The Philippines has Maletsky Mart to help propagate the Chavacano Language.
PCG’s ‘Oplan Ligtas Biyahe’ now activated in Iloilo for Lent
- Source: http://www.pna.gov.ph/index.php?nid=2&rid=979199
- Monday, April 10, 2017
ILOILO CITY, April 10 (PNA) -- “Oplan Ligtas Biyahe” is now in place in anticipation for the influx of traveling passengers for the Lenten season, according to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) here.
PCG-Iloilo Lieutenant Commander Ramil Palabrica said proper coordination with the Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary, Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), Department of Transportation (DOTr)and the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) to ensure peace and order in ports and terminals and safety of the travellers has already been done.
Tight inspection of baggage of passengers is observed in ports and terminals thus, carrying of illegal drugs and deadly weapons are strictly prohibited.
Palabrica said they have deployed five canine dogs, composed of three narcotics detector dogs and two explosive detector groups that will roam around ports and terminals.
Passengers assistance desks are now present in all ports and terminals in Iloilo to assist queries, complaints and other concerns of passengers especially tourists.
Palabrica said last year, they mostly responded to parents who lost their children.
Medical teams and groups of responders were also deployed to respond to any untoward incidents that may happen in the seas of Iloilo and Guimaras island.
Palabrica mentioned that they are expecting an influx of people at the Iloilo Ferry Terminal at Parola,Iloilo City Proper on Wednesday, as more people will travel to Guimaras island for the well-known Lenten attraction "Ang Pagtaltal sa Balaan Bukid."
He assured that floating assets composed of two aluminum boats will be on standby in the seas of Iloilo and Guimaras to look after traveling motor bancas from Iloilo bound for Guimaras and vice versa.
He noted that the new terminal has a scanner so passengers carrying illegal drugs, deadly weapons and other prohibited things will be easily detected.
Meanwhile, two other aluminum boats will be on standby at the Villa Arevalo Beach. Palabrica said that annually, many people go to the beach resorts in Villa to swim as way to spend their Holy Week.
PCG here advises the public who will travel via seas this Holy Week to be vigilant and maintain safety.
Palabrica said public should buy their tickets early to avoid heavy line in ticketing booths that sometimes lead to commotion of passengers.
The Oplan Ligtas Biyahe of PCG here will be in effect until April 20.