Just as all of us are the children of God. Why is satan powerful, influential and can perform amazing acts or miracles? Why is he depicted by many religions as a very powerful being? If God created all souls equal, why are some more powerful than others? Why can some manifest themselves in a corporeal form while others can't?

The creation of the spirit world and the corporeal world was simultaneous. Souls in the spirit world were created to live as a corporeal being to gain the knowledge of relationships, sharing and love. Inadvertently, the opposites of which were also learned. When a soul becomes corporeal, only the accumulated instinctive memories are embedded in the corporeal body and the instinctive knowledge is also embedded in the genome. This explains inherited abilities and behaviors. Every time a soul comes back it accumulates more instinctive knowledge. As a spirit, the soul retains all of its memories of all its lifetimes but as a living corporeal being it only retains the accumulation of the instinctive knowledge. Such as leadership quality, creativity, charisma, talents, natural abilities, ki energy control, loving, sharing, kindness, greed and selfishness. Hence, we are not on the same footing in the corporeal world. We all have the same potential but there are others who are just further ahead. When these souls come back and there is misguidance from guardians or parents the child grows up to accumulate more negative instinctive knowledge. We re-incarnate into the corporeal world with the instinctive knowledge of who we were. We can get a little nicer or a little angrier. We accumulate more experiences but our fundamental instinctive nature improves very little at a time.

The power and greatness of each soul that comes back to be corporeal again depends on its closeness to the joining which is the accumulation of instinctive knowledge and more so of the "ki" which allows the corporeal being to connect or touch the eternal energy of the spirit world. The greatest of them all would be the one who would while still in the corporeal state can wield the power of the spirit world through "ki". Not all souls will decide to return. Others will simply choose not to. The return may not be to whence he was in his prior life. The corporeal destination is random for those who are not fully joined. He may go back into a different dimension, a different galaxy, a different occurrence, a different species of sentient being. We are all the children of God, anyone of those who comes back may be more enlightened and can do "miraculous" deeds while in the corporeal state depending on how joined he is with the spirit world via his ki. One may come back to show us the path to prosperity of body mind and spirit, while another may come to lead us to the path of deprivation. Satan and his followers are of the latter.

Satan is a very old soul who chose to aspire the ability to be corporeal and spirit concurrently and eternally try to control both realms. He has been through several cycles accumulating instinctive knowledge and power. He gets more powerful after every cycle and he retains more of his spiritual memories in his corporeal state. Written history has revealed that he has the ability to manifest himself temporarily anywhere he pleases to be, but he still does not have the ability to stay corporeal eternally or to choose his corporeal destination. He still perishes while he is in the corporeal state. There will be a time when he will be in his final cycle where his corporeal body will be eternally joined with the spirit world through the power of his ki. Thereby enabling him to manifest himself anywhere in the universe and stay there as long as he wants. Satan and his followers preach that theirs is the only true path to salvation from damnation, the preservation of self via greed which breeds bias and prejudice. They preach love (selfish love). The love of only "among" a group of people. They preach tolerance. They cause conflict, then fear and submission. So he can effectively rule and influence through vanity and deception, through deprivation and the ever unreachable reward of fulfillment.

But satan will never be an unstoppable force. What he is doing is not unique, others like him are doing the same. There is competition, even from his followers. His problem is not only competition, his problem is the other unstoppable good soul with many others following him. The good will unite with affinity, whereas the evil competes and always stand alone. Evil may collaborate, but ultimately they will be at each other's throat.

Worship vs Reverence of God and Prayer

  • Worship by definition: The feeling or expression of adoration for a deity. To honor or idolize with religious rites. To praise (someone) excessively or obsequiously.
    • To worship: How does a person feel when he/she worships? It is difficult to explain. It is very personal. It is mostly about feelings, about gratitude and about love. Some in anguish for the lack of fulfillment. In some instances with the demand of sacrifices.
  • Reverence by definition: The deep respect for someone or something. To hold someone in a very high regard almost in fear of retribution.
    • To revere: How does a person feel when he/she reveres? A person behaves. He/She is in awe in an almost imposed poise of respect for the revered. A person does not want to offend the revered.
  • Prayer can be a part in the act of worshiping or revering. Prayer is a simple and honest wish or request for help or an expression of thanks or greetings. Prayer can help pave the path to redemption. Pray a little everyday. Say hello to your long lost loved ones. Have a nice meaningful conversation.
    What prompts a person to pray to God? A time of need usually prompts a person to pray. But there are many other reasons why people pray. Most are self-centered. A silent prayer is the best way to communicate with God and with his helpers who can help you. Praying builds and strengthens the link between you and the spirit world. The more you pray, the stronger the connection. The spirit world does not need a "voice". It can hear your thoughts "loudly". It is best not to show off to people that you "know" how to pray. Praying loudly in front of people you do not know can lead to vanity. Vanity is empty. Vanity will always remain as the favorite "sin" of the devil. It is easy to fall for Vanity. It is more difficult to be humble. Humility is acceptance. Humility is "quiet pride", it is between the individual and God. Once humility takes on a "voice" it leans towards vanity.
    • Pray not to ask God for forgiveness,,, God already forgave you.
      • Apology is important in life. Learn to apologize sincerely. Ask those who you offended for forgiveness and learn to forgive those who offended you. Forgive yourself, then after your atonement do not dwell in guilt, "Move on".
      • Why does a person ask for forgiveness anyway? He must have done something grave and hurtful to others or possibly failed to act, that now he personally feels the obligation to ask for forgiveness. Did he deprive God? No! He deprived the living. Yes, prudently ask God for forgiveness but do not stop there. There must be atonement or reparation for the behavior. If none of the people are alive for you to approach and ask for forgiveness, then be accountable for your actions through kindness. Kindness towards others, animals, and the environment. That's how you ask for forgiveness from God. Be accountable. Do reparations via kindness.
    • Pray not to say "thank you" to God..... God does not need your gratitude. He wants you to share your goodwill or your prosperity.
      • Thank those who where there for you when you needed them. Be kind.
    • Pray not to ask God for strength... God already gave you strength, you just need to learn how to use it.
      • God gave you the strength, so when you are down, pick yourself up, give it another try. Believe in yourself, believe that you can succeed.
      • Ask for guidance from your loved ones. The love that binds you will give you strength.
      • Respect humanity and all that is around you. Do not expect respect, give it. Respect builds strength.
    • Pray not to ask for prosperity....Anything and everything that you want or could possibly want has already been provided and presented to you or laid out for you by God. You have to make your move to help yourself.
    • A simple statement loudly or quietly of "Oh, God, help me!" made with humility and conviction to change for the better can and may work miracles. When you have concluded that you are not living the life that you want and you want to change, don't just wish for a change. You need to find that change, pray and fight for that change. Fight to find that better version of yourself. Fight with everything that you can muster. Fight with every ounce of energy that you have. Don't be shy, pray and ask for help, pray to your long lost loved ones. Death did not curtail your love. Communicate with him/her through prayer. He/She is there, always willing and able to help you. Communicate and reach out. Keep the bond alive, this allows them to protect you and be your guardian. Help is everywhere. Reach out.
    • Pray not to ask for security.....God provided us with the strength to secure ourselves. Do not give-in to bullies or those who want to deprive human rights. Security paves the way to prosperity. God gave you the ability to build the security for yourself and for those who you love.
    • Pray not to ask for peace..... The ability to attain peace is in the hands of humanity. We created the chaos, we can correct it.
    • Pray to stay calm and be with GOD.
      • God is always with you. Calmness will allow you to experience God. Calmness leads to tranquility and clarity. Calmness leads to true balance and happiness.

