- The Internet Portal of Zamboanga City, Philippines

Maps of Zamboanga City and Vicinity

Zamboanga Downtown map

Downtown Zamboanga

1944 Map of Zamboanga's Downtown Beaches

1944 Map of Downtown Zamboanga and  Beaches

Satellite Map - Zamboanga

Fort Pilar's original design - 1860

Fort Pilar Garrison

Basilan Island Map

Basilan Island

( Click for bigger photo )

Design for Manila - 1851

Manila 1851 (851K) Diccionario Geografico- Estadistico- Historico De Las Islas Filipinas, Madrid 1851.

Spanish-American War

The Spanish-American War of 1898 - capture of The Philippines.

W-Mindanao_Admin_MAP.gif (39389 bytes)

Zamboanga Peninsula Map (New! )

3-D sketch of Battle of The Philippine Sea

1944/10/24 bw map  Battle of Philippine Sea sketch

Allied liberation of Southern Philippines - 1945

Allied Liberation of Southern Philippines, 1945

The Philippines' Spratly Island Claim

Spratly Islands

Fort Pilar plan - 1700s.jpg (127124 bytes)

Fort Pilar plan in 1719

Philippine Islands' Regional Map
The Philippines

Zamboanga Plan c1700s.jpg (114780 bytes)

Zamboanga plan in 1700s


The Age of Discovery

The Age of Discovery 1340-1600 (903K) 
From Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923

Zamboanga City & downtown


1944 Map of Zamboanga's Downtown Beaches

More satellite photos of Zamboanga City

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