Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the page are examples of how to use the words in the chavacano language. Click on the word. Help propagate the language by adding example sentences by simply commenting on the comments section of the page.
English | Chavacano-1 | Chavacano-2 |
Debate | Debate | |
Debt | Debe | |
Debt collector | Cobrador | |
Decade | Decada | |
Decapitate | Corta cabeza | |
Decay | Pudri | |
Decease | Enfermedad | |
Deceased | Muerto | Difunto, Difunta |
Deceit | Engaño | |
Deceive | Engaña | |
Deceiver | Engañador | Charlatan |
December | Diciembre | |
Decency | Decencia | |
Decent | Decente | Respetable |
Decide | Decidi | |
Decided | Decidido | |
Decision | Decision | |
Declaim | Declama | |
Declaration | Declaracion | |
Declare | Declara | |
Decline | Decaer | |
Decorate | Decora | |
Decoration | Decoracion | |
Decrease | Mengua | |
Dedicate | Dedica | |
Dedicated | Dedicao | |
Deep | Hondo | |
Deer | Venao | |
Deface | Desfigura | |
Defecate | Caga | Ensucia |
Defect | Defecto | Fallo |
Defective | Defectivo | Fallao |
Defend | Defende | |
Defense | Defende | Protege |
Defile | Contamina | |
Degree | Grado | |
Delay | Demora | |
Delegation | Delegacion | |
Delete | Cancela | Borra |
Deleted | Borrao | Cancelao |
Delicacy | Delicadeza | Ralo |
Delicate | Delicado | Delicao |
Delicious | Sabroso | Delicioso |
Delirium | Delirio | |
Deliver | Entrega | |
Demand | Demanda | |
Demanding | Demandante | |
Democracy | Democracia | |
Demon | Demonio | Diablo |
Demonstrate | Demonstra | |
Demonstration | Demonstracion | |
Demote | Baja Rango | |
Denigrates | Gangia | |
Denounce | Denuncia | |
Dense | Espeso | Denso |
Dentist | Dentista | |
Deny | Nega | |
Depart | Despide | Larga |
Department | Departamento | |
Depend | Depende | |
Depends | Depender | |
Deplete | Hace Acaba | |
Deposit | Deposita | |
Depreciate | Deprecia | |
Depression | Depresion | |
Deprivation | Ladronesa | Priva |
Deprive | Priva | |
Depth | Hondura | |
Desarollo | Development | |
Descend | Abaja | |
Descent | Abajada | |
Describe | Detalla | Describi |
Deserted | Desierto | Abandonao, Abandonado |
Deserve | Merece | |
Designate | Designa | |
Designated | Designao | |
Desire | Desea | Deseo |
Desist | Descansa | |
Desk | Escritorio | |
Despair | Desespera | |
Despise | Desprecia | |
Destination | Destinacion | Destino |
Destiny | Destino | |
Destroy | Destroza | Quebranta |
Destruction | Destroso | |
Destructive | Destructivo | |
Detach | Separa | Hace sapa |
Detached | Sapao | Desatao, separtao |
Detail | Detalle | |
Detain | Detene | |
Detective | Secreta | |
Determine | Determina | |
Determined | Determinado | |
Detest | Aborrece | |
Detonate | Reventa | |
Develop | Desarrolla | |
Deviate | Desvia | |
Devil | Diablo | Demonio |
Dialect | Dialecto | |
Dialogue | Dialogo | |
Diamond | Diamante | |
Diaper | Lampin | |
Diarrhea | Caganera | Diarrea |
Diary | Diario | |
Dictate | Dicta | |
Dictator | Dictado | |
Dictionary | Diccionario | |
Did not | Nohay | No |
Die | Mori | |
Diet | Dieta | |
Difference | Diferencia | |
Different | Diferente | |
Difficult | Dificil | |
Difficulty | Dificultad | Lisut |