God did not put us here in this universe to worship him. Worshiping is like adding bribery on top of respect to get an extra bonus. We are not here to pray to Him and ask for help or miracles, or help solve our problems. We exists with all of God's creations, we interact and when we do; good and bad happens, accidents happen, diseases occur, prosperity is generated, and also there are tragedies. We are inadvertently responsible for everything that happens to us.

We are here to learn, prosper and utilize what is made available for us to use. We do these with reverence. We are here to respect and love one another, to share this love, to help each other, to be balanced and to be enlightened. We love, thank and revere God for everything around us. Thank God by helping others and making this universe a better place.

The greatest advise came from Jesus Christ: “Love one another as I have loved you.” This is easier said than done. Most people do not even understand what this “love” is, that Christ was talking about. However, we are humans. We have an instinctive need to bond. We reach out to belong. We may not understand it, but we crave for this unity.

Here is an acronym CORU, that may help: Care, Openness, Respect, and Understanding.

These four words can help simplify Christ's advise and guide the individual towards loving someone and be one of the stewards of the universe.

  • Care: If you care for something, someone, an idea or anything, you pay serious attention or consideration to doing, working or relating with it correctly to avoid hurting the individual, damaging the object, or putting it at risk. If you care, you are nicer, you are kinder. A young child responds to emotions as we all do. Be nice.
  • Openness: If you are open or transparent, you avoid cheating or lying, you avoid secrecy or concealment. Do not make the assumption that your opinion is not valid. Voice it out with respect. Your are being straight forward or frank. Listen to both sides of the story before you conclude. Communicate with an open attitude and never take the other person for granted. A smile on your face makes it easier for others to open up.
    The book of wisdom: Job 13:5 has been taken out of context: “Oh, that you would altogether be silent! This for you would be wisdom.”
    Silence (tranquility) is a great way to communicate with God. However, we are humans. Our senses must be invigorated with words, touch or gesture. Open up. Communicate.
  • Respect: GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT. “Respect is to be earned, only if lost once given.” If everybody is expecting respect, how can there be respect for one another? On the other hand, if everybody gives respect, there will be no need to expect it. The only time that respect needs to be earned is when the respect that was kindly given was disrespectfully lost. Anything done without respect is done either for the money, for a reward, as an obligation, out of tolerance, was told to, was forced to, was coerced to, or for vanity.
  • Understanding: To have compassion, patience, and sensitivity, for the action or words of the other person. To listen and comprehend, to communicate. To be prudent before reacting. Sometimes the person you care for may have made a mistake per your perception, but before you react or conclude try to understand the reason for her/his actions. That is why openness is important.

CORU must be tempered with attitude. Attitude is developed from childhood. Your past, your perception of your surroundings and events contributes to the development of your attitude. Attitude becomes embedded in our personality. People tell you to develop a positive attitude. “Don’t be negative” is what everybody hears when an opinion is contradictory. It is good to think about a positive attitude but it is not easy to do. So it is best to develop and “open” attitude. Start the day with kindness to yourself and others. Kindness to others can be in the simplest way of showing respect for the opinions of others or by talking in a softer tone of voice and not condescending. Allow others to express themselves without intimidation.

Learn to walk away from disagreements even from bullies. But if a bully insists to be abusive (verbal, writing, gesture, or physical) and you are more than capable, then by all means give the bully an attitude adjustment.

Practice CORU to be able to love and ultimately be HAPPY.

The evolution of sin and humanity's obsession with "SIN""

As the child grows, he wants to learn. He wants to be happy. He wants to play. He yearns companionship and seeks it out. The need to belong is strong. A growing child is not concerned with faults or negatives, he simply wants to enjoy life, have his sustenance, shelter and security. The growing child acquires all this from the parents or guardian.

As the child continues to grow the responsible parent or guardian teaches the child the 5 basic things in life: Love, sharing the love, no cheating, no insulting and no depriving. The parent teaches discipline and respect. There is reward for good deeds and punishment for bad but at all times acting with prudence. The parent teaches the child that there are consequences for his/her behavior, good or bad. The parent teaches love and sharing.

Parents or guardians always find it difficult to teach a child. The best tool in teaching the child is love. However, when accountability needs to be explained and consequences must be adhered to, the parents use the base instinct of fear of being hurt and deprived and the exhilaration of reward for being bestowed upon. Humans have developed many ways to impart discipline. Some use the corporeal consequence (punishment) others choose psychological, and some choose the combination. Nevertheless, it all boils down to the lesson of accountability for our thoughts, words and deeds.

It is in human's nature to protect what belong to them. Be it family, material things or intellectual property. We are proud of our prosperity, accomplishments and possessions. Pride is good, it makes humans accomplish great things. As we achieve more, we also recognize that others look up to us more, this gave us a sense of vanity. People admire our accomplishments and then so do we, which gives us pride. But the craving for more leads to vanity. Vanity leads to self-admiration, unwillingness to share, and to the other negatives in life. We begin to deprive others, we begin to cheat others, we begin to insult others. Vanity lead us to envy, to yearning for what we do not have, which then leads to transgression and to the deprivation of others.
The healer or spiritual leader of the tribe branded these undesirable qualities in humanity as sins. The chieftain or leader of the the tribe branded any contradictions to the rules of the tribe as crimes. The spiritual leader demands consequences and accountability and the tribal leader demands the same. The tribal leader is more direct in his application for the violations to his commands. It is simple corporeal punishment, or deprivation of privileges or assets, or the combination thereof. The spiritual leader has to use psychology in the application of punishment or accountability. His approach was using the instinctive feeling of guilt or shame in every human being. The idea of "sin" to identify these negatives in the human psyche was tossed around in the head of the spiritual leader. He contemplated on it and decided to incorporate the idea of sin in his teachings.
As the community developed and man became more sophisticated, these two pillars of society (tribal leader/chief and healer/spiritual leader) were looked up to as protectors.

With the introduction of "sin" the idea of "salvation" and "damnation" went beyond corporeal. It became spiritual. This made the spiritual leader even stronger. Now he has something to hold over his followers.

The idea of "SIN" grew from behavioral faults of individuals punishable through guilt, to Sins punishable in the after life. The idea of sin grew from the sins of individual to the inherent sins of humanity. Inherent sins that humans have before birth. The spiritual leaders then preached this(sin) and the fear of punishment in the afterlife which made his following grow.

Wrong-doings(Contradictions), misdeeds, violations are all labeled as sins. The obsession of spiritual leaders about sins brought forth the beginning of Religions.

When an individual deprives another and in the process hurts this other person, retribution is usually sought after by the person who is hurt. However, retribution can be averted through forgiveness via atonement or repentance for the violation(s) committed.

