
Ritual burning, in Chavacano or chabacano is: Sahumera

Ritual burning in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Sahumera Alternate chavacano word: Alternate English word for  Sahumera = Sahuma Note: List…

2 weeks ago

Ritual burning

Ritual burning in Chavacano or Chabacano is: Sahumera Alternate chavacano word for Ritual burning is: Aleternate English word for Sahumera…

2 weeks ago


Sahumera in English is: Ritual burning Other similar chavacano word for "Ritual burning" is  "" Other English word for "Sahumera"…

2 weeks ago


noun Pronunciation bínarróto /BI-na-RO-to/ Definition A boat-like leaf wrapper to wrap suman ibus (a type of rice cake). Alternative Spellings…

2 months ago

List of English and Chavacano words

Below is a list of English words and Chavacano words. Each word is linked to its own page. Within the…

2 years ago