Diffuse | Quita Mecha | |
Dig | Gravata | |
Dig a hole | Agujera | |
Dignify | Dale Honor | |
Dignity | Difnidad | |
Diligence | Diligencia | |
Diligent | Diligente | Diligencia |
Dim | Amamalung | |
Dim light | Amamalung | |
Diminish | Mengua | |
Ding | Bingao | |
Dingbat | Tanga | |
Dining room | Comedor | |
Dip | Tusmuk | Tabia |
Dipper | Tabo | |
Dipping for water | Timba | Tabia |
Direct | Directa | Dirigi |
Direction | Direccion | |
Dirt | Buling | Sucio |
Dirty | Ma buling | |
Disadvantage | Lugi | |
Disappear | Desaparece | |
Disarm | Desarma | |
Disarrange | Desarregla | |
Disciple | Disipulo | |
Discipline | Disiplina | |
Disconnect | Desconecta | |
Discontented | Descontento | |
Discount | Desconta | Descuento |
Discover | Descubri | |
Discriminate | Descrimina | |
Discuss | Discuti | |
Discussing | Purpiahan | Discutihan |
Discussion | Discusion | |
Disembark | Desembarca | |
Diseminate | Disemina | |
Disgrace | Desgracia | |
Disgraced | Desgraciada | |
Disgust | Disgusto | Asquia |
Disinfect | Desinfecta | |
Disintegrate | Uput | |
Dislikable | Umalin | |
Dismantle | Bunca | Deshace |
Dismember | Descuartiza | |
Dismiss | Manda Sale | |
Disobey | Desobedece | |
Disorganizing | Kalkal | |
Disorient | Kalkal | |
Disown | Desconoce | |
Disparage | Mal Habla | |
Dispatch | Despacha | |
Dispense | Dispensar | |
Disperse | Calayat | |
Dispose | Dispone | |
Dispute | Purpia | Discuti |
Disqualified | Descalifado | |
Disregard | Desprecia | |
Disrobe | Descamisa | |
Disrupt | Desarregla | |
Dissect | Dividi | Parti |
Dissolve | Diriti | |
Distance | Distancia | |
Distant | Desalejao | |
Distinct | Distinto | |
Distortion of the truth | Lios | |
Distress | Afligi | |
Distribute | Distribui | |
District | Distrito | |
Distrust | Desconfiar | |
Disturb | Destorba | |
Disturbance | Destorbo | |
Disunite | Separa | |
Dive | Sambulyi | |
Divide | Divide | |
Division | Division | |
Dizziness | Almareo | Buyung |
Dizzy | Buyung | Almareo |
Do | Hace | |
Doctor | Doctor | |
Document | Documento | |
Dog | Perro | Iru |
Doing | Ta man | Tan |
Doll | Muñeca | |
Dominance | Dominacion | |
Dominate | Domina | |
Domination | Dominacion | |
Donate | Dona | |
Donation | Donacion | |
Done | Acabao | Acaba |
Door | Puerta | |
Double | Dobla | |
Double-cross | Engaño | |
Doubt | Duda | |
Doughnut | Donat | |
Down | Abajo | |
Downhill | Abajada | |
Downpour | Aguasero | |
Downtown | Pueblo | |
Downwards | Abajada | |
Dozen | Docena | |
Drag | Arastra | Guyud |
Dragonfly | Apan | |
Drain | Desagua | Limas |
Drama | Drama | |
Dramatic | Dramatico | |
Draw | Dro | |
Drawer | Caja | |
Dread | Dala | |
Dream | Sueño | Suña |
Dreamed | Ya suña | |
Dreamt | Ya suña | |
Dress | Vesti | Camisa |
Dried | Seco | |
Dried banana leaves | Dasah | |
Dried fish | Pescao seco | |
Drink | Toma | Bebe |
Drinker | Tomador | |
Drinking | Toma | Tomajan |
Drinking spree | Tomajan | |
Drip | Tulu | Gotea |
Drive | Maneja | |
Drive a hole into the ground with a post | Bugsug | |
Drive Away | Buga | Aria |
Driver | Driver | Chuper |
Drizzle | Taliti | |
Drop | Cae | Cajida |
Drop Anchor | Fundia | |
Drown | Lumus | |
Drug | Droga | |