For the village leader, the accountability for violations (crimes) can only be met in the following ways:

  • Immediate warning only for first time violators of simple misdeeds.
  • Incremental degrees of corporeal punishments or simple fines (payment) for violations committed.
  • Banishment from the protection of the village or death.
  • To the village leader a crime unpunished or unaccounted for is a crime itself.

For the spiritual leader it is a little more complicated. He had to rely on the mystery of the unknown. This coupled with fear gave rise to mysticism. The physical, spiritual and intellectual surrender to the unknown gave the spiritual leader a control over his people that the village leader did not have. To build confidence and trust among his people, he had to work with GUILT and the fear of not belonging, and on the loss of Love. He preached that bad luck or bad things happen to those who offend the spirits. So he wielded his tools. SIN and GUILT to enable him to control his influence over his followers.

Guilt and shame

Guilt and Shame are emotions. We need emotion. We are humans. Guilt and Shame are associated with fear. The fear of un-acceptance, the fear of not belonging, the fear of depriving someone or being deprived, the fear of cheating or being cheated by the person we love drives this feeling of guilt and shame. The need for accountability is strong in humans. Guilt is a personal self-conscious emotion generated from the individual's thoughts, words, and deeds. Whenever we realize that we knowingly deprived someone who did not deserve deprivation, we feel that we have done something wrong and somehow yearn to have it corrected and this is "guilt" in action. Shame on the other hand is a self-inflicted emotion. Shame is wake up call. Shame erases vanity. Shame makes an individual focus on himself as a failure (in public). Shame diminishes a person's self-esteem towards others. Through guilt and shame the spiritual leader was able to build his group of followers.

Why do children feel ashamed? Why do they sometimes feel uncomfortable to step up and be recognized? Why are some children more sheepish than others? These behaviors are developed behaviors during the formative years of the child. It is true that there are children who are not as aggressive or as outgoing as others. But this has nothing to do with negative feelings or behaviors that a child has developed. Lack of discipline and education or too much of both can create these negative behavior. A child must grow with love, prudence, respect, kindness, gratitude, apology and forgiveness.

Strengthen the bond of the village with Reward

The chief of the village grants rewards to those who are loyal to him. Positions of confidence and status are awarded to those who do good for the village and to those who maintain loyalty to the chief.

The spiritual leader formulated the same technique. He had to come up with the "salvation of the soul" from the damnation of sin. He had to create a place where the damned souls are going to go. This place of damnation became HELL, and the place of eternal reward became HEAVEN.

Advent of Religions

Is religion bad? No! Religion is good. Religion gives a person something to believe in and something to belong to. Religion creates UNITY in people. The variety of religions provides choices. It allows the individual to belong to a group where he/she feels comfortable and accepted.

Did God create religions? NO! Religions were invented by inspired humans for humans to belong to a group, to a community where they can share the same concept of loving and sharing, the same concept of who the supreme being (God) is. To keep the group united the founders of religions capitalized on kindness and guilt. They also instilled the valued concept that the soul can be damned into eternal sorrow. So they based religion on the salvation of the soul from eternal damnation. Religion instills the idea in us, that we are born with the tendency towards evil. The founders of religions branded the survival instinct of humans, that would make a human deprive others for the sake of survival, as an inherent evil. Instead of molding and teaching the young to overcome this instinct to "cheat", "insult" and "deprive", by using the principles of universal stewardship, the spiritual leaders simply condemned this as evil.

Did God give us commandments? Did he make a laundry list for humans of what is good and what is bad? NO. God did not do any of those. Men did. God continues to inspire us everyday, God continues to communicate with us via our feelings and enlightened minds. God continues to communicate with us through nature. Visions or premonitions could possibly be inspirations from the spirit world or simply the captured thoughts that resonated from the living human consciousness. The spiritual leaders interpreted these inspirations and have conveniently written books and commandments in the name of God.

Writing things down as laws coming from men is not as intimidating as writing it down as coming from God. The spiritual leaders knew, that if the author is God, it will carry more weight and influence. Fear and guilt are the simple tools of the spiritual leader to make people believe. Again, preaching "Salvation from Damnation" worked wonders for the spiritual leaders.

Gathering people together to give thanks to God is good. Preaching all the goodness of humanity is good. Teaching humanity to care for mother nature is good. However, this did not get many followers. This did not create the bond to form a Union that the spiritual leader wanted for his group. So the formula was Fear. Fear from eternal damnation. The unexplainable natural disasters became capital goods for the spiritual leader. He capitalized on the CONSEQUENCES of the negatives. The negative brings on damnation. This created fear and fear from losing God became the ticket to the Unity for his organization, which later gave birth to religions.

Everyone feels guilt. When we do something wrong we feel that need for atonement. The founders of religions capitalized on this. Strangely enough Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, yet he did not start a religion. Gautama Buddha was not the founder of the religion of Buddhism. Judaism was not founded by Abraham even though he is honored as the father of the Covenant. The bottom line is this: founders of religions took the teachings of the great teachers and used their great teachings to create a religion to unite a group of people to sustain the contradictory force of others who do not believe in the same concepts. Hence, every religion teaches that their way is the only way. This kind of teaching creates conflict, bias and prejudice.

Every single religion did not start immediately as a religion. They all started as a group of people. Even in modern society, this is true. There is always that one person who has the charisma to lead, to organize and to use his idea to form a group or infuse his idea into an existing group. More often than not, the intention is always towards a lofty goal to better the community morally and spiritually. Founders of religions used philosophy and moral values as foundations of their teachings. They used the exemplary lives of past leaders or community members who led heroic lives and sacrificed it for the betterment of others, or of those who struggled through life and found atonement for peace and tranquility in their lives. These individuals, combined with philosophy and the teaching of moral values became the foundation of religions.

Religion grew on the desperation of humanity instead of its prosperity. Seldom would you read in the books of religions the teachings on how to be prosperous. Rarely is there anything about being pro-active. The focus is not on teaching the children the values of universal stewardship. Rather, the target of religions is on organizational growth and the preparation of humanity's salvation from damnation.

Our relationship with God is on a one on one basis. Accountability is personal and never as a group, an organization, a community or a nation. Our covenant with God is always personal and never as a religion. A group of people may decide on an action or commitment, but each individual made his/her own choice. As far as God is concerned the consequences or accountability later will always be personal.

The target or main topic of religion is always the after life. However, bear in mind that there is no religion in the spirit world. Religion is only for the living. Created by the living to benefit the living organization.

