Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
Tribe | Tribo | |
Trim | Corta | Capa |
Trimmed | Capao | Cortao |
Trip | Viaje | Tisut |
Triple | Triple | |
Triumph | Victoria | Ganar, Gana |
Tropical | Tropical | |
Trouble | Trobol | Averia, Apuro |
Trowel | Paleta | |
Truant | Buguy | |
Truce | Amistad | |
Truck | Trak | |
True | Deberas | Cierto |
Trunk | Tronco | Pono, Batang |
Trust | Compiansa | Compia |
Trustworthy | De compiansa | |
Truth | Verdad | |
Try | Proba | Pricura |
Tuba gatherer | Maninguete | |
Tuba shoulder container | Cawit | |
Tube | Tubo | |
Tuesday | Martes | |
Turn | Bira | Turno |
Turn around | Bira | Y day vuelta |
Turn off | Apaga | |
Turn the soil | Habug | |
Turns out | Resulta | Gale |
Turtle | Bau | Tortuga |
Tweezer | Sipit | |
Twelve | Doce | |
Twenty | Veinte | |
Twenty cents | Peseta | |
Twentyone | Veinte uno | |
Twice | Dos Veces | |
Twist | Torci | |
Twisted | Palipit | |
Two | Dos | |
Two faced | Doble cara | |
Two hundred | Dos cientos | |
Typhoon | Tifon | Bagyo |
Ugly | Malacara | Fea |
Ultimate | Ultimo | |
Umbrella | Payung | Parasol |
Unbind | Desata | |
Uncircumcised | Suput | |
Uncle | Tio | |
Uncountable | No puede conta | |
Under | Abajo | |
Undershirt | Camiseta | |
Understand | Entende | |
Understanding | Entendimiento | |
Underwear | Calsoncillo | |
Undescended testicle | Abil | |
Undeveloped fruit | Pulak | |
Undo | Bunca | Deshace |
Undress | Desnuda | |
Unfasten | Desata | |
Ungrateful | Ingrato | Sunsaca |
Unique | Unico | |
Unite | Uni | |
United | Unido | |
Unity | Unidad | |
Universe | Universo | |
University | Universidad | |
Unknown | Desconocido | |
Unless | Si hinde | |
Unload | Descarga | |
Unloading | Descargo | |
Unpredictable | No puede predecti | |
Unripe | Muda | |
Unripe and immature fruit | Bubut | |
Unripened taste | Pakla | |
Untangle | Desata | |
Untie | Desata | |
Until | Hasta | |
Until we see each other again | Hasta la vista | |
Until when | Hasta para cuando | |
Up | Arriba | |
Up to | Aca | |
Upon | Al | |
Uproot | Arangka | Uclat, Barangka |
Upside down | Baliscat | |
Upstairs | Arriba | |
Urinal pot | Arinola | |
Urinate | Mia | |
Us | Kita | Canaton, Canamon |
Usable | Usable | |
Use | Usa | |
Used | Usao | |
Used to | Anat | Acostumbrao |
Useful | Usable | |
Useless | Inutil | Nosevi |
Utility | Utilidad | |
Utilize | Usa | Aprobecha, Utiliza |
Vacant | Vacante | |
Vacation | Vacacion | |
Vaccination | Vacuna | Vacunacion |
Vaccine | Vacuna | |
Vagabond | Vagabundo | |
Vagina | Kulu | Puki, Coño |
Vain | Hambugero | Egoista, Engrido |
Valiant | Valiente | Valeroso |
Valley | Valle | |
Valuable | Algo el valor | De valor |
Value | Valor | |
Vanity | Vanidad | |
Vegetable | Gulay | |
Vegetable top | Talbus | Cojollo |
Vehicle | Vehiculo | |
Veil | Velo | |
Vein | Vena | |
Velocity | Velocidad | |
Venerate | Verera | |
Vengeance | Venganza | |
Venom | Veneno | |
Venomous | Venenoso | |
Ventilator | Ventilador | |
Verify | Verifica | |
Version | Version | |
Very | Muy | Gayot, Bien, Gat |
Very slowly | Hinay-Hinay | Bien despacito |
Very well | Buenamente | Enbuenamente |
Very well done | Enbuenamente | |
Vex | Aburrido | |
Vexed | Inchilao | Aburrido |
Vice | Vicio | |
Vice Versa | Y dai vuelta | |
Victim | Victima | |
Victorious | Victorioso | |
Victory | Victoria | Ganao |
View | Vista | |
Vigil | Vela | |
Vindictive | Vengativo | |
Vine | Baguing | Balagun |
Vinegar | Vinegre | |
Violate | Viola | |
Violation | Violacion | |
Violence | Violencia | |
Violent | Violento | |
Virgin | Virgen | Donselya |
Visibility | Visibilidad | |
Visit | Visita | |
Vison | Vision | |
Vocabulary | Vocabulario | |
Voice | Voz | |
Voices | Voces | |
Void | Vacio | Borrao |
Volcanic | Vulcanico | |
Volcano | Vulcan | |
Voluntarily | Voluntad | |
Volunteer | Voluntario | |
Vomit | Gomita | |
Vote | Vote | Vota |
Voter | Elector | Votante |
Vulcanize | Vulcanice | |
Vulgar | Vulgar | |
Vulnerable | Vulnerable | |
Wage | Sueldo | |
Waist | Cintura | |
Wait | Espera | |
Wake up | Desperta | |