Drunk | Borracho | Hubug |
Drunk | Borrachon | |
Drunkard | Borrachon | Tomador |
Dry | Seca | Seco |
Drying | Secada | |
Duck | Pato | |
Dude | Pare | |
Dull | Mapurol | Bobo, Boba |
Dumb | Bobo | Boba |
Dump site | Basurahan | |
Dungeon | Calabozo | |
Dunk | Tultul | |
Dupe | Hace Loco | |
Duplicate | Duplicado | |
Durable | Durable | |
During | Durante | Mientras |
Dwarf | Inanu | |
Dye | Teñi | |
Each | Cada | |
Eager | Ansia | Ansioso |
Ear | Oreja | |
Early | Temprano | |
Early morning | Madrugada | Amanece |
Earn | Gana | Encontra, Obtene, Merece |
Earned | Ganao | |
Earthen stove | Pogon | |
Earthquake | Temblor | |
Earwax | Cerillas | |
East | Este | |
Easy | Facil | |
Eat | Come | |
Eat Breakfast | Almorza | |
Eatery | Carenderia | |
Eating place | Comedor | |
Echo | Eco | |
Economy | Economia | |
Edge | Canto | Orilla, Esquina |
Edible shoot | Ubod | |
Educate | Educa | |
Education | Educacion | |
Eel | Anguilla | |
Effective | Efectivo | |
Effects | Efecto | |
Effort | Obra | |
Egg | Huevo | |
Egg sitting | Lumlum | |
Eggplant | Talung | |
Egotist | Egoista | |
Eight | Ocho | |
Eighty | Ochenta | |
Elaborate | Explica | |
Elbow | Codo | |
Elders | Mayores | |
Elect | Elegi | |
Elected | Elegido | |
Election | Eleccion | |
Electric | Electric | |
Electricity | Electricidad | |
Elegant | Elegante | |
Elephant | Elefante | |
Eliminate | Elimina | |
Elope | Hui | |
Elude | Evita | Escapa |
Embalm | Embalsama | |
Embark | Embarca | |
Embarrass | Embaraza | Verguenza |
Embarrassing | Maka huya | Maka Verguenza |
Embarrassment | Huya | Embarazo, Verguenza |
Ember | Brasa | |
Embezzle | Desfalca | |
Embrace | Abrasa | |
Embracer | Abrasador | |
Emerge | Abuya | Sale |
Emergency | Emerjencia | |
Emotion | Emocion | |
Emotional | Emocional | |
Emotionally | Emocionalmente | |
Employ | Emplea | |
Employee | Empleado | Trabajador |
Employer | Empleador | |
Employment | Empleo | |
Empower | Dale Poder | |
Empty | Vacio | No hay laman, Sin carga |
Enchant | Encanta | |
Enchanted | Encantao | |
Enchantment | Encanto | |
Encircle | Encircula | |
Enclose | Encera | |
Enclosure | Cerrada | |
Encounter | Encuentro | |
Encourage | Inspira | Suporta |
End | Termina | Ultimo, Acaba |
Endear | Man Cariño | |
Ended | Acabao | |
Endure | Tolera | Dura, Durar |
Enema | Labatiba | |
Enemy | Enemigo | Contrario |
Enforce | Aplica | |
Enjoy | Goza | Con gusto |
Enlarge | Engranda | |
Enough | Bastante | Basta, Justo |
Ensnare | Trampa | |
Ensure | Asegura | |
Entangled | Palipit | |
Enter | Entra | |
Entertain | Entretene | |
Entertainmnet | Entretenemiento | |
Enthusiasm | Entusiasmo | |
Entire | Entero | |
Entrance | Entrada | |
Entreat | Roga | Suplica |
Entrust | Encarga | |
Envelope | Sobre | |
Envy | Envidia | |
Equal | Igual | |
Equality | Igualdad | |
Equally | Igualmente | |
Equipment | Equipo | |
Erase | Borra | |
Erased | Borrao | |
Eraser | Borrador | |
Erradicate | Erradica | |
Escape | Escapa | |
Establish | Establece | Averigua |
Establishment | Establecimiento | |
Estate | Propriedad | Hacienda |
Estimate | estima | |
Estimate | Calcula | |
Estimated | Estimao | |
Estimation | Estimacion | |
