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People Empowerment and Sustainable Development : The Two Pillars for the Formulation of Proposals
Carmencita l. Rosales,  Philippines
The plan to convert 16,045.6 hectares of mostly agricultural and forest lands in San Ramon – a significant component of Zamboanga City – into a growth center serving not just the Southern Philippines but the emerging regional economic league of BIMP-EAGA is a monumental vision. By sheer scale and intention it is a far-reaching development destination which requires at the very least a set of indicative directions. The Master Development Plan (MDP) prepared by the Consultants contains ambitious and dynamic development proposals for the Zone. Serving as a blueprint of growth, it aims to transform Zamboecozone’s 600 hectares into a world-class international freeport with a modern industrial estate complex, trade, business and tourism center in the BIMP-EAGA triangle within the 16,000 hectares of watershed areas and forests conserved and preserved environment. When fully realized, the Zamboecozone is expected to propel Zamboanga into the mainstream of the world trade, a distinction that befits its strategic location in the heart of Southeast Asia while maintaining an enhance environment for sustainable development.



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