We will be held accountable for the positive or negative effects of our thoughts, words and deeds

  • Follow the golden rule:
    • "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or in simpler terms "treat others the way you want others to treat you."
      • Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.
  • Love transcends all. Express your love in thought or feeling, in words, in gestures, in deeds or in your conduct.
  • Prosperity comes with work, determination and focus to follow you goals, hopes and dreams. Hope is inherent in all of us. You can beat a person down but if he has a shred of hope in him, he will stand up and fight. Hope with a hint of possibilities can help lead a person to prosperity. Share your prosperity, share your abundance, share your knowledge, share your acquisitions and most of all share the love that is in your heart. Prosperity is threefold: Material prosperity, Intellectual prosperity, and spiritual prosperity. The acquisition of material and intellectual prosperity does not guarantee you happiness. Reaching for spiritual prosperity touches happiness, it touches love. For humanity to prosper, we must share, we must be involved. Humans are born selfish! Parents and Adults must teach children to share. As you chip away at your "rock of selfishness", sharing becomes easier. Conversations and relationships become less & less difficult.
  • The instinct for survival and the freedom of choice combined with the inherent need to belong breeds vanity in every human being. We need to discipline our thoughts, words and deeds so we may successfully do these 3:
  1. Do not Cheat
    • One of the hardest thing to do. Almost instinctively we try to cheat when trying to have, attain or crave something that we don't have. When we cheat, we do not only lie to others, we lie to ourselves.
  2. Do not Insult
    • We learn to tease (insult) as children. When teased, children get very angry and they emotionally get hurt. As we grow to be adults we become experts at insulting each other. Battles, wars, and killings are started by simple insults. A person who insults another does not respect the other person. If you respect an individual or anything you will not insult. GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT.
    • Do not make a mockery of the shortcomings of others.
  3. Do not Deprive
    • To take away, remove, deny, keep away, withhold from the enjoyment or possession. Deprivation of life, communication, freedom, education, food, shelter, (basic needs), etc... When an individual is denied of certain privileges, not because he or she has done something wrong but because his/her culture or society simply dictates it, is a form of deprivation.
  • Find atonement when you Cheat, Insult or Deprive. The first step towards atonement is forgiveness. You must find the humility to forgive yourself and others. Do not get stuck in resentment and harbor hatred and vengeance and the idea of getting even. Forgive but do not forget. Learn from your experience so it may not repeat itself. At the end of the day, thank GOD for all your experiences (bad or good), thank God for your passion, thank God that you are human and have emotions.
  • Repentance or atonement is for the offender himself. It is his way of setting himself free. Apology or penance done for the offended only satisfies the need for retribution. However, forgiveness without the need for retribution will set you free. The yearning for getting even vanishes into thin air. You become a better person.
  • Our thoughts, words and deeds always have consequences. Ultimately,We will be held accountable for the positive or negative effects of our thoughts, words and deeds.

Human rights

We are humans. We have the right to live a happy, prosperous and long life. We have the freedom of choice. We can love whosoever we please. We have the right to our individual privacy. Everybody is entitled to this. An individual who deprives the human rights of another, opens the door for the relinquishment of his/her own basic human rights.

  • Freedom of speech: It is the inherent right of every individual to express himself or herself without fear of persecution. Your freedom to say what you want to say must be managed with prudence. Your freedom of speech does not give you the right to insult others. Your speech must never disrespect others.
  • Freedom of choice: Your freedom of choice must always be tempered with reason. Your freedom of choice must never deprive others of what is rightfully theirs. Our freedom to love, to chose who we love, and who to unite with or marry can never be taken away from us. However, its execution may be deprived from us from the people in power who hide behind the shield of greed and bigotry.

We all have to follow the commanding rules of society for peace, tranquility, and equal rights. Human rights must never be confused with human privileges. Human Rights are inherent while privileges are earned.

There are still countries, cultures and societies who continue to adhere to their old values, customs and traditions which were formulated by powerful "MEN". Men who deemed themselves to be superior to women and sometimes superior to the inherent right of the "freedom of speech" and the "the freedom of choice". These men formulated their rules to fit their needs and condemned those who didn't fit the mold.

Every community, society or government has its set rules and guidelines meant to serve and protect the people. These rules and guidelines are man-made and as the community, society or government evolves, changes must be made to conform or strengthen the rules and guidelines. These changes must be accomplished peacefully and in a reasonable manner.

The five basic rules of Universal stewardship must always be adhered to.

Religions of the world are supposed to champion, advocate and promote "Human Rights". About 80% of the population of the world are followers of some sort of religion. From childhood, 80% of the population of the world are taught by their religion subliminally that men are better than women, that women are inferior to men. Religions make rules specifically for women and men are exempt from these rules. Just one example: Head coverings: Women are made to wear head coverings. Some religions even go to the extreme of punishing women for not wearing head coverings in public. Children grow up brainwashed into believing this "man-made" rules. The core issue of women's rights starts with religion. These are the same men and women who have been taught since childhood that men have more privileges. These same women grow up to be receptive to men's aggressiveness. So when these women challenge these established concepts, they are confronted with a solid brick wall. This 80% of the population must be RE-EDUCATED with the principles of universal stewardship.

Every human being has the right to these basic needs:
Basic needs.PNG

Copied verbatim from:

These are the twelve(12) basic needs of humanity. Each of us has the obligation and right to survive. Everyday we face the challenge to live so a part of us (posterity) will never die.

✅ 1. Sustenance: the air we breath, food, water, a source of strength, nourishment and universal energy.

✅ 2. Shelter: A sanctuary. Protection from the elements and from danger. A refuge.

✅ 3. Energy: resource for the maintenance of warmth, comfort, activities for continued progress and prosperity.

✅ 4. Security: Protecting oneself and family. Method of guarding our community, its assets and equity . Protection from predators, from plunderers, from thieves, from bullies and those who deprive. Protection from natural disasters. Security guarantees survival. There is no security in weakness. Security sustains prosperity.

✅ 5. Healthcare: The weak, the injured, the sick, and the elderly must be cared for.

✅ 6. Education: Learn from your surroundings or environment. The sharing of knowledge is a must for the continuity of prosperity. To acquire and maintain sustenance, shelter, energy, security, and healthcare the community must share its knowledge through INFORMATION dissemination or education. Education nurtures innovation, science and technology.

✅ 7. Unity: Man needs to belong. Man needs a family. Man has a need for companionship, community, cooperation and camaraderie. Man has a need to bond and stay connected, we need relationships. We are happier when we are in a good relationship. We are healthier when we are in a good relationship. Humans deteriorate when we do not communicate, we fall apart when we are not united, we easily get sick when we are not in a prosperous relationship. Unity helps build the path to self-realization. Unity helps build trust. The inability to connect causes narcissism, it causes loneliness, it may even cause suicide. Unity demands love. Unity needs respect. Most of all humanity needs unity with God.

✅ 8. Propagation: Sexual Pleasure and Continuity of humanity. We get pleasure in helping create the next generation.

✅ 9. Pleasure: The need for enjoyment, amusement, entertainment, self-gratification, self-esteem, fun, happiness and contentment will always be sought for by humans. We get pleasure from achieving our goals.

✅ 10. Exploration: We are instinctively curious of the unknown. We pursue it. We question our own existence, the universe and we even question the existence of God. At the end of every quest, we embark on another. For every answer, we tinker with another question.

✅ 11. Communication: We need interaction. We need cooperation. In order for us to interact, we need to communicate. In order for us to cooperate, we need to communicate. In order for humans to achieve any of the above, we must communicate.

✅ 12. Leadership: As humans we always look for direction, guidance, control and management. As a group or a community we may all agree on something, but we always look up to someone to be in-charge, someone to be the leader.

Nobody has the right to deprive another human being from these basic needs.

