Corruption in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Corrupcion
Alternate chavacano word for Corruption is: Corapcion
Aleternate English word for Corrupcion =

List of words with translation and links to pages.

English Sentence using “Corruption” Chavacano Sentence using “Corrupcion
Corruption is here to stay.

It is imperative for voters to exercise their power wisely and conscientiously. One effective way to combat corruption is by refusing to vote for politicians who clearly use their ill-gotten wealth to invest outside of their constituency or in other countries.

When we cast our votes, we hold the ability to shape the course of our nation. By choosing candidates who prioritize the interests and development of their own constituency, we send a strong message that we will not tolerate politicians who seek personal gain at the expense of our local communities.

Instead, let us support and elect leaders who demonstrate a genuine commitment to improving the lives of their constituents and investing in local development. By voting for politicians who have a track record of channeling resources back into their own constituency, we can help ensure that our communities benefit from the wealth and resources meant for their progress.

In doing so, we stand united against the corrosive effects of corruption and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to the welfare and advancement of our own region or locality. By holding politicians accountable and refusing to endorse those who engage in questionable practices, we create a collective voice that demands transparency, integrity, and a genuine dedication to the betterment of our communities.

Remember, the power to effect change lies in our hands as voters. Let us wield that power responsibly and wisely, making informed choices that prioritize the interests and well-being of our constituency. Together, we can shape a brighter future by electing leaders who are committed to investing in our communities and ensuring that the benefits stay where they belong – within our own boundaries.

El corrupcion aqui hasta cuando.

Imperativo que maga votante usa de ila poder con wisho y con conciencia. Uno efectivo manera para combata corrupcion, no vota con el politico que claro claro ta usa su ganancia de mal hacida para coloca apuera del su distrito electoral.

Cuando ta vota, talli el abilidad de aton para forma el rumbo del de aton nacion. Mientras ta escoji kita con el maga candidato que ta pone ariba el interes y desarollo del de ila mismo distrito, ta dale kita mira un ma fuerza mensaje que hinde kita tolera maga politico que ta busca lang de ila ganancia personal na gastos del de aton comunidad.

En cambio, suporta kita y electa lideres que ta demonstra uatentico compromiso para mejora el vida del maga gente na su distrito y ta pone fondo para local desarollo. Si ta vota kita con el politico que tiene historia de logro de devolvida del maga ganancia para na de ila mismo distrito, puede kita asegura que el comunidad ay benificia na riqueza y recurso para su progresa.

Si ansina, unido kita contra na mal efecto del corrupcion y ta demonstra kita el fuerte compromiso de aton para el bien y progreso del de aton region y localidad. Si ta rendi acontable kita con el maga politico y hinde endosa o aproba con aquellos ta contrata na cuestionable hacida, ta crea kita voces colectiva que ta demanda transparencia, integridad y autentico dedicacion para el mejoramiento del maga comunidad de aton.

Acorda, que el poder para afecta maga cambio na mano del maga votantes. Usa kita se poder reponsablemente y con wisho, haciendo informado opciones que ta prioriza el interes y bienesta del de aton distrito. Junto, puede kita hace un bonito futuro si ta electa kita lideres quien comprometido para pone fondo na de aton comunidad and ta asegura que el beneficio ay queda donde ele debe esta – adentro del frontera de aton lugar.


Here are other English and Chavacano words in the database.

You can help keep the chavacano language alive by simply commenting below. Make a sentence in chavacano using the Chavacano word Corrupcion which is the TITLE of this page. It does not have to be perfect. Our language is not perfect. If in doubt, use the search window above to look for translations. 🙂

Cuento del Sabiondo alla na punta del monte Columbato: Junio 28, 2024

Por que hinde maga oficiales del maga barangay na costao del rio hinde ta ayuda compone con el riprap?

Por favor:
  • No mas usa el maga palabra “Ka”, “Ikaw”, “Con ikaw, “Pangit”.
  • Usa el chavacano palabra de “Tu“, “Ebo“, “Contigo“, “Malacara“.

  • Cosa de tuyo nombre noy?
    • Contesta le: Pernando Balente Crus
  • Escribi daw de tuyo nombre.
    • Ya escribi le: Fernando Valente Cruz

Na Ta entende ya! Poreso puede habla Chabacano pero si ta escribi CHAVACANO.


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