We all experience grief and sorrow. We have that in common as human beings. These words and thoughts are directed toward anyone who has lost a loved one – – – or the death of a loved one is imminent.
Death is most often uninvited and is an unwelcome guest that robs us of our loved ones and disrupts our lives with sorrow and grief. Perhaps the range of emotions and feelings we experience are more pronounced when we know that a loved one is dying and we are awaiting the inevitable. However, the aftermath of their death can be equally devastating. It often leaves an empty space in our lives which is difficult, if not impossible, to fill.
It is difficult to write something that will comfort one following the death of a loved one. There is no magic formula that will provide instant comfort. However, there are words, thoughts and comments that can help ease the grief and sorrow.
Henry Ward Beecher wrote these words:
“What the heart has once owned and had,
it shall never lose”
We can hold our departed loved ones in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Their love continues to radiate in the lives they have touched. There is no reason why we can’t continue to hold them close. It seems as though we are on this earth for only a “moment – – – a “moment” we should try to live to the fullest. We can only hope and pray that the “good times” outweigh the “bad times”. Focus on the “good times” you shared with your departed loved one. From time to time, just have some quiet moments alone and enjoy good memories. Those good memories are life savers and uplifting. Cling to your loved ones and friends as much as possible. You should know that you are never alone. God is there for you.
There is an old expression that I remember from years ago — “hold back the dawn”. l’m not sure of the origin but I believe that it was an expression used in the Korean conflict- At dawn, hordes of enemy soldiers would attack American positions. So, obviously, the American soldiers knew that when daylight came there was grave danger ahead. There have been times in my life when I wished that the night could be prolonged – – – that daybreak wouldn’t come so soon – – – because of the problems that faced me once the world was again awake. l’m sure that most of us have had that experience. Of course, we can’t “hold back the dawn” nor can we hold back death. Both are inevitable. But, I believe God sends angels to wipe away our tears and help us through these difficult times. The Holy Spirit – – – the “comforter – – – will come to be our companion during these times of stress, grief and sorrow.
I don’t know who originally wrote the following lines – – – but they are a fitting way to end my comments
Night falls, but day dawns to replace it . . .
Grief comes, but time will ease the pain . . .
Life ends, but death cannot erase it . . .
In memory love always will remain. . ,
Paul E. Hughes
November 11, 2018
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