Anything and everything that you want or could possibly want has already been provided and presented to you or laid out for you by God. You have to make your move to help yourself.

We create the future. We create the next generation. For the first few years they did not have a choice. We molded them. So when they come out the way they do (even though they can choose to change), don’t put it all on them, we laid out the path for them. God did not.

Government and our basic needs:

  1. Government and Sustenance: Government will assist in the feeding programs for the needy. Government aid will go to those who are certified to be physically or mentally unable to sustain themselves. Anyone found to be capable but suffer from “addiction” will receive free medical attention and evaluation.
    • Agriculture: Government will provide free research. Government will assist in irrigation programs, acquisition of seeds, fertilizer, pesticide and management. The government will actively participate in continued development of sustainable ranching, livestock production, aquaculture, reforestation (public and private). If finance is needed, loans will be given at low interest or no interest at all. Never a handout but always an assistance. Farm to Market roads (access) will be provided by the government and the security of such accesses will be guaranteed by the government.
    • Charitable organizations and individuals: Government must work with any organization or individuals who are willing to help the needy. Acts of kindness must never be condemned.
    • Those who are healthy and capable of working but found themselves in the certifiably temporary need of assistance will be helped. They will get the temporary help while following the guidelines towards self sustainability, “give a hand up, not a handout“.
  2. Government and Shelter: Emergency shelters will be the immediate responsibility of the government. Temporary homeless shelters will be provided. However, each family or individual must pass a thorough vetting procedure. These shelters are meant to help the needy get back on their feet and back to mainstream society. Never meant to be a permanent residence for the capable. Those found incapable of moving on, will be reevaluated again for mental or physical disorders.
    • Government must entice private industry to provide affordable housing through taxation incentives.
    • Government will protect property owners from deprivers or squatters.
  3. Government and Energy: Government will assist the private sector in creating and maintaining energy resources. Government will regulate the private industry in this field. The private industry will be allowed to profit from the marketing of energy but never to gouge the citizens. Incentives must be provided for the development of continued sustainable source of energy.
  4. Government and Unity: To foster Unity, the government will make RESPECT the “standard bearer” of the government in all its functions. RESPECT will be the priority in all public schools. GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT. “Respect is to be earned, only if lost once given.”
  5. Government and Propagation: Government must never interfere in the basic human rights. Government must protect human rights. The freedom of choice must always be respected. However, this does not mean conceding to the deprivation of others. To be able to propagate, life must be protected. The basic needs of humanity is mute without life.
  6. Government and Security: It is the obligation of the government to protect its sovereignty and boundaries or its domain. Prosperity must always be protected from deprivers. Government must protect its citizens and registered residents from foreign and illegal intruders.
  7. Government and Exploration: Both government and the private sector will share common knowledge in exploration. A common database must be created where access is free.
  8. Government and Healthcare: Each individual must take care of himself/herself. Within a community or government the ultimate responsibility for the service of healthcare is that of the government. Healthy citizens enhances the prosperity of the country. The private sector will supply the government with all the necessary supplies at responsible profitable rates.
  9. Government and Education: The inherent responsibility of education is upon the individual, the family, the community and ultimately the government. Free education is the responsibility of the government. Educational supplies for students will be the responsibility of the citizens. Educated citizens enhances the prosperity of the nation.
  10. Government and Pleasure: The freedom of choice will never be taken away from the individual. The right to be entertained and to be happy will be left to the private sector and it is the government’s job to make sure that the laws, rules, or ideologies of others will not deprive this individual right.
  11. Government and Leadership: Government can’t function without leadership. This remains to be in the hands of the citizens.
  12. Government and Communication: Government must guarantee the free flow of public information. The freedom of speech must be upheld but never at the sacrifice of human rights. Never at the sacrifice of RESPECT. Cooperation must always be encouraged.

Nobody has the right to deprive another human being from these basic needs.

Our basic right to Security ranks up there with sustenance, shelter and propagation. During simple times when weapons of mass destruction and guns were not yet invented, it was with pride that every household possessed weapons; weapons that can defend, keep the peace, commit crime or whatever the user may want his weapon to be used for. As civilization prospered and got more sophisticated form of governance decided to control the number of weapons possessed by their citizens. Government became in charge of security and the responsibility for securing the peace in the community became the responsibility of the government. Security officers (government employees) did not want the citizens to possess lethal weapons. So rules and laws were created to justify this demand from the law enforcers. When crimes were committed with the use of lethal weapons, the argument for the disarmament of the citizens became stronger. Laws and rules and the enforcement thereof where always based on the criminal actions of the few demented people who are bullies and do not value respect and kindness. Violence always begets violence. There is always retaliation. The action of the security enforcers is always the same: "disarmament". But this is not the answer. The answer is in the behavior of humans. We need to embrace respect and kindness. Parents must teach this. The school system must teach this. Government must embrace this. Security is the right of every individual. It is not an inherent government right, it is an inherent individual human right. It must never be taken away from him.

Pride Vs Vanity

We are proud of our prosperity, accomplishments, possessions and our loved ones. Pride is good, it makes humans accomplish great things. As we achieve more, we also recognize that others look up to us more, this makes us feel good. People admire our accomplishments and then so do we, which gives us pride. But the craving for more leads to vanity or conceit. Vanity leads to self-admiration, unwillingness to share, and to the other negatives in life. We begin to deprive others, we begin to cheat others, we begin to insult others. Vanity leads us to envy, to yearning for what we do not have, which then leads to transgression and to the deprivation of others.

Pride is a feel good attitude. It makes one feel alive. Be proud of your accomplishments. Be proud of your family, your children, your parents and your spouse. Be proud of your country. Pride nurtures unity. However, never mistake VANITY for pride. Vanity is empty. Vanity will always remain as the favorite "sin" of the devil. Vanity prevents you from apologizing and forgiving. Vanity reflects self-righteousness. It is easy to fall for Vanity. It is more difficult to be humble. Humility is acceptance. Humility is "quiet pride", it is between the individual and God. Once humility takes on a "voice" it leans towards vanity.

Religions and ideologies must be kept separate from Government

Universal Stewardship does not advocate any government or any religion. However, we do insist that government must be kept separate form religions or any ideologies. We ask our followers to do their duty to God and their country and follow the principles and the rules of universal stewardship.

The order of things are as follows: God, self, country(tribe), religion(ideology). Let us not ever forget that. Universal Stewardship is not about religion or country. It is about God's creation.

As mentioned by the founder of Universal Stewardship, Franklin H. Maletsky, "Let there be freedom of religion, but keep religion separate from government. A country that bows down to the laws of religion will one day be governed by religion."

Government and Prosperity

Government can't prosper without the prosperity of the individual. No organization, community or government can prosper without the participation of the individual. The majority of individuals in a group acting together forges the success of the group. The 12 basic needs of humanity must be addressed. One of the most important need is the need for COMMUNICATION in order for a group, organization, or government to succeed and prosper. Every citizen must be treated with equal respect and must be availed with the same opportunities based on vetted qualifications.

Not all humans have equal abilities, intelligence, attributes and talents but this does not and should not diminish the rights of any human. Not all of us will prosper equally.

The 12 basic needs of humanity must be protected and maintained by the individual. It is in each one of us to be the steward of these 12 basic needs.