Eternal | Eternal | |
Eternally | Eternalmente | |
Eternity | Eterna | Eternidad |
Ethnic | Etnico | |
Ethnicity | Etnicidad | |
Evacuate | Evacau | |
Evacuation | Evacuacion | |
Evade | Evita | |
Evaluate | Evalúa | |
Evaporate | Evapora | |
Eve | Visperas | |
Even (no win no loss) | Tabla | |
Even if | Maskin | Aunque |
Even though | Maskin | Aunque |
Evening Mist | Sereno | |
Evenly | Igualmente | |
Event | Suceso | |
Every | Cada | |
Every time | Cada vez | |
Evict | Aria Na Casa | |
Evidence | Evidencia | |
Exact | Exacto | |
Exaggerate | Exagera | |
Examine | Examina | |
Example | Ejemplo | |
Exchange | Cambia | |
Exclude | Exclui | |
Excuse | Escusa | Razon, Disculpa, Dispensa |
Excuse me | Dispensa conmigo | |
Executioner | Verdugo | Matador |
Executive | Ejecutivo | |
Exercise | Ejercicio | |
Exercising | Man ejercisio | |
Exist | Existi | Vivi |
Exit | Sale | Salida |
Exorcise | Sajuma | |
Expand | Ancha | |
Expect | Especta | Supone |
Expense | Gastos | |
Expensive | Caro | |
Experience | Experiencia | |
Expert | Experto | |
Explain | Explica | |
Explode | Rebenta | |
Expression | Exprecion | |
Extend | Extende | |
Extension | Extension | |
Extinguish | Apaga | |
Extraordinary | Extraordinario | |
Extravagante | Extravagante | |
Eye | Ojo | |
Eye mucus | Mutah | |
Eyebrow | Ceja | |
Eyelashes | Pestañas | |
Eyes | Ojos |
Fabricate | Fabrica | |
Fabulous | Fabuloso | |
Face | Cara | |
Facilitate | Facilita | Hace facil |
Facing | Enfrente | |
Fact | Hecho | |
Factory | Fabrica | |
Fade | Desteñi | |
Fail | Falla | Falta |
Failed | Cajido | Fracaso |
Failing | Bagsak | Falta |
Failure | Fallao | Fracaso |
Faint | Desma | |
Fair | Justo | |
Faith | Fe | |
Faithful | Fidelidad | Fiel |
Faithfullness | Fidelidad | |
Fake | Pretende | Peke |
Fall | Cay | Cae |
Fall down | Tumba | Cay |
Fallen | Tumbao | |
False | Falso | |
Falsified | Falsificao | |
Falsify | Falsifica | |
Fame | Fama | |
Family | Familia | |
Family friends | Familiares | Amigos y amigas del famila |
Famous | Famoso | |
Fan | Abanico | Pay-pay |
Fan blade | Pala | |
Fantastic | Fantastico | |
Fantastical | Fantastico | |
Far | Lejos | |
Fare | Pasaje | Bueno |
Farewell | Despedida | Depedir |
Farm | Caingin | Huerta, Hacienda |
Farmer | Cainginiero | Jardinero |
Fart | Utot | |
Fast | Lijero | |
Fast – Abstain | Ayuna | Purga |
Fasten | Amarra | |
Fastidious | Pastidioso | Salawayun |
Fasting | Ayuno | |
Fat | Gordura | Gordo, Gorda |
Fatal | Fatal | |
Fatality | Fatalidad | |
Fate | Destino | |
Father | Padre | Tata, Papa |
Fatherinlaw | Suegro | |
Fatigue | Fatiga | |
Fatten | Engorda | |
Fatten-up | Engorda | |
Faucet | Gripo | |
Fault | Culpa | Culpable |
Faulty | Fallao | |
Favor | Ta Favorece | |
Favor With Gift | Regala | |
Favorite | Favorito | Palangga |
Fear of consequence | Dala | |
Fear of punishment | Dala | |
Feast | Fiesta | |
Feather | Pluma | |
February | Febrero | |
Feces | Tai | |
Fed up | Sumut | Fastidiao |
Feed | Dale Come | |
Feel | Tantea | Palpa |
Feel | Senti | |
Feeling | Ta senti | Sentimiento |
Feint | Handah | |
Female | Mujer | |
Fence | Corral | Encerca, Encórrala |
Fermented shrimp | Bagon | |