“Limosnero” in English: Beggar “Beggar” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Limosnero In English In Chavacano Even the beggar needs funds. Maskin el limosnero necesita fondo.
The list of chavacano words. They are in alphabetical order. If you want to search for the word, simply type it on the search window.
“Limosnero” in English: Beggar “Beggar” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Limosnero In English In Chavacano Even the beggar needs funds. Maskin el limosnero necesita fondo.
“Corrupcion” in English: Corruption “Corruption” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Corrupcion In English In Chavacano Corruption is here to stay. El corrupcion aqui hasta cuando.
“Upus” in English: Cigarette butt Cigarette butt in Chavacano or chabacano: Upus In English In Chavacano Do not throw cigarette butts on the floor. Cigarette butt still contain dry tobaccos, therefore, it can be reused as pesticides. Tobacco is a natural pesticide, due to the toxic nicotine content. Nicotine kills insects. Mix the cigarette butts
“Ajos” in English: Garlic Garlic in Chavacano or chabacano: Ajos In English In Chavacano It smells so good when you fry meat with garlic. You can smell his bad intention, it stinks like garlic. Bien oloroso si ta fri carne con ajos. Ta puede ole su mal intencion, igual como olor de ajos.
“Aire” in English: Air “Air” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Aire The ball is out of air. El bola no hay mas aire.
“Ahora” in English: Now “Now” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Ahora My grandfather is still farming till now up in the mountain. Mi abuelo (lolo) hasta ahora ta man caingin pa na monte.
“Ahora mismo” in English: Right now “Right now” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Ahora mismo Do this work right now. Hace con este trabajo ahora mismo.
“Agunta” in English: Grunt, Groan “Grunt” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Agunta In English In Chavacano The sack of rice was so heavy, he grunted when he lifted it. Bien pesao el saco de aroz, ya agunta gayot ele cuando ya alza.
“Agujero” in English: Hole “Hole” in Chavacano or chabacano is: Poso , Oyo small hole, Agujero Don’t pour water in jar with a hole. No vacia agua na tenaja tiene agujero.
“Agujera” in English: Dig a hole Dig a hole in Chavacano or chabacano is: Agujera In English In Chavacano Dig a hole with the bar. Agujera poso con el barra.