  1. Government and Sustenance: Government will assist in the feeding programs for the needy. Government aid will go to those who are certified to be physically or mentally unable to sustain themselves. Anyone found to be capable but suffer from "addiction" will receive free medical attention and evaluation.
    1. Agriculture: Government will provide free research. Government will assist in irrigation programs, acquisition of seeds, fertilizer, pesticide and management. The government will actively participate in continued development of sustainable ranching, livestock production, aquaculture, reforestation (public and private). If finance is needed, loans will be given at low interest or no interest at all. Never a handout but always an assistance. Farm to Market roads (access) will be provided by the government and the security of such accesses will be guaranteed by the government.
    2. Charitable organizations and individuals: Government must work with any organization or individuals who are willing to help the needy. Acts of kindness must never be condemned.
  2. Government and Shelter: Emergency shelters will be the immediate responsibility of the government. Temporary homeless shelters will be provided. However, each family or individual must pass a thorough vetting procedure. These shelters are meant to help the needy get back on their feet and back to mainstream society. Never meant to be a permanent residence for the capable. Those found incapable of moving on, will be reevaluated again for mental or physical disorders.
    1. Government will protect property owners from deprivers or squatters.
    2. Government must entice private industry to provide affordable housing through taxation incentives.
  3. Government and Energy: Government will assist the private sector in creating and maintaining energy resources. Government will regulate the private industry in this field. The private industry will be allowed to profit from the marketing of energy but never to gouge the citizens. Incentives must be provided for the development of continued sustainable source of energy.
  4. Government and Unity: To foster Unity, the government will make RESPECT the "standard bearer" of the government in all its functions. RESPECT will be the priority in all public schools. GIVE RESPECT. DO NOT EXPECT RESPECT. "Respect is to be earned, only if lost once given."
  5. Government and Propagation: Government must never interfere in the basic human rights. Government must protect human rights. The freedom of choice must always be respected. However, this does not mean conceding to the deprivation of others.
  6. Government and Security: It is the obligation of the government to protect its sovereignty and boundaries or its domain. Prosperity must always be protected from deprivers. Government must protect its citizens and registered residents from foreign and illegal intruders.
  7. Government and Exploration: Both government and the private sector will share common knowledge in exploration. A common database must be created where access is free.
  8. Government and Healthcare: Each individual must take care of himself/herself. Within a community or government the ultimate responsibility for the service of healthcare is that of the government. Healthy citizens enhances the prosperity of the country. The private sector will supply the government with all the necessary supplies at responsible profitable rates.
  9. Government and Education: The inherent responsibility of education is upon the individual, the family, the community and ultimately the government. Free education is the responsibility of the government. Educational supplies for students will be the responsibility of the citizens. Educated citizens enhances the prosperity of the nation.
  10. Government and Pleasure: The freedom of choice will never be taken away from the individual. The right to be entertained and to be happy will be left to the private sector and government's job is to make sure that no laws, rules, or rights of others are not violated.
  11. Government and Leadership: Government can't function without leadership. This remains to be in the hands of the citizens.
  12. Government and Communication: Government must guarantee the free flow of public information. The freedom of speech must be upheld but never at the sacrifice of human rights. Never at the sacrifice of RESPECT. Cooperation must always be encouraged.

Individual Peace, Family Peace, Community Peace, Country Peace, World Peace and Universal Peace

Our world, mother earth, is always at peace. The universe is always at peace. Our environment may seem chaotic at times. But that is because we do not understand all the creations of God. Humanity and sentient beings create chaos among themselves. Fights among individuals and people will never be avoided. Fights within a country can be avoided with prosperity. Fights among nations and worlds can be avoided through negotiations with diplomacy, prudence and a great security and defense system. Plundering and exploitation are mostly prompted by greed and the need to have material prosperity. Sometimes it is prompted by the need for survival.

The path to peace is through prosperity with accountability and security. An individual who has achieved responsible prosperity is seldom "wanting" or greedy. This is also true with the family, community, country, world and the universe. However, peace must always be protected. Defense or security must always be maintained. There is always a bully around the corner who will try to take what you have. We must also protect ourselves from natural disasters. Security guarantees survival and prosperity.

Any individual, organization, community, or country who gets complacent and leaves its values and prosperity unguarded will one day be taken down by the greedy, the depriver, or natural disaster.

Quotes to live by

  1. Jesus Christ: "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
  2. The Bible's golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or another way of saying it is: “Treat others the way you want others to treat you.”
  3. Moses: "You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another."
  4. Buddha: What we think, we become.
  5. Swami Sivananda: "Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
  6. Mother Teresa: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
  7. Billy Graham: "A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone."

Live Love Learn Teach Share

Living is not a RACE. There is no such thing as a "head start" to Live, Love, Learn, Teach, Share and be happy. Opportunities in life are not found in a linear path. Opportunities are all around us. You can be way behind and still get the best opportunity in life. Learn from the experiences of others. Learn the lessons of history and not just the events. Do not blame the past for where you are still standing. Move on and improve. We are humans. We have the freedom of Choice. Choose to communicate, choose to improve, choose to be part of someone, choose to accept people's kindness. Choose to learn from history to be better and not bitter.

All over the world, there are those who preach that the world is coming to an end because of all its evil deeds. They preach for the preparation towards the salvation from damnation. They point out all the negative things going on around the world. The fact of the matter is, humanity is getting better each day. We are just more aware of what is going on around us.

Take slavery as an example. All over the world slavery was once a common practice. As humanity progressed, slavery was gradually wiped out. Humanity is getting better each day.

Focus on the good, focus on prosperity and most of all focus on sharing your prosperity. Continue to live, love, learn, teach, share, be happy and be the stewards of the universe.

Love but never deprive, share and be balanced and you will be ENLIGHTENED

To do.jpg
My Philosophy in Life:

  • As humans, it is our nature to be on a quest.
    • Our origin is our past and we are heading for the future with multitudes of stopovers.
    • There is no destination, just stopovers in our journey to discover ourselves.
    • It is the journey that makes us who we are.
    • The more emotion we pour into our journey the more we improve.
      • Without emotion, we are nothing.
      • Positive or Negative, we have to give it our all.
      • The "Positive" or the "Negative" are simply the tools of our journey.
    • We have the freedom of choice and the power to reason.
      • Exercise this power and you will transform. The choices you make can either make you and others happy or sad. Anything and everything that you want or could possibly want has already been provided and presented to you or laid out for you by God. You have to make your move to help yourself.
    • Explore your surroundings.
      • Do your best to be aware of your surroundings. Everything around you is to be learned from. You can even learn from distractions. However, to achieve your goals, you must stay focused on the activity of your choice at any particular moment.
    • Experience the journey.
      • Remember your experiences. This is easier said than done. At the end of each day, thank God for all your experiences by helping others. Yes be they positive or negative, thank God that you are alive to experience them by making yourself a better person. Never ever blame God for the negatives in your life. You must learn from all the experiences in your journey. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness is a great equalizer and it helps balance your life. Don't get wrapped up in the in the negatives. Learn from them and move on to be a better person the next day.
    • Try to be happy. Smile and dance more often. Reminisce. Discover yourself.
      • The happiness switch is automatically turned on when you dance. It takes a lot of effort to stay angry when you are dancing.
    • Be balanced, share, and try to Love.
    • When your corporeal life ends, you will be held accountable for all your thoughts, words and deeds. Then this is carried forward to the spirit world where your journey continues.
  • Do not Cheat. Do not Insult. Love but never maliciously deprive, share and be balanced and you will be ENLIGHTENED.
Franklin H. Maletsky

How to make humanity aware and execute Universal Stewardship

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Sustainable Stewardship of God's Creation and the Prosperity of Humanity with Accountability

What are we doing to the hope of our future? What have we done to our children? What happened to our educational system? What have we done to Mother Earth? What are we doing to sustain her? We are failing in our responsibility as stewards of our home. We continue to have dominion over creation, we utilized what God has given us to build our prosperity without accountability. This prosperity gave some the power and wealth and many have fallen into the path of greed and are consumed in the deprivation of others to expand their empire and wealth.

