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Submitted_by: Arvin SM. Arevalo
email: arbscache@gmail.com
Barangay_Fiesta_Date: November 27
Barangay_Captain: Paquito Santos
Distance_from_Cityhall: 34
Watch for the grand opening " Arevalo's Farmhouse", it's an ideal place for a short weekend break away from the noise of the city.it's an orchard garden filled with forest trees and planted fruit trees of almost all kinds. it's a place where you can spend an overnight with your loveones, friends and relatives. it's a place i called home. A cottage is built on top of the hills where you can appreciate the overview of the country side and few islands spreading the Sulu sea.at night you can watch the lights of more than 50 fishing boats fishing illegally on our coastal waters.it's like watching a city or a view of a boulevard from the top of the mountain. it's the cold wind and the silence of the night that can renew your strength on the next morning. want to visit the place? e-mail me. ill be your host.