Jumbo Bridge, Don Toribio St., Tetuan
 Zamboanga City  7000

Join our High School Reunion

"The school committed to moved young men and women
to be citizens and leaders dedicated for service to humanity."

Principal: Juanita V. Hibaya

Present number of students:

Previous number of students:

Courses: Complete four years
              secondary course.

Contact us @:   Tel. No. 991-1792
                         Fax. No. 993-2490

Email us @:


History College Grade School


     With confident hope and trust in God the Father , inflamed by the love of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ with Mary as our model , we, the catholic learning community of the Archdiocese of Zamboanga, in order to transform society and build God’s kingdom , humbly commit ourselves to:

  • uphold and respect the dignity and worth of the person.

  • develop quality and globally competitive graduates who are morally and spiritually upright,  self-disciplined, responsive to the needs of the poor and totally committed to the service of God and man.

inculcate and strengthen Filipino values in an atmosphere of Christian community and open to interfaith dialogue.


     A catholic learning community that promotes holistic formation and excellence in education.  Journeying together for the transformation of society and the building of the kingdom of God, with Mary as model.     

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