As our civilization progresses, the majority of our population fail to achieve their dreams. Always at the edge of reaching but barely touching success, kept hungry for achievements and used by those who have already achieved. The powerful continue to stay powerful. Greed kept them strong to continue DEPRIVING those who are always in need. They have created an educational system geared and fashioned after greed with the illusion of chasing success. Most forget that the prosperity of businesses, around the world or that of a nation is built upon the prosperity of the individual.

It is a fact that our abilities and talents are never equal. There will always be entrepreneurs, employees, politicians, soldiers, scientists, explorers, artists, educators, clerics et cetera. However, the current educational system is geared to creating servants for the powerful. The educational system, has no emphasis on prudence, respect, kindness, gratitude, sharing, or love. The emphasis is on personal material success, power and control. The weak, the unfortunate and the poor have as much right to their aspirations and dreams for greatness. There is a better chance at these hopes, goals and yearning with a proactive educational system.

Economically, the more prosperous countries siphon the talent from impoverished countries off of their talented and productive people. People who can help build their country are being pulled out to prosper the already prosperous countries. A generation of people in poor countries begin to think that the only way to advance is to immigrate. The mentality of abandonment is created instead of the mentality of building prosperity from within. Who or what makes people think this way? Definitely not instinct. The antiquated educational system is the culprit. So, how can humanity bail out from this cycle of vicious deprivation?

The answer is to create a new educational system that breaks away from the foundation of greed, an educational system that is based on the principles of universal Stewardship. The Association shall take the responsibility to help educate humanity.

Universal Stewardship Academy

  1. Start a school system, an academy, that revolves its education around respect and kindness.
  2. Focus of the academy will be to build self-respect in each student so they may face the challenges ahead of them with confidence and dignity. The academy will create "learners" instead of "finishers". The academy will not be a "diploma mill". Academically, the school will follow all the requirements of all international school systems. Credits are all transferable.
  3. There will be no religious connotations or associations within the academy's campus. No religious uniforms or laws or traditions are to be followed within the campus. No political or "special interest groups" advocacies will be allowed. Religions, creed, politics, special interest group policies will simply be regarded as a subject for discussion.
    • There will be freedom of religion, the freedom of speech and the freedom of choice but the parents or guardians of the students will be made to sign an agreement that students will not be allowed to coerce, convince, intimidate or insinuate others towards their religious beliefs, political affiliations or personal ideologies within the campus. Warnings will be issued to violators upon first violation, a meeting with the guardian or parent will ensue upon the second violation, a third violation will result in the expulsion of the student from the academy and the transfer to a different school will be arranged at the choice and expense of the parent or guardian.
  4. Bullies will not be tolerated. There are consequences for bullying. First and foremost a student counselor will address the incident and speak to witnesses if there are any. The counselor will determine whose fault it is and if fault can't be determined at least get the facts as to how it came about. First violation will receive a written warning given to the student to be given to the parent or guardian and for that same notice to be returned with the parent's/guardian's signature of receipt. Second violation will require the guardian/parent to meet with the academy's counselor. Third violation will result in the expulsion of the student from the academy and the transfer to a different school will be arranged at the choice and expense of the parent or guardian.
    • Consequences for bullying besides the above:
      1. The incident will be on permanent school record.
      2. Guilty students will be made to do "clean-up" duty in school. Length of time will depend on the grievousness of the offense.
      3. Guilty students will be made to apologize to the victim verbally and in writing.
    • If the target of the bullying wasn't the one that got hurt but the bully instead, it will be classified as "self-defense". The counselor will still talk to the bullied student to find out why the occurrences were not reported when they first started.
    • If the offense warrants a police report, then the authorities will be called.
    • Bullying will not be enabled by the school system. Indifference or tolerance will not be extended to bullies.
    • At the entrance of every academy will be a large foundation rock with these words engraved: "treat others the way you want others to treat you." and "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."
    • At the entrance to every classroom will be this plaque: " Love, Share, Do not Cheat, Do not Insult, Do not Deprive".
    • In front of every classroom will be these words in big bold letters: "RESPECT, KINDNESS, GRATITUDE, APOLOGY, FORGIVENESS"
  5. All students before the start of the school day will recite the pledge of allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the (name of country), and to its constitution, for which it stands as one nation, united under God."
  6. The academy will be divided into 3 categories:
    Grade school - Kindergarten to 4th grade
    Middle school - 5th grade to 8th grade
    High School - 9th grade to 12th grade
    Every student will be groomed for success. Quarterly evaluations will be made to determine the successes of students and why some students are behind or failing. To determine where a student needs help and encouragement. To continue to teach students how to put emphasis on focus in their daily lives.
    • Gifted students in Math, Writing, Music, Arts, Sports, Business, Mechanics, Crafts or Trade will be provided with assistance to encourage the development of their talent. This does not affect the classroom designation of the student.
      • Music(sound/vibrations), Math and Art (visual or felt dynamic/static energy) are the languages of the universe. The character and personality of the students with these talents will be specially cared for to instill prudence and love in their hearts.
    • Emphasis will be given to Reading, Writing, Math, and Behavioral communication. Besides academics, students will have compulsory course in Home Economics which will deal in DIY maintenance around the house, finance management, balancing a money(bank) account, understanding liability vs assets, Cooking, gardening, and a simple understanding of backyard animal care.
    • Students will have the opportunity to learn the skill of proper communication, public speaking, and the art of family bonding.
    • The academy will have counselors available to help students identify their strengths and talents, and to help students make proper choices without coercion or persuasion. Each grade level will have a special counselor. Another focus of the counselor will be to help develop the "want to" or the "desire to learn", the "desire to succeed" and not to "give up" in each student. Through the help of teachers, counselors will monitor the “mood swings” of students. Prudence will be exercised to address the “mood swings”.
  7. School Activities:
    • Students will be able to participate in classes for Music, Math, Art, Crafts and sports. There will be intramural and students will also be encouraged to participate regionally, nationally and internationally in those 5 activities.
    • The school will provide a sub academy in sports. The Martial Arts Academy. Depending on the financial and population growth of the school system, the types of martial arts will increase. It will start with T‘ai-chi ch‘üan(Tai-Chi-Chuan), then move on to taekwondo, Judo, wrestling, jujitsu, karate and WuShu (kung-fu).
      • Self-defense will be emphasized in both physical and mental. Every participant will be taught how to verbally and mentally defend themselves. The martial arts academy will put emphasis on the development of physical, mental and spiritual discipline. The art of fighting, inherently teaches discipline and respect. It teaches students to overcome and counter self-righteousness and ignorance, which allows them to overcome fear.
      • The mental and spiritual training will be mentored by a specialized master since there is no “style” in this category.
    • Scouting will be available to all students. Membership will not be mandatory. Scouting will be a mainstream activity of the school. The school will be affiliated with the National Scouting Organization of the country it is in and it will be designated as a scout troop.
  8. The school motto will be: "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds". Try to do a good deed daily, if not for others at least for yourself. If you can't do a good deed, then at least say something good about others. If there's nobody around, then say something good to yourself. Ultimately, always think good things for yourself and others. Be kind.
  9. The academy will have 4 official advocacies. There are many environmental concerns that the academy will teach about getting involved with to help maintain and keep mother nature healthy. Universal stewardship will always be the focus of the school. The bottom four will be what the academy will concentrate on. The Universal Stewardship Association will always be there to help the academy.
    1. Saving the rivers, lakes, oceans and aquifer.
    2. Saving and planting trees and plants.
    3. Saving the reef, save the endangered species of flora and fauna.
    4. Saving Mother Earth

