Zamboanga City History


Hernando de Espinosa, procurator of the Society of Jesus in the Yndias, in the name of the residence 49 of this order in the city of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus (Cebu) of the Philipinas Islands, has represented that, because of the great need of persons to administer the sacraments to Spaniards, Indians, and Sangleys residing in and about that city, and to preach to them the holy gospel, the provincial of the said Society, with the permission of the governor, founded the said residence six years ago (1595). It is productive of much good, for, besides the preaching to the Spaniards, natives, and Sangleys, and hearing their confessions, the other sacraments are administered to them; and there is a school where reading and writing are taught and Latin studied, which is of great gain and benefit to the community. The religious who are there are in great poverty; for they have no income, nor do they receive any alms from the people. The said procurator entreats from you a very moderate consideration, on account of their poverty. This being evident to the said governor, he ordered that to them be given annually, for such period as should seem fitting to him, two hundred pesos and two hundred fanegas of  rice, as an alms, from the treasury of the fourths from the encomiendas that are without instruction. With this it is, however, impossible to support the said residence. It has need of repairs on its house, and, on account of its narrow quarters, of erecting new buildings; and because it has no alms, in lands or chaplaincies,50 for the mass or any other of the purposes referred to, it is in great want, as is evident by the investigations made in the royal Audiencia of the said islands, which were examined in the Council. He entreats that your Majesty, in consideration of the aforesaid, will order that the said two hundred pesos and two hundred fanegas of ricewhich were granted to it, as stated, by the said governor from the treasury of the fourths be set aside for it from the royal treasury, as the other fund is not a permanent one. He further asks that you will bestow upon it from the royal treasury one thousand pesos of income for its support, and three thousand, to be paid once, for repairs and buildings for the said residence; since your Majesty is wont to favor the other parts of the Yndias for this purpose, as there is no other recourse for aid. After examining this matter in the Council, our opinion is that, if your Majesty be so pleased, one thousand pesos of eight reals each, might be given once to that residence from the royal treasury of the Philipinas, as an aid in building its houses; and that, besides, information concerning it should be obtained from the governor and the archbishop.

Valladolid, December 11, 1601.  

[Endorsed: "Council of the Indias; December 11, 1601. In regard to the aid and alms that should be bestowed upon the residence of the Society in the city of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus, of the Philippinas." "So let it be."]  

49 Spanish, colegio...[back to text]

50 A fund, the interest of which is required by the Spanish laws for the support of an ecclesiastic.[back to text]

Church-State relations in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period: A Sourcebook

(Source: Blair & Robertson, The Philippine Islands, volume 11, pp.257-259) Home Page

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