Waling stick | Baston | |
Walk | Camina | Caminada |
Walk for peace | Camina por paz | |
Walking in a state of Drunkenness | Wagi | Lenge-Lenge |
Walking stick | Baston | |
Wall | Dindin | |
Wall matting made of woven bamboo (bagacay) | Sawali | |
Wall of a residence | Dindin | |
Wallet | Pitaca | |
Wallow | Tubug | |
Wander | Bulcha | Ronda |
Wants | Quiere | |
War | Guerra | |
Warehouse | Bodega | |
Wart | Calongo | |
Wash | Lava | |
Wash tub | Bateya | |
Washed | Lavao | |
Wasp – small | Lapinik | |
Waste | Usik | Susio, Basura |
Watch | Bisia | Guardia |
Water | Agua | |
Water gun | Hiringa | |
Water Jar | Tenaja | |
Watered down | Aguao | |
Watering can | Regador | |
Watery | Aguasa | |
Waves | Marejada | |
Way | Camino | Modo |
Way of talking | Conversada | |
We | Came | |
Weakness | Debilidad | |
Wealth | Riqueza | |
Weapon(s) | Armas | |
Weaponize | Armar | |
Weapons | Armas | |
Wear | Vesti | |
Weary | Aburrido | |
Weather | Tiempo | |
Weave | Teje | |
Wedding | Casamiento | |
Wedge cut | Hakak | |
Wednesday | Miercoles | |
Weed | Sagbut | |
Week | Semana | |
Weeping | Llantos | |
Weigh | Pesa | |
Weight | Pesades | Pesa |
Weight scale | Pesador | |
Welcome | Bienvenidos | |
Well | Bien | Poso |
Well groomed | Paliquero | |
West | Weste | Oeste |
Wet | Moja | Mojao |
Wetland | Pantano | |
Whale | Ballena | |
Wharf | Pantalan | |
What | Cosa | Que |
What are you doing | Cosa tu ta hace | Cosa bo ta hace |
Whatever | Maskin cosa | |
Wheel | Llanta | |
When | Cuando | |
When I return | Birar yo | |
When they return | Birar sila | |
When you return | Birar tu | |
Where | Donde | |
Where are you | Donde tu | |
Where are you going | Donde tu anda | |
Where do you live | Donde tu ta queda | |
Where is he | Donde le | |
Whether | Maskin | |
Which | Cual | |
Which one | Cualquien | |
While | Mientras | Enantes |
Whip | Latigo | Bijuco |
Whisper | Hutik | Cucho-cucho |
White | Blanco | Blanca |
White hair | Uban | Blanco pelo |
Who | Quien | |
Who arrived | Quien ya llega | |
Who is he | Quien le | |
Who is she | Quien ba ele | |
Who is your father | Quien de tuyo tata | |
Whole | Entero | |
Why | Por que | |
Why didn’t you show up | Por que tu no hay abuya | |
Wick | Mecha | |
Wide | Ancho | |
Widow | Viuda | |
Widower | Viudo | |
Width | Anchor | |
Wife | Esposa | Mujer |
Wild | Salvaje | |
Wild cat | Gatorgalla | |
Wild duck | Patoymonte | |
Will | Ay | Voluntad |
Win | Gana | Ganar |
Wind | Viento | |
Window | Ventana | |
Wing | Alas | |
Wings | Alas | |
Winnow | Vintia | Sopla |
Winnowing basket | Bilao | |
Wire | Alambre | |
Wisdom | Saber | Wisho |
Wise | Awishao | Alto el saber, Mucho cosa sabe, Bien acertao |
Wish | Deseo | |
With | Con | |
With care | Con cuidao | Enbuenamente |
With me | Conmigo | |
With you | Contigo | |
Within | Dentro | |
Without | Sin | |
Witness | Testigo | |
Wobbly walk | Lenge-Lenge | |
Woman | Mujer | |
Woo | Enamora | |
Wood shavings | Biruta | |
Woods | Buug | |
Word | Palabra | |
Words | Maga Palabra | |
Work | Trabaja | Trabajo, Obra |
Worker | Trabajador | Empleado |
Working | Trabajando | |
World | Mundo | |
Worm | Gusano | Bulati |
Worry | Lingasa | |
Worth | Valor | |
Wound | Irida | Iri, Herir |
Wrap | Envolve | |
Wrapped | Envolvido | |
Wrapping | Envuelto | |
Wrestle | Lucha | Almucha |
Wring | Puga | |
Wrinkled | Culisung | |
Wrist | Pulso | |
Write | Escribi | |
Writing | Escribida | Ta Escribi |
Wrong | Malo | Hinde amo |
Yam | Camote | |
Yard | Yarda | |
Yawn | Huyap | |
Year | Año | |
Yellow | Amarillo | |
Yellowish | Amarilloso | |
Yes | Si | Ho-on |
Yesterday | Ayer | |
Yippee | Alurayang | |
Yoke | Ayugo | |
You | Tu, Ustedes, Vosotros | Evos, Bo, Vos, Camo |
Young | Joven | Bata |
Young man | Jovencito | |
Younger | Menor | Mas Joven |
Youngster | Jovencito | |
Your | Debo, Tuyo | Vosotros, Deinio |
Yours | De tuyo | Deinio |
Yourself | Tu mismo | |
Yoyo | Bayben | Yoyo |
Zealous | Con gana | |
Zero | Cero | Nada |
Zest | Cascada mescla | |
Zigzag | Zigzag | |
Zone | Zona | |
Zoo | Zu | |