Education, Freedom and Prosperity

  • To be free and prosperous is to be educated, skilled and informed of uncensored facts. Freedom is to have the ability to choose to be what one wants to be. A virtuous and well rounded universal educational system will break away the chains of poverty and oppression..

What is the common denominator of every single poverty stricken village, town, municipality, city, county, province, region, state, or Country? It is the lack of an uncensored communication and a virtuous well rounded universal education.

Who has the responsibility to educate?

  1. The beginning of education comes from the parents or guardians.
  2. From there it goes to the school systems, both private and public.
  3. As soon as the individual develops needs, he/she must also develop the need to be educated.
  4. Schools or the community will seldom volunteer to impart knowledge. Knowledge is there to be taken but it must be taken by the individual
  5. The government must continue with the education via information dissemination. A government that censors communication or withholds outside information in its educational system creates bondage. A well informed citizen via an unbridled communication system helps create a prosperous nation.
  • Mission: Guarantee the continuity of a great educational system to:
    1. Teach the virtues of Respect and Kindness.
    2. Develop good moral character.
    3. Develop a bright and healthy mind.
    4. Develop a healthy body.
    5. Develop a sense of responsibility.
    6. Maintain academic and non-academic programs that follows the principles of universal stewardship while always keeping up with technological advancements.

The Association will create a foundation to save Mother Earth

  • Save the rivers, lakes, seas and all bodies of water.
  • Reforest the mountains, watersheds, and coastlines.
  • Save the reef
  • Save wild life (flora and fauna)
  • Create a Sustainable and renewable energy
  • Work with other organizations who are into the conservation of nature and resources.
  • Foster and help build the economy and technology of nations.

Create a Non-Partisan, Non-religious, No special interest Lobbying group to monitor governments around the world

The lobbying group will monitor and fight any corrupt or detrimental laws towards all citizens, it will lobby for the amendment or revocation of such laws. To prevent a group of people or organization to take over any municipality, city, province, region, territory in the country with their beliefs, politics, ideology or culture. To help create laws that will be beneficial to all citizens. To work with policy makers and to help them formulate policies that are not prejudicial or biased.

A lobbying group that is not out to take down any organization or individual but to take down the suggestions they present that deprives others.

Political groups, religions, special interest groups, most corporations and foundations will always do what is best for their organization and sometimes at the expense of those who do not belong or associate with their organization.

The lobbying group will never laud or support a political candidate, a political group, a religious belief, or any other organization. This lobbying group will work with these organizations to make sure that the best for humanity will be adhered to. Any political group that presents a suggestion, a bill or proposes a certain law that proves to be beneficial to all, the lobbying group will support it and help campaign for its passage or approval. If they propose anything that is detrimental, the lobbying group will fight against it.

When possible, each country will have its own lobbying group. Original members of this Lobbying Group will be appointed by the current board of directors of the Association and to be approved by the President. A qualified member must be at least 30 years old. Each prospect will be vetted extensively. Members must represent all the provinces or states of their country. Dismissal of any member will be by unanimous vote from the board members with final approval of the chief executive officer.

Future members of this Lobbying Group will be recommended by current active committee members and to be vetted by the board members of the association and approved by the President.

How will the association earn to support, protect and sustain itself and continue to be able to help others?

  • The tuition from students will help support and sustain the school system.
    • Donations and grants from alumni will also help.
    • Children of employees of the association (or employees themselves) will have free scholarship. No tuition to be paid.
  • The association will gear itself towards agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture, all the while practicing sustainable farming. This will generate income and help provide organic food for the human race.
    • Lease or own lands for forestry and lumber. Lease or own water rights or natural resources when available.
  • The association will create sustainable energy for the public. Sold to the general public via government permits and licenses.
    • Solar and wind generators.
    • Geo-thermal.
    • Tidal wave and sea current power generators.
      • More attention will be given to geo-thermal and sea current source of energy. Source of energy for these two rarely fluctuate. Power storage(batteries) will not be required.
    • Alternative sustainable energies will always be developed. Research on storage of energy will be an on-going project of the association.
  • The association will own and build shelters for the public to rent at reasonable and affordable rates.
  • The association will have a “personnel staffing” company. This will allow the association to spread out to all areas of businesses to provide them with their staffing needs. Most of all this will help the association create the security personnel system (via security staffing) to protect itself from predators, by ways of laws and physical force.
  • The association will own or invest in (common stocks) of public corporations.
    • Invest in logistics and transportation companies using sustainable fuels instead of fossil fuel or fuels detrimental to the environment.
    • Invest in eco-friendly corporations (common stocks).
    • Portion of the profits from these investments will go to the FREE healthcare of all employees of the association via enrollment with health insurance companies within the locality of the employees. A minimum of 20 hours work per week will qualify an employee for this free health insurance, with a minimum 3 month employment. All co-pays will be paid by the association. Upon termination of employment all benefits will be cancelled. However, employees with 20 years or more of service are entitled to a lifetime of free health care coverage from this universal form of healthcare. Employees with 30 years of service will receive a pension plan (compensation comparable to government retirement pays) and the free health plan continues to be in effect.
  • The association will create a licensed Long-term Universal Health Care facility for the elderly members of the association. This will be free. Funding will come from the association and from donations of members.
  • The association will maintain a research and development team.
  • To always build Schools or Academies whenever capital is available, to enable the continued spreading of the principles and rules of universal stewardship.
  • The association will also invest in private tertiary education and "further" education school corporations. Investment in these schools will not simply be intended for income generation but more so for the creation of influence in the level of education. Education for the betterment of humanity and the prosperity of citizens by providing continued education for those whose skills were taken over by technology or disability.

Founder of Universal Stewardship: Franklin H. Maletsky